A viscous, pale-yellow liquid, with an intense bitter aroma was the product of CAEO at 0.2% (v/w). The GC-MS analysis showed that 12 terpenoid compounds were present, with a total identification rate of 97.67%. Thymol (69.60%) was the predominant component, followed by p-cymene (3.95%), (E)-caryophyllene (3.69%), carvacrol (3.27%), α-thujene (3.25%), γ-terpinene (2.95%) and carvacrol methyl ether (2.26%), which were all in intermediate concentration (Table 1). Figure 1a & b shows the gas chromatogram and mass spectrum of thymol. Oxygenated monoterpene (72.87%), hydrocarbon monoterpene (10.15%), hydrocarbon sesquiterpene (6.17%), and oxygenated sesquiterpene (1.09%) are the different types of these molecules. 7.39% of additional chemicals were found in the oil. The outcomes were consistent with those of an analysis of the chemical variability of aerial parts of C. aromaticus gathered from the experimental farms of Purara, Bagheswar, and Diary farm, Pantnagar conducted by Verma et al.[30]. The thymol content of both the oils ranged from 85.9% to 98.9%. Our findings were consistent with those of Tewari et al.[31], who identified thymol as the main component. The current findings differ from earlier studies published worldwide[11, 12, 32−34], where carvacrol was the main constituent of the aerial section of C. aromaticus. These chemical compositional discrepancies could be caused by geographical distribution, genetic, environmental, developmental, and other factors.
Table 1. Chemical composition of CAEO.
S.N. Compound R.I. Lit R.I. Exp % Mol. formula M.F.P. Monoterpene hydrocarbon 1. α-thujene 931 929 3.2 C10H16 M+ = 136; m/z: 121, 119, 105, 93 (100%), 91, 77, 65, 53, 51, 43, 41, 27 2. p-cymene 1022 1023 3.9 C10H14 M+ = 134; m/z: 132, 120, 119 (100%), 103, 91, 77, 65, 55, 41, 39 3. γ-terpinene 1054 1054 2.9 C10H16 M+ = 136; m/z: 121, 119, 107, 105, 93 (100%), 91, 79, 77, 65, 43, 41, 39, 27 Total (%) 10.0 Monoterpene oxygenated 4. Thymol 1288 1283 69.6 C10H14O M+ = 150; m/z: 136, 135 (100%), 115, 91, 79, 77, 65, 51, 39 5. carvacrol 1296 1297 3.2 C10H14O M+ = 150; m/z: 136, 135 (100%), 117, 107, 91, 77, 65, 51, 39, 27 Total (%) 72.8 Sesquiterpene hydrocarbon 6. Bicyclogermacrene 1502 1501 2.5 C15H24 M+ = 204;
m/z: 189, 176, 161, 147, 136, 133, 121, 107, 93 (100%), 79, 67, 53, 41, 39, 297. (E)-caryophyllene 1421 1423 3.7 C15H24 M+ = 204; m/z: 175, 147, 133, 120, 107, 93 (100%), 91, 79, 69, 55, 41, 39, 27 Total (%) 6.2 Sesquiterpene oxygenated 8. β-eudesmol 1648 1645 1.1 C15H26O M+ = 222; m/z: 189, 175, 141, 131 (100%), 79, 75, 73, 55 Total (%) 1.1 Others 9. 1-(3-ethyloxiranyl)-ethanone − − 2.6 C6H10O2 M+ = 114; m/z: 85, 71, 57, 44, 43 (100%), 38, 31 10. Carvacrol methyl ether 1247 1251 2.3 C11H16O M+ = 164; m/z: 161, 149 (100%), 91, 79, 71, 53 11. Thymyl acetate 1355 1355 1.3 C12H16O2 M+ = 192; m/z: 150, 136, 135 (100%), 91,43 12. Carvacrol ethyl ether 1456 1457 1.2 C12H24O M+ = 184; m/z: 138, 124, 109, 95, 82, 67, 57 (100%), 55, 43, 41, 39, 29 Total (%) 7.4 Total Composition (%) 97.5 CAEO: Coleus aromaticus essential oil; R.T.: Retention time; R.I. Lit.: Retention index (DB-5 column) acquired from literature; R.I. Exp.: Retention index acquired from experimental data; M.F.P.: Mass Fragmentation Pattern. Thymol, the main component in the current study, is an isomeric form of carvacrol and is a phenolic monoterpenoid with a pleasant aroma. It is also found to be a derivative of p-cymene[35]. Thymol is considered to be the marker compound of the Lamiaceae family that is typically found in the Thymus, Oreganum, Coleus, Satureja, and Thymbra. Thymol and carvacrol are popularly utilized as additives in cosmetics, the food industry, perfumery, and aromatherapy due to their pleasant odour and flavour. They are prized for their antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, antispasmolytic, and antitumor activity in the pharmaceutical industries since they are known to be the precursors of thymohydroquinone and thymoquinone. The production of γ-terpinene from geranyl diphosphate (GDP) with the help of P450 monooxygenases and dehydrogenase initiates the whole biosynthetic route of thymol and carvacrol[36].
