The BIK2 draft assembly sequence consisted of 36 contigs, BIK3 with 49 contigs, and BIK4 with 56 contigs. These draft genomes were mapped against their respective reference genomes, which featured chromosome-level assemblies. Among these mappings, 18 were short and unmapped contigs, and four contigs exhibited duplication out of 22 for the BIK2 genome, while the remaining 15 were successfully mapped to reference genome (Fig. 2). For BIK3, 32 contigs were short and unmapped, and two contigs showing duplication and 1 contig showing poor coverage out of 35 total and the remaining 21 were potentially mapped to the reference genome (Fig. 3). Similarly, for BIK4, 22 contigs were short and unmapped, with two contigs exhibiting duplication out of 28 total, and the remaining 21 were mapped to the reference genome (Fig. 4).
Figure 2.
Circular representation of BIK2 genome (innermost ring) along with reference genome B. velezensis JS25R. Putative Horizontal Gene Transfer (HGT) events were Predicted using Alien Hunter and are represented in green. The reference genome JSR is presented in teal, GC skew+ in green, and GC screw− in purple. Legends of genes in yellow represent the prophage genes, mustard yellow represent transfer-related mobile elements. Pink legends are for replication/recombination/repair genes, likewise.
Figure 3.
Circular representation of BIK3 (innermost ring) along with reference genome B. cabrialesii TE3. Putative Horizontal Gene Transfer (HGT) events were predicted using Alien Hunter and are represented in maroon. The reference genome TE3 is presented in teal, with GC skew, and mobile genetic elements.
Figure 4.
Circular representation of BIK4 (innermost ring) along with reference genome B. paralicheniformis Bac84. Putative Horizontal Gene Transfer (HGT) events were predicted using Alien Hunter and are represented in green and prophage genes in yellow. The reference genome Bac84 is presented in teal, with GC skew, and mobile genetic elements.
The finished genome of BIK2 was annotated with 59 tRNA genes with a calculated genome completeness of 99.41% and 46.5% GC content based on the coverages of single-copy orthologous gene markers. Annotation revealed about 3,743 coding sequences (CDSs), 69 tRNA, and 144 as pseudogenes for the BIK2 scaffold. Gene enrichment analysis categorized genes into various functional groups, 119 in cell wall/membrane/envelope biogenesis, 29 in cell motility, 64 in post-translational modification, protein turnover, and chaperones, 123 in inorganic ion transport and metabolism, 44 in secondary metabolites biosynthesis, transport, and catabolism, 408 with unknown functions, 85 in signal transduction mechanisms, 14 in intracellular trafficking, secretion, and vesicular transport, and 35 in defense mechanisms. Similarly, for BIK3, the finished genome annotation consists of 4,008 CDSs, 59 tRNA, and one rRNA gene along with 115 pseudogenes with a genome completeness of 99.41% with 0.59% of contamination and 44.2% GC content. Gene enrichment analysis delineated genes related to 22 genes under chromosome partitioning, cellular processing and signaling, 31 under cell motility, 145 under envelope biogenesis, 45 under defense mechanisms, 14 under intracellular trafficking, secretion, and vesicular transport, 36 under secondary metabolite biosynthesis, transport and catabolism, and 520 with unknown functions.
The genome completeness for BIK4 was estimated to be 100% with no contamination. Annotation identified 4,507 CDSs, 2 RNA, 70 tRNA, and 184 pseudogenes accompanied with a GC content of 45.5%. Gene enrichment analysis highlighted about 34 proteins involved in envelope biogenesis, 22 in defense mechanism, eight in secondary metabolite biosynthesis, transport, and catabolism, and 32 in signal transduction mechanisms. About 162 proteins were poorly characterized or with unknown functions (Fig. 5).
Figure 5.
Comparative analysis of BIK2, BIK3, and BIK4 major classes of proteins involved in different processes. PTS-post-translational modifications, protein turnover, and chaperones (bar diagram), shows the classification of BIK2, BIK3, and BIK4 proteins under some of the major processes.
