Plants go through a vegetative phase and a reproductive phase in their post-embryonic development, and the vegetative phase could be further divided into a juvenile phase and an adult phase[5]. The transition from the juvenile to the adult stage is defined by the acquisition of reproductive competence, while the transition from the vegetative to the reproductive stage is marked by the production of novel reproductive structures, such as flowers or cones[22]. miR156 is a key intermediary connecting plant age and development. This is demonstrated by the fact that the constitutive expression of miR156 prolonged the expression of juvenile vegetative traits and delayed flowering[23, 24]. The expression of miR156 is typically highest in the juvenile stage and declines as plants reach the adult stage. This has been observed in a variety of horticultural plants, such as apple[19], mango (Mangifera indica)[24], mulberry (Morus atropurpurea)[22], cucumber[13], tree peony (Paeonia delavayi)[26], orchid (Dendrobium catenatum)[27] and lily (Lilium × formolongi)[28]. Notably, unlike Arabidopsis, whose life cycle can be completed in less than three months, many horticultural plants, such as lilies, have a protracted juvenile stage that can last for years. In this regard, the miR156-mediated age pathway is a promising tool for horticultural plants with a prolonged juvenile period, as it provides the possibility of accelerating the plant vegetative growth process via a shortened juvenile stage. Similarly, the juvenile stage and the vegetative phase transition are closely related to biomass accumulation in horticultural plants. Overexpression of miR156 delayed the heading time of Chinese cabbage (Brassica rapa), concomitant with prolongation of the seedling and rosette stages; while the overexpression of SPL9 caused significant heading earliness, which could lead to high yield in Chinese cabbage[29]. Thus, manipulating the vegetative phase transition through an age-dependent pathway is a potential approach to improve the productivity of horticultural plants.
Plants show morphological differences under the regulation of the age pathway[30]. The term heteroblasty refers to the phenomenon in which the same plant exhibits abrupt morphological variations during the transition from the juvenile to the adult stage[31]. The term is also increasingly used to encompass the gradual transitions in a variety of traits of most flowering plant species, particularly leaf size and shape, as well as internode length and trichome distribution[32]. miR156 is both necessary and sufficient for the expression of juvenile traits, while an increase in the level of miR156-targeted SPLs is required to trigger heteroblasty[30] by promoting cell growth anisotropy[33]. Many horticultural plants exhibit heteroblastic traits[26,34]. During the seedling stage of cucumber, short and nonfunctional tendrils are formed, while elongated and functional tendrils are formed in the climbing stage. The production of functional tendrils is reported to be age-dependent and regulated by miR156[16]. Passiflora edulis undergoes remarkable changes in leaf morphology with a decrease in the level of miR156[35]. The expression of miR156 and its targets could also be linked to glandular trichome development, which provides resistance to insect pests in tomato[36]. Therefore, these heteroblastic traits deserve to be focused on as they are closely linked to the agronomic performance of horticultural plants.
Flowering time and flower pattern
The age pathway is one of the main flowering pathways, together with the photoperiod pathway, the vernalization pathway, the GA pathway, and the autonomous pathway[37,38]. Through the differential expression pattern of the miR156-SPL module, the age pathway regulates flowering time in two ways. One is to suppress the activity of flowering repressors derived from the APETALA2-like (AP2-like) family through microRNA172 (miR172), and the other is to directly induce the expression of floral integrators, such as SUPPRESSOR OF OVEREXPRESSION OF CONSTANS1 (SOC1), to induce flowering (Fig. 4)[37,39,40].
The constitutive expression of miR156 tends to delay flowering, while the miR156-targeted SPLs redundantly promote flowering[23,39,41−43]. miR172, a target of SPLs, acts downstream of miR156 in an antagonistic expression pattern. In contrast to miR156, the expression of miR172 is low during the juvenile phase and exhibits a subsequent increase toward progression to flowering[7,23,30,44]. Early or late flowering of ornamental gloxinia (Sinningia speciosa) was observed in transgenic plants in which miR172 was overexpressed or suppressed, respectively, accompanied by corresponding changes in AP2-like[45]. In addition, several floral integrators work directly downstream of SPL, including SOC1, FLOWERING LOCUS T (FT), LEAFY (LFY) and APETALA1 (AP1)[39,46,47]. SPL transcription factors promote flowering in tomato by positively regulating the expression of the tomato inflorescence-associated gene SINGLE FLOWER TRUSS (SFT) in leaves and the MADS-Box gene AP1/MC in the shoot apex[20,48]. Research on litchi (Litchi chinensis) plants also suggests that SPL transcription factors promote age-dependent flowering by directly binding to the FT promoter[49]. The above findings indicate an effective strategy for regulating flowering time in horticultural plants through the age pathway.
