The incubation period of different L. tigrinus strains are shown in Table 1. The incubation period ranged from 16.6 to 40.5 days. The shortest incubation period was demonstrated by strain 10. However, this is comparable with strain 11 (18.00 days) and strain 6 (18.10 days). On the other hand, the longest incubation period was observed in strain 1.
Table 1. Incubation period, primordial initiation, cap diameter, stipe length, yield and biological efficiency of 11 strains of Lentinus tigrinus grown on rice straw-sawdust based substrate.
Mushroom Species Incubation Period (days) Days to Primordia Initiation (days) Pileus Diameter (mm) Stipe Length (mm) Yield per bag(g) Biological Efficiency (%) Lentinus tigrinus 40.50d 44.00f 56.09bc 37.64abc 30.77cd 6.15cd strain 1 ±2.00 ±1.37 ±2.43 ±2.44 ±1.51 ±0.30 Lentinus tigrinus 20.70b 23.00ab 40.75de 27.91d 14.38def 2.86def strain 2 ±1.40 ±1.41 ±6.56 ±1.13 ±0.95 ±0.19 Lentinus tigrinus 20.10b 21.10a 59.37abc 29.30bcd 24.67cde 4.93cde strain 3 ±1.85 ±3.03 ±2.30 ±2.74 ±2.75 ±0.55 Lentinus tigrinus 20.80b 26.20b 50.80bcd 26.47d 4.33f 0.87f strain 4 ±1.52 ±1.82 ±4.54 ±5.71 ±1.44 ±0.29 Lentinus tigrinus 27.90c 33.10cd 33.19e 28.65cd 7.33ef 1.47ef strain 5 ±2.33 ±2.41 ±4.85 ±3.33 ±1.26 ±0.25 Lentinus tigrinus 18.10ab 31.60c 72.20a 38.20ab 81.83a 16.37a strain 6 ±0.22 ±0.55 ±5.61 ±1.05 ±12.87 ±2.57 Lentinus tigrinus 21.20b 37.30e 62.39ab 31.96abcd 59.00b 11.80b strain 7 ±0.27 ±0.45 ±3.20 ±1.32 ±5.77 ±1.15 Lentinus tigrinus 20.60b 32.40c 53.28bcd 35.27abcd 36.50c 7.30c strain 8 ±0.89 ±0.89 ±4.96 ±5.06 ±15.02 ±3.00 Lentinus tigrinus 29.70c 36.30de 47.73cd 39.24a 28.50cd 5.70cd strain 9 ±0.67 ±0.76 ±5.95 ±3.85 ±1.80 ±0.36 Lentinus tigrinus 16.60a 20.70a 50.71bcd 41.22a 14.67def 2.93def strain 10 ±0.89 ±0.27 ±2.97 ±3.57 ±1.26 ±0.25 Lentinus tigrinus 18.00ab 22.00a 49.48bcd 33.16abcd 15.50def 3.10def strain 11 ±2.74 ±3.04 ±3.09 ±1.56 ±7.37 ±1.47 Means with the same superscript are not significantly different at 5% levels of significance The duration of the emergence of primordia of the different strains ranged from 20.7 to 44 days. L tigrinus strain 10 recorded the fastest time to produce primordia (20.70 days), which is statistically comparable with strains 2, 3 and 11 with means of 23, 21.1 and 22 days, respectively. On the other hand, the longest time to form fruiting body initials was noted in strain 1.
The mushroom fruiting bodies consist of stipe and pileus. The stipe is the stem or stalk while the pileus is the cap of the mushroom. The size and morphological characteristics of the mushroom are inherent characteristics of the species. The pileus diameter and stipe length of the fruiting bodies are presented in Table 1. Among L. tigrinus strains evaluated, the widest mean pileus diameter was exhibited by strain 6 (72.2 mm), which is comparable to strains 3 (59.37 mm) and 7 (62.39 mm). On the other hand, strain 5 (33.19 mm) registered the smallest mean pileus diameter. The longest stipe was observed in strain 10 with a mean of 41.22 mm, which is statistically similar with strains 1, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 11 with means of 37.64 mm, 38.20 mm, 31.96 mm, 35.27 mm, 39.24 mm and 33.16 mm, respectively. Meanwhile, the shortest stipe was noted in strain 4 with a mean value of 26.47 mm.
The biological efficiency is always correlated with the yield. Table 1 also presents the yield and BE of different L. tigrinus strains. It can be seen that the highest yield was recorded in strain 6 with a mean yield of 81.83 g with a corresponding biological efficiency of 16.37%. However, the lowest yield and biological efficiency were recorded in strain 4 with mean value of 4.33 g and 0.87%, respectively.
Fruiting body production of the different strains of Lentinus tigrinus
The authors would like to thank DOST-PCHRD for funding this research. Our sincerest gratitude to the Local Government Unit of Sugpon, Ilocos Sur; Allilem, Ilocos Sur; Penablanca, Cagayan; and Pili, Camarines Sur and those who assisted us in one way or another in the conduct of this research.
SP Kalaw, AM De Leon, EJ Damaso Jr., JC Ramos, MAG del Rosario, MD Abon, JR Undan, RMR Dulay, RG Reyes. 2021. Cultivation of different strains of Lentinus tigrinus from selected areas of Luzon Island, Philippines. Studies in Fungi 6(1):299−306 doi: 10.5943/sif/6/1/20 |