In dilute H2SO4 solutions, quinine sulfate is present as a di-cationic species, which is quite stable and whose molecular structure is shown in Fig. 4. Thus, blank, analytical standards and samples were prepared in solutions of H2SO4 0.05 mol·L−1.
Observing the spectra, obtained with a Perkin Elmer LS-50B luminescence spectrometer, it was noted that the maximum intensity of absorption and emission occurs at wavelengths of 347 and 452 nm, respectively (Fig. 5). In the proposed fluorimetric system, a conventional 5 mm LED was used as the source of radiation/excitation with a wavelength of approximately 346 nm.
LEDs, whose suitability was investigated and validated, have interesting characteristics for application in portable fluorimetric systems, such as, for example, emission of monochromatic light, popularity, low cost and availability of colors.
Smartphones, webcam and scanners are devices commonly used in digital image analysis[12−15]; although it exists, there is a limited number of studies that use a portable microscope for image capture[8,9]. The application of a USB microscope in the proposed fluorimetric system, presented satisfactory results, producing a better focusing of the image.
Two factors were analyzed in order to apply the system: 1) The intensity of the radiation source; minimum and maximum; and 2) the use of a cover in the cuvette compartment to control the internal lighting. After analyzing the curves and analytical parameters presented, the conditions of maximum intensity of the radiation source and the use of a lid, printed in 3D, on the upper part of the cuvette holder were selected. Therefore, the procedure was quite simple: the sample and standards were place in the cuvette, which was then covered with the cover holding the LED, and a photo was taken.
With the conditions defined, the images of white and pattern analytical data were obtained, as shown in Fig. 6.
Mathematical processing of RGB space color data
After obtaining the intensities of the RGB channels, considering that the phenomenon of fluorescence is related to the emission of radiation and that quinine, in a diluted acid solution, presents a maximum intensity of emission at a wavelength of 452 nm, corresponding to the blue color in the CEI chromaticity diagram, the B channel intensities showed better correlation with the concentration variation as can be seen in Table 1. da Silva et al.[10], in their quinine quantification study in beverages, also observed that the B channel had the highest fluorescence intensity and was used in the determinations
Table 1. Mean RGB intensities for blanks and analytical standards in triplicate.
Quinine/H2SO4 0.05 mol L−1
(mg L−1)R G B 0 (Blank) 0 0 0 0 (Blank) 0 0 0 0 (Blank) 0 0 0 2 0.29 0.26 24.25 2 0.5 0.26 23.6 2 0.42 0.24 24.31 4 0.6 2.65 66.73 4 0.57 2.92 66.87 4 0.64 3.04 67.99 6 0.6 10.01 104.05 6 0.67 9.56 102.35 6 0.66 9.67 103.41 8 0.67 20.74 139.35 8 0.65 20.84 139.99 8 0.65 20.73 139.73 10 0.66 34.5 170.52 10 0.65 34.54 169.93 10 0.68 34.19 170.65 R: red; G: green; B: blue. Thus, the intensities of the blue channel were used in the construction of the analytical curve (Fig. 7). Seeking to verify the construction of the analytical signal, considering the contributions of the intensities of the R, G and B channels, the mathematical processing norm vector was evaluated.
Figure 7.
Analytical curve for quinine determination, constructed from the blue channel intensity values.
It is possible to observe, in Fig. 8, that the vector norm mathematical processing presented a behavior similar to the use of channel B intensities, without mathematical processing. Featuring a greater slope of the analytical curve and sensitivity, in terms of detection and quantification limits, a standard processing vector was used in the application of the fluorimetric system.
Figure 8.
Analytical curve for quinine determination, built from the mathematical processing standard vector of RGB intensities values.
Method validation
The analytical blank was included in the projection of the analytical curve and all curve concentrations were analyzed in triplicate, allowing a more robust regression and evaluation of curve linearity, among other analytical parameters. The adequacy of the fit of the analytical curve, constructed from the color data for the fluorimetric system for quinine determination, was confirmed by the correlation coefficient (R2) equal to 0.998.
The R2 of the analytical curve is commonly used to evaluate the linearity of a method, based on the analysis of its proximity to the value 1. However, the R value must be associated with the linear relationship between the concentration and the signal; in the evaluation of linearity the experimental and critical F values must be analyzed.
Seeking to evaluate the linearity of the proposed method, the experimental F value, corresponding to the ratio between the residual variance and the pure squared error, given by Equation 1, and the tabulated critical F were compared.
$ \mathrm{F}_{\exp }=\left(\dfrac{s_{y / x}}{s_{y}}\right)^{2} $ (1) Since Sy/x is the residual standard deviation and Sy is the pure error, there are two statistical hypotheses: H0, called the null hypothesis, and the alternative hypothesis (H1). The null hypothesis must be rejected, at the α significance level studied, if Fexp exceeds the critical value at the α level, F (α, I - 2, I – L), where I is the number of calibration samples and L is the number of concentration levels.
Considered the best indicator of linearity, suitable for statistically verifying whether the residual variance is greater than the pure squared error, derived from the study of samples in triplicate, the test was applied in the linearity analysis of the proposed fluorimetric method. An experimental F value, 4449, was observed, much higher than the tabulated critical F, 4.45, resulting in the rejection of the null hypothesis, thus having linearity in the dynamic range of work analyzed, LQ at 10 mg·L−1.
Detection and qualification limits
The sensitivity of a method is commonly expressed in terms of the limits of detection (LD) and quantification (LQ). However, many works estimate the LD, minimum detectable quantities, applying the old IUPAC definition, based on the concentration of the analyte that gives a signal at least three times greater than the standard deviation of the blank signal, considering the slope of the curve analytics.
