The methodology employed in this study is depicted in Fig. 1. It consists of three main components: i) Data gathering and filtering. This initial stage involves collecting tweets related to ride-sharing trip time using keyword search functionality provided by the Twitter API. Subsequently, all tweets undergo a cleaning and filtering process, which includes error deletion and reduction of text noise through appropriate techniques; ii) Ride-sharing trip time-related topic modeling. This stage focuses on extracting keywords related to trip time based on word frequency and correlation analysis. The texts specifically related to trip time are then extracted using these identified keywords. To examine the impact of passenger characteristics and the COVID-19 pandemic on topic variations, a comparison is made between topics before and during the pandemic, considering different gender, age, and country groups; iii) Sentiment analysis of ride-sharing trip time. This component employs both VADER and BERT models to evaluate the sentiment of each Twitter text. Based on model performance, a more suitable model is selected for further analysis. This stage entails the comparison of sentiment variances both pre-pandemic and during the pandemic, while also conducting an analysis of sentiment fluctuations among demographic groups, including gender, age, and across different countries.
Data collection and filtering
The data collection process involved utilizing an advanced Twitter scraping tool called Twitter Intelligence Tool. The keywords used for data acquisition included terms such as 'Uber Pool', 'Uber Black', 'Uber Comfort', 'Uber X', 'Lyft XL', 'Lyft Shared', 'Lyft Lux', 'Lyft Black', 'Ola KaaliPeeli', 'Lyft Line', 'BlaBlaCar Carpool', 'Sride', 'Ibibo Ryde', 'Meru Carpool', 'Ola Share', and 'Ola Carpool', along with their related variations. The data in the form of text were collected from January 1, 2019 to May 4, 2022. The selection criteria included location (USA and India) and language (English). Duplicated texts were eliminated, and spam texts were removed using a spam detection method. It is important to note that data quality issues, such as missing information, nonsensical characters, and noise, were present in the Twitter database. Nonsensical characters, including emojis, emoticons, URL paths, numbers, punctuation marks, symbols, English stop words, non-alphabetical words, and tokens with less than one character, were removed from the sentences. Furthermore, the dimensionality of the text was reduced using Part of Speech Tagging, transforming each sentence into nouns, verbs, adverbs, and adjectives. The words were also stemmed using the Snowball method. This study obtained Twitter data based on the Twitter API, which includes information such as user age, gender, user name, address, and published tweets. Detailed descriptions of the data are provided in Table 1.
Table 1. Description of the Twitter data.
Data type Description Users' characteristics Gender, age, user name, user ID, followers. Timestamp The timestamp of each tweet publishes. Location The county and location of the user. Tweet The content of the tweet, the situation of the tweet (rewrite or not). Sample of the tweet before and after the filter Before filter: @Uber### I like and miss # uberpull much, prices are odeeeeeeeeer cheaper #uber. https://t.co/OOLOYLexyC
After filter: I like and miss uberpool, these prices are cheaper.Topic modeling of ridesharing service
Time-related tweet extraction
The primary focus of this study centers around ride-sharing trip time. Consequently, tweets pertinent to our research were retained for further analysis. To identify the relevant tweets, a flash-text model in Python was utilized to extract high-frequency words from the original dataset. A collection of 2,000 high-frequency words was obtained from the dataset. Subsequently, words associated with ride-sharing trip time, such as time cost, wait, tonight, and others, were selected from the 2,000 words. These selected words were then used to filter and extract ride-sharing trip time-related tweets. Following the data selection process, a total of 6,130 texts related to ride-sharing trip time, contributed by 5,593 distinct Twitter users, were retained for analysis.