According to several studies, C. aromaticus essential oil possesses pharmacological qualities including anti-oxidant activity, anti-diabetic activity, antimicrobial activities, and insecticidal activity[12, 37−39]. In addition, fungicidal, insecticidal, mosquito larvicidal, and antifeedant effects of thymol derived from several plants of the Lamiaceae family have been described[40−43]. The present study evaluated the various pesticide activities of C. aromaticus essential oil.
In-vitro nematicidal activity of CAEO via mortality and egg hatchability assay
In this investigation, the bio-nematicidal potential of the oil was assessed. The oils demonstrated very high levels of inhibition in the case of egg hatchability, with 95.39% at 0.25 µl/ml and 96.87% at 1.0 µl/ml dosing levels (Table 2). A similar dose level was used to test the % mortality of M. incognita 2nd stage larvae. Surprisingly, CAEO was observed to report a moderate mortality rate of 52.32% at a dose of 1.00 µl/ml (Table 3). As the oil was concentrated, the rate at which larvae hatched increased steadily, reflecting the fact that the concentration was a factor in the juvenile hatching of root-knot nematode, M. incognita. In the control setting, a considerable proportion of juveniles hatched, and there was very little mortality. After 72 h and 96 h durations, respectively, the highest concentration of 1.00 µl/ml resulted in the greatest amount of larval mortality and egg hatchability inhibition. As a result, it was discovered that the actions were concentration and time -dependent.
Table 2. % Egg hatchability inhibition of CAEO against M. incognita in laboratory conditions.
Dose (µL/mL) Number of eggs hatched in time Mean % Egg hatchability 24 h 48 h 72 h 96 h 0.25 4.66 5.66 7.33 11.33 7.25 95.39 0.50 4.66 5.66 6.66 8.66 6.42 95.92 1.00 3.33 5.00 5.66 5.66 4.92 96.87 Control 106.00 143.00 173.66 207.66 157.58 ± 43.35 S.E.M 0.34 0.29 0.59 C.D. 1% 1.35 1.17 2.34 C.D. 5% 0.99 0.86 1.73 C.V. 56.90 CAEO: Coleus aromaticus essential oil; C.D.: Critical Difference; C.V.: Coefficient of Variance, ** p < 0.05. Table 3. % Mortality of 2nd stage larvae of M. incognita in different concentrations of CAEO.
Dose (µL/mL) Number of larvae dead in time Mean
larvae dead% Mortality 24 h 48 h 72 h 0.25 9.33 27.33 28.33 21.66 ± 10.69 13.47 0.50 25.00 38.33 39.33 34.22 ± 8.00 27.78 1.00 55.66 66.00 66.33 62.66 ± 6.06 52.32 Control 2.00 8.66 11.66 7.44 ± 4.94 S.E.M. 2.05 2.05 3.55 C.D. 1% 8.34 8.34 14.45 C.D. 5% 6.09 6.09 10.55 C.V. 15.56 CAEO: Coleus aromaticus essential oil; C.D.: Critical Difference; C.V.: Coefficient of Variance, ** p < 0.05. Acetylcholinesterase enzyme (PDB ID: 6XYS) molecular docking investigations were also carried out to confirm the nematicidal activity testing results. Using a binding energy of -6.20 kcal/mol, root mean square deviation of 96.68 Å and estimated inhibition constant of 28.68 µM, thymol formed strong bonds with the amino acid residues Tyr334, Ser81, and Gly80 through van der Waals forces, Tyr442 and Ile439 through pi-alkyl interactions, and Trp432 through pi-sigma interactions. With a binding energy value of -6.45 kcal/mol, carbofuran was shown to interact with many amino acids when compared to the other ligands that were examined (Fig. 2). After thorough clinical trials, additional research is required to assess the safety of the botanicals for the use in humans.
Figure 2.
