Plant vegetative growth variables including plant growth index (PGI) (P < 0.0001), leaf relative chlorophyll content measured as leaf SPAD (P < 0.0001), number of crowns per plant (P = 0.040), visual score (P < 0.0001), and root dry weight (P < 0.0001) varied among cultivars (Table 1), with PGI (P = 0.0003), SPAD (P < 0.0001), and plant visual score (P < 0.0001) also affected by the main effect of fertilizer type without interactions (Table 2).
Table 1. Vegetative growth of seven June-bearing ('Allstar', 'Chandler', 'Darselect', 'Earlyglow', 'Honeoye', 'Jewel', and 'L'Amour') and three day-neutral ('Evie 2', 'San Andreas', and 'Seascape') strawberry cultivars grown in Starkville, Mississippi in 2018.
Cultivar PGI1, 2 (cm) SPAD Number of crowns
(per plant)Visual score
(1-5)3Shoot dry wt.
(g per plant)Root dry wt.
(g per plant)Allstar 41.2 ab 31.9 def 4.1 ab 3.0 bcde 71.4 13.5 abcd Chandler 37.4 c 30.1 f 4.3 ab 2.9 bcde 65.8 10.1 d Darselect 39.5 abc 31.0 ef 3.8 ab 2.6 e 65.1 14.6 abc Earlyglow 38.3 bc 32.9 de 4.0 ab 2.8 cde 63.7 11.9 cd Evie 2 37.0 c 36.3 ab 3.8 ab 3.0 bcde 58.8 9.6 d Honeoye 40.9 ab 35.3 bc 4.2 ab 3.8 a 81.5 16.5 ab Jewel 41.6 a 30.4 f 3.5 b 2.7 de 67.5 12.9 abcd L'Amour 38.5 abc 33.5 cd 4.4 ab 3.2 bc 75.9 17.3 a San Andreas 37.6 c 37.5 a 4.2 ab 2.9 cde 64.4 12.3 bcd Seascape 38.7 abc 35.7 abc 5.2 a 3.3 b 63.2 11.5 cd P-value <.0001 <.0001 0.040 <.0001 0.13 <.0001 1 Plant growth index (PGI) = [plant height + widest width 1 + width 2 (width at the perpendicular direction to width 1]/3.
2 Different lower-case letters within a column suggest significant difference indicated by Tukey's HSD test at P ≤ 0.05.
3 Plant visual quality was evaluated by a five-point scale, where 1 = poor quality with severe leaf damage over 70%; 2 = leaf damage of 50% to 70%; 3 = moderate quality with 20% to 50% leaf damage; 4 = good quality with minor leaf damage of less than 20%; 5 = excellent quality without any leaf damage. A dead plant was rated 0 for the visual score.Table 2. Effect of fertilizer type on plant growth index (PGI), leaf SPAD, visual score, yield in May, daily water use, substrate moisture, and net photosynthetic rate (Pn) of container-grown strawberries grown in Starkville, Mississippi.
Fertilizer1 PGI2 (cm) SPAD Visual score
(1−5)Yield in May
(g per plant)Daily water use (L per day) Substrate moisture (%) Pn
(µmol·m−2·s−1)19 June 26 June Organic 38.3 b 32.3 b 2.8 b 57.9 b 0.54 b 0.62 b 27.2 a 10.7 b Conventional 39.9 a 34.6 a 3.2 a 67.9 a 0.65 a 0.73 a 24.6 b 12.0 a P-value 0.0003 < 0.0001 < 0.0001 0.044 < 0.0001 0.0003 < 0.0001 0.0059 1 Strawberry plants were fertilized with a conventional controlled release fertilizer or an organic fertilizer at comparable rates.
