The direct results of pollination are summarized in Table 1.
Table 1. The results of pollination: distributions of sampled flowers by pollination method.*
Number of flowers/fruits*** Total weight of fruits (g) Hand Robot Hand Robot Fruited flowers** Grade 3 33 (66) (72) 27 (54) (59) 333 (75) 271 (62) Grade 2 6 (12) (13) 11 (22) (24) 60 (14) 128 (29) Grade 1 7 (14) (15) 8 (16) (17) 52 (12) 37 (8) Sub-total 46 (92) (100) 46 (92) (100) 446 (100) 436 (100) Sterile flowers 4 (8) 4 (8) Total 50 (100) 50 (100) * Numbers in parenthesis are percentages. ** For the definition of the grade, see Fig. 4. *** The chi-square test of the distribution of fruited flowers indicates that the null hypothesis that differences in pollination methods are independent of the distribution over the grades is not rejected at p = 0.05 (χ2 = 2.14, D.F. = 2, p = 0.34). For both pollination methods, four flowers out of 50 sampled flowers pollinated ended up sterile. A sterile rate of 8% is considered typical for the strawberry variety used[29]. Although the same number of sterile flowers appeared by hand pollination and robot pollination, respectively, the sterility should be caused by the quality of pollen and pistils[30−32] and therefore not considered to be related to the pollination methods.
Fruited flowers became fully ripened and harvested, on average, 26 d after pollination. As shown in Fig. 5, it is difficult for eye inspection to distinguish the fully ripened robot-pollinated strawberry from the hand-pollinated one.
Table 1 shows the distribution of fruited flowers by the grade of the ripened fruits graded according to the criteria specified in Fig. 4. The number and weight of fruits that belong to Grade 3 (the highest grade) are both better for hand-pollinated fruits than robot-pollinated ones. The opposite is the case for Grade 2. For the fruits that belong to Grade 1 consisting of malformed fruits, hand pollination records one fruit less than robot pollination, but in terms of weight, robot pollination gives less weight than hand pollination. As a result, the percentage of marketable fruits (Grade 3 + Grade 2) in terms of weight is higher for robot pollination (92%) than for hand pollination (88%). The percentage of nonmarketable fruits in terms of weight is as low as 8% for robot-pollinated fruits.
The χ2-test applied to the hand and robot distributions of the number of fruits in Table 1 indicates that the null hypothesis that differences in pollination methods are independent of the distribution over the quality grades cannot be rejected. If the average grade is computed, treating the grade number as a rank variable, it is 2.57 for hand-pollinated fruits and 2.41 for robot-pollinated fruits, the difference of which is not statistically significant even if with the one-tail t-test.
The percentage of non-marketable fruits of 8% is the lowest record as far as we have searched in the literature on strawberry production in greenhouses and PFALs, only followed by 13%[33]. These results suggest that hand pollination may have an advantage over robot pollination in producing better quality fruits, though the advantage would not be so large, and that, with the low rate of non-marketable fruits, this robot pollination is at a level practically applicable.
Fruit characteristics
Table 2 summarizes the results of the two-way ANOVA, with the pollination methods ('Hand' and 'Robot') and the Grade (3, 2, and 1) as factors, applied separately to five fruit characteristics as dependent variables. Five points deserve special mention.
Table 2. The results of ANOVA: the significance probability of fruit grade, pollination method, and their interaction effect, and the ratio of the residual variation to the total variation, for the five fruit characteristics.*
Factor Variation ratio Grade of fruits Pollination method Interaction effect Residual/Total*** Significance provability** Fruit weight (g/fruit)) 8.2E-04 0.646 0.260 0.811 Fruit volume (cm3/fruit) 0.001 0.596 0.316 0.945 Brix (%) 0.081 0.483 0.763 0.934 Number of achenes (no./fruit) 0.491 0.996 0.702 0.971 Percentage of fertilized achenes (%) 1.3E-13 0.027 0.431 0.469 * The degree of freedom is 2 for the grade, 1 for the pollination method, 2 for the interaction effect, 86 for the residual, and 91 for the total variation.
