The study was conducted on a farmer's field in February 2022 at Ramgram-17, Nawalparasi West, Nepal. The study site is situated at a geographic position of 27°32' N latitude and 83°40' E longitude, with an elevation of 119 m above sea level. Nawalparasi West has a sub-tropical and humid climate.
Soil characteristics
Soil samples were taken from each replication by using a shovel from 0 to 15 cm depth. Then the sample was analyzed for soil properties as presented in Table 1. The soil was tested by the technical personnel from Soil and Fertilizer Testing Laboratory, Khajura, Banke. The total nitrogen was determined by Kjeldhal distillation method[25]; available phosphorous by Olsen's method[26], and available potassium by the ammonium acetate method. Organic matter was determined by the Walkley-Black method[27], pH (1:1 soil : water suspension) by Beckman Glass electrode pH meter and soil texture by the hydrometer method.
Table 1. Physico-chemical characteristics of soil in the experimental field.
S. N. Soil properties Values 1. Textural class Clay loam (Alluvial) 2. Chemical properties 2.1 pH 7.7 (Alkaline) 2.2 Nitrogen (%) 0.09 (Low) 2.3 Phosphorus, P2O5 (kg·ha−1) (Low) 2.4 Potash, K2O (kg·ha−1) (Low) 2.5 Organic matter (%) 1.95 (Low) Experimental details
The experiment was designed using a two-factor Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD) with 12 treatments replicated three times. The factors considered were variety and fertilizer. Variety consisted of two types; Malepatan-1 (V1) and Stickless (V2). The fertilizer factor included no fertilizer treatment (F0), mycorrhiza (F1), rhizobium (F2 = 100 g per 5 kg of seed), the recommended dose of fertilizer (F3 = 20:40:20 kg NPK ha−1), mycorrhiza + rhizobium (F4), and mycorrhiza + rhizobium + RDF (F5). Cowpea varieties and fertilizers were obtained from Dawadi biofertilizer center, Buddha chowk, Chitwan (Nepal).
Each experimental plot had an area of 2.4 m × 1.5 m, accommodating four rows. The rows were spaced 60 cm apart, with each row containing five hills spaced 30 cm apart. Two seeds were sown per hill. The inter-plot distance was set at 0.3 m, while the distance between replications was maintained at 0.75 m. The field was plowed 15 d before seed sowing by using a rotavator to achieve a good soil tilth. This was followed by shallow ploughing, and planking to level the land. After leveling, clods were broken, and weeds and stubbles of the previous crop were removed.
The chemical fertilizers were supplied to the experimental fields as nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium through urea, single super phosphate (SSP), and muriate of potash (MOP), respectively, at the rate of 20 kg N, 40 kg P and 20 kg K ha−1 i.e. 20:40:20 kg NPK ha−1. The recommended amounts of urea, SSP, and MOP were calculated per area basis and weighed separately for each treatment. The total nitrogen dose was split into two equal doses. The full dose of phosphorus and potassium and half of the nitrogen dose was applied as a basal dose one day prior to sowing. The second dose of nitrogen was applied as a top dress in the third week of sowing in March 2022. Gap filling was conducted two weeks after sowing to maintain the plant population. Irrigation was provided at weekly intervals until maturity. Weeding was performed manually, with the first round at 15 d after sowing (DAS), followed by the second and third rounds at 30 DAS and 45 DAS, respectively. Pesticides, specifically, Cypermethrin at 1 ml·L−1 and Emamectin benzoate at 5 ml per 15 L, were used during the research period to control pod borers.
Seed treatments
Commercial rhizobia inoculants are available to farmers in various forms, such as solid, liquid, and freeze-dried formulations[28]. When selecting rhizobia inoculants, it is important to consider specific host legumes and ecological settings to ensure superior nodulation and nitrogen fixation efficiency compared to natural rhizobia populations[29]. Seeds were inoculated with Bradirhizobium sp. at 100 g per 5 kg of seed. To prepare the inoculant, 100 g of jaggary was initially dissolved in 250 ml of water to create jaggery slurry. The slurry was then boiled and cooled to room temperature. The recommended dose of Bradirhizobium sp. was added to the paste, and the required quantity of seeds was thoroughly mixed with the inoculant to achieve a uniform coating. The coated seeds were shade dried for 20 min prior to sowing, as outlined by Pandey et al.[30].