2 Different lower-case letters within a column suggest significant difference indicated by Tukey's HSD test at P ≤ 0.05.'Allstar', 'Jewel', and 'Honeoye' had comparable highest PGIs ranging from 40.9 to 41.6 cm, higher than 'Chandler', 'Evie 2', or 'San Andreas' with the lowest PGIs of 37.0 to 37.6 cm (Table 1). The other four cultivars 'Darselect', 'Earlyglow', 'L'Amour', and 'Seascape' had similar PGIs of 38.3 to 39.5 cm. The three day-neutral cultivars 'Evie 2', 'San Andreas', and 'Seascape' had the comparable highest leaf SPAD ranging from 35.7 to 37.5, with 'Allstar', 'Chandler', 'Darselect', and 'Jewel' having the lowest SPAD ranging from 30.4 to 31.9. Ten tested cultivars generally produced similar number of crowns per plant averaged 3.5 to 5.2 per plant. 'Honeoye' had the highest visual scores averaged 3.8 with minor leaf diseases. 'L'Amour' and 'Seascape' had intermediate visual scores of 3.2 and 3.3, respectively. 'Allstar', 'Chandler', 'Darselect', 'Earlyglow', 'Evie 2', 'Jewel', and 'San Andreas' had comparable visual scores ranging from 2.6 to 3.0 out of 5.
Shoot dry weight ranged from 58.8 to 81.5 g per plant, similar among all tested cultivars. 'Allstar', 'Darselect', 'Honeoye', 'Jewel' and 'L'Amour' had comparable root dry weights of 12.9 to 17.3 g per plant, with 'Chanlder', 'Earlyglow', 'Evie 2', 'San Andreas', and 'Seascape' having comparable root dry weights of 9.6 to 12.3 g per plant (Table 1).
When affected by the main effect of fertilizer type, the conventional fertilizer increased PGI, SPAD, and visual score by 4.2%, 7.1%, and 14.3% compared to the organic fertilizer, respectively (Table 2). Fertilizer type did not affect other vegetative growth variables including number of crowns, shoot, and root dry weight.
Affected by the interaction between fertilizer type and irrigation frequency (P = 0.049), strawberry plants fertilized with the conventional fertilizer and irrigated twice per day produced higher shoot dry weight of 81.8 g per plant than plants fertilized with organic fertilizer and irrigated twice per day, or plants irrigated once per day fertilized with the conventional or the organic fertilizer (Table 3). Irrigation frequency did not affect plant vegetative growth variables including PGI, SPAD, number of crowns, visual score, and root dry weight.
Table 3. Shoot dry weight affected by the interaction between irrigation frequency and fertilizer type and substrate moisture affected by the main effect of irrigation frequency of container-grown strawberries.
Irrigation frequency1 Fertilizer Shoot dry wt
(g per plant)2Substrate moisture (%) Once Organic 60.3 b 21.21 b Conventional 68.1 b Twice Organic 60.7 b 30.55 a Conventional 81.8 a P-value 0.049 < 0.0001 1 Seven June-bearing ('Allstar', 'Chandler', 'Darselect', 'Earlyglow', 'Honeoye', 'Jewel', and 'L'Amour') and three day-neutral ('Evie 2', 'San Andreas', and 'Seascape') strawberry cultivars were grown in 2-gal containers irrigated once or twice per day with the same total irrigation volume, and fertilized with a conventional controlled release fertilizer or an organic fertilizer at comparable rates.
2 Different lower-case letters within a column suggest significant difference indicated by Tukey's HSD test at P ≤ 0.05.Timing of fruit harvest
When transplanted on 28 Feb, 2018, fruit harvest of tested strawberry cultivars started 49.4 days after transplanting (DAT) in 'Honeoye' to 65.7 DAT in 'Chandler' in the 2018 growing season (Table 4), with correspondent cumulative GDDs of 536 and 783 (Fig. 1a), respectively. The day-neutral cultivar 'Evie 2' was the second latest-fruiting cultivar with the first harvest being 60.9 DAT. Local average daily air temperature was in between 12.8 to 23.6 °C during the first fruit harvest of tested cultivars (Fig. 1b). Fertilizer type or irrigation frequency did not affect the fruit production timing of any tested cultivar. The first fruit harvest was on 19 Apr and the last fruit harvest was on 13 June 2018 with a total of ten harvests.
Table 4. Fruiting characteristics including first harvest date, number of fruit per plant, berry size, soluble solids content, and fruit firmness of seven June-bearing ('Allstar', 'Chandler', 'Darselect', 'Earlyglow', 'Honeoye', 'Jewel', and 'L'Amour') and three day-neutral ('Evie 2', 'San Andreas', and 'Seascape') strawberry cultivars grown in Starkville, Mississippi in 2018.