In this study, it is noteworthy that the pandemic's impact on the public in both countries exhibits variations, and the availability of specific online data points is limited. Consequently, this article has adopted the official report indicating the commencement of pandemic-related measures in March 2020 as the definitive event threshold to assess the pandemic's influence on ridesharing. The data categorized as pre-pandemic consisted of 3,621 texts, whereas the amid-pandemic data encompassed 2,509 texts. With regards to gender comparison, 3,268 texts were attributed to males, while 2,862 texts were attributed to females. The mean age of the users was 29.12, with a standard deviation of 6.07. For the purpose of categorization, this study employed an age threshold of 35, dividing the users into younger and older categories. The number of tweets belonging to the younger category was 4,030, while the older category comprised 2,100 tweets. It should be noted that the countries under consideration in this study are the USA and India. Specifically, 5,330 texts originated from the USA, while 800 texts were associated with India.
This paper employs the Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA) model to extract keywords and clusters related to ride-sharing trip time. LDA is a dynamic statistical model that allows for the identification of unobserved groups or topics that explain the similarity among sets of observations in the data. In the context of this study, where the observations are words organized into documents, LDA assumes that each document is a mixture of a few distinct topics, and the appearance of each word is associated with one of these topics. Typically, LDA aims to capture the correlations between topics and documents (P(T|D)), as well as the relationships between words and topics (P(W|T)). This correlation can be represented by the following formula (1):
$ P\left(W|D\right)=P\left(W|T\right)\times P\left(T\right|D) $ (1) The probability of each word i given a topic k is denoted as P(Wi|Tk), while the probability of each topic k given a document j is represented as P(Tk|Dj). The determination of each topic's keywords is based on the descending order of P(Wi|Tk), and the probability P(Tk|Dj) is used to extract the weight of the topic in the documents.
To uncover the underlying structure of latent topics in the dataset using LDA, this study utilizes the Gensim library in Python. The library supports multi-threading, enabling efficient and rapid computation of the algorithm. The focus of this paper is to explore the differences in topics among different country, gender, and age groups before and during the pandemic. Consequently, the data is divided into seven groups: all tweets, USA user tweets, India user tweets, male user tweets, female user tweets, younger user tweets, and older user tweets. Subsequently, a total of 14 documents, encompassing these seven groups pre- and amid-pandemic from January 2019 to May 2022, are employed for topic modeling using the LDA model. This study assesses the quality and interpretability of Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA) model classification using widely employed metrics, specifically C_v and UMass[31]. These metrics serve to evaluate the descriptiveness of topics post-classification. Utilizing this indicator, the study determined the optimal number of categories (five clusters) based on optimal parameters. Ultimately, 35 clusters, each comprising 20 keywords, are extracted from the analysis.
Topic labeling based on keyword combinations
This study introduces a categorization method for distinct categories using a topic labeling approach to accomplish text feature extraction. The method comprises three sequential steps: cluster ordering, topic generation, and dataset labeling. In the first step, clusters are reordered based on their coherence scores. Coherence measures the semantic similarity between high-scoring words within a cluster, with higher scores indicating better cluster performance. Thus, the five clusters are sorted according to enhanced coherence scores. The main step, topic generation, begins by selecting the three most discussed topics from recent research, namely trip time cost, waiting time, and trip occurrence time. Initially, these topics serve as reference topics. Each keyword in the cluster is then assigned a score on a 10-point Likert scale (ranging from 1 to 10) based on its correlation with the three reference topics. A score of 10 implies a high probability of the keyword belonging to a specific topic. If a keyword scores 1 in all topics, a new topic is created based on its meaning. For example, if the word 'pandemic' does not belong to any existing topic, a new topic called 'pandemic' is formed. In the dataset labeling step, topics are generated and labeled as topic-1, topic-2, topic-3, and topic-4. Each cluster is then labeled as a topic based on the frequency of its corresponding keywords. As depicted in Fig. 2, let's consider cluster 1 in the male group during the amid-pandemic period. Each keyword within the cluster is assigned a topic label, and based on the frequency of keyword assignments, the cluster is labeled as topic 2. It should be noted that only meaningful keywords are retained for topic modeling, while irrelevant words (e.g., can, much) are removed. After labeling each cluster, the paper proceeds to compare the differences between pre- and amid-pandemic periods for each group, based on the variation in hot topics and topic trends.
