CycleGAN is an image-to-image translation technique that does not require paired examples. This means that the training data does not need to be related, i.e., CycleGAN requires a source set
and a target set$ {\{{x}_{i}\}}_{i=1}^{N} $ with no information on which$ {\{{y}_{j}\}}_{j=1}^{M} $ matches to which$ {x}_{i}\in X $ . This flexibility makes CycleGAN particularly well-suited for our task that works with v-reID datasets that do not have a direct one-to-one relationship. Additionally, CycleGAN has been widely adopted in research due to its versatility in applications such as style transfer, domain adaptation, and data augmentation. Its open-source code is well-documented and easy to understand, making it accessible for researchers and developers to implement and customise.$ {y}_{j}\in Y $ CycleGAN is constructed using GANs, and GAN is an unsupervised technique that is built on two models: a generator model and a discriminator model. As the name suggests, the generator generates outputs from the domain, and the discriminator receives synthetic data from the generator and the real dataset. The discriminator then determines whether its input is real or fake (generated). Both models are trained until the generator has learned to fool the discriminator and the discriminator is not able to distinguish real from generated data.
CycleGAN involves training two GANs, i.e., training two generators and two discriminators simultaneously. Let X and Y be two domains with training samples
($ {\{{x}_{i}\}}_{i=1}^{N} $ ) and$ {x}_{i}\in X $ ($ {\{{y}_{j}\}}_{j=1}^{M} $ ). The two generators are G: X → Y and F: Y → X. Generator G tries to generate images G(x) that look similar to images from domain Y. Likewise, generator F aims to generate images F(y) that look most similar to images from domain X. The two discriminators are DX and DY , where DY aims to distinguish between images {x} in X and the generated images {F(y)}, and DX aims to discern between {y} and {G(x)}.$ {y}_{j}\in Y $ The overall objective function involved in training consists of two adversarial losses[36] and a cycle consistency loss[42]. The adversarial losses are applied to both mapping functions G and F, and match the distribution of the generated images to the data distribution in the target domain:
$ \begin{split}{\mathcal{L}}_{GAN}\left(G,{D}_{Y},X,Y\right)=\;&{\mathbb{E}}_{y\sim {p}_{data\left(y\right)}}\left[\mathrm{log}\left({D}_{Y}\left(y\right)\right)\right]+\\&{\mathbb{E}}_{x\sim {p}_{data\left(x\right)}}\left[\mathrm{log}\left({1-D}_{Y}\left(G\left(x\right)\right)\right)\right]\end{split} $ (1) $ \begin{split}{\mathcal{L}}_{GAN}\left(F,{D}_{X},Y,X\right)=\;&{\mathbb{E}}_{x\sim {p}_{data\left(x\right)}}\left[\mathrm{log}\left({D}_{X}\left(x\right)\right)\right]+\\&{\mathbb{E}}_{y\sim {p}_{data\left(y\right)}}\left[\mathrm{log}\left({1-D}_{X}\left(G\left(y\right)\right)\right)\right]\end{split} $ (2) where, x~pdata(x) and y~pdata(y) denote the data distributions of X and Y, respectively. Generator G tries to minimize Eqn (1), while adversary DY aims to maximize it, i.e.,
. Similarly, generator F tries to minimize Eqn (2), while the adversary DX aims to maximize it, i.e.,$ {min}_{G}{max}_{{D}_{Y}}{\mathcal{L}}_{GAN}\left(G,{D}_{Y},X,Y\right) $ .$ {min}_{F}{max}_{{D}_{X}}{\mathcal{L}}_{GAN}\left(F,{D}_{X},Y,X\right) $ The cycle consistency loss aims to reduce the space of possible mapping functions, and therefore to encourage G and F to be bijections. Zhu et al.[35] illustrated this property with an example in translation: if a sentence is translated from English to French, and the output is translated back to English from French, the result should be the original sentence[43]. It indicates that both mapping functions should be cycle-consistent, i.e., x → G(x) → F(G(x)) ≈ x (forward cycle consistency) and y → F(y) → G(F(y)) ≈ y (backward cycle consistency). The cycle consistency loss is then formulated as Eqn (3):
$ {\mathcal{L}}_{cyc}\left(G,F\right)={\mathbb{E}}_{x\sim {p}_{data\left(x\right)}}\left[{\|F\left(G\left(x\right)\right)-x\|}_{1}+{{\mathbb{E}}_{y\sim {p}_{data\left(y\right)}}\|G\left(F\left(y\right)\right)-y\|}_{1}\right] $ (3) The full objective function is:
$ \begin{split}\mathcal{L}\left(G,F,{D}_{X},{D}_{Y}\right)=\;&{\mathcal{L}}_{GAN}\left(G,{D}_{Y},X,Y\right)+\\&{\mathcal{L}}_{GAN}\left(F,{D}_{X},Y,X\right)+\lambda {\mathcal{L}}_{cyc}\left(G,F\right)\end{split} $ (4) where,
controls the relative importance of the two objectives. Finally, the aim is to solve for Eqn (4):$ \lambda $ $ {G}^{*},{F}^{*}={argmin}_{G,F}{max}_{{D}_{X},{D}_{Y}}\mathcal{L}\left(G,F,{D}_{X},{D}_{Y}\right) $ (5) Details of CycleGAN are available in Zhu et al.[35].
