Based on BLASTP and HMMER, a total of 406 LBDs were identified in the Rosaceae family. For Rosoideae, black raspberry (Rubus occidentalis), strawberry (Fragaria vesca), and Chinese rose (Rosa chinensis), 39, 34, and 39 LBDs were detected, respectively. The number of LBDs in the Amygdaloideae was comparable, with 42 in peach (Prunus persica) and 41 in the other three plants (Table 1). For Maloideae, the maximum number of LBDs was 69 in apple (Malus domestica) (Table 1). The proportion of LBDs was the highest in mei(P. mume var. tortuosa), followed by apple and hawthorn (Crataegus pinnatifida), and peach was the least (Table 1). The 406 LBD proteins of Rosaceae encoded 80 to 1,099 aa (amino acid), with molecular weights ranging from 8.90 kDa to 125.60 kDa and theoretical pI from 4.64 to 10.72. The mean hydropathicity value of just 12 proteins exceeded 0, suggesting that the majority of proteins exhibited hydrophilic properties (Supplemental Table S3). Subcellular localization prediction of all LBDs was localized in the nucleus (Supplemental Table S3).
Table 1. Number of LBDs in nine Rosaceae species.
Traditional subfamily Genus name Common name Species name Chromosome number Genome gene number Identified LBDs Proportion
of LBDsRosoideae Rubus Black raspberry Rubus occidentalis 8 33,286 39 0.12% Fragaria Strawberry Fragaria vesca 7 28,588 34 0.12% Rosa Chinese rose Rosa chinensis 7 39,669 39 0.10% Amygdaloideae Prunus Peach Prunus persica 8 47,089 42 0.09% Prunus Apricot Prunus armeniaca 8 30,436 41 0.13% Prunus Mei Prunus mume var. tortuosa 8 26,015 41 0.16% Maloideae Crataegus Hawthorn Crataegus pinnatifida 17 40,571 60 0.15% Pyrus European pear Pyrus communis 17 37,445 41 0.11% Malus Apple Malus domestica 'HFTH1' 17 44,677 69 0.15% Phylogenetic analysis, conserved motifs, and sequence alignment of LBD protein
To better analyze the evolutionary trajectory of LBD proteins in nine Rosaceae species, a maximum likelihood (ML) tree was constructed with LBDs from the Rosaceae family (406), A. thaliana (43), and P. trichocarpa (80). Based on the classification of Arabidopsis and poplar, 406 LBD proteins were divided into two major groups, Class I and Class II (Fig. 1a & Supplemental Tables S4, S5). Most proteins belong to Class I, which contained 349 (85.96%) members in nine species, while Class II had 57 (14.04%) LBD members (Fig. 1a, 1b & Supplemental Table S4). Subsequent studies revealed that Class I could be categorized into five subclasses (Class Ia-Ie), while Class II could be further separated into subclass IIa and subclass IIb. Each subclass included the LBDs of these 11 species, but there were differences in the distribution of members among different species (Fig. 1a, 1b & Supplemental Table S4). Subclass Ia had the largest number of LBDs (11) in apple, and subclass Ic contained the most members in hawthorn. Interestingly, subclass Ie had the highest number of members in most Rosaceae plants, such as strawberry, peach, mei, and apple (Fig. 1b & Supplemental Table S4). In addition, we found that the number of subclass Ia, Ic, and IIa in Rosoideae was less than that in Maloideae. In the Rosoideae and Amygdaloideae, the number of subclass IIa and IIb was consistent (Fig. 1b & Supplemental Table S4).
Figure 1.
Phylogenetic tree, conserved domains, and the gene numbers of the subfamily in nine Rosaceae species. (a) ML phylogenetic tree of LBD proteins in 11 plant genomes. (b) The number of genes identified in different classes of the LBD family. (c) Analysis of three conserved domains of LBD proteins in nine Rosaceae genomes.