The presence of pseudogenes, which are nonfunctional broken gene fragments that are formed after ecological shifts or extreme population bottlenecks[31] enable us to understand the evolutionary forces that have acted upon, and their functional capacities encoded within the bacterial genome. The presence of 146 pseudogenes in BIK2 compared to 58 pseudogenes in the reference genome, 115 in BIK3 compared to 100 in the reference genome TE3, and 184 in BIK4 compared to 66 in the reference genome Bac84 reveal the fact that these may have originated evolutionarily by either the disruption of a reading frame or promoter regions by point mutations, frameshifts, or by the integration of transposable elements[32] (Table 1; Supplementary Table S1 & Table S3).
Table 1. Scaffolding and annotation summary of BIK2, BIK3, and BIK4 along gene enrichment analysis.
Variables B. velezensis BIK2 B. cabrialesii BIK3 B. paralicheniformis BIK4 Scaffolding with CONTIGuator Input contigs 37 (3,902,606 bp) 49 (4,113,954 bp) 56 (4,424,204 bp) Mappeda contigs 15 (3,887,215 bp) 21 (4,046,514 bp) 21 (4,405,346 bp) Unmappedb contigs 22 (15,391 bp) 28 (67,440 bp) 35 (18,858 bp) Unmapped: short contigs 18 (7,793 bp) 22 (5,737 bp) 32 (10,951 bp) Unmapped: poor coverage 0 4 (57,117 bp) 1 (3,632 bp) Unmapped: duplicated hits 4 (7,598 bp) 2 (4,586 bp) 2 (4,275 bp) Annotation of scaffolds N50 (bp) 3,888,615 4,048,514 4,407,346 Completeness (BUSCO) 99.41% 99.41% 100% Gap ratio (%) 0.036003 0.049401 0.045379 GC content (%) 46.5 44.2 45.5 Number of CDSs 3,743 4,008 4,507 Coding ratio (%) 89.5 88.9 87.9 Number of rRNAs 0 1 2 Number of tRNAs 59 59 70 Pseudogenes 146 115 184 Gene enrichment analysis GO terms 1,955c uniques
(8,176d duplicates)2,262 uniques
(10,047 duplicates)1,011 uniques
(2,826 duplicates)COG categories 1,923 2,342 777 Cellular processes and signaling 363 433 124 Information storage and processing 367 435 186 Metabolism 787 953 305 Poorly characterised/ unknown functions 408 520 162 a, Contigs those aligned to reference genome; b, Contigs not aligned to reference genome; c, Uniques are those genes involved in single activity d, Duplicates are those involved in multiple activities. GGDC-Genome-to-Genome Distance Calculator
The GGDC genome service was used to identify sub-species delineation and calculate the intergenomic distances for BIK2 along with 25 other reference genomes. GGDC initially determines a set of Highly Scoring Pairs (HSPs) or MUMs between two genomes, calculates the distances from these sets, then converts these distances in percent-wise similarities, analogous to DDH. As the genomes of BIK2, BIK3, and BIK3 are incomplete, we relied on formula 2-based results that are sequence-based calculations rather than the gene content of a species, to interpret the results. Accordingly, the results indicated that the J01 isolate is closer to BIK2 with 99.1% similarity and 0.32% G+C difference. Similarly based on the DDH similarity of 91%, it was observed that the TSO2 genome is closer to BIK3 compared to TE3, with a difference of 0.23% in G+C content. In the case of BIK4, it was observed that Bac84 is closer with 94.7% DDH similarity and has a difference of 0.38 % G+C content (Supplementary Table S2).
Exploration of genomic features
The Proksee representation illustrates the comparison between the BIK2 genome and the reference genome JS25R, highlighting mobile genetic elements detected by the mobileOG_db. In BIK2 a total of 92 genes related to various functions were identified, five genes for integration/excision, 41 involved in replication/recombination/repair, 32 genes of prophage, three for stability/transfer/defense and 11 for transfer. The innermost ring represents the BIK2 genome compared with the JS25R genome and the gapsin the representation shows the dissimilarities between the genomes. Further detailed analysis of the BIK3 genome indicate the presence of 94 mobile genetic elements along with 32 HGTs Specifically nine genes were found to be responsible for integration/excision, 30 for prophage sequences, 38 for replication/recombination/repair, five for stability/transfer/defense, and 13, exclusively for the transfer of genes. Analysis of the BIK4 genome, estimated about 130 mobile genetic elements with 13 genes involved in the integration/excision, 46 in replication/recombination/repair, 49 as prophage sequences, seven for stability/transfer/defense, and 15 for transfer (Supplementary Table S4).
