The study was conducted during the period from February 2022 to June 2022 in Ramgram-17, Mahuwari, located in Nawalparasi (Bardaghat Susta West), falling under the jurisdiction of the Agriculture Knowledge Centre (AKC), Nawalparasi West, Nepal. Geographically, the study site is positioned at 27°32'N latitude and 83°40'E longitude, with an elevation of 119 m above sea level.
During the initial phase of the research activity, soil samples were systematically collected from the field at a depth of 0 to 15 cm using a hoe and shovel, employing a Z-shaped soil sampling technique. Subsequently, the soil samples underwent comprehensive analysis to determine their status, as outlined in Table 1. The soil analysis was conducted by technical personnel at the Soil and Fertilizer Testing Laboratory in Khajura, Banke, Nepal. Specifically, nitrogen content was determined through Kjeldhal distillation[16], phosphorus levels were assessed using the ammonium acetate method[17], and organic matter content was analyzed following the Walkley & Black method[18], as followed by Ghimire et al.[19]. Additionally, the pH levels were measured using a Beckman Glass electrode pH meter, while soil texture was determined through the hydrometer method[20].
Table 1. Soil nutritional condition of the study site.
S. N Soil status Values 1 Textural class Clay loam (Alluvial) 2 Chemical properties i pH 7.6 (Alkaline) ii Nitrogen (%) 0.09 (Low) iii Phosphorus (kg/ha) (Low) iv Potassium (kg/ha) (Low) v Organic matter (%) 1.95 (Low) Analysis of the obtained soil data revealed that the soil at the study site exhibited a slightly alkaline pH and a clayey loam texture. Additionally, the levels of essential macro-nutrients and organic matter were observed to be relatively low. In light of these findings, the Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock Development[21] recommended the application of the standard dose of NPK along with 29,475 kg/ha of FYM to enhance and maintain the nutritional status of the soil.
Experimental details
The research was conducted using two-factor Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD) involving eight treatment combinations, each replicated three times. The focus of the study was the cultivation of cucumber, specifically the Raja (F1 Hybrid) variety, with a designated plant spacing of 75 cm × 75 cm. The selected treatments comprised a combination of mulching and non-mulching factors (Factor A) with varying nutrient applications (Factor B), as outlined in Table 2. The treatments included mulching and non-mulching (T1 and T5, respectively), as well as combinations of mulching with FYM (30 t/ha), the recommended dose of fertilizer (RDF) of NPK (140:40:100 NPK/ha), and a combination of FYM and NPK. The field layout comprised a total of 24 plots in RCBD (Fig. 1). Each plot covered a net area of 9 m², resulting in an overall experimental area of 283.5 m². Within each plot, a systematic arrangement of 16 cucumber plants was made, including observational and border plants. The experimental plots were strategically spaced with 0.5 m between treatments and 0.75 m between replications, while a 1 m border area on all sides ensured isolation from other crops. This layout aimed to facilitate a comprehensive assessment of the impact of mulching and nutrient treatments on cucumber growth and yield. The cucumber seeds, mulching materials, and fertilizers were obtained from Dikshya Agrovet in Nawalparasi West, Nepal. These items exhibit consistent quality and size.
Table 2. Treatment details used in the experiment.
Treatment Details T1 (M1F0) Mulching and control (without fertilizer) T2 (M1F1) Mulching and FYM only T3 (M1F2) Mulching and RDF of NPK T4 (M1F3) Mulching and combination of FYM and NPK T5 (M2F0) Non-mulching and control T6 (M2F1) Non-mulching and FYM only T7 (M2F2) Non-mulching and RDF of NPK T8 (M2F3) Non-mulching and combination of FYM and NPK RDF stands for Recommended dose of fertilizer (For NPK = 140:40:100 NPK/ha; For farmyard manure = 30 t/ha). Plantation and crop management
Field preparation
The field underwent thorough preparation to ensure an optimal transplanting environment. The initial plowing was executed using a rotavator attached to a tractor. Subsequently, the field was measured with precision using a tape measure to guarantee adequate land allocation for the research. After completing the layout, plots and replications were demarcated using a hoe (kodali), forming ridges and furrows. Silver-coated mulching plastic of 0.003 cm thickness covered the ridges, while furrows were designated for irrigation purposes. Each 9 m2 plot was divided into four rows, necessitating the adjustment of the 1.5 m-wide mulching plastic. Holes in the mulching were pre-made a day before transplanting using a circular hot metal instrument, and individual pits with a depth of 30 cm were dug using a kuti for cucumber transplantation. The entire field layout followed the predetermined plan.