** For p < 0.001, probabilities are expressed in an index form, such as 8.2E-04, which stands for 8.2 × 10−4. The probability of less than the critical level of p = 0.05 is expressed in bold letters.
*** The variation ratio, residual/total, means the share in the total variation of the variation that is not explained by the factors.First, the difference (variation) in the pollination method does not give any statistically significant effect on any of the first four fruits characteristics in the table, neither independently nor in interaction with the Grade. Second, an exception for these results is the percentage of fertilized achenes in the total number of achenes, on which difference in the pollination method gives an effect statistically significant at p < 0.05. This is an important result because the significant effect that robot pollination gives on the percentage of fertilized achenes is negative. The simple correlation coefficient (r) between the percentage of fertilized achenes and a robot dummy variable (robot-pollination = 1 and hand-pollination = 0) is r = −0.22.
Third, the differences in Grade give statistically significant effects on the weight and volume of fruits and the percentage of fertilized achenes in the total number of achenes. Fourth, Brix and the number of achenes are characteristics affected neither by the difference in the Grade nor the pollination method.
Fifth, the ratio of the total variation of the dependent variable accounted for by the variations of the factor to the total variation, which is (1 - Residual/Total), is less than 10% for the volume, the Brix, and the number of achenes, 19% for the weight, and 53% for the percentage of fertilized achenes. The high percentage of the last characteristic is due to the high positive correlation between the percentage of fertilized achenes and the Grade levels (r = 0.7), which is brought about because the percentage of fertilized achenes is an important criterion in the grading of fruits (Fig. 4).
Mean comparison
The means of the five fruit characteristics are compared in Table 3 by the pollination method and Grade.
Table 3. The means and coefficient of variations (CV) of the weight, volume, and brix of strawberry fruits, the total number of achenes per fruit, and percentage share of fertilized achenes in the total achenes, by pollination method and grade.*
Hand Robot 1/2 Mean 1 CV (%) Mean 2 CV (%) Fruit weight (g/fruit) Grade 3 10.1a 38.9 10.0a 31.7 1.01 Grade 2 10.0ab 37.0 11.6a 42.5 0.86 Grade 1 7.50ab 61.9 4.60b 62.8 1.63 Fruit volume (cm3/fruit) Grade 3 6.84a 46.8 6.58a 33.9 1.04 Grade 2 6.84ab 39.9 7.98a 48.9 0.86 Grade 1 4.84ac 64.2 2.77bc 68.6 1.75 Brix (%) Grade 3 9.36a 12.7 9.35a 13.2 1.00 Grade 2 9.38a 10.6 9.55a 8.7 0.98 Grade 1 9.87a 8.9 10.3a 11.5 0.95 Number of achenes (no./fruit) Grade 3 144a 32.3 133a 25.3 1.08 Grade 2 131a 38.8 140a 40.2 0.94 Grade 1 122a 55.9 125a 28.3 0.98 Percentage of fertilized achenes (%) Grade 3 81.5a 17.6 78.2a 19.6 1.04 Grade 2 60.3ab 45.7 47.0bc 36.1 1.28 Grade 1 43.9bc 55.4 30.5c 67.9 1.44 * Of the six means for each characteristic, the means followed by the same alphabet letter are not statistically different at p < 0.05 (tested by the Tukey method). The weight and volume of fruits are both important characteristics that positively affect the marketability of strawberries. For the means of these two characteristics of the fruits that belong to the two marketable-fruit grades, Grades 3 and 2, there are no statistically significant differences among the four means, not only between the two pollination methods but also between Grade 3 and Grade 2. For the unmarketable malformed fruits of Grade 1, the mean weight of robot-pollinated fruits (4.6 g) is different statistically significantly from those of Grade 2 (11.6 g) and Grade 3 (10.0 g). For the hand-pollinated fruits, the mean weight of malformed fruits of Grade 1 is lighter than those of Grade 2 and Grade 3, but the differences are not statistically significant. The means of fruit volume are subject to the same difference pattern. These results indicate that the significant mean difference between marketable and non-marketable robot-pollinated fruits makes the grade a significant factor in the ANOVA of weight and volume in Table 2. For these two characteristics, the variations among the fruits within the six categories, measured by the coefficient of variation, are large, particularly for the fruits of Grade 1. However, for each grade, there are no appreciable systematic differences in the degree of variation between the two pollination methods.