Origin of replication
The skew line depicted in blue and the cumulative line in red. The blue figure displays the skew over the length of the genome, the X-axis is the position in the genome, and the Y-axis is the skew. The cumulative skew adds up all previous values to a specific position. It also displays the global minimum and maximum, which are shown in the graph by the two green lines. These values estimate the origin of replication at 0 and the terminus location at 1,831,248 in the BIK2 genome with a step size and window size of 3,888 (Fig. 6). For the BIK3 genome, the origin of replication is predicted to be at the position of 4,035,856 and termination at 1,902,560 with a step size and window size of 4,048 (Fig. 7). The origin of replication for the BIK4 genome is estimate to be at position 4,393,779 and termination at 1,983,150 with a step size and window size of 4,407 (Fig. 8).
Figure 6.
Gen-Skew: predicting the origin of replication for BIK2. The above figure shows the cumulative line in red and the skew line in blue, with minimum as origin of replication and maximum as termination of replication. X-axis denotes the positions in genomes and Y-axis denotes skew. For BIK2, replication starts at 0 position and terminates at 1,831,248 position.
Figure 7.
Gen-Skew: predicting the origin of replication for BIK3. The above figure shows the cumulative line in red and the skew line in blue, with minimum as origin of replication and maximum as termination of replication. X-axis denotes the positions in genomes and Y-axis denotes skew. For BIK3, replication starts at 4,035,856 position and terminates at 1,902,560 position.
Figure 8.
Gen-Skew: predicting the origin of replication for BIK4. The above figure shows the cumulative line in red and the skew line in blue, with minimum as origin of replication and maximum as termination of replication. X-axis denotes the positions in genomes and Y-axis denotes skew. For BIK4, replication starts at 4,393,779 position and terminates at 1,983,150 position.
Phenotype prediction
The PhenDB analysis indicated that BIK2, a Gram-positive bacterium is capable of aerobic respiration, with a fermentative lifestyle, capable of producing R_acetoin (a natural product) and with a Type IV secretory system. In addition, it is capable of self-propelled motion and can produce endospores for persistence. Data also shows that BIK2 may produce ethanol, formic acid, hydrogen, butyric acid, etc (Supplementary Table S5).
Virulence prediction
The VRprofile2 analysis revealed the presence of - antibiotic resistance genes cfr(B) and tet(L) in the BIK2 scaffold. Precisely, the cfr(B) spanning the regions 520,020−521,069 conferring resistance to drugs Chloramphenicol, Florfenicol, Clindamycin, Lincomycin, Linezolid, Dalfopristin, Pristinamycin & IIA, Virginiamycin & M, Tiamulin of the drug classes Oxazolidinone, Phenicol, Lincosamide, Streptogramin & A, Pleuromutilin. Meanwhile tet(L) occupies the regions of 2,486,195−2,487,571 and endows. Cfr (B) gene exhibits resistance to Doxycycline which belong to a tetracycline class. No virulence factors were detected for the BIK2 genome. IN the case of BIK3 genome, the VRprofile2 analysis showed the presence of genes mph (K) spanning the region 228,851−22,977 conferring resistance to Spiramycin, and Telithromycin belonging to the class of Macrolide, and aadK genes occupying the regions between 2,550,575 to 2,551,429 and conferring resistance to streptomycin belonging to the class aminoglycoside. No virulence factors were detected for the BIK3 genome. Five genomic islands were identified in the BIK3 genome, confirming the horizontal gene transfer events. In the case of BIK4 genome, a virulent gene clpE (ATP-dependent protease) was found to be associated with the mobile genetic element for Listeria monocytogenes EGD-e. The VRprofile2 also detected the erm(D) gene responsible for resistance to erythromycin from the Macrolide drug class, lincomycin belonging to Lincosamide, clindamycin, quinupristin, pristinamycin and IA belonging to Virginiamycin, Streptogramin and B (Supplementary Table S6).
CRISPRloci – Bacillus defence mechanism
CRISPRloci identified about 10 Cas proteins of CAS-VI-C class and 10 for CAS-VI-B class in BIK2, eight cas genes of subtype V-A, six of subtype V-F, and 21 of VI-B in the BIK3 genome and four cas genes with subtype V-A, three of V-B, and 12 of subtype VI-B in the BIK4 genome (Supplementary Table S7).