Seedling preparation, manuring and fertilizer
The Raja variety of cucumber was selected for the study. Raja F1 is a hybrid variety of cucumber. It produces attractive green fruits with a weight ranging from 200 to 250 g and a length of 18 to 20 cm. The variety has a relatively short time to first harvest, with fruits ready for picking in about 40 to 45 d after planting. Raja F1 exhibits good tolerance to diseases and environmental extremes, making it suitable for cultivation in various conditions. Its seeds were planted in a soil-FYM mixture under protected conditions. This was done using poly bags measuring 10.16 cm × 12.7 cm, with the sowing taking place on March 1st. A total of 384 seedlings were required for the research, and approximately 450 poly bags were prepared to compensate for potential germination and post-transplantation losses. The seedlings were grown in a soil and FYM mixture (2:1 ratio), with Bavistin (1 g/kg of soil) used as a fungicide. After 16 d of germination, seedlings at the 3−4 leaf stage were transplanted during the evening to prevent wilting on March 16th.
The basal dose included FYM, half dose of urea, and full doses of Di-Ammonium Phosphate (DAP) and Muriate of Potash (MoP). The remaining urea was applied in two split doses at 15 and 30 d after transplanting (DAT). Well-decomposed FYM was incorporated into the soil 2−3 d before transplanting. The maturation of farmyard manure occurred following a decomposition period of five months. The FYM consisted of 1.33% total N, 0.23% available P, 0.5% K2O, 2.38% exchangeable K, 0.14% exchangeable Iron (Fe), 0.78% exchangeable Calcium (Ca), and 0.38% exchangeable Magnesium (Mg). The recommended dose of fertilizer (RDF) per plot was 26.54 kg FYM, 123.84 g urea, 35.38 g Di-Ammonium Phosphate [(NH4)2HPO4], and 88.45 g Muriate of Potash (KCl)[22]. Additionally, a mixture of 1 L of cow urine diluted in 10 L of water, known for its properties to control various pests and diseases, was sprayed on the plants one week after transplanting as a biopesticide and antifungal agent.
Cucumber cultivation utilized a 1.5 m trellis method with bamboo stakes for structural support and bamboo sticks for vine training. The trellis system optimized space, improved air circulation, and facilitated vertical growth. Additionally, 3G cutting, a chemical-free pruning technique promoting femaleness and encouraging the growth of third-generation branches was employed to increase overall yield by reducing the male-to-female flower ratio. These practices were intentionally designed to align with local agricultural standards.
Gap filling, weeding, irrigation, disease and pest management
Gap filling was conducted within 1−2 d as required to replace transplanted seedlings that died due to various stresses and climatic conditions. Manual weeding was performed in non-mulched plots during the 2nd and 3rd weeks after transplanting, while mulching effectively controlled weed infestation, proving to be a cost-effective method. Pump sets were utilized for irrigation, and furrow channels were constructed between plots for water distribution. Due to the hot climatic conditions, irrigation was carried out at one-week intervals, considering the frequent need for water. Disease and pest management practices were implemented based on the intensity and infestation levels. Cypermethrin and Chlorpyriphos mixture (Rhino 505) at 1 mL/L of water was sprayed three times at one week intervals after they reached marketable size for managing the red pumpkin beetle, and yellow sticky traps were deployed for aphids and whiteflies. Mulching efficiently addressed wilting issues, whereas plants in plots without mulching experienced earlier wilting.
Multiple manual harvests were performed on alternate days when the fruits were in their green stage, attaining a marketable size of approximately 20−25 cm in length and 200−250 g in weight. This ensured that none of the fruits reached an oversized state, and harvesting was conducted throughout the entire crop season. Harvest maturity was ascertained by the spines of the fruits falling upon slight palm pressure and the absence of yellowish color development. It is noteworthy that only marketable fruits were recorded under fruit yield, and any fruits deemed unmarketable were promptly discarded during harvesting.