The investigation of protein domain positioning and structure involved the utilization of ClustalW for carrying out multiple sequence alignment. Additionally, conserved motif logos were developed using the WebLogo3 website. Consequently, nearly all LBDs exhibited the zinc finger-like domain (CX2CX6CX3C) and GAS blocks, whereas Class II LBDs did not include the leucine zipper-like motif (LX6LX3LX6L) (Fig. 1c).
To delve more into the functional variety and evolutionary relationship of LBDs in species belonging to the Rosaceae family, we constructed an independent phylogenetic tree for each subclass and analyzed motifs and domains within these proteins. The subclass exhibited significant variation in both the quantity and diversity of motifs (Fig. 2, Supplemental Figs S1−S5). For example, subclass IIa possessed the lowest number of motifs and only nine types of motifs, while subclass Ie possessed the highest number of motifs with 15 types. Besides, the conserved motifs 1, 2, 10, and 13 were shared by each subclass. Class II did not contain motifs 4 and 6, but these only contained motifs 5 and 12. Subclass Id and Ie were the only subclasses that included motif 6, while motif 16 was exclusively found in subclass IIb. The presence of specific motifs in the LBD subclass indicated that they also had specific roles.
Figure 2.
Phylogenetic evolutionary tree, motifs distributions, and domains of the subclass Ia subfamily members.
Chromosomal localization and evolutionary analysis of the LBDs
To gain a deeper understanding of the evolutionary connection between LBDs in Rosaceae species, we conducted a study on the chromosome localization, collinearity analysis, and gene duplication relationship of LBDs in the nine Rosaceae genomes. Through chromosome localization, 406 LBDs in nine Rosaceae genomes were unevenly distributed across the chromosome (Fig. 3 & Supplemental Figs S6, S7). We also found that except for Maloideae, most species had LBDs distribution on each chromosome (Fig. 3, Supplemental Figs S6, S7). Specifically, no LBDs were located on chromosome 4 and 13 in pear and apple (Supplemental Fig. S7b, S7c). Chromosome 7 (Chr7) had the maximum number of LBDs in black raspberry, strawberry, pear, and apple, with 12, 9, 10, and 7, respectively (Supplemental Figs S6a, S6b, S7b & S7c). Nine and 11 LBDs were located in Chr5, which was the largest number in apricot and mei, respectively (Fig. 3b, 3c).
Figure 3.
Chromosome distribution of LBDs in the Amygdaloideae. (a) Chromosome distribution of LBDs in P. persica. (b) Chromosome distribution of LBDs in P. armeniaca. (c) Chromosome distribution of LBDs in P. mume.
In addition, collinearity analysis showed that the most segment duplication gene pairs occurred in Maloideae, such as 87 gene pairs in hawthorn, followed by Amygdaloideae, and the least in Rosoideae, such as only six in Chinese rose (Fig. 4, Supplemental Fig. S8 & Supplemental Table S6). Notably, the tandem duplication gene pairs showed significant similarity among the species of the Rosaceae family. In apple, the highest number of tandem duplication gene pairs observed was five, whereas in pear, the lowest number was two (Supplemental Fig. S3b, 3c & Supplemental Table S7). The prevalence of segment duplication genes, as opposed to tandem duplication genes, indicates that segment duplication is the primary factor responsible for the expansion of LBDs in the Rosoideae and Amygdaloideae. Subsequently, genome collinearity of LBDs among the Rosaceae family, A. thaliana, and P. trichocarpa was conducted on account of species’ evolutionary relationships. The findings indicated a significant collinearity relationship across Rosaceae plants, as depicted in Fig. 5. In Rosoideae, 46 and 42 pairs of orthologous LBDs were detected between black raspberry and strawberry and strawberry and Chinese rose, respectively (Fig. 5). A total of 53 and 49 homologous gene pairs were found in Amygdaloideae (peach vs apricot, apricot vs mei) (Fig. 5). For Malodieae, there were the most gene pairs, with 103 pairs between hawthorn and pear (Fig. 5).