Whole genome alignment
The BIK2, BIK3, and BIK4 genomes were subjected to whole genome alignment with their respective reference genomes and other completed genomes of corresponding species. In addition, the BIK2 genomic sequence was scaffolded along with 25 complete genomic sequences of B. velezensis in fasta formats. Results indicated that in the case of BIK2 genome the root alignment has 2,400 super intervals and the root alignment length was 6,265,618, 80 super intervals and root alignment length of 4,603,858 in BIK3 and 975 super intervals with 7,858,026 root alignment length in BIK4 (Fig. 9; Supplementary Table S1). The clustering pattern using REALPHY web-based tool showed that the three isolates grouped with their respective subspecies (Fig. 10).
Figure 9.
Whole genome phylogenetic tree of BIK-2, 3 and 4. The tree is generated after whole genome alignment visualized with iTOL version 6.6. The isolates BIK-2, 3 and 4 are highlighted in different colours. Numbers on the branches denote the age of the node instead of raw branch length values. Farthest leaf in the tree has the age zero, and the age increases towards the root of the tree. Here, B. cabrialesii TE3 has node age 0, meaning that it is the farthest node. (The node age is restricted to three decimals).
Figure 10.
Whole genome phylogeny using of beneficial Bacillus species using REALPHY programme. REALPHY web-based programme. Bacillus velezensis-BIK2 (GCF_019336145.1), Bacillus cabrialesii-BIK3 (GCF_018829645.1), Bacillus paralicheniformis-BIK4 (GCF_019336205.1), Bacillus amyloliquefaciens (GCF_022559645.1), Bacillus subtilis (GCF_002055965.1), Bacillus licheniformis (GCF_022630555.1), Bacillus velezensis (GCF_002117165.1), Bacillus cabrialesii (GCF_032461835.1), Bacillus paralicheniformis (GCF_002993925.1), Bacillus cereus (GCF_002220285.1). REALPHY uses phyML fast maximum likelihood methods for the analysis.
Digging for SM
Bacterial version of the antiSMASH software was used to analyze the genomic locations in the bacterial genomes to estimate their ability to produce antimicrobial SM. Accordingly the analysis of the BIK2 scaffold revealed its potential to produce surfactin, macrolactinH, bacillaene, fengycin, difficidin, bacillibactin, and bacilysin, were located in the genome with 100 % similarity of known clusters. These SM, notably, Difficidin and bacilysin are well-known antibacterial agents which may favorably contribute for the for the biocontrol activity of the bacterial strain. The table describes the antiSMASH bacterial version results of B. velezensis BIK2 for the detection of secondary metabolite encoding clusters along with their genomic locations. Clusters with a threshold similarity of more than 70% were considered. Many transport-related, regulatory and other genes were identified in BCGs of secondary metabolites. Analysis using BAGEL4 resulted in the identification of a class II lanthipeptide lichenicidin, which is a novel circular bacteriocin-amylocyclicin, competence pheromone ComX, and an antimicrobial peptide LCI. Along with several other NRPS and PKS compounds, RiPP molecules in the strain BIK3. Similarly, the SM compounds antibiotic dehydratase, subtilosin_A, competence pheromone ComX, and colicin. BAGEL4 identified sonorensin, enterocin, Fengycin and competence pheromone ComX were detected from the strain BIK4. Refer to Tables 2−4, Supplementary Table S8 for more details.
Table 2. antiSMASH bacterial version results of B. velezensis BIK2.
Type Biosynthetic class Location Most similar known cluster Similarity (%) transAT-PKS Polyketide 1,349,542−1,437,358 Macrolactin H 100% transAT-PKS, T3PKS, NRPS Polyketide + NRP 1,656,859−1,757,461 Bacillaene 100% NRPS, transAT-PKS, betalactone NRP 1,822,672−1,948,610 Fengycin 100% NRPS, RiPP-like NRP 2,974,339−3,026,132 Bacillibactin 100% Other Other 3,541,315−3,582,733 Bacilysin 100% transAT-PKS Polyketide + NRP 2,236,311−2,326,509 Difficidin 100% NRPS NRP 302,447−378,024 Surfactin 82% Table 3. Secondary metabolites identified by antiSMASH bacterial version for B. cabrialesii BIK3 scaffold.