Observation parameters
Growth parameters (plant height, number of branches, number of leaves)
The measurement of plant height, recorded in centimeters (cm) from the base to the tip, was conducted on four sample plants 15 DAT, using a meter scale or measuring tape. Subsequent measurements were taken at 15-d intervals throughout the growing period to calculate the mean height of the plant. The number of branches per plant was determined for sample plants, and the average was calculated. Measurements were initiated 15 d after transplanting and continued at regular 15-d intervals until harvesting. The total number of leaves on the main stem and branches of sample plants were meticulously counted in each plot, and the average leaf count was calculated.
Yield parameters [number of fruits set per plant, average fruit length, average fruit diameter, fruit yield (kg/plant), fruit yield (kg/plot) and yield (t/ha)]
The number of fruits set per plant was documented, recorded at the time of harvesting from tagged/selected sample plants and average data were calculated. The average length of fruits from sample plants was measured from the head end to the blossom scar end using a centimeter scale, and the average length was calculated for each plot. The average circumference of fruits from sample plants was measured at the center girth using a thin plastic rope and a centimeter scale. The average value was calculated, and the diameter was obtained using a formula for each fruit per plant.
Fruit yield (kg/plant) was determined by weighing the harvested fruits at different pickings using a portable weighing machine. The total weight of all picked fruits during the season from a single plant provided the yield per plant. The fruit yield (kg/plot) was recorded by taking the average weight of fruits from sample plants using a portable digital balance, and the average value was calculated for each plot by weighing the fruits harvested in different pickings. The fruit yield per plot was determined by the total weight of all harvested fruits, specifically focusing on marketable ones; non-marketable fruits, which were discarded during harvesting, were not considered in the calculation of fruit yield. The fruit yield (t/ha) was recorded by weighing the fruits harvested in different pickings, and the total weight of all picked fruits during the season per plot was determined. The fruit yield per plot was then converted into yield per hectare.
Economic analysis
Economic analysis provides a comprehensive understanding of the financial implications of various cultivation practices, aiding decision-making for cucumber growers and agricultural stakeholders. Total production costs for each treatment were calculated by summing up all expenses incurred during the crop cultivation process[23]. This included costs associated with seeds, fertilizers, mulching materials, labor, irrigation, pest control, and any other operational expenses (Eqn 1).
$ \begin{array}{l}{\text{Total production cost}} = \sum {\text{All expenses incurred during}}\\ {\text{cultivation process (Seed + Sertilizers + Mulching materials +}}\\{\text{Labor + Irrigation + Pest control + Other operational expenses)}}\end{array}$ (1) Gross returns were determined by multiplying the yield of cucumbers obtained from each treatment by the prevailing market price per kg of cucumber i.e. NRs 20/kg (Eqn 2). Net returns were calculated by subtracting the total production costs from the gross returns, as illustrated by Thapa et al.[24], Ghimire & Rauniyar[25] and Yadav et al.[26] (Eqn 3).
$ \rm Gross\;return = Yield\; (kg) \times Price\; per\; kg\; of\; cucumber \;(NRs.\;20) $ (2) $ \rm Net\; return = Gross\;return - Total\; production\; cost $ (3) The benefit-cost ratio (BCR) was calculated for each treatment to assess its economic profitability. The BCR was obtained by dividing the net returns by the total production costs[6,23,24,26] (Eqn 4). A BCR greater than 1 indicates that the benefits outweigh the costs, making the treatment economically viable.
$ \rm BCR=\dfrac{Net\;benefit}{Total\;production\;costs} $ (4) Statistical analysis
The acquired data were organized and tabulated using MS-Excel 2010 (Microsoft Corp., Washington, USA). Statistical analysis was conducted using R-studio (version R-3.6.3) to assess the statistical significance of the obtained data. The means for all treatments were computed, and analysis of variance (ANOVA) for each parameter was executed through the 'F' (variance ratio) test. The significance of differences among the means was determined using Duncan's Multiple Range Test (DMRT) at a 5% level of significance.