Figure 4.
Collinearity of segmental duplication gene pairs of LBDs in six Rosaceae species. (a) Collinearity of segmental duplication gene pairs of LBDs in R. occidentalis. (b) Collinearity of segmental duplication gene pairs of LBDs in F. vesca. (c) Collinearity of segmental duplication gene pairs of LBDs in R. chinensis. (d) Collinearity of segmental duplication gene pairs of LBDs in P. persica. (e) Collinearity of segmental duplication gene pairs of LBDs in P. armeniaca. (f) Collinearity of segmental duplication gene pairs of LBDs in P. mume. The red lines represent the segment duplication (SD) gene pairs of the LBDs.
Figure 5.
Collinearity analysis of LBDs in different genomes. Colored circular rectangles denote the chromosomes of different plants. The green lines represent gene pairs with a collinear relationship. The grey lines represent other collinear gene pairs of non-LBD gene family members across genomes.
To conduct a more in-depth examination of the rate at which LBDs have evolved in nine Rosaceae species, we computed the Ka (non-synonymous substitution) to Ks (synonymous substitution) ratio for each pair of genes. In our study, the Ks value of gene pairs was mainly distributed at 1.0 to 2.5 in black raspberry, strawberry, apricot, mei, and pear (Fig. 6a & Supplemental Data S1). The main distribution of Ks in other Rosaceae species was 2.0 to 2.5 (Fig. 6a & Supplemental Data S1). In addition, the value of Ks peaked at 2.0-2.5 in strawberry, apricot, mei, and pear, while the peak value was 1.5-2.0 in the other six plants (Fig. 6a & Supplemental Data S1). The majority of the LBD gene pairs exhibited Ka/Ks ratios below 1 (Fig. 6b & Supplemental Data S2), indicating that these genes are likely subject to purifying selection. However, it is worth mentioning that there was one gene pair in peach and two gene pairs in black raspberry with a Ka/Ks value greater than 1 (Fig. 6b & Supplemental Data S2), implying that these genes may undergo functional divergence owing to positive selection.
Figure 6.
The Ks and Ka/Ks values of LBDs in nine Rosaceae genomes. (a) The distribution of Ks values among LBDs in nine Rosaceae genomes. (b) The distribution of Ka/Ks values among LBDs in nine Rosaceae genomes.
Functional prediction of the LBDs
To further explore the biological processes involved in LBDs, we performed a gene ontology (GO) analysis of Rosaceae LBDs. According to the cellular component results, LBDs were involved in the nucleus, membrane-bounded organelle, intracellular membrane-bounded organelle, organelle and intracellular organelle (Fig. 7a). Regarding molecular function, LBDs primarily participate in protein dimerization activity and protein binding. In addition, these genes were implicated in more than 130 biological processes, including post-embryonic, plant organ, root, flower, and other developmental and morphogenetic processes, as well as phloem or xylem histogenesis, cellular response to jasmonic acid stimulus and jasmonic acid mediated signaling pathway (Fig. 7a).
Figure 7.
GO and cis-elements analysis of LBDs in nine Rosaceae species. (a) GO analysis of LBDs in nine Rosaceae species. (b) The proportion of cis-elements predicted in the promoters of LBDs. (c) Numbers of the cis-elements involved in light response, hormone response, biotic and abiotic stress, development, and tissue specificity.