In the context of our work and for the sake of visualization, Fig. 3 shows how CycleGAN can be employed to translate images from the synthetic domain to the real domain, and vice-versa. The two chosen datasets are unpaired, i.e., the images are captured at different locations and times. This means that we do not have the exact same correspondence in both datasets. CycleGAN consists of GAN1, which transfers photos from the real domain to the synthetic domain, and GAN2, transferring images from the synthetic domain to generate images from the real domain, whilst solving Eqn (5). We use CycleGAN to transfer images from VehicleID to VeRi-776 to tackle the issues related to privacy, noise, and views mentioned previously.
CycleGAN is trained on VeRi-776 and VehicleID, and employed to transfer images from VehicleID to VeRi-776 style. This section presents the implementation details and the results generated from experiments VCGAN-A and VCGAN-B.
Implementation details
Two experiments have been run using the default settings of CycleGAN. Both were trained for 100 epochs with an initial learning rate of 0.0002, followed by 200 epochs with a linear learning rate decay. The default optimiser is Adam[44]. The input images were scaled to 256 × 256 pixels and each experiment was trained on three NVIDIA A100 80GB GPUs.
The difference between the two experiments lies in the training size, as shown in Table 1. VCGAN-A is trained using the same number of data in both datasets, while VCGAN-B is trained using the entirety of both datasets. While a testing set is not required for the training of CycleGAN, it is beneficial for evaluating the model's performance on unseen data. In the next paragraphs, examples from the VehicleID test set will be used to assess the performance of the trained models. In the following paragraphs, VCGAN-A and VCGAN-B will also be referred to as 'A' and 'B' respectively for simplicity.
Table 1. Training data sizes for VCGAN-A and VCGAN-B.
VehicleID VeRi-776 VCGAN-A 37,778 37,778 VCGAN-B 113,346 37,778 Observations
The properties of datasets mentioned previously and how CycleGAN addresses them are described in this subsection, including four categories: resolution, privacy, noise, and views.
The resolution is crucial in the v-reID process. The higher the visibility of the details, the more discriminant features can be extracted and can therefore aid the v-reID decision. As we train CycleGAN on transforming images from VehicleID to VeRi-776, which has a decreased resolution compared to VehicleID, it is only logical that the images output by CycleGAN also present a lower resolution. This could be problematic depending on what features get lost. If we do not want to perform any license plate or facial recognition, losing features related to the license plates, faces, or camera descriptions, becomes an advantage. However, if the lost features include logos or windshield stickers, then this can influence the performance of the v-reID model.
Privacy is an important factor that needs to be addressed. Even though the reID model is a black box, we need to ensure that no facial recognition is unintentionally conducted. As shown in Fig. 4 (left), we notice that in experiments A and B, the faces are blurred out, such that they are not visible anymore. While the outputs of A are satisfactory, the transformed images of B appear much smoother (look at the windshield, where there are fewer 'white strokes'). CycleGAN can erase the faces from the windshields.
Figure 4.
Left: faces are blurred out, such that the privacy of the driver is ensured; Right: the timestamps in red are (partially) erased.
The model might incorporate the red timestamps in its re-identification decision. After all, these timestamps are more noise than anything else. One could circumvent this by cropping the image, such that the timestamps are not visible anymore. While this would be possible for some samples, e.g., Fig. 4a (right), this wouldn't work for others, e.g., Fig. 4b–d (right), as a chunk of the vehicle would then be cut out. The results look promising when transforming the images using the trained CycleGAN. The outputs in Fig. 4 (right) for A and B show that the red writing is completely (Fig. 4a–c right), or partially (Fig. 4d right) erased.