Plant height was significantly different across all treatments and at all observed days after transplanting, as illustrated in Table 3. The measurements were taken at 15, 30, and 45 DAT. Mulching exhibited the highest mean plant heights of 33.98, 143.10, and 170.80 cm at 15, 30, and 45 DAT, respectively, followed by non-mulching with heights of 29.92, 128.81, and 149.16 cm at the corresponding time points. Regarding fertilizers, the combination of FYM and NPK resulted in the maximum plant heights, measuring 36.04, 158.66, and 181.23 cm at 15, 30, and 45 DAT, respectively, followed by NPK with heights of 31.98, 140.29, and 167.77 cm at the respective time points. In contrast, the control group exhibited the minimum plant height.
Table 3. Effect of mulching and fertilizers on plant height of cucumber.
Treatment Plant height (cm) 15 DAT 30 DAT 45 DAT Factor A Mulching 33.98a 143.10a 170.80a Non-mulching 28.92b 128.81b 149.16b LSD (0.05) 2.63 3.03 3.033 SEM (±) 0.43 0.93 0.8 F-test ** *** *** CV (%) 9.55 4.74 3.45 Factor B Control 27.29c 119.0c 141.20d FYM 30.50bc 125.87c 149.74c NPK 31.98b 140.29b 167.77b FYM + NPK 36.04a 158.66a 181.23a LSD (0.05) 3.72 3.033 SEM (±) 0.31 0.66 0.56 F-test ** *** *** CV (%) 9.55 4.74 3.45 Grand mean 31.45 135.96 159.98 A × B F-test NS NS ** DAT = Days after transplanting; Data in columns with the same letters in DMRT are not significantly different (p = 0.05); SEM (±) = Standard error of the mean; CV = Coefficient of variation; LSD = Least significant difference; ** = significant at p < 0.01; *** = significant at p < 0.001. Table 4 provides a detailed overview of the interaction of different treatments, namely mulching and non-mulching, and various fertilizer applications on cucumber height at 45 DAT. Under the mulching condition, the highest mean plant height was observed for the FYM + NPK treatment at 196.25 cm, followed by NPK (184.89 cm), FYM (156.39 cm), and control (145.69 cm). In the non-mulching category, similar trends were observed, with the FYM + NPK treatment producing the highest height at 166.21 cm, followed by NPK (150.66 cm), FYM (143.08 cm), and control (136.71 cm). The statistical parameters provided further enhance the interpretation of the results. The standard error of the mean (SEM) is minimal (0.4), indicating a high precision in the sample mean estimates. The height of the plant was not influenced significantly due to the effect of the interaction between mulching and fertilizer at 15 and 30 DAT.
Table 4. Interaction effect of mulching and fertilizer on plant height at 45 DAT.
Plant height (cm) at 45 DAT Treatments Mulching Non-mulching Control 145.69ef 136.71f FYM 156.39d 143.08ef NPK 184.89b 150.66de FYM + NPK 196.25a 166.21c SEM (±) 0.4 LSD (0.05) 9.68 F-test ** CV (%) 3.45 Grand mean 159.98 DAT = Days after transplanting; Data in columns with the same letters in DMRT are not significantly different (p = 0.05); SEM (±) = Standard error of the mean; CV = Coefficient of variation; LSD = Least significant difference; ** = significant at p < 0.01. Number of branches
The investigation into the number of branches in cucumber plants revealed intriguing dynamics over time and across different treatments (Table 5). Initially, at 15 DAT, no significant differences were observed in the number of branches between mulching and fertilizer applications. However, as the study progressed, distinct variations emerged among the treatments. Mulching consistently demonstrated a positive impact on the development of branches, exhibiting the highest numbers at both 30 DAT (4.7 branches) and 45 DAT (5.35 branches). In contrast, non-mulching treatments showed slightly lower numbers, with 3.43 branches at 30 DAT and 4.29 branches at 45 DAT.
Table 5. Effect of mulching and fertilizers on number of branches of cucumber.