Sentiment analysis
Sentiment analysis serves as a valuable tool for classifying the polarity of a given document, enabling the assignment of a score to indicate whether the expressed opinion within the document is positive, negative, or neutral. In this study, both the VADER and BERT models are utilized for sentiment extraction from each text. Subsequently, the paper proceeds to analyze the data description and significance in relation to the pre- and amid-pandemic periods. To interpret the correlation between passengers' characteristics, countries, sentiment, and the pre- and amid-pandemic periods, logistic regression is employed. The regression model is constructed based on these variables, enabling an understanding of their influence on sentiment. Therefore, the following sections introduce the VADER and BERT models, as well as logistic regression, which are all relevant to the objectives of this paper.
VADER model
VADER is a sentiment analysis tool that utilizes a lexicon and rule-based approach specifically designed for capturing sentiments expressed on social media platforms. The VADER method employs a sentiment lexicon, which comprises lexical features, such as words, classified as positive or negative based on their semantic orientation. However, VADER goes beyond providing mere Positivity and Negativity scores; it also offers insights into the intensity of sentiment. The VADER lexicon has proven to be particularly effective in analyzing sentiments in the context of social media[32]. The correlation coefficient between VADER scores (r = 0.881) and actual human raters' assessments (r = 0.888) demonstrates the tool's accuracy in matching the ground truth sentiment intensity, as determined by a group mean collected from 20 human raters. In this study, the VADER model is implemented using the Vader module within Python. Lexical features with non-zero mean ratings and a standard deviation below 2.5, based on the evaluations of ten independent raters, are retained. Sentiment intensity is measured on a scale ranging from –4 to +4. For example, the term 'okay' has a positive valence of 0.9, 'good' is rated at 1.9, and 'great' at 3.1. Conversely, 'horrible' is assigned a valence of –2.5, the frowning emoticon ':( ' receives –2.2, and both 'sucks' and 'sux' are rated at –1.5. Further details and the availability of VADER for download can be found in Qi & Shabrina[33].
BERT model
The sentiment model utilizing BERT analysis achieves a higher accuracy rate of 92% when utilizing the cased version of BERT. The model consists of one or more input sequences, with the addition of special tokens 'CLS' and 'SEP' to mark the beginning and separation of segments, respectively. Word embeddings are employed to represent each token, which are then concatenated with position embeddings and segment embeddings. Each model comprises two sublayers: a multi-head attention mechanism with A heads and a hidden size of H, and a fully connected layer with position-wise feed-forward. The output of each sublayer is added to the normalized sum of the sublayer input and outputs. Two vectors, S and E, both with dimensions of (1 × 768), are defined and learned during the fine-tuning process. A dot product is then computed between these vectors and the output vectors of the second sentence from BERT, resulting in scores. SoftMax is applied to these scores to obtain probabilities. During training, the objective is to maximize the log-likelihood of the correct start and end positions.
In this study, the BERT base model is utilized with specific configuration values: L = 12 for the number of transformer layers, A = 12 for the number of self-attention heads, and H = 768 for the hidden size. Typically, BERT accepts input sequences with a maximum length of 512 tokens. However, given the shorter length of tweets, the maximum sequence length is reduced to 128 tokens for this paper. The model's parameter settings are as follows: learning rate: 0.0001, batch size: 8, epochs: 10, and max sequence length: 128. The parameters outlined above have been meticulously controlled and can serve as valuable points of reference for future research endeavors.
Multi-logit regression
Consequently, the sentiment results from the BERT model were utilized for subsequent analysis. Finally, correlation analysis is performed using a multi-logit regression model to examine the relationship between each variable and sentiment.
The Multinomial Logistic Regression, commonly referred to as Multi-logit regression, is a statistical method used when the dependent variable has more than two discrete and unordered categories. It is an extension of binary logistic regression, allowing for the analysis of situations with multiple outcome levels. The method estimates the relationship between predictor variables and the log-odds of an observation belonging to a specific category vs the reference category. The logistic function is applied to the linear combination of predictors, converting the log-odds into probabilities. The model parameters are typically estimated using maximum likelihood estimation. By providing insights into the factors influencing different outcome categories simultaneously, multinomial logistic regression is a valuable tool in various fields, enabling researchers to understand and interpret complex relationships within categorical data.