Cultivar First harvest date1 (DAT) Number
of fruit
(per plant)Berry size (g per berry) Soluble
solids content
(°Brix)Fruit firmness (N) Allstar 58.6 bc 6.9 c 8.8 e 10.5 a 1.89 abc Chandler 65.7 a 4.6 cd 11.7 d 10.4 a 1.32 e Darselect 54.0 def 4.7 cd 14.0 bc 11.5 a 1.48 de Earlyglow 51.3 fg 3.9 cd 9.3 e 11.5 a 1.49 de Evie 2 60.9 b 16.5 a 14.8 b 8.4 c 1.53 de Honeoye 49.4 g 4.4 cd 10.1 de 10.4 ab 1.60 cde Jewel 58.4 bcd 6.0 cd 10.2 de 10.3 ab 1.73 bcd L'Amour 57.3 bcde 3.1 d 12.2 cd 11.1 a 2.00 ab San Andreas 53.7 efg 5.0 cd 17.8 a 8.7 bc 2.17 a Seascape 54.4 cdef 12.3 b 14.2 bc 10.9 a 1.65 cd P-value < 0.0001 < 0.0001 < 0.0001 < 0.0001 < 0.0001 1 Different lower-case letters within a column suggest significant difference indicated by Tukey's HSD test at P ≤ 0.05. Figure 1.
(a) Cumulative growing degree days (GDDs) and (b) outdoor daily air temperatures from 1 Mar to 15 June 2018 in Starkville, Mississippi, U.S. GDDs = (Tdaily max + Tdaily min)/2– Tbase. Tbase = 3 °C for strawberries. GDDs was calculated on a daily basis, and cumulative GDDs during certain time periods were estimated by summing up daily GDDs; Local outdoor air temperature data was obtained from the USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service website.
In April, five cultivars 'Darselect', 'Earlyglow', 'Honeoye', 'San Andreas', and 'Seascape' produced similar yield ranging from 17.9 to 24.4 g fruit per plant, higher than 'Allstar', 'Chandler', or 'Jewel' (Table 5). In May, the two day-neutral cultivars 'Evie 2' and 'Seascape' produced the highest and second highest yield of 170.6 and 135.7 g fruit per plant, with 'Chandler', 'Darselect','Earlyglow', 'Honeoye', and 'L'Amour' producing the lowest yield of 16.6 and 50.2 g fruit per plant. The cultivars 'Allstar', 'Jewel', and 'San Andreas' produced similar intermediate yields of 52.0 to 61.1 g fruit per plant in May. The conventional fertilizer increased yield in May by 17.3% compared with the organic fertilizer (Table 2). In June, 'Evie 2' produced the highest yield of 56.8 g fruit per plant, with all other cultivars producing similar yield below 10 g fruit per plant. 'Darselect' and 'Jewel' did not produce any fruit in June. Except for the two early ripening cultivars 'Earlyglow' and 'Honeoye' producing peak harvest in April, the other eight cultivars produced peak harvest in May, which was 68% to 92% of total yield.
Table 5. Monthly and total yield of seven June-bearing ('Allstar', 'Chandler', 'Darselect', 'Earlyglow', 'Honeoye', 'Jewel', and 'L'Amour') and three day-neutral ('Evie 2', 'San Andreas', and 'Seascape') strawberry cultivars grown in Starkville, Mississippi in 2018.
Cultivar Strawberry yield in 2018 (g per plant)1 April May June Total Allstar 5.0 c 52.0 cd 1.5 b 58.4 cd Chandler 3.5 c 50.2 cde 1.9 b 55.7 cd Darselect 18.6 ab 47.3 cde 0 b 65.8 cd Earlyglow 17.9 ab 16.7 e 0.6 b 35.2 d Evie 2 8.9 bc 170.6 a 56.8 a 236.3 a Honeoye 24.4 a 16.6 e 0.5 b 41.5 d Jewel 4.6 c 53.8 cd 0 b 58.5 cd L’Amour 10.0 bc 25.3 de 0.5 b 35.8 d San Andreas 23.4 a 61.1 c 5.3 b 89.8 c Seascape 22.5 a 135.7 b 9.4 b 167.6 b P-value < 0.0001 < 0.0001 < 0.0001 < 0.0001 1 Different lower-case letters within a column suggest significant difference indicated by Tukey's HSD test at P ≤ 0.05. For total yield, the two day-neutral cultivars 'Evie 2' and 'Seascape' ranked first and second producing yield of 236.3 and 167.6 g per plant, respectively (Table 5). 'Evie 2' and 'Seascape' also produced the highest and the second highest fruit number of 16.5 and 12.3 per plant among all tested cultivars (Table 4). The seven June-bearing cultivars Allstar', 'Chandler', 'Darselect', 'Earlyglow', 'Honeoye', 'Jewel', and 'L'Amour' generally produced similar total yield and number of fruit per plant ranging from 35.2 to 65.8 g per plant and 3.1 to 6.9 fruits per plant, respectively.