In general terms, the most recent IUPAC recommendation defines the LD as a concentration level for which the risk of false negatives, also called β errors or Type II errors, has an associated β probability, as shown by Equation 2.
$ \mathrm{LD}=t(\alpha, v) \sigma_{c, 0}+t(\beta, v) \sigma_{c, L D}=\dfrac{3,3 S_{ x / y}}{A} \sqrt{1+h_{0}+\frac{1}{I}} $ (2) Where, t(α,v)σc,0 + t(β,v)σc,LD are Student coefficients with v degrees of freedom and probability α and β, respectively, σc,0 and σc,LD are the concentration standard errors for blank and LD levels; A is the slope of the calibration curve, I is the number of calibration samples and Sy/x is the residual standard deviation. h0 can be obtained by assuming σc,0 = σc,LD, 95% confidence level (α = β = 0.05) and a large number of degrees of freedom. The same concept is applied in the calculation of LQ.
The old definition significantly underestimates the values of LD and LQ, and the current recommendation often results in higher values. The proposed method presented detection and quantification limits of 0.99 and 1.46 mg·L−1, at a 95% confidence interval, with data obtained from vector norm mathematical processing.
Precision provides the dispersion of measured values around a mean value, and its numerical value is estimated by the relative standard deviation (RSD), expressed in Equation 3, where s is the standard deviation and
is the mean value of total number of samples.$\overline x $ $ DRP=\dfrac{100S}{\overline{X}} $ (3) Precision was evaluated in terms of repeatability performing nine determinations on samples containing a concentration equivalent to the average concentration of the analytical curve, DPR values of 1.15% and 1.13% were obtained, as shown in Table 2.
Table 2. Accuracy of the method verified in terms of DRP%.
Sample Repetitions (mg·L−1) DRP% Sample F 4.82 4.73 4.8 4.91 4.86 4.8 4.88 4.87 4.88 1.15 Sample G 5.49 5.54 5.39 5.54 5.39 5.46 5.5 5.56 5.52 1.13 Accuracy
Accuracy reflects the proximity between the measured value (xi) and a reference value considered true (Xv) and is related to the absolute error of a measurement. Accuracy was verified by comparing the results obtained from the proposed method, based on digital image analysis, with the results obtained from a PerkinElmer LS-50B luminescence spectrometer, wavelength of 346 nm, as shown in Table 3.
Table 3. Accuracy of the proposed method.
Sample Proposed method
(mg/100 g)Luminescence PerkinElmer
LS-50B (452 nm) (mg/100 g)A 55.0 ± 0.19 55.1 ± 0.01 B 64.3 ± 0.02 64.2 ± 0.02 C 47.8 ± 0.22 47.9 ± 0.02 It was observed that there is no significant difference between the values measured with the proposed method and the values of the reference method.
The proposed method was applied in the determination of quinine in seven samples of tonic water, as shown in Table 4, and contents from 47.8 to 66.7 mg·L−1 were calculated.
Table 4. Quinine contents in commercial samples of tonic water, obtained in the application of the proposed method.
Sample [Quinine] ± SD (mg·L−1) A 54.68 ± 0.29 B 64.82 ± 0.24 C 66.72 ± 0.23 D 49.38 ± 0.38 E 63.66 ± 0.25 F 48.20 ± 0.40 G 47.77 ± 0.43 Decree No. 6871, of June 4, 2009, which regulates Law No. 8918 (July 1994), which provides for standardization, classification, registration, inspection, production and supervision of beverages, establishes in Art. 25 that 'Quinine tonic water is a soft drink that contains, obligatorily, three to seven milligrams of quinine or its salts, expressed in anhydrous quinine, per one hundred milliliters of beverage'. Thus, the calculated concentrations of the studied samples are within the standard established by current legislation.
The fluorimetric system showed satisfactory performance for the determination of quinine in commercial samples of tonic water. A system presents possibilities for improvement, observing the calculated merit figures, from detailed studies of factors that influence the system; such as the focus magnification range of the digital microscope and the electric power supply current for the LED.
The proposed method presents higher detection and quantification limits than those presented by da Silva et al.[10], 6.9 × 10−8 and 1.39 × 10−5 mol·L−1, but stands out for its simplicity and greater range linear working dynamics. Considering the high levels of quinine in the samples of interest, the proposed method is an alternative to the reference method.
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de Souza CT, Danchana K, Ferreira SLC, Cerdà V. 2024. Fluorimetric determination of quinine using a portable system and digital image processing. Food Materials Research 4: e001 doi: 10.48130/fmr-0023-0036
Fluorimetric determination of quinine using a portable system and digital image processing
- Received: 12 July 2023
- Revised: 21 August 2023
- Accepted: 28 August 2023
- Published online: 02 January 2024
Abstract: The development of a portable device created by 3D printing for fluorimetric measurements is an efficient tool for analytical applications in situ or in the laboratory presenting a wide field of applications in the environmental and food field. This device uses a light-emitting diode (LED) as a radiation source and a digital microscope as a detector. Digital images obtained by the interaction between the radiation source and the sample were analyzed with the help of the YouCam software, the images were filed in JPEG format and processed with the Chemostat software.The entire system is connected to a notebook, which serves as an LED and detector power supply without the need for any additional power source. The proposed device was used for the determination in situ of quinine in water and beverage samples, respectively. For the validation of the developed system, the results obtained were compared with a conventional spectrofluorometer with a t-test at a 95% confidence level. The proposed system provides satisfactory precision and accuracy values. The proposed method presented detection and quantification limits of 0.99 and 1.46 mg·L−1, at a 95% confidence interval.
Key words:
- Fluorimetric determination /
- Quinine /
- Portable system /
- Digital Imaging