For mycorrhiza treatment, mycorrhiza AVESTA (all endo mycorrhiza including Glomus sp. and Acaulospora sp. coated on carriers through Agrinos Gel Technology along with nutrients, AVESTA: 3,000−3,500 spores g−1 at 4 kg 10 katha−1 (1 katha = 0.00138 ha) was incorporated in soil at 14 DAS. Each plot was inoculated with 3.5 g plot−1 inoculate for mycorrhiza treatment; with inoculate placed 4 cm below the seeds. This was immediately followed by light irrigation.
Data collection and observation
Plant height (cm) and number of branches
Six plants were randomly selected excluding border crops and from which parameters were observed and measured. The plant height was measured with the help of a scale and measuring tape from the base of the plant at the ground surface to the tip of the highest visible part at 30, 45 and 60 DAS. All the pod bearing as well as non-bearing branches were observed at 30, 45 and 60 DAS for number of branches.
Number of pods plant−1, pod length and seed weight plant−1
Number of pods plant−1, pod length and seed weight plant−1 were obtained from randomly selected six plants excluding border plants and finally, after averaging, the total number of pods plant−1, pod length and total weight of seed plant−1 in gram was obtained.
Yield plot−1, yield in kg hectare−1 and thousand grain weight
Sun-dried seeds of each plot were weighted to obtain yield per plot in grams. The seed yield per plot for each plot was converted into hectare to obtain the total yield in kg·ha−1. The weight of sun-dried thousands seed grain samples were weighted in grams.
Data analysis
The data recorded on different parameters were tabulated in Microsoft Excel 2010. Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) was performed using the "agricolae" package in R-Studio (R version 4.2.0). To compare means, Duncan's Multiple Range Test (DMRT) was applied to the analyzed data at a significance level of 5%.
Significant variation was observed in height of the plant of cowpea at different stages of growth as influenced by different varieties (Table 2). It was noted that the tallest plant height (42.06 cm) was recorded from Stickless at 30 DAS whereas the tallest plant height was recorded from Malepatan-1 at 77.56 and 125.73 cm at 45 and 60 DAS respectively. This variation in plant height between varieties might be due to individual varietal genetic superiority.
Table 2. Effect of different varieties and fertilizers on the plant height of cowpea.
Treatment Plant height (cm) 30 DAS 45 DAS 60 DAS Variety Malepatan-1 (V1) 40.06b 77.56a 125.73a Stickless (V2) 42.72a 64.37b 86.19b LSD (0.05) 1.26 1.26 7.30 SEM (±) 0.21 0.44 1.24 F-test *** *** *** CV (%) 4.42 2.57 9.96 Fertilizer Control 37.06d 60.16e 86.46c Mycorrhiza 40.58c 68.60d 101.79bc Rhizobium 40.99bc 67.89cd 98.40b RDF 41.45bc 72.97bc 109.86b Mycorrhiza + Rhizobium 43.15ab 74.27b 111.38b Mycorrhiza + Rhizobium + RDF 45.10a 81.90a 127.85a LSD (0.05) 2.19 4.56 12.64 SEM (±) 0.12 0.25 0.71 F-test *** *** *** CV (%) 4.42 5.37 9.96 Grand mean 41.39 70.96 105.96 Data in columns with the same letters in DMRT are not significantly different (p = 0.05), SEM = Standard Errors of Means, CV = Coefficient of Variation, LSD = Least Significant Difference, *** = significant at p < 0.001. The plant height of cowpea was influenced significantly at different growth stages influenced by different fertilizers. The results revealed that the tallest plant height was obtained from F5 at all the stages of growth. At 30 DAS, the tallest plant height (45.10 cm) was achieved from F5 which was at par with F4 (43.15 cm). Similarly, the shortest plant height (37.06 cm) was achieved from F0. The plant height obtained from F1 (40.58 cm), F2 (40.99 cm) and F3 (41.45 cm) were statistically similar. At 45 DAS, the tallest plant height (81.90 cm) was achieved which was significantly superior over all the other treatments viz; F0 (60.16 cm), F1 (68.60 cm), F2 (67.89 cm), F3 (72.97 cm) and F4 (74.27 cm) whereas the shortest plant height (60.16 cm) was achieved from F0. Similarly, at 60 DAS the tallest plant height (127.85 cm) was achieved which was significantly superior over all the other treatments. The height of the plant was not influenced significantly due to the effect of the interaction between variety and fertilizer at any stage of growth.
Number of branches
Significant variation was observed in the number of branches of cowpea at different stages of growth as influenced by different varieties (Table 3). It was noted that the higher number of branch (2.71) was recorded from Malepatan-1 at 30 DAS whereas the higher number of branches were recorded from Stickless, 4.49 and 6.36 at 45 DAS and 60 DAS respectively.