The average weight of marketable fruits in this study (Grades 3 + 2 for Hand + Robot) is 10.3 g/fruit. The strawberry cultivar used, 'Yotsuboshi,' was developed in the mid-2010s. The developers of this variety introduced it as having fruits of medium to small size, good triangular pyramid shape, and high redness[34], which are the characteristics of the marketable fruits (Grade 3 and Grade 2) in our experiment (Fig. 3 & 4). A difference from our study was the fruit weight, which is reported 20 g/fruit on average. The weight of our fruits is lighter because plants constantly, as explained earlier, keep bearing fruits for more than one year. The fruit size becomes smaller as harvest proceeds to lower inflorescences[33, 35]. It should be emphasized that strawberries of smaller sizes are not necessarily handicapped in the consumer market. Strawberries of around 10 g/fruit are categorized as small to medium sizes according to the shipping standard in Japan and are widely distributed in the market. It is reported that 'Yotsuboshi' strawberries of this size command good prices[36].
The sugar content (Brix%) of fruits, on average 9.5%, is a stable characteristic that does not vary, not only between the pollination methods but also across grades. The variation among the fruits in each category is also relatively small. It is even stable across cultivars. Among the popular strawberry cultivars in the Japanese consumer market, those with a sugar content of 9-10% far exceed the majority[37].
The total number of achenes per fruit is another characteristic that is affected neither by the pollination methods nor by the grades, although the variation among fruits is larger than in the case of Brix. It has been reported that pistil differentiation occurs during the flower bud differentiation stage, indicating that the number of total achenes is determined before pollination[38]. Therefore, the total number of achenes would not be affected by the pollination methods.
Since the percentage of fertilized achenes in the total achenes per fruit is a criterion in the shape-based grading adopted in this study, the means decline as the grade becomes lower for both hand and robot pollination. The mean difference between Grade 3 and Grade 1 is statistically significant for both pollination methods. For hand-pollinated fruits, the mean of Grade 2 is not statistically distinguishable from those of Grade 3 and Grade 1, while for robot-pollinated fruits, the mean of Grade 2 is statistically different from that of Grade 3 but not distinguishable from that of Grade 1. For this characteristic, the ANOVA reveals that robot pollination gives a statistically significant negative effect on this variable (Table 2). The mean difference between the two pollination methods by Grade is not statistically significant for all three grades (Table 3). Unlike other characteristics, however, the mean of hand-pollinated fruits is consistently higher than that of robot-pollinated fruits for all three grades. These systematic differences make the pollination method a significant factor in the ANOVA. Whether pollination satisfactory goes well for robot pollination matters here.
Webb et al., studying English strawberry cultivars, found that there were commonly eight achenes per cm2 of the surface of strawberry fruits produced in good commercial cultivation[35]. The mean surface areas of robot-pollinated Grade 3 and Grade 2 fruits in this study are 15.5 cm2 (radius = 1.54 cm, length = 2.80 cm) and 17.5 cm2 (radius = 1.65 cm, length = 2.93 cm), respectively, and their standard achene number reproduces the total number of achenes almost exactly; 124 and 139 per fruit, respectively, for the actual numbers of 133 and 140 per fruit (Table 3). Applying the percentage of fertilized achenes (Table 3), the mean numbers of fertilized achenes per robot-pollinated fruits are 104 for Grade 3 and 66 for Grade 2. Webb et al. also established well that the number of achenes on a strawberry fruit is highly correlated with the weight of the fruit[35]. SPRIAF (2005) reports that the number of fertilized achenes for two medium- to small-sized commercially popular strawberry cultivars is 108 and 85 per fruit of 12.6 and 10.9 g, respectively[33]. As far as Grade 3 fruits are concerned, the performance in producing fertilized achenes of the robot-pollinated strawberries in our experiment in the PFAL is comparable to the performance of similar-sized strawberry cultivars in greenhouses with bee-pollination.