To explore the potential regulatory mechanisms of LBDs, cis-acting element analysis was performed on the region 2,000 bp upstream of 406 LBDs using the PlantCARE database. The findings indicated that a total of 70,479 cis-acting elements were identified, with an average of 173 per gene (Fig. 7b & Supplemental Fig. S9). The promoter region of LBDs exhibited a widespread presence of common regulatory components, namely the CAAT-box and TATA-box, which accounted for 21.48% and 26.61% respectively. Subsequently, 20 major cis-elements were selected for further analysis (Fig. 7b). These cis-elements mainly contained: (1) light response-related elements, with an average of 12 elements per gene; (2) hormone response-related elements, such as abscisic acid, MeJA, auxin, gibberellin; (3) biotic and abiotic stress-related elements, including anaerobic induction, low-temperature, drought-inducibility, defense, and stress responsiveness; (4) development and tissue specificity related elements, such as meristem expression, wound-responsive, cell cycle regulation, circadian control, endosperm expression, seed-specific, root-specific (Fig. 7b, c & Supplemental Fig. S9). Furthermore, despite the distribution of various cis-elements throughout the promoter, the presence of similarly organized cis-acting elements on related gene promoters implies that these genes may have comparable roles (Supplemental Fig. S9). Overall, these results indicated that LBDs may play important roles as transcription factors in many biological processes and could respond to hormone response and stress.
Expression pattern analysis of PmLBDs in P. mume
To characterize the tissue-specific PmLBD gene in P. mume, the expression patterns of PmLBD family members were based on RNA-seq data. Among 41 PmLBDs, 26 PmLBDs were expressed in at least tissues (bud, root, fruit, leaf, and stem) (Fig. 8a). The PmLBDs that were considered to be tissue-specifically expressed with RPKM > 2-fold over other tissues were as follows: PmLBD3/6/13/27/29/31/34, PmLBD7/15/17/25/36/40, PmLBD8/23/24, PmLBD28 were expressed in the roots, buds, fruit and stems, respectively (Fig. 8a). The other genes were expressed in two or more tissues, among which PmLBD1 was highly expressed in all five tissues (RPKM > 40) (Fig. 8a). These findings implied that the growth and development process of tissues were regulated by these PmLBDs.
Figure 8.
Expression pattern of PmLBDs in different tissues and different developmental stages of flower buds. (a) Hierarchical clustering of expression profiles of PmLBDs in different tissues (bud, fruit, leaf, root, and stem). (b) Expression profiles of PmLBDs in the flower bud during dormancy release.
To look into the potential role of PmLBDs in the regulation of blooming, particularly in the process of floral bud break, we assessed the expression levels of PmLBDs at four different stages of floral bud dormancy release in P. mume. As shown in Fig. 8b & Supplemental Fig. S10, PmLBD2 exhibited a continuous upregulation with floral bud exit dormancy, while PmLBD12/35 showed a downregulation trend. PmLBD19 expression was suppressed in the endodormancy process, increased during ecological dormancy, and decreased sharply at bud flush, while PmLBD6 was up-regulated during endodormancy and decreased after ecological dormancy. These results demonstrate that these PmLBDs function in floral bud dormancy release.
To examine how PmLBDs react to cold stress in mei, we analyzed the expression patterns in the stem at three different locations throughout three time periods. The expression level of PmLBDs varied greatly at different geographic locations and in different periods (Fig. 9 & Supplemental Fig. S11). For example, PmLBD1/6/13/17 showed large expression levels under all three locations at the same time. In addition, PmLBD13 exhibited an initial downregulation followed by an upregulation trend at three test sites, while PmLBD26 showed an opposite trend (Fig. 9 & Supplemental Fig. S11). Notably, some genes showed inconsistent expression at three test sites. For example, the expression of PmLBD1 exhibited down-regulation in winter and up-regulation in spring in Beijing, a continuous down-regulation trend in Chifeng, and upregulation followed by downregulation in Gongzhuling (Fig. 9a). PmLBD19 showed a continuous up-regulation in Beijing, down-regulation in winter, and up-regulation in spring in Chifeng, and an increase followed by a downregulation in Gongzhuling (Fig. 9b). These results suggest that PmLBDs were involved in the response to cold stress in P. mume.
Figure 9.