Fruit quality
The day-neutral cultivar 'San Andreas' produced the largest berry size averaged 17.8 g per berry, higher than 'Darselect', 'Evie 2', or 'Seascape' producing berry size of 14.0 to 14.8 g per berry. 'Allstar', 'Earlyglow', 'Honeoye', and 'Jewel' produced comparable lowest berry sizes of 8.8 to 10.1 g per berry (Table 4).
'Allstar', 'Chandler', 'Darselect', 'Earlyglow', 'Honeoye', 'Jewel', 'L'Amour', and 'Seascape' had comparable soluble solids content ranging from 10.3 to 11.1 °Brix, with 'Evie 2' and 'San Andreas' producing fruit with the lowest soluble solids content of 8.4 and 8.7 °Brix, respectively. 'San Andreas', 'L'Amour', and 'Allstar' produced the firmest strawberry fruit of 1.89 to 2.17 N, higher than 'Chandler', 'Darselect', 'Earlyglow', or 'Evie 2' producing the least firm fruit of 1.32 to 1.53 N (Table 4).
Fruiting characteristics including time of fruit harvest, strawberry yield, berry size, number of fruit per plant, fruit soluble solids content and firmness were not affected by fertilizer type or irrigation frequency.
Water use and substrate moisture
Daily water use was significantly different among cultivars on June 19 but similar among cultivars on June 26 ranging from 0.57 to 0.78 L per day (Table 6). On June 19, eight cultivars had similar daily water use ranging from 0.54 L ('San Andreas') to 0.67 L ('Allstar'), with 'L'Amour' and 'Seascape' having the highest and lowest daily water use of 0.71 and 0.53 L per day, respectively. Substrate moisture at 6-cm depth was generally similar among cultivars ranging from 23.1% in 'Darselect' to 28.0% in 'Allstar'. Organic fertilizer resulted in increased substrate moisture by 10.6% compared to the conventional fertilizer (Table 2). Two irrigations per day also increased substrate moisture by 44.0% compared to one irrigation per day (Table 3).
Table 6. Daily water use measured on two dates and substrate moisture measured on 27 June 2018 of seven June-bearing ('Allstar', 'Chandler', 'Darselect', 'Earlyglow', 'Honeoye', 'Jewel', and 'L'Amour') and three day-neutral ('Evie 2', 'San Andreas', and 'Seascape') strawberry cultivars grown in containers in Starkville, Mississippi.
Cultivar Daily water use
(L per day)1Substrate moisture (%) 19 June 26 June 27 June Allstar 0.67 ab 0.78 28.0 a Chandler 0.58 abc 0.73 25.0 ab Darselect 0.60 abc 0.66 23.1 b Earlyglow 0.58 abc 0.67 26.8 ab Evie 2 0.53 bc 0.65 26.9 ab Honeoye 0.65 abc 0.72 27.5 a Jewel 0.57 abc 0.62 27.3 ab L'Amour 0.71 a 0.72 23.8 ab San Andreas 0.54 bc 0.61 25.5 ab Seascape 0.53 c 0.57 25.0 ab P-value 0.0004 0.074 0.0037 1 Different lower-case letters within a column suggest significant difference indicated by Tukey's HSD test at P ≤ 0.05. Gas exchange
Net photosynthetic rate (Pn) was the highest in 'L'Amour' of 14.4 µmol·m−2·s−1, similar to 'San Andreas' or 'Seascape', but higher than the other seven cultivars ranging from 9.7 to 11.2 µmol·m−2·s−1 (Table 7). Stomatal conductance (gs) was similar among all cultivars ranging from 0.072 mol·m−2·s−1 in 'Darselect' to 0.14 mol·m−2·s−1 in 'L'Amour' or 'San Andreas'. The conventional fertilizer increased Pn by 12.1% compared with the organic fertilizer (Table 2). 'San Andreas' had the highest transpiration rate (E) of 6.65 mmol·m−2·s−1, similar to 'Allstar', 'Chandler', 'Earlyglow', 'Evie 2', 'L'Amour', and 'Seascape', but higher than 'Darselect', 'Honeoye', or 'Jewel' with E ranging from 3.16 mmol·m−2·s−1 to 3.98 mmol·m−2·s−1. Gas exchange measurements including Pn, gs, and E were not affected by irrigation frequency.
