We are committed to finding a reference gene with relatively stable expression in different tissues, organs, and fruit development stages of cultivated strawberry. The candidate reference genes were screened using FPKM data from the next-generation transcriptome and the genes whose expression levels were higher than 1,000 respectively in root, shoot, leaf, and five stages of fruit development (SG = Small Green, BG = Big Green, W = White, TR = Turning Red, R = Red) were selected as candidate reference genes. ADP-ribosylation factor 1 (ADPrf1), glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (GAPC2), peptidyl-prolyl cis-trans isomerase 1 (PPC1), and elongation factor 1-alpha (EF1-α) were selected as candidate reference genes (Supplemental Table S1). We first verified the homology between the alleles of candidate reference genes, respectively. The results showed that each candidate reference gene had at least eight alleles, and the DNA sequence similarity between alleles was more than 95% (Supplemental Figs S1−S4). In addition, previous studies on strawberry always used the Fa26S rRNA gene as a reference gene, so Fa26S rRNA was also selected as a candidate reference gene[36−38].
Primer3 version 4.1.0 was used to design primers of five candidate reference genes. The lengths of amplification fragments for five candidate reference genes ranged from 132 bp (Fa26S rRNA) to 258 bp (FaPPC1). In addition, except FaPPC1 (89.21%), all five candidate reference genes displayed an amplification efficiency exceeding 90%, while the correlation coefficients (R2) surpassed 0.99 (Table 1, Supplemental Fig. S5). The melting profiles of all potential reference genes displayed a singular peak, validating the specificity of the primer design and the existence of a sole PCR amplification product (Supplemental Fig. S6).
Table 1. Primers sequence and amplification characteristics of five candidate reference genes.
Gene symbol Gene name Primer sequence (5'-3') Amplification length (bp) Amplification efficiency (%) Correlation coefficiency (R2) ADPrf1 ADP–ribosylation factor 1 F: 5'-TGCGAATTCTGATGGTCGGT-3'
R: 5'-CTCCACAATGGACGGATCTT-3'144 bp 95.43% 0.9984 GAPC2 Glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase F: 5'-GAATCAACGGATTCGGAAGA-3'
R: 5'-ACAATATCGGCACCAACTGA-3'231 bp 101.51% 0.9996 EF1-α Elongation factor 1 - alpha F: 5'-CACATCAACATTGTGGTCAT-3'
R: 5'-GTCTCAAACTTCCACAAGGC-3'187 bp 99.69% 0.9984 PPC1 Peptidyl-prolyl cis-trans isomerase 1 F: 5'-TACAAGGGATCGTCCTTCCA-3'
R: 5'-ACCCAACCTTCTCGATGTTC-3'258 bp 89.21% 0.9955 26S rRNA 26S ribosomal RNA F: 5'-TAACCGCATCAGGTCTCCAA-3'
R: 5'-CTCGAGCAGTTCTCCGACAG-3'132 bp 95.69% 0.9996 Expression stability analysis of the candidate reference genes
GeNorm software was utilized to calculate the M value, which indicates gene expression stability. Lower M values correspond to higher expression stability. The study showed that FaGAPC2 and FaEF1-α had the lowest M value (0.858), which represented the most stable expression, and Fa26S rRNA had the highest M value (1.272), which represented the least stable expression in 'Yanli'. Meanwhile, in 'Chuliandeweidao', FaGAPC2 and FaADPrf1 (1.612) had the most stable expression, and FaPPC1 (3.547) had the least stable expression (Fig. 1a). The pairwise variation (V) analysis indicated that increasing the number of genes increases the average stability of reference genes. Therefore, the qRT-PCR results obtained from the analysis of two reference genes will be more accurate in both Yanli and Chuliandeweidao (Fig.1b).
Figure 1.
Expression stability value of five candidate reference genes calculated by geNorm in 'Yanli' and 'Chuliandeweidao'. (a) M value of five candidate reference genes. A lower M-value indicates more stable gene expression. (b) Pairwise variation (V) analysis of five candidate reference genes. A lower value indicates a more stable combination number of reference genes.
NormFinder is a Visual Basic application that allows the calculation of reference gene stability, similar to GeNorm. NormFinder first calculates gene expression stability and then outputs specific numbers; the gene expression stability increases proportionally as the numerical value decreases. FaGAPC2 (0.425 for 'Yanli' and 0.806 for 'Chuliandeweidao') exhibited the lowest stable value, representing the highest expression stability in both varieties. However, the lowest expression stability gene in 'Yanli' and 'Chuliandeweidao' differed. Among the five candidate reference genes, Fa26S rRNA showed the lowest level of stability in terms of expression, with a value of 1.442 in 'Yanli'; however, FaPPC1 (3.455) was the lowest expression stability in 'Chuliandeweidao' (Fig. 2). Considering GeNorm and NormFinder, FaGAPC2 was a more suitable reference gene among the five candidates.
Figure 2.
Expression stability value of five candidate reference genes calculated by NormFinder in 'Yanli' and 'Chuliandeweidao'. A lower value indicates more stable gene expression.
BestKeeper calculates gene expression stability by combining the coefficient of variation (CV) and standard deviation (SD). The results showed that FaADPrf1 (0.86) had the highest expression stability due to its minimum SD value in 'Yanli', while FaEF1-α (1.52) showed the lowest expression stability (Fig. 3). However, there was little difference in SD value between FaADPrf1 and FaEF1-α. FaGAPC2 (1.00) had the highest expression stability y due to its minimum SD value, and FaPPC1 (3.59) displayed the lowest expression stability in 'Chuliandeweidao' (Fig. 3). The stability of expression determined by BestKeeper for the five candidate reference genes differed from that observed through GeNorm and NormFinder analyses.