Treatment Number of branches 15 DAT 30 DAT 45 DAT Factor A Mulching 1.50 4.70a 5.35a Non-mulching 1.79 3.43b 4.29b LSD (0.05) 0.30 0.21 0.429 SEM (±) 0.05 0.04 0.07 F-test NS *** *** CV (%) 21.09 6.13 10.17 Factor B Control 1.58 4.02ab 4.47b FYM 1.50 4.29a 5.41a NPK 1.70 4.16a 4.81ab FYM + NPK 1.79 3.79b 4.58b LSD (0.05) 0.43 0.309 0.607 SEM (±) 0.04 0.03 0.05 F-test NS * * CV (%) 21.09 6.13 10.17 Grand mean 1.64 4.06 4.82 A × B F-test NS NS NS DAT = Days after transplanting; Data in columns with the same letters in DMRT are not significantly different (p = 0.05); SEM (±) = Standard error of the mean; CV = Coefficient of variation; LSD = Least significant difference; * = significant at p < 0.05; NS = Non-significant. Regarding fertilizer applications, a nuanced pattern unfolded. While there were no significant differences in the number of branches at later stages of growth, the FYM treatment consistently outperformed others, yielding higher results. Specifically, at 30 and 45 DAT, the FYM application resulted in 4.29 and 5.41 branches, respectively. In contrast, the control group exhibited the lowest number of branches, with 4.02 at 30 DAT and 4.47 at 45 DAT. The branch number was not influenced significantly due to the effect of the interaction between mulching and fertilizer at any stage of growth.
These findings highlight the intricate interplay between mulching, fertilizer application, and the development of branches in cucumber plants. Mulching consistently contributed to a higher number of branches, while FYM application showed a positive influence in later stages, emphasizing the importance of these factors in optimizing cucumber plant morphology. The absence of significant differences in some instances underscores the need for a nuanced understanding of the temporal and treatment-specific effects on cucumber growth parameters.
Number of leaves
In the analysis focusing on mulching, a significant impact on the number of leaves per cucumber plant was observed. At 15 DAT, mulching exhibited the highest number of leaves, recording 4.89 leaves per plant. This trend continued at 30 DAT, with an increased number of leaves (39.62 per plant), and further escalated at 45 DAT, reaching 51.96 leaves per plant (Table 6).
Table 6. Effect of mulching and fertilizers on number of leaves of cucumber.
Treatment Number of leaves 15 DAT 30 DAT 45 DAT Factor A Mulching 4.89a 39.62a 51.96a Non-mulching 4.18b 27.20b 37.96b LSD (0.05) 0.29 3.67 3.35 SEM (±) 0.05 0.61 0.55 F-test *** *** *** CV (%) 7.51 12.55 8.52 Factor B Control 4.45ab 29.12b 38.08c FYM 4.70a 35.04a 45.29b NPK 4.75a 32.54ab 43.96b FYM + NPK 4.25b 36.95a 52.50a LSD (0.05) 0.42 5.19 4.74 SEM (±) 0.03 0.43 0.39 F-test NS * *** CV (%) 7.51 12.55 16.89 Grand mean 4.54 33.41 44.96 A × B F-test NS NS NS DAT = Days after transplanting; Data in columns with the same letters in DMRT are not significantly different (p = 0.05); SEM (±) = Standard error of the mean; CV = Coefficient of variation; LSD = Least significant difference; * = significant at p < 0.05; *** = significant at p < 0.001; NS = Non-significant. The influence of different fertilizer applications on the number of leaves unfolded distinctively. At 15 DAT, no significant difference was observed among the fertilizer treatments. However, as the study progressed, nuanced variations emerged. At 30 DAT, subtle differences were noted, and by 45 DAT, a significant contrast was evident. The treatment combining FYM and NPK displayed the highest number of leaves, reaching 52.50 leaves per plant, followed by FYM alone, which recorded 45.29 leaves per plant. The leaves number was not influenced significantly due to the effect of the interaction between mulching and fertilizer at any stage of growth. These findings underscore the differential impact of mulching and fertilizer treatments on the foliage development of cucumber plants. Mulching consistently demonstrated a positive influence on leaf numbers, while the combination of FYM and NPK proved particularly effective in enhancing leaf production in the later stages of plant growth. The nuanced dynamics within Factor B highlight the importance of considering the specific combination of fertilizers for optimizing cucumber plant leaf morphology.