Notably, the miR156-mediated age pathway may define an endogenous mechanism that ensures plants flower in the absence of exogenous inductive cues[39]. This opens the possibility for ornamental flowers to bloom regardless of environmental restrictions. Furthermore, a study on chrysanthemum shows that the expression of the nuclear factor gene CmNF-YB8 is regulated by age, but not by day length, low temperature, or GA, and CmNF-YB8 is shown to bind to the promoter of the cmo-MIR156 and influence flowering time through directly regulating the expression of cmo-MIR156 in the age pathway[42]. The unveiling of the specific upstream transcription effectors of miR156 reveals the significance and independence of the age pathway in flower formation.
miR156 also plays a role in petal coloration and floral pattern formation[50,51]. Increased miR156 expression levels promote accumulation of anthocyanins, whereas the target SPL9 negatively regulates anthocyanin accumulation by directly inhibiting the expression of anthocyanin biosynthetic genes through destabilization of a MYB-bHLH-WD40 (MBW) transcription complex[52]. Similarly, miR156-3p was reported to be involved in yellow flower formation by improving anthocyanin accumulation in herbaceous peony[10,53]. Furthermore, the miR156-SPL module is associated with petal spot rearrangement in Gorteria diffusa, resulting in better mimicry of female flies resting on the flower[54]. Notably, analysis of differentially expressed genes also reveals the potential multifunctional role of miR156 in the development of sterile and fertile flowers[55], double flower forms[51] and multi-tepal patterning[56] in various ornamental plants, which suggests a regulatory node contributing to the diversity of floral morphogenesis.
Plant yield and quality
Ample evidence shows the significant role of miR156-SPL in fruit development[24,57,58]. miR156 transgenic tomato exhibited abnormal fruit morphology with extra carpels and ectopic structures as well as small fruit size and reduced fruit numbers[59,60]. miR156 was also found to be an adverse regulator of tuberization in potato[61]. A decrease in miR172 may partially account for this as it was reported to contribute to tuberization[62]. In addition, some evidence has shown that miR156 is instrumental in secondary metabolism, which is closely associated with the quality and nutritional value of horticultural products. As it does in flower petals, the miR156-SPL module serves as an important regulator by participating in anthocyanin biosynthesis in peel coloration during fruit ripening. SPLs in Chinese sand pear interact with MYB10, presumably disrupting the formation of the MBW protein complex[63]. Similar results were also found in horticultural plants such as grape[64,65], litchi[66] and peach[67]. Apart from the involvement in anthocyanin accumulation, miR156 is also engaged in catechin accumulation in tea plants[68,69]. Furthermore, the synthesis of sesquiterpenes, important floral volatiles, has also been reported to be age-regulated. Specifically, the miR156-targeted SPL promotes accumulation of sesquiterpenes in elder plants by upregulating the expression of the patchoulol synthase (PatPTS) gene[70]. These findings provide support for miR156-SPL as a feasible approach to enhance yield and product quality in horticultural plants.
Resistance to biotic stress
During the development process, plants are constantly exposed to a variety of biotic stresses, including pest infestation and pathogen invasion. The plant vigor hypothesis suggests greater herbivore abundance on young and vigorous plants[71] and that older plants may display increased resistance to pathogens[72]. Such studies show a tradeoff between plant defense ability and age. This has been partly explained by a study on the age-regulated dynamics of plant insect resistance: the miR156-SPL9 module is responsible for the age-dependent decay of phytohormone jasmonate (JA), a key regulator of plant insect defense, whereas constitutive accumulation of defense compounds such as glucosinolates plays a role in compensating for JA-response attenuation during plant maturation[73].
Research shows that miR156 is involved in the defense against invading pathogens in horticultural plants. High-throughput sequencing shows that miR156 functions in the defense against apple stem pitting virus in pear likely through the regulation of its target gene pbRPS6[74]. In a study on the response to Botrytis cinerea in tomato, bioinformatics analysis on JA-deficient mutants and wild type plants revealed that miR156e-3p is likely involved in pathogen resistance through the JA pathway[75]. Several studies demonstrate the role of miR156 in the resistance to anthracnose disease, which is caused by Colletotrichum gloeosporioides. The expression of miR156 was significantly altered in tea plants after infection[76,77]. Additionally, research on walnut (Juglans regia) revealed that miR156 enhanced plant resistance to anthracnose likely through the regulation of WRKY[78]. Furthermore, miR156s were found to move across the kingdom boundary to the invading C. gloeosporioides cells in cassava, showing a distinct cross-species defense mechanism against the fungal pathogen[79]. Clearly, miR156 is involved in diverse pathogen invasion responses to ensure successful growth and development of horticultural plants.