Prospects for improving robot pollination
Though not statistically significant, robot pollination tended to have a lower percentage of the highest grade (Grade 3) fruits than hand pollination (Table 1). Though not statistically significant also, the number of fertilized achenes is consistently less for robot pollination than for hand pollination for all three grades (Table 3). This might have indeed been caused by the dimensional difference of the movement of the pollination methods. The movement of the robot toward flowers is uniform and 2-dimensional. In contrast, the movement of hand pollination can be back and forth, i.e., 3-dimensional, adjusting flexibly depending on each flower. In other words, depth is added to the 2-dimensional movements in hand pollination. The results of our experiment indicate that such a difference, if any, does not result in any significant difference in the grade of strawberries between the two pollination methods. Improving the pollination accuracy by applying such depth into the robot pollination movement and allowing the movement flexibility depending on flowers, the percentages of higher grades could be increased.
The strawberry plants used in this experiment were regularly pruned to adjust the number of leaves so that the flower clusters would be brought to the front side. This prevented the flowers and fruits from being hidden by the leaves. While bees can move freely around plants and spatially recognize flowers, the robot uses a fixed RGB camera to detect flowers. If leaves are not pruned regularly, the robot may not be able to detect flowers well, and thus may not perform successful pollination. Should this pollination robot be adopted in other strawberry-growing environments, it would be necessary to be combined with regular pruning.
In this study, we assessed, in comparison with hand pollination, the feasibility of robot pollination in producing quality fruits in strawberry production in PFALs. There were no differences in the percentages of marketable and non-marketable fruits between the two pollination methods. For robot-pollinated fruits, the percentage of unmarketable, malformed fruits to be scrapped is less than 10%, a level rarely attained by any method of pollination. Of the five fruit-quality-related characteristics examined, no statistically significant differences were found between the two pollination methods in weight, volume, sugar content, and the number of achenes. The percentage of fertilized achenes in the total number of achenes was the only characteristic for which robot pollination showed some systematically inferior results relative to hand pollination, though not statistically significant if the comparison was made for the fruits in the same grade. Although robot pollination, as it is, is not perfectly comparable to or exceeded manual pollination yet, it has already reached a level of practical use to solve the problem of pollination by bees. Slight improvements to add the robot pollination 3-dimensional flexible movements would make it possible to replace hand or bee pollination with equal or even better performance as far as the quality of strawberry fruits are concerned.
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Nishimoto Y, Lu N, Ichikawa Y, Watanabe A, Kikuchi M, et al. 2023. An evaluation of pollination methods for strawberries cultivated in plant factories: robot vs hand. Technology in Horticulture 3:19 doi: 10.48130/TIH-2023-0019
An evaluation of pollination methods for strawberries cultivated in plant factories: robot vs hand
- Received: 03 June 2023
- Accepted: 21 July 2023
- Published online: 08 September 2023
Abstract: The cultivation of strawberries in plant factories with artificial lighting (PFAL) has recently been recognized as it makes pesticide-free and stable year-round production possible. Conventional strawberry cultivation uses bees for pollination. Considering the global decline in bee populations and the difficulty of managing these living creatures in a closed environment, it is essential to establish an efficient and sustainable alternative for pollination in PFAL. This study investigated the feasibility of robotic pollination in PFAL by comparing the effects of hand and robot pollination on strawberry fruit quality and yield. No differences between the two pollination methods were found in the percentages of marketable and non-marketable fruits. Also, there were no differences in weight, volume, sugar content, and the number of achenes among the fruits of the same grade. Although robot pollination, as it is, is not perfectly comparable to or exceeds manual pollination yet, it has already reached a level of practical use to solve the problem of pollination by bees.
Key words:
- Bee pollination /
- Fertilization rate of achenes /
- Fruit quality /
- Marketable fruit /
- Sustainability