Yield parameters
Fruit set, fruit length and fruit diameter
The investigation into fruit-related parameters in cucumber plants revealed significant variations influenced by both mulching (Factor A) and different fertilizers (Factor B), as illustrated in Table 7. In terms of mulching, a substantial impact was observed in fruit set per plant, with mulched plants exhibiting a significantly higher mean value of 13.73 compared to non-mulched plants at 10.82. Mulching also influenced fruit length, where mulched plants had longer fruits (20.68 cm) compared to non-mulched plants (19.28 cm). However, the effect on fruit diameter was not statistically significant. Concerning fertilizers, the combination of FYM and NPK resulted in the highest fruit set per plant (14.68), followed by NPK (12.26) and FYM (12.16), while the control group had the lowest fruit set (9.99). The control group had the longest fruits (20.54 cm), followed by FYM + NPK (19.86 cm), NPK (19.33 cm), and FYM (20.21 cm). Notably, no significant differences were observed in fruit diameter among fertilizer treatments. The fruit set, fruit length and fruit diameter was not influenced significantly due to the effect of the interaction between mulching and fertilizer.
Table 7. Effect of mulching and fertilizers on fruit set, fruit length and fruit diameter of cucumber.
Treatment Fruit set/plant Fruit length
(cm)Fruit diameter
(cm)Factor A Mulching 13.73a 20.68a 5.29a Non-mulching 10.82b 19.28b 5.23a LSD (0.05) 1.06 1.19 0.41 SEM (±) 0.17 0.20 0.07 F-test *** NS NS CV (%) 9.94 6.85 9.02 Factor B Control 9.99c 19.33 5.20 FYM 12.16b 20.21 5.25 NPK 12.26b 19.86 5.27 FYM + NPK 14.68a 20.54 5.31 LSD (0.05) 1.51 1.69 0.59 SEM (±) 0.122 0.14 0.05 F-test ** NS NS CV (%) 9.94 6.85 9.01 Grand mean 12.27 19.98 5.26 A × B F-test NS NS NS Data in columns with the same letters in DMRT are not significantly different (p = 0.05); SEM (±) = Standard error of the mean; CV = Coefficient of variation; LSD = Least significant difference; ** = significant at p < 0.01; *** = significant at p < 0.001; NS = Non-significant. Yield per plant and yield per hectare
The analysis of cucumber yield per plant and hectare revealed significant effects attributed to both mulching (Factor A) and various fertilizer applications (Factor B), as shown in Table 8. Mulching exhibited a substantial impact, with mulched plants yielding significantly higher, both per plant (1,047.43 g) and per hectare (25.93 t/ha), compared to non-mulched plants, which yielded 673.33 g/plant and 18.37 t/ha. The LSD (0.05) values of 164.45 and 3.27 for yield per plant and per hectare, respectively, emphasized the statistical significance of these differences. The coefficient of variation (CV) indicated the reliability of the data, with values of 21.82% for yield per plant and 16.87% for yield per hectare. In the context of fertilizer application, the combination of FYM and NPK resulted in a higher yield per plant (1,033.74 g), which was statistically similar to the control (878.93 g). Similarly, the combination of FYM and NPK led to a higher yield per hectare (27.97 t/ha), comparable to the yield achieved with FYM alone (23.71 t/ha). The LSD (0.05) values of 232.57 and 4.62 for yield per plant and per hectare, respectively, signified the significance of differences among fertilizer treatments. The yield was not influenced significantly due to the effect of the interaction between mulching and fertilizer.
Table 8. Effect of mulching and fertilizers on yield of cucumber.
Treatment Yield/plant (g) Yield (t/ha) Factor A Mulching 1,047.43a 25.93a Non-mulching 673.33b 18.37b LSD (0.05) 164.45 3.27 SEM (±) 27.10 0.54 F-test *** *** CV (%) 21.82 16.87 Factor B Control 878.93ab 14.53c FYM 783.72b 23.71ab NPK 745.14b 22.39b FYM + NPK 1,033.74a 27.97a LSD (0.05) 232.57 4.62 SEM (±) 19.169 0.38 F-test * *** CV (%) 21.82 16.87 Grand mean 860.38 22.15 A × B F-test NS NS Data in columns with the same letters in DMRT are not significantly different (p = 0.05); SEM (±) = Standard error of the mean; CV = Coefficient of variation; LSD = Least significant difference; * = significant at p < 0.05; *** = significant at p < 0.001; NS = Non-significant. Economic analysis of cucumber production
The use of mulching resulted in a significantly higher yield of 25.93 t/ha compared to non-mulching (18.37 t/ha). The total cost of production for mulching was NRs. 154,500 (1 USD
= 132.37 NRs), with a gross return of NRs. 518,600, leading to a net return of NRs. 364,100 and a benefit-cost ratio (BCR) of 2.35. The positive net return and higher BCR indicate the economic viability of mulching for maximizing cucumber production. In contrast, the non-mulching treatment showed a lower yield of 18.37 t/ha and a net return of NRs. 246,900, with a BCR of 2.04 (Table 9). Although the non-mulching treatment is economically viable, mulching appears to be a more profitable option.${\$} $ Table 9. Economic analysis of mulching and fertilizer combinations on cucumber growth and production.
