After rigorous quality control and data filtering, 24,836,493 high-quality mean clean reads were obtained, and 272,328 transcripts were generated using the Trinity program (China National GenBank Data Base: CNX0602781). The clean reads contain over 97.93% of sequencing bases with quality scores at the Q20 level (an error probability of 0.1%) and over 90.08% at Q30. The mean GC content of generated sequence was 54.17% (Table 1). Based on these results, the sequencing data is of sufficient quality for further analysis. As shown in Fig. 1a and Supplemental Table S1, most transcripts were < 2,000 bp in length (215,33, 79.08%). There was a general decrease in transcript number with increasing transcript length, and most transcripts were approximately 500 bp in length (81,141, 29.08%), indicating that the combination exhibited high sequencing quality (Supplemental Tables S1 & S2).
Table 1. De novo transcriptome sequencing of reed canary grass.
Replicates Read Clean Size of clean Q20 (%) Q30 (%) GC (%) Length Reads pairs Base (bp) Sample1 150 24,378,713 7,313,613,900 97 89.45 53.8 Sample2 150 22,716,853 6,815,055,900 97.55 91.1 53.7 Sample3 150 27,431,912 8,229,573,600 97.05 89.7 55.1 Mean 150 24,842,493 7,452,747,800 97.2 90.08 54.2 Figure 1.
Characteristics of reed canary grass transcripts. (a) Distribution of transcripts lengths in Phalaris. (b) Functional annotation of transcripts based on Gene Ontology (GO) categorization. (c) Top 19 KEGG pathways containing the most transcripts. (d) Distribution of six SSR repeat types in different genic regions.
Annotation and classification of Phalaris transcripts
Four databases, NR, Swiss-Prot Annotation, GO and KEGG, were used to perform the annotation using the BLASTX algorithm with an e-value of 1.0 × 10−5. A total of 272,328 transcripts were annotated in at least one of the aforementioned databases. In the NR database, 158,464 transcripts revealed a significant number of hits (e-value < 1× 10−5) of which 8,917 were related to Artibeus jamaicensis (Supplemental Table S3) The GO database, Swiss-Prot annotation and KEGG databases successfully annotated 110,631, 106,768 and 59,324 transcripts with known proteins. However, 113,242 (41.58%) transcripts did not match any sequence in the aforementioned four databases (Table 2).
Table 2. Annotation statistics of reed canary grass transcripts.
Database Number of transcripts Percentage Total 272,328 100% KOG 46,697 17.15% KEGG 59,324 21.78% NR 158,464 58.19% GO 110,631 40.62% Swiss-Prot 106,768 39.21% Unknown 113,24 41.58% The GO annotation results revealed that the major subcategories of the classified transcripts were 'metabolic processes' (60,037), 'cellular processes' (57,599), and 'single biological processes' (35,290) in 'biological processes'; 'cells' (60,005), 'cellular fractions' (60,005) and 'organelles' (16,975) in 'cellular components'; 'catalytic activity' (57,745) in 'molecular functions'; and 'binding' (186), and 'transporter activity' (7,157) (Fig. 1b). In the KEGG pathway, the most abundant pathways were 'transport and catabolism' (2,581), 'carbon metabolism' (5,035), 'biosynthesis of amino acids' (3,429), 'signal transduction' (2,313), 'transport and catabolism' (2,581), 'folding, sorting and degradation' (4,058), and 'environment adaptation' (1,701) (Fig. 1c).
Prediction of repeat motif types
A total of 50,155 potential SSRs were identified from 272,328 transcripts, with 1,936 sequences containing more than one SSR locus. Of the 50,155 SSRs, 1,936 were compound microsatellites (Table 3). The type and distribution of 50,155 potential SSRs were investigated. The most abundant repeat motif was mono-nucleotide SSRs (22,859, Fig. 1d), with the vast majority (45.58%) comprising A or T repeats, followed by Tri-type (34.42%) and Di-type (17.35%). AG/CT and CCG/CGG exhibited the highest proportion of the Di-motif and Tri-type occurrences (Fig. 2, Supplemental Table S4).
