Multi-Criteria Decision Making (MCDM) is a powerful analytical approach employed in various fields to facilitate decision-making processes involving multiple and often conflicting criteria. The MCDM universe encompasses a diverse array of methodologies, each designed to address different aspects of decision problems. These methodologies assist decision-makers in evaluating and ranking alternative solutions based on multiple criteria, considering the complexity and interdependence of the decision factors.
One of the widely adopted techniques within the MCDM framework is the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP). AHP provides a structured and systematic approach to decision-making by breaking down complex problems into a hierarchical structure of criteria and alternatives. It allows decision-makers to assign weights to criteria, compare alternatives pairwise, and derive overall rankings[22, 23].
Entropy, in the context of MCDM, refers to the measure of uncertainty or randomness in decision-making processes. Entropy can be utilized to quantify the degree of disorder or lack of information in the decision system. In the MCDM universe, incorporating entropy into decision models is essential for addressing uncertainties and enhancing the robustness of decision outcomes.
Entropy-based methods within MCDM aim to manage the information content and variability associated with decision criteria and alternatives. By considering entropy, decision-makers can gain insights into the diversity and complexity of the decision problem, enabling more informed and adaptive decision strategies.
MCDM encompasses diverse methodologies, including grey relational analysis (GRA), complex proportional assessment (COPRAS), and weighted aggregated sum product assessment (WASPAS)[24].
TOPSIS (Technique for Order of Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution) is a widely used MCDM technique that evaluates alternatives based on their proximity to the ideal solution and furthest from the negative ideal solution. It considers both positive and negative aspects, making it suitable for real-world decision scenarios[25].
ELECTRE (Elimination and Choice Translating Reality) is another MCDM method that focuses on outranking alternatives rather than assigning precise numerical values. It considers partial preferences and allows for a more flexible representation of decision-maker preferences[25].
PROMETHEE (Preference Ranking Organization Method for Enrichment Evaluations) is designed to handle decision problems with multiple conflicting criteria. It generates a preference ranking for alternatives by comparing them pairwise, considering criteria weights and decision-maker preferences[26].
AHP, a widely recognized MCDM technique, focuses on pairwise comparisons of criteria and alternatives to determine their relative importance[27, 28]. AHP is often integrated with other MCDM techniques to enhance its capabilities. For example, combining AHP with TOPSIS[29] allows for a comprehensive analysis that considers both subjective criteria weights (from AHP) and objective performance measures (from TOPSIS). AHP can also be integrated with ELECTRE[30] or PROMETHEE[31] to address the shortcomings of strict outranking methods by incorporating the cardinal information provided by AHP.
By exploring various MCDM techniques and their integration with AHP, decision-makers can tailor their approach to the specific nuances of the decision problem at hand, ensuring a more robust and comprehensive evaluation of strategies for mitigating and adapting to natural hazards in electricity grid landscapes.
MCDM techniques find application across various fields, such as engineering[32, 33], management[34, 35], environmental science[36, 37], and decision analysis, such as identifying suitable regions for photovoltaic and concentrated solar power projects[38, 39], onshore[40] and offshore wind energy feasibility[41], and offshore floating photovoltaic installations[42, 43]. MCDM-AHP has been extensively used for complex decision-making scenarios, including project selection[44, 45], resource allocation[46, 47], risk assessment[48, 29], and evaluation of strategies for resilience enhancement[49].
Furthermore, the specialized utilization of MCDM-AHP has expanded to the field of cybersecurity solutions within smart grid environments, highlighting its integration with artificial intelligence[50, 51], as evidenced in a recent study by Bouramdane[52]. Moreover, the same researcher has employed this approach to evaluate water management strategies in smart cities[53], encompassing water desalination applications[54].
