To identify the genes that were subjected to differential regulation by the gain-of-function VvDELLA1 in the L1 dwarf mutants, we collected and conducted RNAseq profiling of shoot apices from the four mutant grape cultivars. These collected shoot apices encompass a range of structures, including the shoot apical meristem (SAM) responsible for continuous shoot growth, axially positioned primordial anlagen directed towards inflorescences or tendrils, and leaf primordia which develop into leaves. At the time of sampling, these genetic materials had been thriving in the hydroponic-fed pots for a minimum of two years, featuring both inflorescences and berries in the woody basal branches, as well as in the upper sections (Fig. 1). Simultaneously, we collected shoot apices from Pinot Meunier vines, the wild-type control (WT). WT remained in its juvenile stage at the time of sampling, indicated by their anlagens only processing into tendrils.
We conducted pairwise comparisons of Pixie, Dena, Gina, and Tia with WT, respectively. The numbers of differentially expressed genes (DEGs) at FDR ≤ 0.05 were 4,726 for Pixie, 2,744 for Dena, 2,731 for Gina and 3,210 for Tia. Our further analysis revealed that 723 DEGs were shared by at least three of the four mutants and 317 DEGs were shared by all four. Because the four grape mutants have very diverse genetic background, DEGs shown consistently across three or four of the mutants were most likely real. Among the 723 DEGs, 373 were up-regulated while 350 were down-regulated (Fig. 2; Table 1). As depicted in Fig. 3, the read abundance of these 723 DEGs spans a spectrum ranging from as low as 0.5 counts per million reads (CPM) to approximately 2,500 CPM. Remarkably, the fluctuations in expression change between the mutant and WT are considerably diverse, varying from a mere 1-fold to 550-fold difference. Notably, in line with many gene expression profiles, approximately 50% of the DEGs manifested low to moderate expression levels, usually within the range of 1−32 CPM. Within this segment, the most substantial changes in responses were observed, reaching up to a 500-fold alteration. It is intriguing to observe that the up-regulated DEGs tended to exhibit slightly more pronounced response changes, particularly those expressed at moderate to abundant levels which could soar up to 250 folds. In contrast, the changes for down-regulated genes sharing similar expression abundance fell between 30 to 60 folds. For the DEGs that were highly abundant (> 100 CPM), the alteration in their expression was relatively conservative, at around 2 folds. Genes involved in either hormone production and signal transduction, or flower formation, development, and flower regulation exhibited relatively low levels of expression or abundance. This observation underscores their vital functional significance as even minor alterations can trigger substantial physiological, metabolic, developmental, or phenotypic changes.
Figure 2.
A Venna diagram showing the overlaps of DEGs in 'Pixie', 'Dena', 'Gina' and 'Tia' each compared to the WT 'Pinot Meunier'. FDR ≤ 0.05.
Table 1. Numbers of DEGs that were of consistent responses in the shoots of four Pixie mutant background.
Expression change No. of DEGs1 Up-regulated 373 Down-regulated 350 Total 723 1 ≥ 1.5-fold change, FDR ≤ 0.05 in at least three of the four mutants. Figure 3.
Expression profiles of 723 DEGs that were consistently up-regulated or down-regulated in terms of average fold changes vs average expression levels.
Gene Ontology analysis of the shared DEGs
The GO enrichment analyses of the 373 up-regulated DEGs showed that most of these genes were linked to fundamental cellular activities, including responses to abiotic stimulus and regulation of cell size (Table 2 & Fig. 4). Notably, the up-regulated DEGs with substantial fold-changes played pivotal roles in biosynthesis processes, encompassing cellulose synthase, 3-ketoacyl-CoA synthase, trehalose-phosphatase/synthase, and Deoxyxylulose- 5-phosphate synthase, among others. Additionally, several significant gene families related to hormones and regulation, such as GRAS, MYB, AUX/IAA and ethylene, as well as various heat-shock proteins, 30S ribosomal, and response regulators of cytokinin, auxin response factors, and several homologs within the DOF, ERF and TCP transcription factor families were observed (data not shown). Conversely, among the 350 down-regulated DEGs, a considerable portion were also associated with fundamental cellular processes (Fig. 4). This category encompassed genes like protein kinases, along with an abundance of defense response-related genes such as lacasse and LRR-bearing genes. The down-regulated genes with notable fold changes displayed an enrichment of GO terms primarily associated with reproduction, transport, and localization processes (Table 2). These terms are exemplified by numerous carrier genes responsible for cation, potassium, auxin, and mate effluxes, as well as genes linked to floral development, including sucrose and peptide transporters. Noteworthy addition to this list were genes associated with meristem development: JAR1, a JA signaling gene; PRR7, a major gene in the temperature-sensitive circadian pathway; and KNAT1, a significant homeobox gene governing meristem cell fate determination. Evidently, these DEGs play a substantial role in influencing various pathways, culminating in a remodeling of the overall regulatory landscape, and ultimately giving rise to mutated phenotypes within the L1 mutants.
