The abilities of 29 fungal strains to degrade PU and PUPB were tested. Fungal degradative abilities were analyzed by determining mass loss after 90 days of observation. After 90 days of incubation, PU films and PUPB patches were both collected, washed thoroughly with distilled water, shade-dried and weighed. According to collected data, mass loss of PU films and PUPB patches were calculated using the following formula (Mathur & Prasad 2012).
$ \mathrm{M}(\%)=\frac{(\mathrm{M} 1-\mathrm{M} 2) \times 100}{\mathrm{M} 1} $ In the formula, M (%) is the percentage of mass loss, M1 (g) is the initial mass before degradation and M2 (g) is the final mass after degradation.
Macro- and micro-morphological photography
Fungal colonies were incubated at 25℃ for four weeks on PDA. Micro-morphological structures were photographed using a Nikon compound microscope (Nikon ECLIPSE Ni) fitted with a Canon (EOS 600 D) digital camera. Micro-morphological changes in PU and PUPB structures after fungal degradation were observed via Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM, Sigma 300). Measurements were taken using the Tarosoft (R) Image Frame Work program. Images used for figures were processed with Adobe Photoshop CS6.
DNA extraction, PCR amplification, sequencing and phylogenetic analyses
Genomic DNA was extracted from the mycelium grown on PDA at 25℃ for four weeks using Biospin Fungus Genomic DNA Extraction Kit (BioFlux® Hangzhou, China). Three genes were used in our study, viz. internal transcribed spacer region (ITS) using primer pair ITS5/ITS4 (White et al. 1990), the large subunit nuclear ribosomal (LSU) using primer pair LR0R/LR5 (Vilgalys & Hester 1990), the translation elongation factor 1-alpha gene (tef1-α) using primer pair EF1/EF2 (O'Donnell et al. 1998) and the second largest subunit of RNA polymerase Ⅱ (rpb2) using primer pair 5f2/11ar (Liu et al. 1999, Reeb et al. 2004). Amplification reactions were performed in a total volume of 25 μL of PCR mixtures containing 8.5 μL ddH2O, 12.5 μL 2X PCR MasterMix (TIANGEN Co., China), 2 μL DNA template and 1 μL of each primer. The PCR thermal cycling program for LSU, ITS and tef1-α were set as described in Wang et al. (2019) PCR products were sent for sequencing at Qingke Company, Kunming City, Yunnan Province, China. Sequences were deposited in GenBank (Table 1).
Table 1. Taxa names, strain numbers, host information, locations and corresponding GenBank accession numbers of the sequences used for the phylogenetic analyses
Taxon name Strain number Isolate habitat/host Location GenBank accession numbers LSU ITS tef1-α rpb2 Geejayeesia atrofusca NRRL 22316 Staphylea trifolia USA AF178392 AF178423 AF178361 JX171609 Fusarium catenata NRRL 54992 Zebra shark multiple tissues USA MG189913 KC808255 KC808213 KC808354 Fusarium catenata NRRL 54993T Zebra shark multiple tissues USA MG189914 KC808256 KC808214 KC808355 Fusarium croci CBS 115659 Potato Germany JX435206 JX435206 JX435156 JX435256 Fusarium croci CBS 142423T Citrus sinensis Italy LT746264 LT746264 LT746216 LT746329 Fusarium croci CPC 27187 Citrus sinensis Italy LT746265 LT746265 LT746217 LT746330 Fusarium cyanescens CBS 518.82T = NRRL 37625 Human foot The Netherlands EU329684 EU329684 FJ240353 EU329637 Fusarium falciformis CBS 318.73 = NRRL 22660 Trichosanthes dioica India JX435208 JX435208 JX435158 JX435258 Fusarium falciformis CBS 475.67T Human Puerto Rico MG189915 MG189935 LT906669 LT960558 Fusarium gamsii CBS 217.53 = NRRL 22655 Plywood Nigeria MG189916 MG189936 DQ247637 LT960559 Fusarium gamsii CBS 143207T = NRRL 32323 Human bronchoalveolar lavage fluid