Table 7. Gas exchange measurements including net photosynthetic rate (Pn), stomatal conductance (gs), and transpiration rate (E) of seven June-bearing ('Allstar', 'Chandler', 'Darselect', 'Earlyglow', 'Honeoye', 'Jewel', and 'L'Amour') and three day-neutral ('Evie 2', 'San Andreas', and 'Seascape') strawberry cultivars grown in containers in Starkville, Mississippi.
Cultivar Pn
(mmol·m−2·s−1)Allstar 9.8 d 0.10 a 4.37 ab Chandler 11.2 bcd 0.12 a 4.73 ab Darselect 10.3 bcd 0.072 a 3.16 b Earlyglow 10.7 bcd 0.11 a 5.57 ab Evie 2 11.2 bcd 0.11 a 4.61 ab Honeoye 9.7 d 0.089 a 3.74 b Jewel 9.9 cd 0.083 a 3.98 b L'Amour 14.4 a 0.14 a 5.53 ab San Andreas 13.4 ab 0.14 a 6.65 a Seascape 13.0 abc 0.12 a 5.09 ab P-value < 0.0001 0.026 0.0006 1 Different lower-case letters within a column suggest significant difference indicated by Tukey's HSD test at P ≤ 0.05. -
Of the ten tested cultivars, the two day-neutral cultivars 'Evie 2' and 'Seascape' produced higher total and late-season yields than any other June-bearing cultivar, with 'Earlyglow' and 'Honeoye' being the most early ripening cultivar. The conventional fertilizer increased plant vegetative growth, yield in May, and net photosynthesis of strawberry plants compared to the organic fertilizer at comparable rates, but did not affect time of fruit production or fruit quality. Organically fertilized strawberry plants grown in soilless substrate would likely require a combination of granular and liquid fertilizer sources to satisfy plant nutrient requirements effectively. More frequent irrigation in combination with the conventional fertilizer was beneficial for plant vegetative growth with improved shoot dry weight
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Lalk GT, Bi G, Stafne ET, Li T. 2023. Fertilizer type and irrigation frequency affect plant growth, yield, and gas exchange of containerized strawberry cultivars. Technology in Horticulture 3:3 doi: 10.48130/TIH-2023-0003
Fertilizer type and irrigation frequency affect plant growth, yield, and gas exchange of containerized strawberry cultivars
- Received: 14 December 2022
- Accepted: 13 February 2023
- Published online: 21 March 2023
Abstract: Small-scale strawberry production in southeastern states requires cultivars adaptive to local climates and with season extension potentials. This study investigated plant growth, yield, gas exchange, and fruit quality of ten strawberry (Fragaria × ananassa Duch.) cultivars affected by fertilizer type and irrigation frequency in a containerized production system in 2018. Bare root liners of seven June-bearing and three day-neutral cultivars were grown in 2-gallon containers, fertilized with a conventional fertilizer or an organic fertilizer at comparable rates, and irrigated once or twice daily with the same total irrigation volume. Strawberry cultivars varied in vegetative growth (including plant growth index (PGI), leaf SPAD, number of crowns, visual score, and root dry weight) and fruiting characteristics (including first harvest date, yield, number of fruit, berry size, fruit soluble solids content, and firmness). Day-neutral cultivars 'Evie 2' and ‘Seascape’ produced the highest total yields and late-season yield in June. The conventional fertilizer resulted in higher PGI, leaf SPAD, plant visual score, fruit yield in May, daily water use, and net photosynthetic rate than the organic fertilizer. Two irrigations per day increased substrate moisture compared with one irrigation per day, and increased shoot dry weight with the conventional fertilizer application. Irrigation frequency did not affect PGI, leaf SPAD, gas exchange, fruit yield, or quality in tested strawberry cultivars.
Key words:
- Fragaria × ananassa /
- June-bearing /
- Day-neutral /
- Organic fertilizer /
- Irrigation frequency /
- Containerized production