Table 2. Enriched GO terms among the 373 up-regulated and 350 down-regulated DEGs observed in the mutants.
GO terms Number UP-regulated DEGs Response to abiotic stimulus 27 Regulation of cell size 3 Down-regulated DEGs Anatomical structure development 16 Reproduction 11 Response to stimulus 36 Biological regulation 46 Transport 44 Establishment of localization 44 Localization 44 Cellular metabolic process 112 Expression of key GA pathway genes
Considering that GA represses the shift from vegetative growth to inflorescence in grapevine[13], investigating the expression patterns of genes linked to GA production and signal transduction in the L1 dwarf mutants becomes pertinent to discern whether these genes undergo feedback regulation by VvDELLA1. Among the GA signaling homologs, GID1a exhibited the most remarkable upregulation in shoot apices, with its transcript surpassing others by 100−400 folds (Fig. 5a). This suggests GID1a plays an important role in shoot apices. Nonetheless, it was not differentially expressed between WT and any of the four mutant cultivars. In terms of the two biosynthesis GA families, GA5 (GA20ox with about eight members) and GA4 (GA3ox with about three members), vital in the final stages, differential regulation was observed. Only GA20ox5 displayed consistent upregulation across all four mutants, albeit insignificantly. The remaining maintained consistent expression between WT and mutants (Fig. 5a). Similarly, VvDELLA2, one of the three DELLAs, exhibited upregulation in all mutants, yet insignificantly. Conversely, in the GA deactivation GA2ox gene family, both GA2ox1 genes and GA2ox8, particularly the latter, showed significant (FDR ≤ 0.05) downregulation across all mutants (Fig. 5b). This highlights the substantial impact of GA2ox8 downregulation, indicating that VvDELLA1 potentially targets and negatively regulates GA deactivation GA2ox family (five members), subsequently influencing GA accumulation.
Figure 5.
Notable expression of GA pathway genes in the L1 dwarf mutants. (a) Normalized transcript levels (counts per million, CPM) derived from aligned reads from three biological replicates for WT and dwarf mutants of genes involved in GA biosynthesis, including GA5 (GA20ox) with eight members and GA4 (GA3ox) with three members, and GA signal transduction, featuring GID and DELLA homologs. (b) Relative expression changes of GA deactivation genes, log2 fold change scale as calculated using edgeR at significance threshold set at FDR ≤ 0.05. The graph shows the average log2 fold change for three biological replicates between WT and the dwarf mutants. *: statistical significance at p ≤ 0.05.