Table 3. Effect of different varieties and fertilizers on the branches per plant of cowpea.
Treatment Number of branches plant−1 30 DAS 45 DAS 60 DAS Variety Malepatan-1 2.71a 4.09b 5.39b Stickless 2.03b 4.49a 6.36a LSD (0.05) 0.26 0.34 0.45 SEm (±) 0.044 0.059 0.078 F-test *** * *** CV (%) 15.90 11.74 11.12 Fertilizer Control 2.03c 3.72b 5.25c Mycorrhiza 2.13c 4.13b 5.34bc Rhizobium 2.28bc 3.80b 5.61bc RDF 1.94c 4.13b 5.94bc Mycorrhiza + Rhizobium 2.69b 4.33b 6.14b Mycorrhiza + Rhizobium + RDF 3.16a 5.63a 6.97a LSD (0.05) 0.45 0.604 0.78 SEM (±) 0.025 0.034 0.045 F-test *** *** ** CV (%) 15.90 11.74 11.12 Grand mean 2.37 4.29 5.87 Data in columns with the same letters in DMRT are not significantly different (p = 0.05), SEM = Standard Errors of Means, CV = Coefficient of Variation, LSD = Least Significant Difference, * = significant at p < 0.05, ** = significant at p < 0.01, *** = significant at p<0.001. The number of branches per plant of cowpea was influenced significantly at different growth stages as influenced by different fertilizers (Table 3). The results revealed that higher numbers of branches were recorded from F5 at all the stages of growth. At 30 DAS, a higher number of a branch (3.16) was achieved from F5 which was significantly superior over all the other treatments viz; F0 (2.03), F1 (2.13), F2 (2.28), F3 (1.94) and F4 (2.69) whereas the lower number of a branch (1.94) was achieved from F3. At 45 DAS, a higher number of the branch (5.63) was achieved from F5 which was significantly superior over all the other treatments. Similarly, at 60 DAS, a higher number of a branch (6.97) was achieved from F5, which was significantly superior over all the other treatments whereas the lower number of a branch (5.25) was achieved from F0 but was at par with F1 (5.34), F2 (5.61), and F3 (5.94). The number of branches per plant was not influenced significantly due to the effect of interaction between variety and fertilizer at any stage of growth.
Yield parameters
Number of pods per plant
Significant variation was observed in the number of pods per plant of cowpea as influenced by different varieties (Table 4). It was noted that the higher number of pods plant−1 (31.34) was recorded from Stickless whereas the lower number of pods plant−1 (27.50) was recorded from Malepatan-1.
Table 4. Effect of different varieties and fertilizers on the pods per plant, seed weight and pod length of cowpea.
Treatment Pods plant-1 Seed weight plant−1 (g) Pod length (cm) Variety Malepatan-1 27.50b 72.29a 25.39 Stickless 31.34a 66.08b 26.31 LSD (0.05) 2.62 4.85 SEM (±) 0.44 0.82 F-test ** * NS CV (%) 12.92 10.15 Fertilizer Control 24.61c 47.92d 23.47 Mycorrhiza 28.47bc 62.21c 27.01 Rhizobium 27.86bc 57.01c 25.25 RDF 26.52c 57.65c 25.81 Mycorrhiza + Rhizobium 31.86b 88.98b 25.71 Mycorrhiza + Rhizobium + RDF 37.19a 101.35a 27.84 LSD (0.05) 4.55 8.41 SEM (±) 0.25 0.47 F-test *** *** NS CV (%) 12.92 10.15 Grand mean 29.42 69.19 Data in columns with the same letters in DMRT are not significantly different (p = 0.05), SEM = Standard Errors of Means, CV = Coefficient of Variation, LSD = Least Significant Difference, * = significant at p < 0.05, ** = significant at p < 0.01, *** = significant at p < 0.001, NS = Non-significant. Number of pods per plant of cowpea were influenced significantly due to fertilizer (Table 4). The results revealed that the higher number of pods plant−1 (37.19) was achieved from F5 which was significantly superior over all the other treatments. Lowest number of pods plant−1 (24.61) were obtained from F0, which was statistically at par with treatments F1, F2, and F3. Similarly, number of pods plant−1 as obtained due to the effect of F4 were statistically similar with treatments F1, and F2. These findings are in accordance with the findings of Jayshree & Umesha[31], who demonstrated that there was significant increase in growth parameter viz., plant height, number of branches, number of nodules, plant dry weight, crop growth rate and yield attributing parameters viz., pods plant−1, seeds pod−1, 1000-seed weight, seed yield and biological yield were recorded with dual inoculation of Phosphate Solubilizing Bacteria and VAM along with optimum dose of inorganic fertilizers. The numbers of pods per plant were not influenced significantly due to the effect of interaction between variety and fertilizer.