Comparative 2D and 3D interactions of thymol and standard drugs with different target proteins used in the study. 6XYS: PBD ID for the crystal structure of enzyme acetylcholinesterase from the gut of Meloidogyne incognita larvae, 5IVH: PDB ID for the crystal structure of enzyme carboxylesterase from the head capsule of Spodoptera litura larvae, 1YHZ: PDB ID for the crystal structure of enzyme acetohydroxyacid synthase (AHAS) from the weed Raphanus raphanistrum sub sativus, amino acid residues in green rings are showing van der Waals interactions, amino acid residues in pink rings are showing pi-alkyl interactions, amino acid residues in purple rings are showing pi-sigma interactions, amino acids in red rings are showing unfavorable bumps.
The current literature search turned up no accounts on the nematicidal activity of C. aromaticus. Coleus forskohlii belonging to the same genus exhibited nematicidal activity against M. javanica[44]. Even so, several species of Lamiaceae plants, including Mentha pulegium, Origanum vulgare, Origanum dictamnus L., Melissa officinalis, Ruta graveolens, Satureja montana and Thymbra capitata, have been studied for their nematicidal potential[45−47]. Carvacrol was examined for its potent activity against M. incognita as well as its synergistic potency with other terpenes[48]. According to Choi et al.[49] and Abdel-Rahman et al.[50], the main compound in this study, thymol, also showed impressive nematicidal action against Bursaphelenchus xylophilus and Caenorhabditis elegans. Thus, supporting the findings of earlier investigations, the substantial nematicidal activity in the present study can be attributed to the high concentration of thymol.
Effect of CAEO against Raphanus raphanistrum seed germination
To evaluate the bioherbicidal effect of C. aromaticus EOs at various doses, a germination bioassay was conducted. CAEO at 250 µl/ml demonstrated a broad herbicidal spectrum of 63.70% against R. raphanistrum seed germination. With a rise in EOs concentration, the germination inhibition significantly increased. In comparison to the control setup, CAEO showed the maximum germination inhibition rate in R. raphanistrum seeds at the highest concentration of 1000 µl/ml, which was 97.75%. These findings show that CAEO, even at lower doses, had a negative impact on seed germination. Additionally, as compared to the untreated control, all four concentrations dramatically reduced the lengths of the seedlings' roots and shoots (Table 4).
Table 4. % Phytotoxic activity of CAEO against R. raphanistrum seeds in laboratory conditions.
Dose (µL/mL) Number of seeds germinated in different time intervals Mean seed germinated % Growth inhibition % Root growth inhibition % Shoot growth inhibition 24 h 48 h 72 h 96 h 108 h 250 1.66 2.66 3.33 3.66 4.66 3.20 ± 1.12 63.70 74.79 91.93 500 0.66 1.00 1.66 2.33 3.00 1.73 ± 0.95 80.34 85.91 94.99 750 0.00 0.66 1.00 1.33 2.00 1.00 ± 0.74 88.66 97.36 98.76 1000 0.00 0.00 0.33 0.33 0.33 0.20 ± 0.18 97.75 98.11 100 Control 7.00 7.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 8.80 ± 1.64 0.0 0.0 0.0 Pendimethalin 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 C.D. 1% 0.53 C.D. 5% 0.39 C.V. 18.13 CAEO: Coleus aromaticus essential oil; C.D.: Critical Difference; C.V.: Coefficient of Variance, ** p < 0.05. Acetohydroxyacid synthase (AHAS) (PDB ID: 1YHZ) was used in molecular docking studies to corroborate the experimental findings of the herbicidal activity. Using binding energy of −6.02 kcal/mol, root mean square deviation of 97.88 Å and estimated inhibition constant of 38.39 µM, thymol strongly bonded with Tyr334, Ser81, Gly441, and Gly80 amino acid residues with van der Waals forces, Phe330, Trp84, Tyr442, and Ile439 with pi-alkyl interactions, and Trp432 with pi-sigma interactions. With a binding energy of −7.50 kcal/mol, pendimethalin was shown to interact with several amino acids when compared to the examined ligands (Fig. 2). After thorough clinical trials, additional research is required to assess the safety parameters of the botanicals for human use.