VvAP1 and VvTFL1a were substantially down-regulated in the L1 dwarf mutants
While a myriad of genes spanning biochemical, physiological, metabolic, and regulatory pathways exhibited differential regulation in the mutants (Fig. 2; Tables 1, 2), the direct connections between these regulations and the heightened flowering phenotype in the L1 dwarf mutants remain elusive. This ambiguity arises likely due to the presence of multiple groups of meristem or primordia (e.g., SAM, anlagens, leaf primordia, and others) in the shoot tips utilized for this study, thereby complicating the analysis. Hence, we directed our attention toward genes pertinent to flowering regulation and hormone metabolism with a focus on signal transduction. Among a pool of 37 potential candidates examined, the majority of them maintained consistent expression levels between WT and the four mutants (Table 3). Only a handful of flower-positive regulators, including VvLFY, and the orthologs of FLOWERING LOCUS T (VvFT) and LATE MERISTEM IDENTITY1 (VvLMI1), were consistently upregulated in the mutants. Their transcript abundance increased by at least 2 folds on average compared to that in WT (Table 3), aligning well with their established positive flower-regulatory roles in Arabidopsis and other plants. Although these up-regulations did not reach statistical significance, even subtle changes in their expression could potentially exert significant influence on regulatory cascades and flower phenotypes. Likewise, the orthologs of Type-B ARABIDOPSIS RESPONSE REGULATOR1 (VvARR1), VvARR2b, and VvARR12, involved in cytokinin signal transduction, exhibited upregulation. This mirrors cytokinin's role in promoting the tendril-to-inflorescence transition[9−12]. As expected, the flower repressor VvTFL1a experienced a substantial and statistically significant downregulation of nearly 3 folds (p < 0.05), which implies its vulnerability to VvDELLA1 regulation. Interestingly, VvAP1, whose ortholog acts as both a floral integrator and a regulator of floral meristem identity, exhibited a significant downregulation of at least 3 folds in the L1 dwarf mutants (p < 0.05, Table 3). VvAP1 and VvTFL1a are the only two function-opposite floral regulators that were found significantly regulated in the L1 dwarf mutants, suggesting their functional importance (Table 3). Interestingly, they both were co-downregulated instead of being regulated in opposite directions. Additionally, the orthologs of another flowering integrator, SUPPRESSOR OF OVEREXPRESSION OF CONSTANS1 (VvSOC1), showed moderate downregulation across all three copies: VvSOC1a, VvSOC1b and VvSOC1c. This suggests that the transformation of a positive flower regulator into a flowering-repressive factor may not be limited to VvAP1, further indicating the intricate regulatory complexity underpinning unique floral development in grapevine.
Table 3. Differential regulation of key shoot and flower regulator genes with qRT-PCR rating for selected genes.
Gene name Pathway Grapevine gene
ID ver 2Grapevine gene
ID ver 3Arabidopsis gene ID Average folds of changes between mutants and WT Average expression across all libraries VvFT Meristem identity VIT_00s0203g00080 − AT1G65480 2.71 0.26 ± 0.18 VvTFL1 VIT_06s0080g00290 − AT2G27550 (−2.81) * 1.38 ± 0.88 VvLFY VIT_08s0007g04200 − AT5G61850 2.22 18.18 ± 8.99 VvTFL1B FT gene family VIT_08s0007g03450 − AT5G03840 1.77 1.05 ± 0.54 VvTFL1C VIT_16s0100g00700 − 1.16 0.1 ± 0.18 VvMFT VIT_17s0000g02630 − AT1G18100 (−2.46) 0.08 ± 0.06 VvAP1 VIT_01s0011g00100 − AT1G69120 (−3.03) * 5.9 ± 4.45 VvCALa VIT_01s0010g03890 Vitvi01g01673 AT1G26310 (−1.47) 42.91 ± 18.08 VvCALb VIT_17s0000g04990 Vitvi17g00470 1.09 3.2 ± 1.23 VvFUL VIT_14s0083g01030 Vitvi14g01341 AT5G60910 (−1.56) 6.73 ± 3.53 VvLMI1 VIT_08s0007g04200 − AT5G03790 2.22 18.18 ± 8.99 VvWUS VIT_04s0023g03310 − AT2G17950 3.2 0.17 ± 0.19 VvFDa Vernalization