Table 3. Statistics of SSRs identified in reed canary grass transcripts.
SSR mining Number Total number of sequences examined 272,328 Total size of examined sequences (bp) 351,691,355 Total number of identified SSRs 50,155 Number of SSR containing sequences 41,925 Number of sequences containing more than 1 SSR 6,779 Number of SSRs present in compound formation 1,936 Distribution of SSRs in different repeat types Mono-nucleotide 22,859(45.58%) Di-nucleotide 8,702(17.35%) Tri-nucleotide 17,261(34.42%) Tetra-nucleotide 824(1.64%) Penta-nucleotide 318(0.63%) Hexa-nucleotide 191(0.38%) Figure 2.
Simple sequence repeats length distribution across different motif classification in reed canary grass.
Development and polymorphism identification of EST-SSR markers
Based on the predicted SSR markers, 300 EST-SSR primers were randomly selected and used for PCR amplification and polymorphism assessment (Supplemental Table S5). The amplification results revealed that 45 polymorphic markers (16.3%) were used to amplify the 19 reed canary grass accessions (Supplemental Tables S6 & S7). The transcripts for 45 markers were annotated, and major GO terms included 'integral component of membrane' and 'membrane' in 'Molecular Function'; 'ATP binding' in 'Biological Process' (Supplemental Fig. S1a). The KEGG annotation results revealed that the major KEGG subclass included 'Metabolism of cofactors and vitamin' and 'Biosynthesis of other secondary metabolites' in 'Metabolism' (Supplemental Fig. S1b). Supplemental Fig. S2 depicts the gel images of SSR1-SSR5. Forty-five SSR markers amplified 218 bands (TNB), and reliable polymorphic bands (NPB) amplified 216 bands (99.08%), which were amplified by each marker ranging from two (SSR17, SSR19, and SSR25) to 16 (SSR2) (Table 4). The percentage of polymorphic bands (PPB) of each marker ranged from 80% (SSR15) to 100% (SSR2, SSR3 and so on) in Table 4. Furthermore, the PIC (ranged from 0.37 to 0.43), MI (ranged from 0.75 to 4.12), Rp (ranged from 0.42 to 9.05), H (ranged from 0.38 to 0.500), and I (ranged from 0.49 to 0.72) of these 45 EST-SSR markers were high, suggesting that these markers have great application potential for the genetic study of Phalaris species (Table 4).
Table 4. Marker parameters calculated for each SSR primer combination used with reed canary grass accessions.
TNB NPB PPB% PIC MI Rp H I SSR1 10 9 90 0.39 3.47 5.79 0.47 0.59 SSR2 16 16 100 0.38 6.01 9.05 0.49 0.62 SSR3 9 9 100 0.38 3.45 4.42 0.48 0.60 SSR4 6 6 100 0.39 2.31 2.21 0.47 0.49 SSR5 8 8 100 0.37 2.99 4.32 0.50 0.62 SSR6 7 7 100 0.37 2.62 4.00 0.50 0.61 SSR7 6 6 100 0.39 2.36 3.37 0.46 0.59 SSR8 7 7 100 0.39 2.70 3.26 0.47 0.59 SSR9 10 10 100 0.38 3.83 3.89 0.48 0.59 SSR10 7 7 100 0.38 2.63 3.68 0.49 0.63 SSR11 11 11 100 0.37 4.12 6.11 0.50 0.61 SSR12 7 7 100 0.38 