In a recent investigation, Bouramdane[55] conducted a comprehensive evaluation of hydrogen production technologies in Morocco. Employing the MCDM-AHP methodology, their assessment considered factors such as technological feasibility, economic viability, environmental impact, and social acceptance. The study identified high-performing technologies, including Autothermal Reforming with Carbon Capture and Storage, as well-suited for hydrogen production in Morocco. Additionally, promising performance was observed in moderate-performing technologies like photovoltaic and concentrated solar power. However, low-performing technologies may face challenges in meeting specified criteria. The research underscores the importance of stakeholder perspectives, particularly in renewable penetration scenarios, influencing technology suitability. These insights play a crucial role in guiding decision-makers toward achieving energy independence and climate goals. For a more detailed understanding of hydrogen technologies, readers are encouraged to refer to the previous work of Bouramdane[56−60].
The selection of an appropriate decision-making methodology is paramount in ensuring the robustness and reliability of the assessment process. In our research endeavor focused on evaluating strategies for mitigating and adapting to natural hazards within electricity grids, we have deliberately opted for the exclusive use of the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) as our preferred Multi-Criteria Decision-Making (MCDM) framework. Below, we elucidate the rationale behind our decision, examining why AHP was chosen over alternative methodologies such as Fuzzy AHP or hybrid MCDM methods.
● Precision in pairwise comparisons: AHP is renowned for its ability to handle complex decision problems by breaking them down into simpler, more manageable components. The methodology excels in eliciting and quantifying the preferences of decision-makers through pairwise comparisons. By allowing experts to systematically compare the relative importance of criteria and alternatives, AHP provides a structured approach to capture precise judgments. This precision is crucial in the context of our research, where the intricate nuances of each mitigation and adaptation strategy, as well as the diverse array of natural hazards, demand a granular understanding to derive meaningful conclusions.
● Transparency and ease of interpretation: AHP offers transparency in the decision-making process, making it an accessible and comprehensible method for both experts and stakeholders involved in the evaluation. The methodology provides a clear hierarchy of criteria and alternatives, allowing for straightforward interpretation of results. This transparency is essential for fostering a shared understanding among diverse stakeholders, including policymakers, industry professionals, and community members. In the context of our research, where community engagement and stakeholder acceptance (C5) are integral criteria, the simplicity and transparency afforded by AHP contribute significantly to the overall robustness of our decision-making framework.
● Consistency and sensitivity analysis: One of the distinct advantages of AHP is its built-in mechanism for assessing the consistency of expert judgments. The methodology employs a consistency ratio, enabling researchers to identify and rectify inconsistencies in pairwise comparisons. This feature enhances the reliability of the derived weights and ensures the stability of the decision model. Moreover, AHP facilitates sensitivity analysis, allowing us to gauge the impact of variations in expert judgments on the final outcomes. In a complex and dynamic field like natural hazard mitigation and adaptation in electricity grids, where uncertainties abound, the ability to assess and address the sensitivity of the results is invaluable.
● Specificity to pairwise comparison: While Fuzzy AHP and hybrid MCDM methods introduce additional layers of complexity and abstraction through fuzzy logic and integrative techniques, AHP's straightforward approach is advantageous in our context. The specificity of pairwise comparisons aligns seamlessly with our research objectives, allowing for a direct and unambiguous assessment of the strategies in relation to the identified criteria. This directness is particularly pertinent when dealing with a diverse range of natural hazards and multiple criteria, as it ensures a focused and contextually relevant evaluation.
● Scalability and adaptability: AHP's scalability and adaptability to a broad spectrum of decision problems make it a versatile choice for our research. The methodology accommodates a large number of criteria and alternatives without compromising the integrity of the decision model. This scalability is critical in our multi-dimensional evaluation of strategies for electricity grid resilience. AHP's adaptability also allows for the incorporation of evolving factors, such as emerging technologies and changing regulatory landscapes, enhancing the longevity and relevance of our findings.