Type Biosynthetic class Location Most similar known cluster Similarity (%) NRPS NRP: Lipopeptide 314,344−378,335 Surfactin 86% TransAT-PKS, T3PKS, NRPS Polyketide + NRP 1,718,221−1,823,173 Bacillaene 100% NRPS, transAT-PKS, betalactone NRP 1,893,277−2,016,972 Fengycin 100% NRPS NRP 3,046,631−3,093,767 Bacillibactin 100% Sactipeptide RiPP: Thiopeptide 3,643,594−3,665,205 Subtilosin 100% Other Other 3,668,257−3,709,675 Bacilysin 100% Table 4. Secondary metabolites identified by antiSMASH bacterial version for Bacillus paralicheniformis BIK4 scaffold.
Type Biosynthetic class Location Most similar
known clusterSimilarity
(%)NRPS NRP 334,165−396,222 Lichenycin 100% NRPS, betalactone NRP 2,028,578−2,099,
311Fengycin 86% Molecules having less than threshold % similarity were discarded. Proteins secreted and their secretory system in BIK2, BIK3, and BIK4
Class 1B chaperone prediction assisted estimation of Type III secreted proteins follows the explicit pattern (LMIF)1XXX(IV)5XX(IV)8X(N)10 according to Costa et al.[33]. The server analysis for strain BIK2 predicted 97 proteins with conserved binding sites to chaperones, 23 of which were located within the N-terminal regions of secreted proteins and additionally, the secretion of 180 type III molecules. For BIK3, the analysis Effective T3 from Effective DB revealed the presence of 198 secreted type III proteins and the identification of 82 proteins with conserved binding sites to chaperones with 28 within the N-terminal region. The BIK4 genome was found to code for 74 secreted type III proteins. 19 proteins having conserved binding sites for chaperones along with 14 being within the N-terminal region were detected (Supplementary Table S9).
Genes and their products in rice-Bacillus interaction and growth-promotion
Analysis of the genomes indicated that about 26% of the BIK2 genome is predicted to be involved in colonizing plant systems, 22% in stress and biocontrol activity, 21% in competitive exclusion, 12% in biofertilization, 10% in plant signal production, and 2% in plant immune response stimulation. It was further estimated that 39% of the BIK2 genome produces toxins, 21% extracellular polymeric substances, 7% in detoxification, 1% in plant cell wall degrading enzymes production, and 1% in volatile production. Notably, the BIK2 genome encodes for siderophores such as equibactin, mycobactin, petrobactin, coprogen, and rhizobactin along with Bacillibactin and Enterobactin. 36 genes are found to be involved in nitrogen acquisition, 80 genes in phosphate solubilization, 67 genes in potassium solubilization. Several genes such as iscR, pstA, pstC, arsB, arsC1, czcD, chrR, etc. are found to be present in BIK2, exhibiting resistance to heavy metals such as arsenic, chromate, cobalt, bismuth, copper, cadmium, and iron, etc. In all, 622 genes were identified as responsible for colonizing plant systems including attachment, adhesion, cell wall degradation (amyA, abnA, xynD, lacG, celJ, sacA, treC, xynC, srfJ, etc.), and invasion in the plant cell. 53 genes encoding toxic compounds for competitive exclusion exhibit resistance to surfactin, tetracycline, rifamycin, quinolone, etc. were identified. Seventy-two genes including regulators, transporter, quorum sensing, etc. are found to be involved in biofilm formation. BIK2 genes as bpsA and bpsB, involved in alkylresorcinol are found to have antiprotistal activity. Along with bactericidal molecules bacillaene, bacitracin, difficidin, and fengycin, predicted by antiSMASH and BAGEL4, PGPT-Pred can predict molecules such as nisin, plipastatin, cycloserine (antibiotic), cephaloporin (antimicrobial activity), toxoflavin (antifungal, antibiotic, phytotoxin), tylosin (macrolide antibiotic), spermidine and tetracycline. BIK2 genes encoding fengycin, bacillimycin, ansamitosin, and alkylresorcinol were found to have fungicidal activity. Genes such as gabP, gabT, and puuE involved in gamma-aminobutyric acid biosynthesis were found to have insecticidal activity. 716 genes/proteins from BIK2 were found to have a direct effect on plants, 1,924 indirect effects, and seven being predicted as putative plant growth-promoting molecules (Fig. 11).