The multinomial logistic regression model involves estimating multiple sets of coefficients, each corresponding to one outcome category, relative to a reference category. The model is expressed as follows:
${\rm{ln}}(P(Y_{i}=K)/P(Y_{i}=k))=\beta_{0k}+\beta_{1k}X_{1i}+\beta_{2k}X_{2i}+…+\beta_{pk}X_{pi } $ (2) Where: P(Yi = k) is the probability of observation i belonging to category k, P(Yi = K) is the probability of observation i belonging to the reference category K, β0k is the intercept for category k, β1k, β2k, …, βpk are the coefficients associated with predictor variables X1i, X2i, …, Xpi for category k.
Tweets pertaining to ridesharing trip time were collected from the original dataset, and subsequently, a ridesharing trip time dataset was constructed. The frequency of tweets for each month is presented in Fig. 3. The findings reveal a significant decrease in the number of tweets during the period of January to April 2020. This decline is highly likely attributed to a reduction in the number of ridesharing users amidst the pandemic. However, starting from February 2021, there is an increase in the number of tweets, indicating a stable wave-like trend. This suggests that initially, people were sharing their concerns and opinions on alternative transportation platforms or other topics during the pandemic. Subsequently, they returned to discussing ridesharing trip time as a topic of interest.
Topic modeling and development trend analysis
As outlined in the methodology section, the extraction of the most prominent topics in each group during the pre- and amid-pandemic periods was carried out using the LDA. The clusters for the seven groups (all, USA, India, male, female, younger, older) were extracted, followed by sorting them based on the coherence score. Subsequently, the topics were labeled utilizing the proposed method, resulting in the identification of four distinct topics. For a comprehensive understanding of each topic and its content, please refer to Table 2.
Table 2. Description of labeled topics and their contents.
Item Label Content Description Ridesharing trip time 1 Wait time Wait time for the car 2 Time cost The time cost from entering the car to ending the trip 3 Trip happen time Trip time of day 4 Pandemic Topic related to pandemic The distribution of topics across five clusters is depicted in Fig. 4. The left side of the graph displays the group labels and ridesharing trip time labels, while the center of the graph illustrates the topic distribution, with each topic assigned a specific color. The frequency of each topic in all periods, including pre-pandemic and amid-pandemic, is represented by the 'F' value in the graph. The results reveal that the topic of trip happen time (3) is the most prominent across all periods, and its distribution shows variation between the pre-pandemic and amid-pandemic periods. Additionally, the topic of 'wait time' (1) garners increased attention amid the pandemic, suggesting that passengers are more concerned about the timing of their trips, particularly in the morning and other times. Moreover, the wait time may have increased due to the pandemic, leading to heightened passenger concern during this period.
Figure 4.
The graph of ridesharing trip time topic modeling. (a) The trend graph of topics based on all tweet data. (b) The trend graph of topics in the country group. (c) The trend graph of topics in gender groups. (d) The trend graph of topics in the age group.
Regarding the country groups, both users from the USA and India demonstrate a focus on topic '1'. However, users in the USA exhibit a higher level of concern about the pandemic compared to their counterparts in India. In both groups, there is a greater emphasis on topics '1' and '3' during the pre-pandemic period, but the concern about topic '3' decreases amid the pandemic. This suggests that customers prioritize the service of the driver, specifically the pickup time, during the pandemic.
Within the gender groups, both males and females pay attention to topic '3', with males showing a higher level of interest in topic '1' compared to females. The most discussed topics among males are '1 & 3' during both pre-pandemic and amid-pandemic periods. In contrast, females demonstrate a shift in their most discussed topics from '1 & 3' during the pre-pandemic period to '2 & 3' amid the pandemic. This indicates that females are more concerned about the time cost of their trips during the pandemic.