In summary, the exclusive use of AHP in our research is grounded in its precision, transparency, consistency, specificity to pairwise comparisons, and scalability. These characteristics collectively contribute to the reliability and applicability of our MCDM framework in assessing strategies for mitigating and adapting to natural hazards within diverse electricity grid configurations. While acknowledging the merits of alternative methodologies, our deliberate selection of AHP is aligned with the intricacies and objectives of our research, ensuring a robust foundation for decision-making in the realm of resilience enhancement and risk reduction within electricity grids.
The AHP involves several key steps to systematically assess alternatives based on predefined criteria[61, 62]. These steps include:
(1) Problem definition and hierarchy construction: Clearly define the decision problem and organize it hierarchically, consisting of the main objective, criteria, sub-criteria, and alternatives.
(2) Pairwise comparisons: Assess the relative importance of criteria and alternatives by pairwise comparisons. The Saaty scale, ranging from 1 to 9, is often used to express the degree of preference. Let
be the number of criteria or alternatives. The pairwise comparison matrix A is given by:$ n $ $ {\text{A}} = \begin{bmatrix} 1 & a_{12} & \cdots & a_{1n} \\ \dfrac{1}{a_{12}} & 1 & \cdots & a_{2n} \\ \vdots & \vdots & \ddots & \vdots \\ \dfrac{1}{a_{1n}} & \dfrac{1}{a_{2n}} & \cdots & 1 \\ \end{bmatrix} $ Where
represents the relative importance of criterion$ a_{ij} $ to criterion$ i $ .$ j $ (3) Calculation of priority weights: Compute the priority weights for criteria and alternatives by analyzing the pairwise comparison matrix. The normalized eigenvalue method or eigenvector method is employed to derive these weights. The priority vector W is calculated by normalizing the principal eigenvector of A:
$ {\text{W}} = \dfrac{1}{\lambda} {\text{A}} {\text{W}} $ Where:
$ \begin{array}{l} {\text{W}} = \text{Priority vector of size } n \times 1 \\ \lambda = \text{Principal eigenvalue of matrix A } \end{array}$ (4) Consistency check: Evaluate the consistency of judgments using the consistency ratio (CR) to ensure the reliability of the pairwise comparisons:
$ CR = \dfrac{CI}{RI} $ Where:
$ CI = \dfrac{\lambda - n}{n - 1} $ RI = Random index based on the order of the matrix
is below a predefined threshold (e.g., 0.1), the pairwise comparisons are considered consistent.$ CR $ (5) Aggregate priorities: Combine the priority weights through the hierarchy to determine the overall preferences of alternatives. For each alternative, calculate the weighted sum of criteria scores:
$ \text{Weighted Sum} = \sum\limits_{i = 1}^{n} \text{Criterion Score}_i \;\times\; \text{Priority Weight}_i $ Hierarchical framework for decision-making
In this research, we present a comprehensive hierarchical structure for our decision-making framework, aimed at systematically assessing and prioritizing strategies to enhance the resilience and reliability of different electricity grid landscapes in the face of diverse natural hazards. The framework addresses two primary research objectives: first, understanding how various electricity grid landscapes respond and interact with specific natural hazards, and second, utilizing a Multi-Criteria Decision-Making with Analytic Hierarchy Process (MCDM-AHP) to evaluate mitigation and adaptation strategies.
The first objective involves a hierarchical breakdown of electricity grid landscapes, categorizing them into centralized grids, microgrids, nanogrids, and smart grids. This is further dissected to explore responses to distinct natural hazards such as hurricanes, wildfires, earthquakes, floods, and extreme weather events. We delve into the implications for resilience and reliability by evaluating grid performance metrics, identifying vulnerabilities and strengths, and analyzing interdependencies among different landscape types and hazards.