Seed weight plant−1
Significant variation was observed on seed weight per plant of cowpea as influenced by different variety (Table 4). It was noted that the higher seed weight plant−1 (72.29 g) were recorded from Malepatan-1 where the lower seed weight plant−1 (66.08 g) were recorded from Stickless. The findings of the present study are in line with the findings of Kwaga[32], who demonstrated that the variations among varieties in terms of parameters like plant height, number of leaves, pod length, pods plant-1 and yield is due to the individual varietal superiority, due to genetic variation, and environmental variations.
Seed weight per plant of cowpea was influenced significantly due to fertilizer (Table 4). The results revealed that the higher seed weight per plant (101.35 g) was achieved from F5 which was significantly superior over all the other treatments. Lowest seed weight per plant (47.92 g) was obtained from F0. The seed weight per plant was not influenced significantly due to the effect of interaction between variety and fertilizer.
Pod length
The pod length was not influenced significantly due to the effect of fertilizer (Table 4). However, mathematically higher pod length was observed from Stickless (26.31 cm). The pod length was not influenced significantly due to the effect of fertilizer. However, mathematically higher pod length was observed from F5 (27.84 cm) while shortest pod length was obtained from F0 (23.47 cm). The pod length was not influenced significantly due to the effect of interaction between variety and fertilizer.
Yield plot−1
Significant variation was observed on yield plot−1 of cowpea as influenced by different variety (Table 5). It was noted that the highest seed yield plot−1 (1,273.24 g) was recorded from Malepatan-1 where the lowest yield plot−1 was recorded from Stickless. The findings of the present study are in line with the findings of Bhattarai et al.[4] and this variation might be due to the genetic make-up of the varieties, genotype x environment interaction and nutrient use efficiency of varieties[4].
Table 5. Effect of different varieties and fertilizers on the yield and test weight of cowpea.
Treatment Yield plot−1
(g)Yield hectare
(kg ha−1)1,000 seed weight
(g)Variety Malepatan-1 1,273.24a 3,536.83a 151.62a Stickless 1,173.21b 3,258.94b 125.46b LSD (0.05) 92.82 257.86 13.06 SEM (±) 15.82 43.96 2.23 F-test * * *** CV (%) 10.97 10.97 13.64 Fertilizer Control 933.27b 2,592.43b 116.38b Mycorrhiza 1,024.27b 2,845.21b 123.08b Rhizobium 1,061.67b 2,949.10b 123.03b RDF 1,067.35b 2,964.90b 124.71b Mycorrhiza + Rhizobium 1,555.69a 4,321.41a 167.19a Mycorrhiza + Rhizobium + RDF 1,697.12a 4,714.26a 176.83a LSD (0.05) 160.78 446.62 22.62 SEM (±) 9.13 25.38 1.28 F-test *** *** *** CV (%) 10.97 10.97 13.64 Grand mean 1,223.23 3,397.89 138.54 Data in columns with the same letters in DMRT are not significantly different (p = 0.05), SEM = Standard Errors of Means, CV = Coefficient of Variation, LSD = Least Significant Difference, * = significant at p < 0.05, *** = significant at p < 0.001. Seed yield per plot was influenced significantly due to fertilizer. The results revealed that the highest yield plot−1 (1,697.12 g) was achieved from F5 which was at par with fertilizer treatment F4 (1,555.69 g) but significantly superior over all other treatments viz; F0 (933.27 g), F1 (1,024.27 g), F2 (1,061.67 g), and F3 (1,067.35 g). Lowest yield plot−1 (933.27 g) was obtained from F0 which is statistically at par with treatments F1, F2 and F3. These findings are in accordance with the findings of Sharma & Jaga[33], who demonstrated that there was a significantly higher nutrient uptaking, higher nodule number and better quality of oil of soybean found due to the combined application of VAM + Rhizobium + PSB + 75% RDF. The higher yield plot−1 might be due to the effective absorption of mineral nutrients by mycorrhiza and biological nitrogen fixation by Rhizobium. Non-significant result was obtained for yield plot−1 due to interaction between variety and fertilizer.