Finally, the cars in VehicleID are captured from two views (back and front), while VeRi-776 has more. This characteristic is visible in Fig. 5, where given a vehicle input from the front, CycleGAN generates vehicles from different views: side or back.
CycleGAN managed to erase or blur out the faces of people as well as to remove the noisy red timestamps from the images. This is beneficial as this renders the dataset anonymous as well as less distractive. On the other hand, the resulting images are of lower resolution, and potential discriminative features get lost.
Unexpected outcomes
Besides our observations, we summarize additional outcomes that can benefit the research. These outcomes were unexpected and are worthy of mention. It is worth mentioning that this is not an exhaustive list, and there might be other elements we failed to notice.
One of the unexpected outcomes is that the background, such as the lane or the pedestrian crossing markings, were removed, as shown in Fig. 6 (left). This can aid the v-reID model in focusing only on the vehicle rather than the background, as the latter is useless for reID.
Partial vehicles
Surprisingly, CycleGAN handled cropped vehicles well. As shown in Fig. 6 (right), it can be observed that even though the vehicles were partially captured due to their position or camera glitch, CycleGAN managed to transform the vehicle only.
I spy with my little eye
CycleGAN saw certain objects in specific types of images that we did not perceive with our eyes, as shown in Fig. 7. Some vehicles in red that were captured from a specific frontal view were transformed into a taxi (Fig. 7a), highlighting one potential bias of the dataset. Fig. 8a shows four images taken of different taxis. We don't know the ratio of taxis and red vehicles. However, given the confusion by CycleGAN, the ratio must be on the higher end. VeRi-776 doesn't have many images captured during the nighttime. Hence, CycleGAN misinterprets images that are taken at night. Depending on the image, two scenarios result: a bush or an abstract image of the vehicle. On the one hand, when there are some variations of yellow or green on the bottom, CycleGAN detects bushes (Fig. 7b). As we notice, both VCGAN-A and VCGAN-B transformed the rear bumper into a bush. This transformation is due to the amount of certain camera views in VeRi-776 where the vehicles are hidden behind bushes, as shown in Fig. 8b, where we notice the bushes on the bottom of the images. On the other hand, when these yellow patches are absent, CycleGAN struggles and produces an output that does not make much sense (Fig. 7c). Finally, yellow street markings are transformed by CycleGAN into fences. Referring to Fig. 8a, we can deduce that this behavior is due to some camera views that are positioned such that these fences are visible. Interestingly enough, CycleGAN added something we did not expect: a license plate, see Fig. 4 (right (c)), Fig. 5, and Fig. 6. This was unexpected, but could mean that there is a large amount of data in VeRi-776 where the license plates have not been blackened out completely. Upon checking, we can verify this observation. Fig. 8b clearly shows that some vehicles in VeRi-776 do not have their license plates blackened out.
Figure 7.
I spy with my convoluted eyes: (a) a taxi, (b) a bush, (c) an abstract self portrait, (d) a fence.
Figure 8.
VeRi-776: samples of (a) taxis and yellow fence, and (b) vehicles captured behind bushes and non-blackened out license plates.
CycleGAN transformed yellow-green patches into bushes, yellow markings into fences, added license plates, and transformed red vehicles into taxis. When the images are taken at night, CycleGAN produces outputs that do not make much sense. Rather than being useful for v-reID, these observations show that the source dataset has its drawbacks, notably a lack of images taken during the night, occluded vehicles by bushes, and most importantly, license plates that were not removed or hidden. This also means that we could go the opposite way, and generate vehicle images without license plates or images in a night setting.
Multiple potential solutions can be explored to address these unexpected outcomes that could negatively impact the quality of the generated dataset. One potential solution is to ensure that the datasets are more diverse; however, this approach goes back to data collection, which can be more challenging and time-consuming. Another potential solution is to apply preprocessing steps to remove or obscure license plates before training, which would prevent the model from adding them during transformations. Finally, domain adaptation techniques, where transformations are more closely aligned with the target domain could be employed to better control the outputs generated by CycleGAN.
Qualitative and quantitative comparison
In this subsection, we compare VCGAN-A and VCGAN-B quantitatively and qualitatively.
Qualitative comparison
There is a trade-off between smoothness and details. Images generated by VCGAN-A fits its purpose, however VCGAN-B does a better job overall. Based on all the previous figures, we deduce that VCGAN-B does a cleaner job in the sense that the outputs turn out to be smoother and resemble less to synthetic images than of VCGAN-A. Furthermore, referring to Fig. 9, VCGAN-B can produce 'whole' vehicles, while VCGAN-A outputs a deformed vehicle.