Figure 11.
Distribution of BIK2 proteins. The figure explains PIFAR-Pred annotation and classification of BIK2 proteins interacting with host plants. Annotations are obtained from PIFAR protein collection after blastp + hmmer analysis.
Similar analysis of BIK3 genome indicated that 28% of its total genome is involved in colonizing plant systems, 22% in competitive exclusion, 21% in biocontrol and stress control activity, 10% in plant signal production, 11% in the biofertilization process, 2% in plant immune response stimulation. It was predicted that 35% of the BIK3 genome produces toxins, 25% extracellular polymeric substances, 2% plant cell wall degrading enzymes, 1% volatile substances, 8% detoxifying enzymes, 2% enzymes required for adhesion to plant, and 2% for movement. For BIK3, proteins involved in xenobiotic transport and production of bactericidal compound nisin were the most frequent class followed by siderophore Bacillibactin production, prodigiosin production, biotin biosynthesis (Vitamin B7) required for root colonization. Along with siderophores Bacillibactin and Enterobactin, coprogen, and mycobactin were predicted to be involved in iron acquisition. BIK3 53 genes were involved in nitrogen acquisition including genes involved in allantoin metabolism (allB, allC), glutamate transport (TC_AAT/yifK, gltP, ntrA), nitrogenase biosynthesis (nifS, nifU), and many other transports and regulatory molecules. BIK3 118 genes were predicted to be involved in phosphate solubilisation, whereas 101 in potassium solubilisation. Two genes TC_CIC|eriC and crcB were found to exhibit resistance to fluoride. 134 genes were found to exhibit resistance to heavy metals such as copper, nickel, manganese, tellurium, tungstate, lead, zinc etc. 29 cell wall degrading enzymes with many other cell attachment, adherence and invasion proteins were identified. 13 genes involved in niacin biosynthesis and 16 genes involved in biotin biosynthesis were found to be needed for root colonization. Genes such as glpT, glmS, maa|nodL, glpA|glpD, glpK and nodX were found to colonize roots by nodulation. Genes exhibiting resistance antimicrobial compounds included resistance to bacitracin, beta-lactam, bleomycin, catechol, bacitracin, chromanon, Lincomycin, fosfomycin etc. BIK3 128 genes were predicted to be involved in biofilm formation including several transporters, regulators, and signaling molecules. 45 proteins involved in thiamin (vitamin B1), riboflavin (vitamin B2), and proteins involved in 3-BUTANEDIOL_BIOSYNTHESIS were found to induce systemic resistance (ISR). 22 proteins were found to trigger PAMP response in plant. Genes bpsB, and bpsA products involved in alkylpyrone biosynthesis were predicted to have antiprotistal and bactericidal activity. Along with difficidin, bacillaene etc, molecules as auracin, spermidine, nisin, prodigiosin, nocardicin A−D (beta-lactam antibiotic), cycloserine etc were predicted to have bactericidal activity. BIK3 814 proteins were predicted to have direct effect on plants, 2,242 indirect effects with eight molecules being predicted to have PGPR activity. Presence of several fungicidal molecules were predicted to be involved in mycosubtilin metabolism, toxoflavin metabolism, fungal glycogen degradation, motility-mediated defence signaling etc. (Fig. 12).
Figure 12.
Distribution of BIK3 proteins. The figure explains PIFAR-Pred annotation and classification of BIK3 proteins interacting with host plants. Annotations are obtained from PIFAR protein collection after blastp + hmmer analysis.