2.64 4.21 0.49 0.67 SSR13 7 7 100 0.41 2.86 3.37 0.42 0.66 SSR14 9 9 100 0.38 3.45 4.32 0.48 0.6 SSR15 5 4 80 0.39 1.56 2.63 0.47 0.57 SSR16 6 6 100 0.37 2.24 1.05 0.50 0.56 SSR17 2 2 100 0.37 0.75 0.42 0.50 0.48 SSR18 5 5 100 0.41 2.07 1.16 0.41 0.63 SSR19 2 2 100 0.40 0.79 1.05 0.45 0.61 SSR20 3 3 100 0.39 1.17 1.26 0.47 0.59 SSR21 3 3 100 0.40 1.21 1.16 0.43 0.52 SSR22 3 3 100 0.37 1.12 1.37 0.50 0.62 SSR23 5 5 100 0.39 1.97 2.74 0.45 0.6 SSR24 3 3 100 0.39 1.18 2.11 0.46 0.72 SSR25 2 2 100 0.38 0.77 1.05 0.48 0.64 SSR26 2 2 100 0.38 0.76 0.95 0.49 0.61 SSR27 3 3 100 0.39 1.18 0.74 0.46 0.53 SSR28 2 2 100 0.38 0.76 1.58 0.49 0.66 SSR29 2 2 100 0.40 0.79 1.05 0.45 0.61 SSR30 4 4 100 0.39 1.57 2.11 0.46 0.56 SSR31 3 3 100 0.37 1.12 2.53 0.50 0.66 SSR32 2 2 100 0.41 0.83 1.16 0.41 0.72 SSR33 3 3 100 0.38 1.13 2.84 0.49 0.7 SSR34 2 2 100 0.40 0.79 1.05 0.45 0.56 SSR35 5 5 100 0.39 1.95 3.58 0.47 0.64 SSR36 3 3 100 0.38 1.14 1.58 0.49 0.62 SSR37 2 2 100 0.37 0.75 1.89 0.50 0.7 SSR38 2 2 100 0.38 0.75 1.05 0.49 0.64 SSR39 6 6 100 0.38 2.30 4.63 0.48 0.72 SSR40 5 5 100 0.43 2.13 1.79 0.38 0.52 SSR41 4 4 100 0.39 1.57 2.42 0.46 0.6 SSR42 2 2 100 0.38 0.76 1.58 0.49 0.71 SSR43 2 2 100 0.40 0.79 0.84 0.45 0.5 SSR44 2 2 100 0.38 0.76 1.68 0.49 0.67 SSR45 3 3 100 0.39 1.16 1.58 0.47 0.6 Total 218 216 99.08 0.37 80.74 114.63 0.50 0.61 Mean 4.84 4.80 99.33 0.39 1.85 4.98 0.47 0.61 MI, marker Index; Rp, resolving power; I, Shannon information index; H, heterozygosity. Clustering, population structure, and PCoA analysis
Genetic similarities among the tested accessions were calculated, and an unrooted UPGMA dendrogram was created. Nineteen germplasm were divided into three clusters based on their average genetic similarity values (0.9207) (Cluster I, Cluster II, and Cluster III; Fig. 3; Fig. 4). Overall, the clustering results were correlated with geographic origin, with Cluster I including six accessions from North America (NoA), four accessions from Europe (EU), and two accessions from Asia (AS); Cluster II consisting of five accessions from NoA; Cluster III consisting of bulbous canary grass (P. aquatica). (Fig. 3; Fig. 4). Structural software was used to assess the genetic membership of the studied accessions based on Bayesian models (Fig. 3; Supplemental Fig. S3). According to Evanno's method, the optimal K value was three (Supplemental Fig. S3).
Figure 3.
Unweighted Pair Group Method with Arithmetic (UPGMA) tree of the 19 accessions (the reliability of the clustering results is indicated by a bootstrap support value of more than 50% for each main branch of the clustering tree map) and genetic relationship among reed canary grass accessions using a Bayesian analysis.
Figure 4.
Principal coordinate analysis (PCoA) showing the relationships of the reed canary grass accessions.