The miR156-SPL module is also engaged in the regulation of insect resistance[73,80,81], yet it has been reported only sparingly in horticultural plants. A very specific defense mechanism against herbivores exists in swollen thorn acacias (genus Vachellia). In exchange for protection, acacias provide ants with refuge and food in the form of swollen stipular spines, protein-lipid-rich Beltian bodies, and sugar-secreting extrafloral nectaries ('swollen thorn syndrome'). These defense traits are reported to be an age-dependent development correlated with the miR156-SPL pathway rather than a passive developmental pattern arising from developmental constraints[82]. These findings, together with the research on the development of glandular trichome[36] and age-regulated jasmonate response decay and defense metabolite accumulation[73], unveiled the complex mechanisms of miR156-regulated insect resistance during vegetative development (Fig. 5).
Resistance to abiotic stress
Abiotic stresses strongly affect the growth of horticultural plants. When plants encounter adversity, their development is likely to be delayed. miR156s were reported to play an important role in environmental adaption. This is demonstrated by the fact that miR156 showed a larger differential expression in sugarcane (Saccharum officinarum) under cold, salt and drought stress treatments compared with other implicated miRNAs[83]. However, the underlying mechanism by which miR156 regulates different abiotic stress responses is still unclear.
The expression level of miR156 is dramatically altered under different abiotic stresses in many horticultural plants. For instance, temperature stress resulted in high expression of miR156 in sugarcane[83], banana[84] and cabbage[85]. In addition to this, ample evidence demonstrated the role of miR156 in drought stress. Drought-induced accumulation of strigolactones in tomato leaves leads to the expression of miR156, which may in turn increase guard cell sensitivity to ABA, resulting in stomatal closure. Moreover, the after-effect of drought, by which stomata do not completely re-open after rewatering, was enhanced by miR156[86]. Additionally, the expression of miR156 was much higher in drought-tolerant apple plants than in drought-sensitive plants under control or drought conditions[89]. Notably, the functional role of miR156 against abiotic stresses in horticultural plants has generally not been experimentally verified. Therefore, performing functional validation and further exploring the miR156-related defense mechanism are crucial in future studies.
Generally, expression of miR156 is induced under various abiotic stress conditions to improve stress tolerance[88,89], whereas it is suppressed to accelerate the developmental transition under favorable conditions[90]. This is achieved in part by influencing the anthocyanin biosynthesis through the regulation of the downstream genes DIHYDROFLAVONOL-4-REDUCTASE (DFR) and WD40[90−92]. However, some studies on horticultural plants have reported exceptions. Drought treatment did not regulate miR156 in apple[87,93]. Moreover, expression of miR156 led to weakened salt tolerance in apple, and the overexpression of the miR156-targeted gene MdSPL13 strengthened salt tolerance by activating the MdWRKY100 promoter[93]. These adverse roles of miR156 might be partially explained by the differences in the life cycles of woody and herbaceous plants[93]. The findings above suggest that the multiple functional roles of miR156 in stress response in diverse species is worth exploring in horticultural plants.
Other functions
Recent studies have demonstrated a number of novel functions of miR156. Among them, influenced by DELAY OF GERMINATION1 (DOG1), miR156 and miR172 were involved in the regulation of seed dormancy in lettuce (Lactuca sativa). This has been verified in Arabidopsis, in which higher miR156 expression levels enhanced seed dormancy and delayed flowering while overexpression of miR172 exerted the opposite effect[94]. According to the results, a novel linkage, DOG1-miR156-miR172 interaction, has been revealed between dormancy release and flowering, critical developmental transitions in plant life cycles, and it has subsequently been studied in a variety of plants[95,96]. These studies open the possibility for new pathways in dormancy research in horticultural plants, and study of the integrated mechanism for coordinating these two life cycle transitions would be of great significance to optimize both.
miR156 also comes into play during various stages of somatic embryogenesis, including embryogenic callus differentiation and cotyledon and globular embryo development[97]. Overexpression of csi-miR156a significantly enhanced the capability of somatic embryos in preserved citrus embryogenic callus, with more abundant amyloplasts accumulating in the embryonic cells, leading to a significant increase in starch content[98,99]. In contrast, suppression of csi-miR156a reduced somatic embryo capability and the number of amyloplasts and starch content through the downregulation of the expression of both csi-miR172d and some starch biosynthesis genes[100]. These studies suggest a positive role of miR156 in somatic embryogenesis and provide new insights into enhancing somatic embryo capability in horticultural plants.
miR156 is broadly involved in the regulation of many biological processes in horticultural plants to a remarkable extent (Table 1) and is recognized to be a regulatory hub toward various horticultural traits. Notably, rather than operating independently, miR156-SPL functions in collaboration with other pathways. Hence, cross-talk between age and other signaling pathways is discussed in the next section. Furthermore, studies on miR156 have focused on age-regulated plant growth and development, while the involvement of miR156 in other biological functions such as stress response have been addressed, but mostly not functionally verified. Therefore, in the final section, we summarize the methods used for functional validation of miR156 with a view to providing useful information for the in-depth study of the function of miR156.