The analysis of BIK4 genome estimated that about 29% of the genome is to be involved in colonizing the plant system, 22% in biocontrol and stress control activity, 21% in competitive exclusion, 9% in biofertilization, 9% in plant signal production, 8% in bioremediation, and 2% in plant immune response stimulation. It was predicted that 38% of BIK4 genome is involved in toxin production, 16% in extracellular polymeric substance production (natural polymers required for biofilm structural and functional integrity), 5% in detoxification processes, 1% in volatiles production and plant cell wall degrading enzymes. BIK4 proteins interacting with plants were annotated and classified using PIFAR-Pred and PGPT_Pred at six different levels with their frequencies (Fig. 13). Production of bactericidal compounds/antibiotics and xenobiotic degradation by transport of proteins were the most frequent molecules in plant interaction. Presence of siderophores such as Bacillibactin, coprogen, desferrioxamine, petrobactin and rhizobactin were predicted to interact with plant. Presence of fluoride resistance gene crcB along with genes exhibiting resistance to heavy metals such as antimony, arsenic, bismuth, cobalt, copper, iron, manganese, nickel, tellurium, zinc, and tungstate were predicted to be in BIK4 genome. The server annotated BIK4 genes bsdA, bsdC and ubiX responsible for colonization to plant by inhibiting the activity of plant hormone salicylic acid. Also, several cell wall degrading enzymes encoding genes such as amylase (amyA), arabinanase (abnA), carrageenase (celF), galactosaminidase (nagZ), galactosidase (bgaB, bglA, melA) etc. were identified. It identified genes such as iunH, nadE, npdA etc. involved in niacin biosynthesis (vitamin B3) and genes such as fabF, fabH, bioA, bioB etc. involved in biotin biosynthesis (vitamin B7) required for colonization at plant root. In all 57 genes were found to be involved in biofilm formation including biofilm regulators, transporters, and quorum sensing response proteins. BIK4 is also predicted to produce riboflavin (vitamin B2), 3-butanediol (volatiles) and thiamine (vitamin B1) responsible for stimulating induced systemic resistance in plants. Two genes namely elf18 (bacterial EF-TU) and srfATE (surfactin) are found to trigger PAMP responses in plant. Along with the secondary metabolites identified through BAGEL4 and antiSMASH, PLaBASE identified several bactericidal molecules such as ansamitosin (antimicrobial, antifungal and antitumor activity), nisin (antibacterial peptide), aklavinone (antineoplastic agent), mithramycin (antineoplastic antibiotic), tetracycline, tetracenomycin etc. Also, phenazine, natural bacterial antibiotic, is found to be present in BIK4 genome which might help protect plants from diseases. Gene encoding gamma-aminobutyric acid (gabT) is found to exhibit insecticidal activity. 315 BIK4 proteins were predicted to have direct effects on plant, 909 indirect effects and two proteins were predicted to have putative plant growth-promoting activity (Supplementary Table S10; Fig. 14).
Figure 13.
Distribution of BIK4 proteins. The figure explains PIFAR-Pred annotation and classification of BIK4 proteins interacting with host plants. Annotations are obtained from PIFAR protein collection after blastp + hmmer analysis.
Figure 14.
Histogram showing distribution of bacterial proteins interacting with plant. BIK2, BIK3, and BIK4 proteins are found to interact with plants in various ways. Molecules are classified under different stages of interaction.
Identification of toxin-antitoxin pairs in the Bacillus isolates
Toxin-antitoxin systems have been classified into five types according to the molecular nature of the antitoxin and how it neutralizes the toxin. In the type II TA system, both the antitoxin and toxin are proteins and the neutralization is performed by forming a toxin-antitoxin complex. It shows that TA systems are related to the formation of persistence cells, stress resistance, regulation of biofilm formation, programmed cell death, and other biological process. Due to its contribution to genetic elements maintenance, TA systems could be extensively applied in genetic manipulation. For BIK2, the server predicted 15 pairs of TA systems. The pairs included the proteins from families COG2856like_domain, Xrelike_domain, mazF, and mazE. TAFinder resulted in no identification of the TA system in BIK3 and BIK4 genomes. PLaBASE, on the other hand, annotated 15 entries for TA systems in BIK3 and 8 entries for BIK4 (Supplementary Table S8). This suggests that PLaBASE, using its distinct algorithms or databases, identified potential TA systems in these genomes. The differences in results between TAFinder and PLaBASE could stem from variations in prediction methods, databases used, or the specific criteria for identifying TA systems. This could be due to the diversity of TA systems, variations in sequence motifs, or limitations of the prediction tool. Bacteria possess multiple mechanisms to cope with stress and ensure survival. While TA systems are one such mechanism, bacteria may rely on alternative systems, specific ecological niche of the bacterial strain or strategies to respond to environmental challenges (Supplementary Table S11).