For the second objective, we introduce a detailed breakdown of mitigation and adaptation strategies, encompassing site selection, redundancy, infrastructure hardening, emergency procedures, vegetation management, real-time monitoring, flexible operation, distributed generation, battery storage, demand response, community engagement, scenario planning, collaboration, climate-resilient technologies, regular maintenance, and artificial intelligence. These strategies are systematically evaluated based on multiple criteria, including effectiveness, resilience enhancement, risk reduction, scalability, flexibility, long-term sustainability, resource availability, cost-effectiveness, ease of implementation, integration with other strategies, community engagement, environmental impact, technological maturity, and regulatory and policy compliance, as well as education and training.
This hierarchical structure provides a systematic approach to analyzing the intricate interactions between electricity grid landscapes and natural hazards. Simultaneously, it facilitates the evaluation and prioritization of diverse mitigation and adaptation strategies based on a comprehensive set of criteria.
Elucidating interconnections among criteria, alternatives, and criteria–alternatives interactions
In the evaluation of mitigation and adaptation strategies for electricity grid landscapes in the face of natural hazards, it is imperative to clarify the intricate dependencies between the criteria, alternatives, and the interaction between criteria and alternatives. The Multi-Criteria Decision-Making with Analytic Hierarchy Process (MCDM-AHP) serves as a robust framework for systematically unraveling these dependencies.
The criteria are outlined in section Key Criteria, while section Key Strategies contains the presentation of strategies.
Dependencies between criteria
● Effectiveness, resilience enhancement, and risk reduction (C1): The efficacy of a strategy is closely tied to its impact on enhancing the resilience of the electricity grid. Strategies demonstrating higher effectiveness are expected to contribute more significantly to risk reduction and overall resilience enhancement.
● Scalability, flexibility, and long-Term sustainability (C2): The scalability and flexibility of a strategy are intertwined with its long-term sustainability. A strategy's ability to adapt to evolving circumstances is crucial for its long-term effectiveness and scalability.
● Resource availability, cost-effectiveness, and ease of implementation (C3): The availability of resources directly influences the cost-effectiveness and ease of implementation of a strategy. Striking a balance between these criteria is essential for practical and sustainable application.
● Integration with other strategies (C4): The success of a strategy may depend on its seamless integration with other mitigation and adaptation approaches. Identifying and leveraging synergies among strategies is critical for a holistic and effective grid resilience plan.
● Community engagement (C5): The level of community engagement is intertwined with the success of a strategy. Strategies that foster community involvement are likely to be more successful in implementation and garnering support.
Dependencies between alternatives
The alternatives, representing specific mitigation and adaptation strategies, exhibit dependencies based on their nature and scope. For instance, the integration of distributed generation (S8) may be closely related to the implementation of flexible operation strategies (S7).
Dependencies in criteria–alternatives interaction
● Environmental impact (C6): The environmental impact of a strategy is intimately linked to the choice of specific alternatives. Strategies incorporating climate-resilient technologies (S14) and artificial intelligence (S16) may have varying environmental footprints.
● Technological maturity (C7): The maturity of a technology (S14, S16) influences its feasibility and effectiveness. Assessing the technological maturity criteria is vital for understanding the practicality and potential success of specific strategies.
● Regulatory and policy compliance (C8): Strategies must align with existing regulations and policies. This criterion directly impacts the feasibility and acceptance of alternatives, emphasizing the need for careful consideration of legal frameworks.
● Education and training (C9): The successful implementation of certain strategies, such as real-time monitoring (S6) and artificial intelligence (S16), may be contingent on the level of education and training within the workforce.
Understanding these dependencies provides a nuanced perspective essential for the robust application of the MCDM-AHP framework. By elucidating the interconnections between criteria, alternatives, and their interactions, this research aims to enhance the clarity and efficacy of decision-making processes for resilient electricity grids.
Data collection and processing
While existing literature provided valuable insights into the broader aspects of electricity grid resilience and adaptation strategies, it often lacks the specificity required for our study's unique criteria and alternatives. To overcome this limitation, we meticulously executed our own objective judgment process, which involved a structured evaluation of criteria, alternatives, and their interrelationships. This approach drew upon both logical reasoning and the extensive knowledge base available in the literature.