Table 1. Biological functions of miR156 in horticultural plants.
Classification Species Growth and development Stress response Others Ref. Vegetables Solanum tuberosum Tuberization; development of leaves, trichomes, branches, lateral roots and inflorescences Cytokinin and strigolactone level [61, 101] Solanum lycopersicum Development of leaves, branches and trichomes; floral induction and flower development; ovary and fruit development Drought, cold; Botrytis cinerea infection [9, 20, 36, 48 ,
59, 60, 75, 86]Brassica campestris Vegetative phase change; heading Heat [29, 85] Cucumis sativus Tendril formation; vegetative phase change [15,16] Brassica alboglabra Seed development [102] Brassica oleracea Xanthomonas campestris infection [103] Lactuca sativa Seed dormancy [94] Fruits Malus spp. Vegetative phase change; adventitious root formation Salt, drought Browning inhibition [19, 92, 93,
104, 105]Citrus sinensis Vegetative phase change Somatic embryogenesis [99, 100] Vitis vinifera Vegetative phase change; flower development in winter; grape berry development and ripening [65, 106, 107] Citrus × paradise Vegetative phase change [108] Morus atropurpurea Vegetative phase change Silkworm herbivory [25, 81] Passiflora edulis Vegetative phase change [48] Saccharum officinarum Cold, drought and salt [83] Musa acuminata Fruit ripening Heat [58, 84] Pyrus spp. Red peel coloration Apple stem pitting virus infection Anthocyanin biosynthesis [63, 74] Vaccinium corymbosum Fruit coloration Anthocyanin biosynthesis and chlorophyll degradation [64] Litchi chinensis Flowering Anthocyanin biosynthesis [49, 66] Ornamental plants Paeonia lactiflora Flower coloration Anthocyanin biosynthesis [10, 53] Paeonia delavayi Vegetative phase change [26] Chrysanthemum morifolium Flowering time [42] Rosa chinensis Vegetative phase change; flowering time [109, 110] Vachellia cornigera Herbivore defense [82] Paulownia fortunei Paulownia witches' broom (PaWB) infection [111] Pogostemon cablin Sesquiterpene biosynthesis [70] Gorteria diffusa Petal spot placement [54] Lilium Oriental Trumpet Vegetative phase change [28] Viburnum macrocephalum Differentiation of fertile and sterile flowers [55] Cymbidium goeringii Reproductive organ development [56] Dendrobium catenatum Vegetative phase change [27] Petunia spp. Development of branches and internodes; flowering time [43] Tea plants Camellia sinensis Double flower domestication Colletotrichum gloeosporioides infection Taste compound (catechin, caffeine, and theanine) biosynthesis [51, 68,
69, 76, 77] -
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Xu Y, Gao C, Huang Z, Liu J, Ren Z, et al. 2024. MicroRNA156: a count up timer with potential to enhance horticultural traits. Ornamental Plant Research 4: e010 doi: 10.48130/opr-0024-0008
MicroRNA156: a count up timer with potential to enhance horticultural traits
- Received: 31 October 2023
- Revised: 21 January 2024
- Accepted: 18 February 2024
- Published online: 02 April 2024
Abstract: MicroRNA156 (miR156), targeting a subset of SQUAMOSA PROMOTOR BINDING PROTEIN-LIKE (SPL) genes, is one of the most evolutionarily conserved microRNAs (miRNAs) in plants. miR156 is a recognized molecular marker of plant age. In addition to being an age indicator, miR156 has demonstrated strong multifunctionality in the regulation of a broad range of biological processes in horticultural plants, including vegetative growth, floral induction, fruit ripening, stress responses, and secondary metabolism. Due to its versatility and high level of conservation among phylogenetically distinct plant species, miR156 may be a powerful tool for biotechnological modification in horticultural plants. Here, we summarize the functional diversity of miR156 in horticultural plants to provide new insights for further research on the biological function and regulatory mechanism of miR156 and on how to employ miR156 to achieve the enhancement of horticultural traits.
Key words:
- miR156 /
- Age /
- Horticultural traits