USA DQ236462 DQ094420 DQ246951 EU329576 Fusarium haematococa CBS 119600ET Dying tree Sri Lanka KM231664 KM231797 DQ247510 LT960561 Fusarium illudens NRRL 22090 Beilschmiedia tawa New Zealand AF178362 AF178393 AF178326 JX171601 Fusarium keratoplastica NRRL 43373 Contact lens Malaysia EF453072 EF453072 EF452920 EF469959 Fusarium lichenicola NRRL 28030 Human Thailand DQ236397 DQ094355 DQ246877 EF470146 Fusarium lichenicola NRRL 34123 Human eye India DQ236687 DQ094645 DQ247192 EU329635 Fusarium macrospora CBS 142424T Citrus sinensis Italy LT746281 LT746266 LT746218 LT746331 Fusarium macrospora CPC 28192 Citrus sinensis Italy LT746282 LT746267 LT746219 LT746332 Fusarium mahasenii CBS 119594T Dead branch of live tree Sri Lanka JF433045 JF433045 DQ247513 LT960563 Fusarium metavorans CBS 130400 = NRRL 43489 Human cornea USA DQ790528 DQ790528 DQ790484 DQ790572 Fusarium metavorans CBS 143194 = NRRL 22782 Human corneal ulcer Spain EU329670 EU329670 DQ246850 EU329528 Fusarium petroliphila NRRL 46706 = FMR 8340 Human blood Qatar EU329715 EU329715 NA EU329664 Fusarium plagianthi NRRL 22632 Hoheria glabrata New Zealand AF178386 AF178417 AF178354 JX171614 Fusarium pseudensiformis CBS 241.93 = NRRL 53635 Human Suriname JX435198 JX435198 JX435148 JX435248 Fusarium pseudensiformis CBS 125729T Unknown dead tree Sri Lanka KC691584 KC691584 DQ247512 NA Fusarium solani CBS 140079ET = NRRL 66304 = FRC S-2364 Solanum tuberosum Slovenia KT313633 KT313633 KT313611 KT313623 Fusarium solani NRRL 32484 = FRC S-1242 Human USA DQ236491 DQ094449 DQ246982 EU329583 Fusarium solani NRRL 43474 Human eye USA EF453097 EF453097 EF452945 EF469984 Fusarium solani KUMCC 20- 0230 Soil China JX435189 MW393522 MW460712 MW460711 Fusarium suttoniana CBS 124892 Human nail Gabon DQ236659 JX435189 DQ247163 JX435239 Fusarium suttoniana CBS 143214T = NRRL 32858 Human wound USA MG189926 DQ094617 LT906672 EU329630 Fusarium tonkinensis CBS 115.40T = NRRL 53586 = IMI 113868 Musa sapientum Vietnam MG189927 MG189941 LT906673 LT960564 Fusarium tonkinensis CBS 143038 Human cornea The Netherlands EF453092 MG189942 EF452940 LT960565 Fusarium vasinfecta CBS 130182 = NRRL 43467 Human USA AF178392 EF453092 AF178361 EF469979 Our strain sequence is indicated in bold. "NA" sequences are unavailable. Ex-type strains are indicated with superscript "T". Ex-epitype strains are indicated with superscript "ET". Sequences of representative taxa were retrieved from GenBank (, and accession numbers are listed in Table 1. Newly generated sequences in this study were assembled using BioEdit (Hall 1999). Individual gene regions were separately aligned in the MAFFT v.7.110 web server ( (Katoh et al. 2019). Gene alignments were improved by manually deleting ambiguous regions plus gaps and combined using BioEdit 7.2.3. Final alignments containing LSU, ITS, tef1-α and rpb2 were converted to NEXUS format (.nxs), employing CLUSTAL X (2.0) (Thompson et al. 1997). The FASTA format was translated into PHYLIP format via Alignment Transformation Environment (ALTER) online program ( and used for maximum likelihood analysis. Maximum likelihood analysis (ML) was carried out in CIPRES Science Gateway v.3.3 (; Miller et al. 2010) under RAxML-HPC2 on XSEDE (8.2.12) (Stamatakis 2014) with the GTR+GAMMA substitution model and 1, 000 bootstrap iterations. Bayesian analyses of six simultaneous Markov chains were run for 2, 000, 000 generations, and trees were sampled every 100th generations. Phylogenetic trees were visualized in FigTree v1.4.0 (, Rambaut 2012). The constructed tree was edited using Microsoft PowerPoint and saved as a PDF format.