Genetic diversity indexes of geographic groups and their diversity indexes
Based on the geographical origin of all germplasms, all 19 accessions were divided into four geographical groups: NoA, EU, AS, and Pa, with NoA consisting of 11 reed canary grass accessions from North America, EU consisting of four from Europe, AS consisting of two from Asia, and Pa consisting of two bulbous canary grass accessions. NoA exhibited the highest level of genetic diversity (Na = 1.955, Ne = 1.577, I = 0.512, He = 0.341, P = 96.53%; Table 5), followed by the EU, AS, and Pa groups (Table 5 & Supplemental Table S6). AMOVA is usually used to test the effect of geographic origin on the genetic variation of different germplasm. Among the total genetic variation, 2% was attributed to variation among geographic populations, while 98% was due to variation among germplasm within populations (p < 0.05; Table 6; Supplemental Fig. S4). The mean fixation index (Fst) of the three groups revealed a moderate genetic differentiation (Fst = 0.023; Table 6).
Table 5. Different genetic diversity estimates for four geographical groups of reed canary grass accessions.
Geographical group N Na Ne I He P NoA 11.000 1.955 1.577 0.512 0.341 96.53% EU 4.000 1.495 1.432 0.358 0.244 62.38% AS 2.000 0.866 1.168 0.144 0.098 23.76% Pa 2.000 0.891 1.175 0.150 0.103 24.75% N, Individual number of populations; Na, No. of different Alleles; Ne, No. of effective alleles; I, Shannon information index; He, Expected heterozygosity; P, Genetic variation. Table 6. Analysis of molecular variance (AMOVA) among and within geographical groups of reed canary grass accessions.
Source of variation df SS MS Est. Var. PMV (%) Fst P Among pops 2 4.410 2.205 0.046 2% 0.023 0.143 Within pops 14 28.040 2.003 2.003 98% Total 16 32.450 2.049 100% df, degree of freedom; SS, square deviation; MS, mean square deviation; Est.Var, exist variance; Fst, coefficient of genetic differentiation; PMV, Percentages of molecular variance. Data availability statement
The Illumina NGS reads generated in this study were submitted to China National GenBank Data Base (Accession No. CNX0602781).
In this study, transcriptome sequencing of reed canary grass was performed, and the transcripts were de novo assembled. A total of 272,328 non-redundant transcripts containing SSRs were annotated in several databases, which were associated with several biological processes. A total of 50,155 EST-SSR were identified from the assembled transcripts, and 300 EST-SSR markers were randomly selected for validation. Therefore, 45 SSR markers demonstrated high polymorphism, stable amplification, easy identification of amplified bands, and stability between accessions, thereby filling a gap in the development of SSR primers based on the transcriptome of reed canary grass.
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Jia X, Xiong Y, Xiong Y, Ji X, Li D, et al. 2023. Transcriptomic sequencing analysis, development, and validation of EST-SSR markers in reed canary grass. Grass Research 3:17 doi: 10.48130/GR-2023-0017
Transcriptomic sequencing analysis, development, and validation of EST-SSR markers in reed canary grass
- Received: 27 April 2023
- Accepted: 04 August 2023
- Published online: 05 September 2023
Abstract: Reed canary grass (Phalaris arundinacea L.) is a promising high-yield cool-season forage with significant ecological application potential in wastewater treatment and wetland restoration. Transcriptome sequences can rapidly assay and characterize a few gene-based microsatellites from various plants. Here, the transcriptome of reed canary grass was sequenced, and 50,155 putative EST-SSRs were identified from 272,328 transcripts, with tri-nucleotide being the most abundant type, followed by mono-nucleotide. A total of 300 EST-SSR markers were randomly selected, among which 45 polymorphic EST-SSR markers were used for the genetic diversity study of 17 reed canary grass accessions (P. arundinacea L.) and two accessions of related bulbous canary grass (P. aquatica L.). A total of 218 bands were amplified using 45 SSR markers; the reliable polymorphic bands were 118 (54.13%), the average of the polymorphic information content was 0.36, and the RP value was 0.96. In summary, the transcriptome sequences of reed canary grass contribute to gene prediction and promote molecular biology and genomics studies, whereas polymorphic SSR markers promote molecular-assisted breeding and related studies of Phalaris species.
Key words:
- Phalaris arundinacea L. /
- Transcriptome sequencing /
- EST-SSR markers /
- Genetic diversity