VIT_00s0349g00050 − AT4G35900 2.45 2.89 ± 1.69 VvFDb VIT_18s0001g14890 Vitvi18g01165 (−1.13) 13.85 ± 1.95 VvFLC VIT_15s0048g01270 Vitvi15g00776 AT5G10140 1.14 3.16 ± 3.44 VvAGL24 Agamous / MADS MIKC gene family VIT_18s0001g07460 Vitvi18g00517 AT4G24540 1.34 38.16 ± 10.25 VvSVPa VIT_00s0313g00070 Vitvi07g01441 AT2G22540 (−1.01) 32.78 ± 8.94 VvSVPb VIT_03s0167g00070 − (−1.47) 28.24 ± 11 VvSVPc VIT_15s0107g00120 Vitvi15g00225 1.25 18.23 ± 4.9 VvSVPd VIT_18s0001g07460 Vitvi18g00517 1.34 38.16 ± 10.25 VvSOC1.1 VIT_15s0048g01250 − AT2G45660 (−1.38) 32.46 ± 9.71 VvSOC1.2 VIT_16s0022g02380 − AT2G45660 (−1.51) 8.7 ± 2.8 VvSOC1.3 VIT_15s0048g01240 − (−1.67) 74.18 ± 26.71 VvSPL3a SPL/ Ageing pathway VIT_04s0210g00170 Vitvi04g01556 AT2G33810 (−1.03) 60.11 ± 53.82 VvSPL3b VIT_10s0003g00050 Vitvi10g00481 (−1.14) 30.95 ± 7.85 VvSPL9 VIT_08s0007g06270 Vitvi08g01720 AT2G42200 1.01 136.75 ± 49.19 VvSPL4 VIT_12s0028g03350 Vitvi12g00280 (−1.11) 74.42 ± 31.95 VvSPL13 VIT_01s0010g03910 Vitvi01g01678 (−1.54) 48.51 ± 15.96 Vvlog5 Cytokinin VIT_06s0004g02680 − (−1.73) 22.17 ± 17.55 VvRR VIT_05s0077g01480 − 1.53 83.62 ± 20.74 VvARR12 VIT_11s0206g00060 − 1.26 21.69 ± 4.58 VvARR11 VIT_01s0010g02230 − 1.41 2.09 ± 1.71 VvARR2 VIT_02s0012g00570 − (−1.13) 152.22 ± 31.65 VvARR2b VIT_01s0011g05830 − 1.41 69.94 ± 13.7 VvARR12 VIT_04s0008g05900 − 1.37 23.28 ± 6.45 Vvyabby VIT_15s0048g00550 − 1.39 186.31 ± 79.49 * Significant at p ≤ 0.05. -
All data generated or analyzed during this study are included in this published article.
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Arro J, Yang Y, Song GQ, Cousins P, Liu Z, et al. 2024. Transcriptome analysis unveils a potential novel role of VvAP1 in regulating the developmental fate of primordia in grapevine. Fruit Research 4: e011 doi: 10.48130/frures-0024-0004
Transcriptome analysis unveils a potential novel role of VvAP1 in regulating the developmental fate of primordia in grapevine
- Received: 27 September 2023
- Revised: 02 December 2023
- Accepted: 26 December 2023
- Published online: 04 March 2024
Abstract: The grapevine shoot meristem contains undifferentiated primordia known as anlagen, which can develop into either inflorescences or tendrils depending on vine age, growth status, hormone balance, and other factors. Interestingly, a gain-of-function mutation in the DELLA domain of VvDELLA1 in the dwarf mutant grape, Vitis vinifera L. cv. Pixie, virtually disrupts the normal developmental course of anlagen and reroutes tendril-bounded anlagen toward inflorescence development even at the juvenile stage. To understand the underlying mechanism(s), we compared the transcriptome profiles of V. vinifera cv. Pinot Meunier (from which Pixie was derived), Pixie, and three other V. vinifera grape cultivars (Dena, Gina, and Tia) which were derived from crosses involving Pixie and carry the same DELLA mutation. Our findings revealed significant mis-regulation of hundreds of genes, profoundly reshaping both transcriptome landscapes and regulatory pathways in the mutant grapes. Interestingly, VvAP1, a central positive flower regulator in annuals, was unexpectedly co-downregulated with VvTFL1a, a flowering repressor. We also found several other key flower regulators which were either upregulated (e.g., VvFT, VvLFY) or downregulated (e.g., VvSOC1s) in all mutant grapes, although the overall effect was moderate. These findings, along with the previous identification of tendril-specific expression of VvAP1 and inflorescence-specific expression of VvLFY, support that VvAP1 promotes anlagens to develop tendrils, whereas VvLFY favors inflorescences formation. The balance between these factors, particularly the abundance of VvAP1 transcripts, ultimately dictates whether anlagens develop into tendrils or inflorescences.
Key words:
- Vitis /
- Grapevine /
- Anlagen /
- Primordia /
- VvAP1 /
- Inflorescences /
- Tendrils /
- Transcriptomes