Treatments Total production
costs (NRs./ha)Yield (t/ha) Average price of
cucumber (NRs/kg)Gross return
(NRs.)Net return
(NRs.)BCR Mulching 154,500 25.93 20 518,600 364,100 2.35 Non-mulching 120,200 18.37 20 367,400 246,900 2.04 Control 125,500 14.53 20 290,600 165,100 1.31 FYM 138,303 23.71 20 474,200 335,897 2.42 NPK 142,500 22.39 20 447,800 305,300 2.14 FYM + NPK 155,303 27.97 20 559,400 404,097 2.6 The control treatment resulted in a yield of 14.53 t/ha, with a net return of NRs. 165,100 and a BCR of 1.31. This treatment represents the baseline scenario without additional inputs. The application of FYM resulted in a higher yield of 23.71 t/ha, a net return of NRs. 335,897, and a BCR of 2.42. FYM proves to be an economically beneficial input. The use of NPK fertilizer resulted in a yield of 22.39 t/ha, a net return of NRs. 305,300, and a BCR of 2.14. This treatment demonstrates the economic viability of using chemical fertilizers. The combination of FYM and NPK showed the highest yield of 27.97 t/ha, with a net return of NRs. 404,097 and a BCR of 2.60. This suggests a synergistic effect of combining organic and inorganic inputs, resulting in enhanced economic returns. Both mulching and the combination of FYM and NPK prove to be economically advantageous strategies for maximizing cucumber growth and production, as indicated by their higher net returns and BCRs compared to alternative treatments.
The authors are thankful to the Agriculture and Forestry University, Chitwan, Nepal, Prime Minister Agriculture Modernization Project, Nepal, and Assistant Professor Tulsi Parajuli for continuous support during the research work.
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Acharya M, Ghimire S, Gautam N. 2024. Evaluating the impact of mulching and fertilizer combinations in maximizing cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.) growth and production. Technology in Horticulture 4: e012 doi: 10.48130/tihort-0024-0009
Evaluating the impact of mulching and fertilizer combinations in maximizing cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.) growth and production
- Received: 29 December 2023
- Revised: 18 April 2024
- Accepted: 21 April 2024
- Published online: 13 May 2024
Abstract: Efficient cucumber cultivation requires a thorough understanding of the interplay between cultivation practices and crop productivity. This study, conducted from February to June 2022 in Nawalparasi district, Nepal, addresses the challenge of optimizing cucumber production through an exploration of the combined effects of mulching and various fertilizer applications. The research aimed to evaluate the hypothesis that specific mulching and fertilizer combinations would lead to superior growth and yield in cucumber plants. The experimental design employed a two-factorial Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD) with two mulching conditions (mulching and non-mulching) and four different fertilizers [Control, Farmyard manure (FYM), and NPK treatments consisting of Nitrogen (N), Phosphorus (P), and Potassium (K) applied at a rate of 140:40:100 NPK/ha), and FYM + NPK, resulting in eight treatment combinations replicated three times. The results revealed that plastic mulching significantly enhanced key growth parameters, including plant height (170.80 cm), number of branches (5.35), number of leaves (51.96), and yield (25.93 t/ha) of cucumber, compared with the no-mulch treatments. Notably, the application of FYM in conjunction with NPK exhibited optimal outcomes for plant height (181.23 cm), number of leaves (52.50), yield (27.97 t/ha), and highest benefit-cost ratio (2.60). The study recommends adopting mulching over no-mulching and utilizing a combination of FYM and NPK fertilizers for enhanced cucumber growth and economically viable yields. Despite the positive outcomes, it is imperative to conduct the test on a larger scale for a more comprehensive evaluation.
Key words:
- Cucumber cultivation /
- Fertilizer application /
- Growth parameters /
- Mulching /
- Yield