Our objective judgment process was intentionally designed to ensure that assessments of criteria and alternatives adhered to a clear and consistent logic rooted in the domain knowledge found in the literature. This step was crucial in tailoring our analysis to the specific nuances of our study, aligning with the diverse range of criteria and alternatives we aimed to evaluate.
Next, the collected data underwent a rigorous pairwise comparison process. We utilized the Saaty scale, a widely accepted method within Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP), to convert qualitative expert judgments into numerical values[52,53,55]. Eigenvalue calculations were employed to determine the consistency of expert judgments. Adjustments were made if necessary to enhance the reliability of the decision-making model (Table 1).
Table 1. Pairwise comparison matrix for criteria evaluation.
Criteria C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 C7 C8 C9 C1 1 5 7 7 5 3 5 7 5 C2 $\dfrac{1}{5}$ 1 3 5 3 2 3 5 3 C3 $\dfrac{1}{7}$ $\dfrac{1}{3}$ 1 3 2 1 3 3 2 C4 $\dfrac{1}{7}$ $\dfrac{1}{5}$ $\dfrac{1}{3}$ 1 3 1 3 5 3 C5 $\dfrac{1}{5}$ $\dfrac{1}{3}$ $\dfrac{1}{2}$ $\dfrac{1}{3}$ 1 1 3 3 3 C6 $\dfrac{1}{3}$ $\dfrac{1}{2}$ 1 1 1 1 3 3 2 C7 $\dfrac{1}{5}$ $\dfrac{1}{3}$ $\dfrac{1}{3}$ $\dfrac{1}{3}$ $\dfrac{1}{3}$ $\dfrac{1}{3}$ 1 3 3 C8 $\dfrac{1}{7}$ $\dfrac{1}{5}$ $\dfrac{1}{3}$ $\dfrac{1}{5}$ $\dfrac{1}{3}$ $\dfrac{1}{3}$ $\dfrac{1}{5}$ 1 3 C9 $\dfrac{1}{5}$ $\dfrac{1}{3}$ $\dfrac{1}{2}$ $\dfrac{1}{3}$ $\dfrac{1}{3}$ $\dfrac{1}{2}$ $\dfrac{1}{3}$ $\dfrac{1}{3}$ 1 (C1) Effectiveness, resilience enhancement, and risk reduction; (C2) Scalability, flexibility, and long-term sustainability; (C3) Resource availability, cost-effectiveness, and ease of implementation; (C4) Integration with other existing or planned strategies; (C5) Community engagement and stakeholder acceptance; (C6) environmental impact; (C7) Technological maturity; (C8) Regulatory and policy compliance; (C9) education and training—when assessing strategies for mitigating and adapting to natural hazards in microgrids. We use a rating scale ranging from 1 to 9, where 1 indicates equal importance and 9 represents significantly greater importance. It's important to recognize that this assessment is subjective and may vary based on individual perspectives and preferences. Criteria and alternative weights were then aggregated to establish overall preference scores for each strategy. This comprehensive consideration involved accounting for all criteria and their associated weights. With the aggregated scores, we conducted a ranking of strategies to unveil their alignment with the objectives of our study, as represented by the overarching goal and specific criteria (Tables 2 & 3).
Table 2. Criterion weights (CWs) delineate the relative importance assigned to each criterion in the evaluation of strategies aimed at mitigating and adapting to natural hazards within microgrids. These weights provide clarity on the respective significance of each criterion in influencing the overall effectiveness of the available options.
Criteria Relative weights (RWs) Effectiveness, resilience enhancement, and risk reduction (C1) 28.1% Scalability, flexibility, and long-term sustainability (C2) 12.7% Resource availability, cost-effectiveness, and ease of implementation (C3) 7.8% Integration with other strategies (C4) 11.7% Community engagement (C5) 10.2% Environmental impact (C6) 6.0% Technological maturity (C7) 13.9% Regulatory and policy compliance (C8) 4.2% Education and training (C9) 5.3% Table 3. Combined weighted ratings for each alternative. Higher weighted sums indicate enhanced overall performance.