SSR mining and primer designing
Ten SSRs for the CDS sequence of BIK2 were identified with one trimer ATC/ATG, 4 pentamers, and the most frequent hexamer AGGCGG/CCGCCT. For BIK3, 12 SSR markers were identified for CDS sequences with ATC/ATG trimer, AAAAC/GTTTT frequent pentamer, and four hexamers. For BIK4, one SSR marker AACGG/CCGTT was identified as p5 SSR type starting from the region 184−198 for ABC_transporter_permease (Supplementary Table S9). Out of 10, primers were designed for seven protein sequences viz. cell wall binding protein YocH, stage III sporulation protein AF, alanine tRNA ligase, GTPase Obg, ESX secretion system protein YueB, aminopeptidase YwaD, and one hypothetical protein for BIK2 CDS. For BIK3 CDS, primers were designed for putative transporter YdbO, zinc-specific metallo regulatory protein, and one hypothetical protein. No primers were designed for BIK4 (Table 5; Supplementary Table S12).
Table 5. Frequency of identified SSR motifs in BIK2, BIK3, and BIK4.
Parameters of SSR search BIK2 BIK3 BIK4 Parameters CDS CDS CDS The total number of sequences
examined3,743 3,326 1,238 The total size of examined
sequences (bp)3,481,005 2,998,222 1,108,330 A total number of identified SSRs 10 12 1 Number of SSR-containing sequences 10 12 1 Trimers 1 3 − Pentamers 4 5 1 Hexamers 5 4 − -
The genomic analysis of Bacillus isolates BIK2, BIK3, and BIK4 provides a comprehensive understanding of their genetic makeup and functional potential. It can be inferred based on the genomic features of the three isolates, BIK2, BIK3, and BIK4 employ diverse strategies, including toxin production, secondary metabolite synthesis, and biofilm formation, suggesting their versatility in environmental adaptation and plant-microbe interactions. The presence of genes involved in stress response, metal resistance, and biofilm formation indicates the adaptability of these Bacillus isolates to different environmental conditions. Harnessing these natural defense mechanisms could lead to the development of eco-friendly alternatives for disease and pest management in agriculture. The identification of novel secondary metabolites, antimicrobial compounds, TA systems, CRISPRs has implications for agriculture, biotechnology, and microbial ecology, contributing to ongoing efforts to harness the capabilities of beneficial bacteria for sustainable and resilient ecosystems.
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Barbadikar KM, Attal N, Vanama S, Pesari M, Kattupalli D, et al. 2024. Benign Bacillus: decoding the genetic potential of native rhizosphere Bacillus spp. from rice, to induce plant growth and defense. Technology in Agronomy 4: e032 doi: 10.48130/tia-0024-0028
Benign Bacillus: decoding the genetic potential of native rhizosphere Bacillus spp. from rice, to induce plant growth and defense
- Received: 18 July 2024
- Revised: 11 September 2024
- Accepted: 19 September 2024
- Published online: 05 December 2024
Abstract: Three bacterial strains namely Bacillus velezensis Strain BIK2, B. cabrialesii Strain BIK3, and B. paralicheniformis Strain BIK4, were extracted from indigenous rice soils in India. These strains demonstrated potent efficacy against major pathogens while stimulating plant growth in rice. Their genomic analysis indicated a rich array of genes associated with secondary metabolite production, plant growth promotion, elicitation, and biocontrol activities. Biosynthetic gene clusters having different classes of secondary metabolites surfactin, macrolactinH, bacillaene, fengycin, difficidin, bacillibactin, and bacilysin were identified using various online tools. This information may be used as template for identification of novel bioactive antibacterial, antifungal, and organic plant growth-promoting compounds. Toxin-antitoxin gene pairs identified could play roles in their antibiotic resistance and prevention of harmful deletions in the bacterial genomes. CRISPRs detected in these isolates offer prospects for future gene editing and patenting endeavors. Notably, the genomic profiles of BIK2, BIK3, and BIK4 underscore their emphasis on plant growth enhancement, evident through the presence of genes facilitating nitrogen fixation, phosphate, and potassium solubilization, and siderophore production. This comprehensive genomic insight paves the way for tailored Bacillus strains, facilitating the industrial production of efficacious biomolecules for enhancing plant growth, controlling pathogens, and advancing pharmacological applications.