Numerous studies demonstrated that monoterpene enriched essential oils significantly reduced the germination of weed. In the current investigation, practically all CAEO-treated concentrations had a negative impact on seed germination as well as seedling shoot and root length growth. The results presented here also indicated that oxygenated monoterpenes were the predominant class, which is consistent with those of Pinheiro et al.,[51], who discovered that essential oils from Plectranthus amboinicus rich in carvacrol and thymol effectively inhibited the germination of Lactuca sativa and Sorghum bicolor seeds. Kanyal et al.[3] also reported the substantial herbicidal potential of the oxygenated monoterpene-rich Coleus barbatus aerial part essential oil and the monoterpene hydrocarbon-rich C. barbatus root part essential oil. A number of herbal plants in the Lamiaceae family have also demonstrated allelopathic effects in recent studies, including Thymus vulgaris against Xanthium trumarium and Avena sterilis[52], Thymus capitatus against Convolvulus arvensis and Setaria viridis[53], Thymus vulgaris and Satureja hortensis against Chenopodium album, Ambrosia artemisiifolia and Sorghum halepense[54] and Monarda fistulosa, Satureja pilosa, Origanum vulgare, Micromeria dalmatica, Thymus longedentatus, and Artemisa campestris against Lolium perenne and Trifolium pratense[55]. Thymol, the primary component of CAEO and carvacrol, has also been shown to inhibit seed germination in several other plants, including Sinapi sarvensis, Sonchus oleraceus, Amaranthus retroflexus, Centaurea salsotitialis, Lolium rigidum, Raphanus raphanistrum, and Rumex nepalensis[40,56,57] which adequately supports our findings that CAEO has high bioherbicidal activities which affect the seed germination and root and shoot growth of R. raphanistrum.
In-vitro insecticidal activity of CAEO against S. litura
The maximum insect mortality against S. litura was recorded in CAEO at a dose level of 50 µl/ml, which was up to 71.13%. Table 5 presents the comprehensive findings. In the review of the literature, there are no reports on the insecticidal effects of CAEO. The findings are consistent with the studies of earlier researchers. These results imply that CAEO has the potential for the development of novel insecticidal components/chemicals for the management of stored pests and insects.
Table 5. % Mortality of S. litura against CAEO in laboratory conditions.
(µL/mL)Insects observed alive at different time intervals Mean insect survival % mortality 12 h 24 h 36 h 10 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 ± 0.0 0 20 5.00 4.33 4.00 4.44 ± 0.51 11.13 30 4.66 3.66 3.33 3.88 ± 0.69 22.33 40 4.00 4.00 3.33 3.77 ± 0.38 24.46 50 2.00 1.33 1.00 1.44 ± 0.51 71.13 Control 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 ± 0.0 0 Permethrin 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 100.0 C.D. 1% 0.5 0.7 1.3 C.D. 5% 0.4 0.5 0.9 C.V. 14.7 CAEO: Coleus aromaticus essential oil; C.D.: Critical Difference; C.V.: Coefficient of Variance, ** p < 0.05. Molecular docking studies were also performed using carboxylesterase enzyme (PDB ID: 5IVH) to corroborate the experimental results of the insecticidal activity. Thymol strongly bonded with Tyr341, Ser293, and Phe295 amino acid residues with van der Waals forces, Leu289 and Phe338 with pi-alkyl whereas Ile294 and Phe297 with pi-sigma interactions using binding energy of −4.61 kcal/mol, root mean square deviation of 107.88 Å and estimated inhibition constant of 416.13 µM. Permethrin was observed to show binding interactions with many amino acids as compared to the tested ligands with a binding energy of −8.78 kcal/mol (Fig. 2). Further clinical trials and research is needed to evaluate the safety of these natural botanicals for human use.
C. aromaticus has been recommended for its effective efficiency against the stored grain pest, Tribolium castaneum[58]. Essential oil of C. aromaticus along with its major component thymol has also been evaluated for its larvicidal activity against Culex tritaeniorhynchus, Aedes albopictus, and Anopheles subpictus[42]. In another study by Govindaraju et al.,[59], Coleus aromaticus essential oil and its major compound carvacrol against Aedes aegypti, Culex quinquefasciatus, and Anopheles stephensi. In addition, Coleus amboinicus leaf essential oil collected from Andhra Pradesh, India was observed to show insecticidal activity against white termites, Odontotermes obesus Rhamb. and confused flour beetle, Tribolium castaneum[60]. According to reports, thymol and carvacrol found in CAEO exhibit insecticidal activities against a variety of agricultural pests and stored grain insects[61,62]. It can be inferred that the major and minor components of the essential oil may work in synchronous to increase the potency for pesticidal activities.