Enzyme activity determination
For detecting lipase, esterase and protease activities, cultured fungal mycelia were transferred to a peptone agar medium (1% peptone, 0.5% NaCl, 0.01% CaCl2·H2O, 1.5% agar) (w/v), PDA medium (1% peptone, 0.1% yeast extract, 0.005% CaCl2, 1.5% agar) (w/v) and basal medium (2 % sucrose, 0.5% yeast extract, 2% KCl and 1.5% agar) (w/v), respectively (Sierra 1956, Castro et al. 1992, Vermelho et al. 1996, El-Morsy et al. 2017). Peptone agar medium was supplemented with 1% of autoclaved tween 80, PDA medium was supplemented with 1% tween 20 (El-Morsy et al. 2017). Plates were incubated at 28℃ for 7 days. Protease production was detected by staining the medium with 0.25% Coomassie brilliant blue (methanol-acetic acid-water 5:1:4 (v/v/v); Beijing Solarbio Science and Technology Co., China) (Vermelho et al. 1996). An opaque halo could be easily observed around the colonies, indicating tested micro-organisms experienced lipolytic activity on the peptone agar medium (Sierra 1956). Esterase production by the fungi strain was indicated by a white precipitate of calcium salt around colonies on the PDA (Castro et al. 1992). Protease production by the fungal isolates was indicated by the formation of clear zones around colonies on the basal medium (Vermelho et al. 1996). Results were evaluated by calculating an index of relative enzyme activity (RA) (Bradner et al. 1999). RA was calculated using the following equation, and diameters were measured in cm.
$ \mathrm{RA}=\frac{(\mathrm { clear\ zone\ diameter }-\mathrm { colony\ diameter) }}{\mathrm { clear\ zone\ diameter }} $
Selection testing of degradative strains via mass loss of degraded PU film and PUPB patch
Biodegradative capacity was monitored by measuring the mass loss of PU films and PUPB patches before and after incubation with isolated fungus (Ibrahim et al. 2011). Out of the 29 monitored fungal strains, the fungal isolate strain H14 reduced the mass of PU films and PUPB patches to a total loss of 25.8% and 1.3%, respectively, after 3 months (values were arrived at by averaging of three replicates, Table 2). Results showed that fungal strain H14 has the greatest ability for PU degradation compared to other fungal strains. Mass loss values also showed H14 has the ability to degrade PUPB patches (Table 2).
Table 2. PU film and PUPB patch mass loss resulting from inoculated Fusarium solani H14
Polymer type No. M1 (g) M2 (g) Difference (g) M (%) Average M (%) PU 1 0.4026 0.3020 0.1006 24.98 2 0.4002 0.2895 0.1105 27.66 25.8 3 0.3985 0.3001 0.9840 24.69 PUPB 1 0.3791 0.3741 0.0050 1.32 2 0.3375 0.3334 0.0041 1.21 1.3 3 0.5142 0.5073 0.0069 1.34
Screening and isolation of PU- and PUPB-degrading fungi
This work was financed by Open Research Fund Program of Science and Technology on Aerospace Chemical Power Laboratory (STACPL320181B04). We also would like to thank the support from the National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC21975066, NSFC21875061).
GC Ren, AM Pang, Y Gao, SX Wu, ZQ Ge, TF Zhang, DN Wanasinghe, S Khan, PE Mortimer, JC Xu, H Gui. 2021. Polyurethane-degrading fungi from soils contaminated with rocket propellant and their ability to decompose alkyne terminated polybutadiene with urethane. Studies in Fungi 6(1):224−239 doi: 10.5943/sif/6/1/15 |