In the age groups, both younger and older individuals display a significant interest in topic '2', but the younger group exhibits a greater concern for topic '3'. When comparing the pre-pandemic and amid-pandemic periods, both groups exhibit noticeable differences. Among the younger group, topic '2' receives more attention amid the pandemic compared to topic '3', suggesting that younger individuals are more focused on the time cost of their trips during this period. Conversely, topic '2' is not as popular among the older group during the pandemic, indicating that older individuals pay less attention to time cost amid the ongoing health crisis.
Sentiment analysis of ridesharing services
Sensitive and significant analysis
The sentiment analysis of tweets was conducted using the VADER and BERT models. The implementation of these models was performed on an Intel (R) Xeon (R) Silver 4110 CPU @ 2.10 GHz with 64 GB RAM, and an IDE disk running the Centos 7.6 operating system. The algorithm was developed using the Anaconda 2021.03 open-source software in Python. To fine-tune the models, NVIDIA V100 GPUs were utilized. The BERT model achieved a higher accuracy of 87% in approximating the ground truth compared to the VADER model, which had an accuracy of 61%. To validate the model's applicability further, the sentiment of 400 tweets was manually checked. The results demonstrated that the BERT model maintained a high accuracy of 72.3% and exhibited a lower Mean Absolute Error (0.15) compared to VADER (accuracy = 52%, Mean Absolute Error = 0.32). These findings indicate that the BERT model performs well in addressing the sentiment analysis challenges posed by Twitter data. Consequently, the sentiment results from the BERT model were utilized for subsequent analysis. Finally, correlation analysis is performed using a multi-logit regression model to examine the relationship between each variable and sentiment.
Figure 5 presents the sentiment analysis results obtained from the BERT model over the time series. The analysis reveals a higher frequency of negative tweets compared to positive ones. This finding suggests that users tend to use the customer service platform (@ridesharing time) to express complaints and problems with a negative sentiment more frequently than using positive expressions. Moreover, the percentage of users with a positive attitude initially increases at the onset of the pandemic and subsequently decreases amid the pandemic. This observation may be attributed to ridesharing companies implementing discount policies for customers in response to the pandemic, which contributed to the heightened positive sentiment among customers.
To conduct a detailed analysis of sentiment performance, a numerical value is assigned to each sentiment category, with '1' representing negative, '2' representing neutral, and '3' representing positive sentiment. The mean and standard deviation (S.D.) of sentiment scores are then compared among different groups to explore sentiment differences based on the pandemic, gender, and age.
Figure 6a depicts the significant differences in sentiment across various pandemic periods and countries. Upon comparing the mean sentiment scores for each group, it is evident that customers exhibit a more positive attitude amid the pandemic. Moreover, male customers and those from India display a more positive sentiment towards ridesharing trip time. However, based on the standard deviation analysis, customers tend to maintain a more stable sentiment pre-pandemic. Similarly, females, younger individuals, and American customers demonstrate a more stable sentiment towards ridesharing.
Figure 6.
Description and significant analysis of sentiment in each group. (a) The difference of sentiment among groups. (b) The difference of sentiment within and between groups pre- and amid-pandemic.
Furthermore, the analysis delves into the differences in sentiment between each group before and amid the pandemic, as shown in Fig. 6b. The results indicate significant differences in sentiment between gender and country groups pre-pandemic. However, no significant differences are observed within each group amid the pandemic. Additionally, female passengers and those from America consistently exhibit a more positive sentiment towards ridesharing across all periods. Older individuals tend to display a more positive attitude pre-pandemic, while the opposite holds true for younger individuals amid the pandemic. In terms of standard deviation, younger individuals, males, and American passengers maintain a more stable sentiment than others pre-pandemic. However, only younger individuals exhibit a stable trend amid the pandemic.
It is worth noting that an asterisk (*) indicates that the observed differences were statistically significant at a significance level of 5% (0.01 < p-value < 0.05).
Ridesharing trip time sentiment multi-logit regression model
This study examined the relationship between customer characteristics, country, pre-and amid-pandemic variables, and sentiment to develop a regression model that captures the association between these factors. The findings revealed a significant correlation between sentiment and country (0.028**), indicating that users from the USA and India exhibited different sentiment patterns. However, no significant correlation was observed between sentiment and the other variables.