In silico PASS studies
All the components identified in CAEO were induced to the PASS program which details the pesticidal activities of the components with respect to the probable activity (Pa) and probable inactivity (Pi). A greater Pa value in comparison to Pi (Pa > Pi) validates better activity to be used as a drug. Thymol, the main constituent of the oil showed better results with high anti-helminthic and insecticidal activity which is in accordance with the present results. The Pa and Pi values of the major components are presented in Table 6 showing the insecticidal, antibacterial, antifungal, and anthelmintic activities.
Table 6. In silico PASS prediction bioactivities of major compounds in CAEO.
Major compounds Predicted biological activities Anti-helminthic (nematodes) Insecticidal Anti-fungal Anti-bacterial α-thujene 0.388 > 0.047 − 0.337 > 0.067 0.130 > 0.098 p-cymene 0.633 > 0.005 0.391 > 0.006 0.368 > 0.058 − γ-terpinene 0.642 > 0.005 − 0.443 > 0.041 0.325 > 0.051 thymol 0.569 > 0.008 0.323 > 0.013 0.464 > 0.037 0.336 > 0.047 carvacrol 0.722 > 0.004 0.351 > 0.010 0.449 > 0.039 0.319 > 0.053 bicyclogermacrene 0.520 > 0.014 0.350 > 0.010 0.439 > 0.042 − (E)-caryophyllene 0.333 > 0.080 0.368 > 0.008 0.582 > 0.020 0.437 > 0.023 β-eudesmol − − 0.401 > 0.049 0.302 > 0.059 carvacrol methyl ether 0.622 > 0.005 0.388 > 0.007 0.362 > 0.059 − thymyl acetate 0.775 > 0.003 0.327 > 0013 0.456 > 0.038 0.324 > 0.052 dodecanal 0.458 > 0.025 0.368 > 0.008 0.314 > 0.075 0.280 > 0.068 Pa > Pi, Pa = Probable activity and Pi = Probable inactivity. -
The authors acknowledge the G. B. Pant University of Agriculture and Technology, Pantnagar, India, for providing academic support and Central Instrumentation Center, University of Petroleum and Energy Studies (UPES), Bidholi campus, Dehradun, for providing facility for GC-MS analysis.
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Rawat A, Prakash O, Nagarkoti K, Kumar R, Negi MS, et al. 2024. Chemical profiling and bioactivity evaluation of thymol rich Coleus aromaticus Benth. essential oil. Medicinal Plant Biology 3: e007 doi: 10.48130/mpb-0024-0007
Chemical profiling and bioactivity evaluation of thymol rich Coleus aromaticus Benth. essential oil
- Received: 27 October 2023
- Revised: 25 January 2024
- Accepted: 22 February 2024
- Published online: 10 April 2024
Abstract: Coleus aromaticus Benth. (Family: Lamiaceae) is a huge perennial, aromatic and succulent herb native to the Indian subcontinent. The dried leaves have an oregano-like texture making them a perfect culinary food supplement to be used as herbal seasoning for meat and other food products. The present study aimed to identify the bioactive components in the essential oil collected from the fresh aerial parts of Coleus aromaticus Benth. Using GC/MS analysis, 12 terpenoid components were identified, accounting for 97.5% of the overall oil content. Thymol (69.6%), p-cymene (3.9%), (E)-caryophyllene (3.7%), carvacrol (3.2%), α-thujene (3.2%), γ-terpinene (2.9%), and carvacrol methyl ether (2.3%) were identified to be the primary constituents in the oil, which was determined to be dominated by oxygenated monoterpenes (72.8%). Additionally, at the highest dose, CAEO showed significant pesticidal activity, inhibiting the egg hatchability of Meloidogyne incognita by 96.9%, immobilizing it by 52.3%, insecticidal activity on Spodoptera litura by 71.13%, and phytotoxic activity on Raphanus raphanistrum seeds by 97.75%. For speculating the potential method of action of CAEO components, the proteins/enzymes namely acetylcholinesterase (PDB ID: 6XYS), carboxylesterase (PDB ID: 5IVH), and acetohydroxyacid synthase (PBD ID: 1YHZ) were employed. The novel aspect of this study was that the herbal spice material was collected during its vegetative stage from the Tarai region of Pantnagar (India) in order to bio-evaluate its nematicidal, herbicidal, and insecticidal effectiveness. It was found that CAEO is an effective alternative source of natural pesticides and opens the way for additional research on its mechanistic techniques and field tests to determine its pesticidal studies.
Key words:
- Coleus aromaticus /
- Thymol /
- Nematicidal /
- Herbicidal /
- Insecticidal /
- Docking