Expression pattern of PmLBDs in different locations and seasons. (a) Hierarchical clustering of expression profiles of PmLBDs in different locations. (b) Hierarchical clustering of expression profiles of PmLBDs in different seasons. BJ, Beijing; CF, Chifeng; GZL, Gongzhuling.
We also examined the expression of PmLBDs at eight developmental stages of upright and weeping branches in the mei F1 population. The PmLBDs showed a large variation in expression patterns during branch development (Fig. 10). The expression of PmLBD5 showed a continuous upregulation at eight developmental stages, and PmLBD28/30/40 exhibited an up-regulation followed by a decrease. Notably, PmLBD6 was consistently higher in weeping branches than in upright branches, while PmLBD20 showed an opposite trend (Fig. 10). To verify the accuracy of the transcript levels of PmLBDs in transcriptome data, nine candidate genes were selected based on the subfamily classification and differential gene clustering. Their expression level in upright and weeping branches was investigated using qRT-PCR with PmPP2A as a reference gene. Finally, RNA-seq data were consistent with the qRT-PCR results (Fig. 11).
Figure 10.
Expression pattern of PmLBDs in upright and weeping branches. U1−U8, eight developmental stages of upright branches in the mei F1 population; W1−W8, eight developmental stages of weeping branches in the mei F1 population.
Figure 11.
qRT-PCR analysis of nine PmLBDs in upright and weeping branches. U1−U8, eight developmental stages of upright branches in the mei F1 population; W1−W8, eight developmental stages of weeping branches in the mei F1 population. The relative quantification method (2−ΔΔCᴛ) was used to evaluate quantitative variation. Error bars represent standard error for three replicates.
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Liu W, Guo X, Zheng T, Li X, Ahmad S, et al. 2024. Genome-wide identification and characterization of the Lateral Organ Boundaries Domain (LBD) gene family in nine Rosaceae species and expression pattern in Prunus mume. Ornamental Plant Research 4: e007 doi: 10.48130/opr-0024-0005
Genome-wide identification and characterization of the Lateral Organ Boundaries Domain (LBD) gene family in nine Rosaceae species and expression pattern in Prunus mume
- Received: 13 December 2023
- Revised: 21 January 2024
- Accepted: 25 January 2024
- Published online: 04 March 2024
Abstract: Transcription factors (TFs) encoded by the lateral organ boundaries domain (LBD) gene family are known to control many plant-specific developmental processes. However, the comparative analysis of the LBD gene family in Rosaceae species and its expression pattern in mei remains unclear. Here, we identified a total of 406 LBDs in nine Rosaceae species, including 39 in black raspberry (Rubus occidentalis), 34 in strawberry (Fragaria vesca), 39 in Chinese rose (Rosa chinensis), 42 in peach (Prunus persica), 41 in apricot (Prunus armeniaca), 41 in mei (Prunus mume var. tortuosa), 60 in pear (Pyrus communis), 41 in hawthorn (Crataegus pinnatifida) and 69 in apple (Malus domestica), respectively. The LBDs of nine Rosaceae species were classified into seven major subclasses. The chromosome localization, collinearity analysis, and gene duplication relationship revealed that segment duplication was the main driving force for the amplification of LBDs in the Rosoideae and Amygdaloideae. Ka/Ks analysis suggested most of the LBD gene pairs might be under purification selection. GO and cis-acting elements analysis showed that LBDs may play important roles in many biological processes and could respond to hormones and stresses. RNA-seq data showed that PmLBD17/19/41 genes contained both low-temperature and MeJA response elements and played a significant variation across different geographic locations and periods. PmLBD30, the ortholog of EgLBD29, exhibited an up-regulation followed by a decrease, which is hypothesized to possibly play a role in the formation of a weeping trait in mei. Our studies offer important data about the development of the LBD family in Rosaceae and the subsequent validation of LBDs' functional genes in P. mume.
Key words:
- Rosaceae /
- LBD gene family /
- Prunus mume /
- Phylogenetic analysis /
- Collinearity analysis /
- Expression pattern