Quantitative comparison
To compare both experiments numerically, we plot the generator, discriminator, and forward cycle consistency losses (Fig. 10). While the discriminator and cycle-consistency losses are decreasing by each epoch, the generator loss increases from epoch 120 on. This indicates that the training of the generator and discriminator is imbalanced, with the discriminator becoming too strong. Compared to VCGAN-A, the discriminator loss and forward cycle consistency loss are lower for VCGAN-B. However, the generator loss shows the opposite behavior.
This paper is the first-of-its-kind to analyze the ethical aspects and limitations of v-reID models as well as widely used vehicle re-identification datasets. It is found that there is a lack of explainable v-reID works and that existing datasets are not privacy compliant or contain biases that can confuse v-reID models. Due to the black-box properties of deep neural networks, researchers do not understand the internal procedures of how v-reID models perform their reasoning. Hence, we need to ensure the following: training data should not contain: (1) any face of drivers and passengers, to respect people's privacy and to ensure that no indirect facial recognition is performed, and (2) any artifact in images that do not originate from the source scene, to avoid confusion of the models. It is found that VehicleID did not respect these characteristics since some samples included faces that were visible and recognizable, and others carried red writing.
To this end, CycleGAN was proposed to transfer images from VehicleID to VeRi-776. With the proposed method, we managed to generate samples of vehicle images where faces were blurred out and the red timestamps were removed. The experiments produced images that did not resemble vehicles anymore or added objects that were not present in the source image (e.g., bushes, fences, or license plates). These limitations, however, point out further data bias of VehicleID and VeRi-776 datasets, such as the lack of variety in images or non-hidden license plates that should be further investigated.
Using GAN-based blurring offers advantages over simple resolution reduction by preserving image quality and targeting specific areas. Unlike resolution reduction, which can degrade the entire image, GAN-based methods maintain the overall details of the image. Additionally, GANs can precisely target the face area, leaving other parts of the image, such as the vehicle itself, untouched, which is not possible with simple resolution reduction.
With the introduction of generative models such as Stable Diffusion1 or Midjourney AI2, vehicle re-identification data generation could also be improved, producing better results than the proposed method. However, our proposed approach is more manageable and smaller in terms of parameters and resources that are needed. Furthermore, it is also more affordable compared to existing generative models as no external server is needed for training. It should be noted that both datasets are built from images collected in China. This makes these datasets a bit biased towards China in terms of people, car models, backgrounds, and direction of traffic. Additionally, this work focuses mainly on two datasets: VehicleID and VeRi-776. While we have not specifically examined other v-ReID datasets for similar problems, these limitations likely exist in them as well. High-resolution images could potentially expose faces, raising privacy issues if not carefully managed.
In future work, additional datasets will be inspected to identify any further limitations or challenges they may present, and more datasets from different countries and areas will be used to further validate the proposed method regarding efficiency and effectiveness. Furthermore, it is necessary to develop proper regulations and laws to ensure the legal use of v-ReID technologies[45].
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Qian Y, Barthélemy J, Du B, Shen J. 2024. A privacy-compliant approach to responsible dataset utilisation for vehicle re-identification. Digital Transportation and Safety 3(4): 210−219 doi: 10.48130/dts-0024-0019
A privacy-compliant approach to responsible dataset utilisation for vehicle re-identification
- Received: 19 August 2024
- Revised: 09 September 2024
- Accepted: 14 September 2024
- Published online: 27 December 2024
Abstract: Modern surveillance systems increasingly adopt artificial intelligence (AI) for their automated reasoning capacities. While AI can save manual labor and improve efficiency, addressing the ethical concerns of such technologies is often overlooked. One of these AI application technologies is vehicle re-identification - the process of identifying vehicles through multiple cameras. If vehicle re-identification is going to be used on and with humans, we need to ensure the ethical and trusted operations of these systems. Creating reliable re-identification models relies on large volumes of training datasets. This paper identifies, for the first time, limitations in a commonly used training dataset that impacts the research in vehicle re-identification. The limitations include noises due to writing on images and, most importantly, visible faces of drivers or passengers. There is an issue if facial recognition is indirectly performed by these black box models as a by-product. To this end, an approach using an image-to-image translation model to generate less noisy training data that can guarantee the privacy and anonymity of people for vehicle re-identification is proposed.