To construct the regression model, a multi-logit regression approach was employed using the MATLAB built-in algorithm. The model's performance was evaluated based on four parameters: Log-Likelihood Ratio, X2, the goodness of fit test, and model significance. The results demonstrated that the model exhibited strong performance, as evidenced by its higher significance level (sig. = 0.03), lower error rates (Log-Likelihood Ratio = 177.24, X2 = 12.31), and high model fitness (goodness of fit test = 0.623).
Table 3 presents the results of the sentiment regression model, highlighting the main factors influencing sentiment. Amid the pandemic, sentiment was found to be more positive (OR = 1.05, P < 0.05), and passengers from the USA exhibited a more positive sentiment compared to those from India (OR = 1.01, P < 0.05). These findings underscore the impact of the pandemic and country on sentiment patterns among ridesharing users.
Table 3. Result of the ridesharing regression based on the multi-logit model.
Step Items B Stad. E. Wald Freedom Sig. Exp(B) 95% CI 1 Intercept −0.48 0.15 10.19 1.00 0.00 Pandemic 0.22 0.11 3.67 1.00 0.03 1.01 0.89 1.13 Gender 0.04 0.06 0.55 1.00 0.89 1.04 0.93 1.18 Age −0.77 0.09 0.75 1.00 0.79 0.92 0.77 1.10 Country 0.33 0.12 4.45 1.00 0.02 1.12 1.01 1.23 2 Intercept −0.49 0.16 9.65 1.00 0.02 − − − Pandemic 0.12 0.13 4.66 1.00 0.03 1.05 1.01 1.15 Gender 0.01 0.12 0.01 1.00 0.97 1.00 0.79 1.27 Age 0.09 0.67 2.12 1.00 0.12 1.11 0.96 1.26 Country −0.18 0.09 3.48 1.00 0.02 1.01 0.99 1.22 -
The authors confirm contributions paper as follows: study conception and design: Wenxiang Xu, Anae Sobhani; data collection: Wenxiang Xu, Amir Mahdi Khabushani; analysis and interpretation of results: Wenxiang Xu, Ting Fu, Sina Shokoohyar; draft manuscript preparation: Wenxiang Xu, Aminreza Vazirinasab, Ahmad Sobhani, Behnaz Raouf. All authors reviewed the results and approved the final version of the manuscript.
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Xu W, Sobhani A, Fu T, Khabooshani AM, Vazirinasab A, et al. 2023. An analysis of ridesharing trip time using advanced text mining techniques. Digital Transportation and Safety 2(4):308−319 doi: 10.48130/DTS-2023-0026
An analysis of ridesharing trip time using advanced text mining techniques
- Received: 17 July 2023
- Accepted: 17 December 2023
- Published online: 28 December 2023
Abstract: The time cost of ridesharing rental represents a crucial factor influencing users' decisions to rent a car. Researchers have explored this aspect through text analysis and questionnaires. However, the current research faces limitations in terms of data quantity and analysis methods, preventing the extraction of key information. Therefore, there is a need to further optimize the level of public opinion analysis. This study aimed to investigate user perspectives concerning travel time in ridesharing, both pre and post-pandemic, within the Twitter application. Our analysis focused on a dataset from users residing in the USA and India, with considerations for demographic variables such as age and gender. To accomplish our research objectives, we employed Latent Dirichlet Allocation for topic modeling and BERT for sentiment analysis. Our findings revealed significant influences of the pandemic and the user's country of origin on sentiment. Notably, there was a discernible increase in positive sentiment among users from both countries following the pandemic, particularly among older individuals. These findings bear relevance to the ridesharing industry, offering insights that can aid in establishing benchmarks for improving travel time. Such improvements are instrumental in enabling ridesharing companies to effectively compete with other public transportation alternatives.
Key words:
- Ridesharing /
- Trip time /
- Topic modeling /
- Sentiment analysis /
- Twitter data