Yield hectare−1
Significant variation was observed on yield ha−1 of cowpea as influenced by different variety (Table 5). It was noted that the highest yield ha−1 (3,536.83 kg) was recorded from Malepatan-1 where the lowest yield ha−1 (3,258.94 kg) was recorded from Stickless. The findings of the present study are in line with the findings of Bhattarai et al.[4], who demonstrated that there is a correlation between yield plot−1 and yield ha−1.
Yield ha−1 was significantly influenced due to fertilizer. The results revealed that the highest yield ha−1 (4,714.26 kg·ha−1) was achieved from F5 which was at par with F4 (4,321.41 kg·ha−1) but significantly superior over other treatments viz; F0 (2,592.43 kg·ha−1), F1 (2,845.21 kg·ha−1), F2 (2,949.10 kg·ha−1) and F3 (2,964.90 kg·ha−1). Lowest yield (2,592.43 kg·ha−1) was obtained from F0 which was statically at par with treatments F1, F2, and F3. These findings are in accordance with the findings of Molla and Solaiman[34], Sharma & Jaga[33] and Yadav et al.[35]. The increase in yield in kg ha−1 for F5 treatment might be due to the dual inoculation of mycorrhiza + rhizobium along with NPK fertilizer and the better utilization of inorganic fertilizers. Another possible reason for higher yield in kg per ha might be due to the translocation of essential metabolites and photosynthates to the economic parts of plants[33]. Non-significant results were obtained for yield ha>−1 due to interaction between variety and fertilizer.
Thousands seed weight (test weight)
Significant variation was observed on thousands seed weight of cowpea as influenced by different variety (Table 5). It was noted that the higher test weight (151.62 g) was recorded from Malepatan-1 where the lowest test weight (125.46 g) was recorded from Stickless. The findings of the present study are in line with the findings of Bhattarai et al.[4], who demonstrated that cowpea varieties show a great variation in terms of growth parameters and yield parameters. This variation in test weight might be due to the genetic variation among cowpea variety.
Thousands seed weight was significantly influenced due to fertilizer. The results revealed that the highest test weight (176.83 g) was achieved from F5 which was at par with F4 (167.19 g) but significantly superior over other treatments viz; F0 (116.38 g), F1 (123.08 g), F2 (123.03 g) and F3 (124.71 g). These findings are in accordance with the findings of Dobo[36], who demonstrated that since rhizobia bacteria supply nitrogen to the host plant through biological nitrogen fixation and AM fungi deliver phosphate from the soil beyond root access, the tripartite interactions in legumes have a synergistic effect on the host plant growth response. Non-significant result was obtained for thousands seed weight due to interaction between variety and fertilizer.
Economics of cowpea production
The economic analysis of crop treatments, including different varieties and fertilizer applications, revealed distinct variations in key economical parameters. Among the varieties, Malepatan-1 demonstrated the highest gross return of NRs. 424,419.6 ha−1, net return of NRs. 304,419.6 ha−1 and benefit cost ratio (BCR) of 2.53. Stickless, another variety, exhibited a lower gross return of NRs. 391,072.8 ha−1 and a net return of NRs. 266,572.8 ha−1. In terms of fertilizers, the Mycorrhiza + Rhizobium combination demonstrated the highest BCR of 3.76, reflecting efficient cost management (Fig. 1). The RDF treatment resulted in lowest BCR of 2.18.
Table 6 illustrates a sensitivity analysis conducted on cowpea cultivation, specifically employing the mycorrhiza + rhizobium treatment. The analysis explores the impact of variations in total cost and gross benefit on key economic parameters. Under the new condition of a 10% increase in total cost, the corresponding figures show a new total cost of NRs. 119,625, with a gross return of NRs. 518,569.2. This adjustment results in a net return of NRs. 398,944.2 and a BCR of 3.33. Despite the increased cost, the venture remains economically feasible. In the scenario where gross benefit is decreased by 10%, the new total cost is NRs. 108,750, with a gross return of NRs. 466,712.3. The net return and BCR stand at NRs. 357,962.3 and 3.29, respectively. Even with reduced gross benefit, the enterprise remains economically viable. Under simultaneous conditions of a 10% increase in total cost and a 10% decrease in gross benefit, the new total cost is NRs. 119,625, with a gross return of NRs. 466,712.3. This adjustment yields a net return of NRs. 347,087.3 and a BCR of 2.90. Despite these compounded adjustments, the venture remains economically feasible.