Alternatives Weighted sum Site selection 1.935 Redundancy 1.776 Hardening infrastructure 1.999 Emergency procedures 1.732 Vegetation management 0.899 Real-time monitoring 1.738 Flexible operations 1.780 Distributed generation 2.102 Battery storage 1.740 Demand response 1.963 Community engagement 1.531 Scenario planning 1.802 Collaboration 1.677 Climate-resilient technologies 1.743 Regular maintenance 1.522 Artificial intelligence 1.978 The choice of the Multi-Criteria Decision-Making with Analytic Hierarchy Process (MCDM-AHP) methodology for our analysis was deliberate, grounded in its capacity to effectively handle complex, multidimensional decision-making problems. AHP proved especially suitable for our study, given the interrelated nature of criteria, the existence of dependencies between criteria and alternatives, and the inherent need for subjective expert judgment. Its transparency and robustness made it an ideal choice, ensuring a thorough and insightful evaluation of mitigation and adaptation strategies in the context of natural hazards[52,53,55].
The publication of this research article in the journal of Emergency Management Science and Technology (EMST) was made possible without incurring Article Processing Charges (APCs). The author would like to express her appreciation to the editorial board and staff of EMST for their commitment to promoting open access and facilitating the sharing of knowledge within the academic community. The author appreciates the invitation and the opportunity to share her research and insights with the academic community and the readers of the Emergency Management Science and Technology (EMST) journal. Additionally, we extend our heartfelt thanks to the organizers and editorial team for generously waiving the publication fee for the year 2023. This support greatly contributes to the dissemination of knowledge and facilitates wider access to valuable research findings. The author also expresses heartfelt appreciation to the editorial office and the diligent reviewers for their perceptive feedback and thorough review, contributing significantly to the improved clarity of this article.
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Bouramdane AA. 2024. Natural hazards in electricity grids: from landscape dynamics to optimal mitigation and adaptation approaches. Emergency Management Science and Technology 4: e007 doi: 10.48130/emst-0024-0003
Natural hazards in electricity grids: from landscape dynamics to optimal mitigation and adaptation approaches
- Received: 07 September 2023
- Revised: 23 January 2024
- Accepted: 18 February 2024
- Published online: 25 April 2024
Abstract: This article discusses the increasing significance of microgrids in fortifying electricity grid resilience amidst evolving global energy trends. The study employs the Multi-Criteria Decision-Making Analytic Hierarchy Process (MCDM-AHP) to assess strategies for mitigating and adapting to natural hazards, utilizing a purposeful and structured judgment process with pairwise comparisons and eigenvalue calculations to establish overall preference scores. The chosen methodology, MCDM-AHP, is highlighted for its effectiveness in handling complex, multidimensional decision-making challenges with interrelated criteria and dependencies, guided by subjective expert judgment. The analysis of relative weights underscores the utmost importance of effectiveness, resilience enhancement, and risk reduction while also highlighting the significance of technological maturity, scalability, flexibility, long-term sustainability, integration with other strategies, community engagement, resource availability, cost-effectiveness, ease of implementation, education and training, environmental impact, and regulatory and policy compliance in evaluating strategies for natural hazard mitigation and adaptation. 'Distributed Generation' emerges as the top-performing option, followed closely by 'Demand Response' and 'Artificial Intelligence', while 'Scenario Planning', 'Hardening Infrastructure', 'Collaboration', and 'Regular Maintenance' also demonstrate varying levels of effectiveness across evaluated criteria in the mitigation and adaptation of natural hazards. This research investigates the varied responses of electricity grid landscapes to natural hazards, utilizing MCDM-AHP to assess resilience strategies, providing insights into the strengths and weaknesses of different grid types, and offering a comprehensive framework for policymakers and practitioners to enhance energy system resilience and reliability.