Figure 3.
Expression stability value of five candidate reference genes calculated by BestKeeper in 'Yanli' and 'Chuliandeweidao'. A lower value indicates more stable gene expression.
Comparative ΔCt, another method employed in this study, calculates reference gene stability based on SD values. The lower SD value represented the high expression stability and vice versa. The results demonstrated that FaGAPC2 was the most stable reference gene with an SD value of 1.076 in 'Yanli' and 2.663 in 'Chuliandeweidao'. At the same time, FaPPC1 (1.610 in 'Yanli' and 4.145 in 'Chuliandeweidao') showed the least expression stability (Fig. 4).
Figure 4.
Expression stability value of five candidate reference genes calculated by delta-CT method in 'Yanli' and 'Chuliandeweidao'. A lower value indicates more stable gene expression.
The expression stability of the five candidate reference genes calculated by different methods was not the same, likely due to different statistical methods. Therefore, we used the online tool RefFinder to analyze all calculation results and get the most appropriate ranking. The lower value of FaGAPC2 (1.32 for 'Yanli' and 1.00 for 'Chuliandeweidao') and FaADPrf1 (1.86 for 'Yanli' and 1.68 for 'Chuliandeweidao') indicated that they are more suitable for reference genes. At the same time, the performance of FaPPC1 (4.00 for 'Yanli' and 5.00 for 'Chuliandeweidao') was poor according to all evaluation systems (Table 2). Based on the results from RefFinder and Pairwise variation, we considered the combination of FaGAPC2 and FaADPrf1 to be suitable as reference genes for qRT-PCR experiments.
Table 2. The comprehensive ranking of five candidate reference genes in 'Yanli' and 'Chuliandeweidao' analyzed by RefFinder.
Rank Yanli Chuliandeweidao Gene name Ranking value Gene name Ranking value 1 GAPC2 1.32 GAPC2 1.00 2 ADPrf1 1.86 ADPrf1 1.68 3 EF1-α 2.59 26S 3.22 4 26S 3.98 EF1-α 3.72 5 PPC1 4.00 PPC1 5.00 Validation of putative reference genes
To further validate the stability of the selected reference genes, we proceeded to examine the expression of FaMYB10, FaUGT1, and FaCHS genes, which are known for their positive regulatory roles in anthocyanin synthesis (Supplemental Table S2). As the strawberry fruits developed, the expression levels of these three genes exhibited an increasing trend. We utilized the single reference gene FaGAPC2 and the combination of FaGAPC2 and FaADPrf1 to calculate the expression levels of the three genes at different developmental stages of the strawberry fruits. As shown in Fig. 5, regardless of whether a single gene or a combination of genes was used as the reference gene, the expression levels of FaMYB10, FaUGT1, and FaCHS showed an increasing trend during the development of the strawberry fruits. This result suggested that the selected reference genes were suitable for strawberry fruit ripening research.
Figure 5.
Relative expression levels of FaMYB10, FaUGT1, and FaCHS in five different development stages of 'Yanli' fruit. The bars of different colors represent the relative expression levels of the validation genes calculated using different reference genes. (SG = Small Green, BG = Big Green, W = White, TR = Turning Red, R = Red).
The datasets generated during and/or analyzed during the current study are available from the corresponding author upon reasonable request.
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Mao J, Li J, Wang Y, Zhang Z. 2024. Selection and validation of reference genes for qRT-PCR in cultivated octoploid strawberry. Fruit Research 4: e010 doi: 10.48130/frures-0024-0003
Selection and validation of reference genes for qRT-PCR in cultivated octoploid strawberry
- Received: 18 October 2023
- Revised: 05 December 2023
- Accepted: 25 December 2023
- Published online: 04 March 2024
Abstract: The rapid, reliable, and efficient characteristics of quantitative reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (qRT-PCR) make it a highly advantageous method for assessing gene expression levels. The identification of stable reference genes is crucial for successful gene expression studies. Cultivated strawberry fruit has been extensively investigated as a model for studying the non-climacteric fruit ripening process. However, more research needs to be conducted on identifying suitable reference genes at different developmental stages of strawberry fruit. We selected the 'Yanli' and 'Chuliandeweidao' cultivars to screen potential reference genes in various tissues, organs, and developmental stages of strawberry fruit. Based on the analysis of high-quality haplotype-resolved genome and transcriptomic FPKM data, FaADPrf1 (ADP-ribosylation factor 1), FaGAPC2 (Glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase), FaPPC1 (Peptidyl-prolyl cis-trans isomerase 1), and FaEF1-α (Elongation factor 1-alpha) were selected as candidate reference genes, along with the commonly used Fa26S rRNA, for normalization purposes. A qRT-PCR analysis showed 89.21% to 101.51% amplification efficiency for five candidate reference genes, with correlation coefficients (R2) exceeding 0.99. Reference genes' expression stability was assessed using GeNorm, NormFinder, BestKeeper, and Comparative delta-Ct method. RefFinder analysis determined that FaGAPC2 and FaADPrf1 were the most suitable reference genes, considering the results obtained from the abovementioned four methods. The calculated results were validated by studying the expression of FaMYB10, FaUGT1, and FaCHS in different developmental stages of 'Yanli' fruit. This validation confirmed that both FaGAPC2 and the combination of FaGAPC2 and FaADPrf1 could serve as suitable reference genes, with the combination of FaGAPC2 and FaADPrf1 being more suitable than the single FaGAPC2 in certain cases. In summary, we obtained suitable reference genes for research on cultivated strawberry fruit development, which will benefit further study on the ripening of non-climacteric fruits.
Key words:
- Quantitative RT-PCR /
- Reference genes /
- Non-climacteric fruits /
- Strawberry