Table 6. Sensitivity analysis of cowpea with the application of mycorrhiza + rhizobium treatment.
S.N. New condition New total cost (NRs.) New gross return (NRs.) Net return (NRs.) BCR Remarks 1 Total cost increased by 10% 119625 518569.2 398944.2 3.33 Still feasible 2 Gross benefit decreased by 10% 108750 466712.3 357962.3 3.29 Still feasible 3 Total cost increased by 10% and
gross benefit decreased by 10%119625 466712.3 347087.3 2.90 Still feasible Pearson correlation analysis among various parameters
The Pearson correlation reveals valuable insights into the interrelationships among different variables influencing the growth and yield of cowpea varieties (Fig. 2). Plant height demonstrates a moderate positive correlation with the number of branches (0.35) and strong positive correlations with pods per plant (0.47), seed weight per plant (0.72), pod length (0.49), thousand grain weight (TGW) (0.80), and yield per hectare (0.71). Similarly, the number of branches exhibits a moderate positive correlation with plant height (0.35) and strong positive correlations with pods per plant (0.90), seed weight per plant (0.76), pod length (0.67), TGW (0.64), and yield per hectare (0.78). Notably, pods per plant demonstrate a strong positive correlation with both plant height (0.47) and the number of branches (0.90). Seed weight per plant shows strong positive correlations with plant height (0.72), the number of branches (0.76), and pods per plant (0.91). Furthermore, pod length exhibits strong positive correlations with plant height (0.49), the number of branches (0.67), and pods per plant (0.79). TGW shows strong positive correlations with plant height (0.80), the number of branches (0.64), pods per plant (0.78), and seed weight per plant (0.97). Finally, yield per hectare displays strong positive correlations with plant height (0.71), the number of branches (0.78), pods per plant (0.88), seed weight per plant (0.99), pod length (0.57), and TGW (0.98). These findings suggest that the use of bio-fertilizers and chemical fertilizers significantly influences the growth and yield of cowpea varieties, with positive correlations observed across multiple parameters.
The authors are thankful to the Agriculture and Forestry University, Chitwan, Nepal, Prime Minister Agriculture Modernization Project, Nepal and Assistant Professor Tulsi Parajuli for continuous support during the research work.
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Gautam N, Ghimire S, Kafle S, Dawadi B. 2024. Efficacy of bio-fertilizers and chemical fertilizers on growth and yield of cowpea varieties. Technology in Agronomy 4: e007 doi: 10.48130/tia-0024-0004
Efficacy of bio-fertilizers and chemical fertilizers on growth and yield of cowpea varieties
- Received: 07 December 2023
- Revised: 12 February 2024
- Accepted: 21 February 2024
- Published online: 10 April 2024
Abstract: Cowpea is valued for its nutrition and nitrogen-fixing ability, and investigating bio-fertilizers offers a sustainable way to enhance cowpea growth and yield. A field experiment was conducted from February to June 2022 in the Nawalparasi West, Nepal, to investigate the impact of different fertilizers, including bio-fertilizers and chemical fertilizers, on the growth parameters and yield of cowpea varieties. Employing a double factorial Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD), the experiment considered two factors: cowpea varieties (Malepatan-1 and Stickless) and fertilizers (control, mycorrhizal, rhizobia, recommended dose of chemical fertilizer (RDF), mycorrhizal + rhizobia, and mycorrhiza + rhizobium + RDF). Malepatan-1 exhibited superior growth and yield compared to Stickless, with higher plant height (125.73 cm), seed weight plant−1 (72.29 g), thousand grain weight (151.62 g), and yield ha−1 (3,536.83 kg ha−1). While the application of rhizobia + mycorrhiza and chemical fertilizers increased various growth parameters, mycorrhiza + rhizobium showed comparable results in terms of yield (4,321.41 kg ha−1) and thousand grain weight (167.19 g) compared to the combination of the former (4,714.26 kg ha−1 and 176.83 g, respectively). Moreover, mycorrhiza + rhizobium demonstrated a higher benefit-cost ratio (3.76), making it economically and environmentally preferable to biofertilizers with chemicals. The study recommends mycorrhiza + rhizobium for its comparable yield, superior economic returns, and environmental sustainability over biofertilizers combined with chemicals. For maximizing economic and sustainable production, the study suggests using the Malepatan-1 cowpea variety with biofertilizers, excluding chemical (inorganic) fertilizers.
Key words:
- Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi /
- Bio-fertilizers /
- Cowpea /
- Integrated nutrient management /
- Rhizobium