The different polyphenol components in plants endow them with unique dyeing properties. First, a metabolomic analysis of the polyphenols in 11 plant species was conducted. A total of 40 polyphenolic metabolites were detected across the 11 plant materials. After normalizing these data, a cluster heatmap (Fig. 2a) was generated, clearly demonstrating differences in the contents of these compounds in different plants. Notably, the polyphenolic metabolites in J. regia shells and C. officinarum seeds differed considerably from those in the other nine plants, exhibiting a unique diversity. Additionally, the gallic acid and dihydromyricetin contents in G. chinensis were significantly higher than in the other groups, demonstrating a markedly different metabolic pattern compared with the other plants.
Figure 2.
Analysis of polyphenolic metabolites in 11 plants. (a) Heatmap of polyphenolic compound content, showing the relative content of polyphenolic compounds in 11 plants. The color gradient reflects the distribution differences in metabolites among plants, with darker colors indicating higher contents. (b) Principal component analyses (PCA) of polyphenolic metabolites in 11 plants. PC1 indicates the first principal component, PC2 indicates the second principal component, and the percentage indicates the explanation rate of this principal component to the data set. PCA score plot, clearly revealing the clustering characteristics and differences in polyphenolic metabolites across 11 plants based on the distribution of PC1 and PC2. (c) OPLS-DA model validation plot, demonstrating the model's high explanatory power (R²Y) and excellent predictive performance (Q²) for polyphenolic metabolite data. (d) OPLS-DA permutation test plot, confirming the absence of overfitting and further validating the statistical reliability of this model. (e) Differential metabolite dynamics map, highlighting the variation patterns of the five most considerably different polyphenolic metabolites among the 11 plants.
To further ensure reliable, reproducible, and high-quality metabolomic data, principal component analysis (PCA) was conducted on three quality control (QC) samples from each of the 11 different plants (Fig. 2b)[43]. The first and second principal components (PC1 and PC2) account for 26.92% and 17.9% of the variance in these data, respectively, indicating notable differences in the polyphenol metabolites among the various plants. The results demonstrate that PCA can distinguish between different plants and QC samples. More importantly, the PCA results are consistent with the clustering analysis. Except for J. regia shells and C. officinarum seeds, the PCA distributions of polyphenol metabolites from the other nine plants are relatively close, suggesting similar polyphenol metabolic profiles. OPLS-DA was used to compare the polyphenols in the 11 plant samples. The OPLS-DA model shows a Q² > 0.9 (0.993), indicating an excellent model, while the R²Y value is close to 1 (0.998) and signifies a reliable explanation rate for the Y matrix by the model. The OPLS-DA permutation test also confirms that the permutation test passed, and the model does not exhibit overfitting (Fig. 2c & d); therefore, notable differences exist among the polyphenol metabolomes of the different plants, allowing for the screening of different metabolites based on the variable importance in projection values. Polyphenols with considerable differences among the various plants are indicated based on their distance from the origin. Differential metabolite dynamics maps show the five most differentiated substances vitexin, dihydromyricetin, genistin, resveratrol, and isorhamnetin among the 11 plants (Fig. 2e). The polyphenol metabolome analysis and screening of differential metabolites for different plant dyes can help reveal their unique coloring properties and stability during the dyeing process, thus providing a scientific basis for developing efficient and environmentally friendly natural dyes.
Different solvents and mordants considerably affect the dyeing performance and color range of polyphenol-rich plant dyes
Polyphenols, as natural dyes, are widely used because they can impart a variety of colors to textiles[44]. Tea leaves are rich in tea polyphenols that can provide fabrics with brown or black tones[45]; madder contains anthraquinone polyphenols, such as alizarin, primarily used in red dyes[46]; onion skins are rich in polyphenols such as quercetin, are used for yellow dyes[47]. The specific impact of key components on dyeing performance has not yet been fully evaluated. The type and concentration of polyphenols vary across different plants, and these polyphenol compounds may exhibit different dyeing effects during dyeing processes. Here, dye solutions from 11 polyphenol-rich plants were prepared using MAE with water and 60% anhydrous ethanol as solvents (Fig. 3a). Different solvents can result in the extraction of different primary components from plants. For example, when using water as the solvent, mostly hydrolyzable tannins (HTs) are extracted whereas 60% anhydrous ethanol extracts mainly condensed tannins (CTs). In addition, cotton fabrics were dyed with various mordants. The dyeing results, color yield (K/S), and CIE L*a*b* values are shown in Supplementary Table S1. First, the impacts of different components on the results of direct dyeing were examined. HTs and CTs exhibit minimal differences in the direct dyeing cotton fabrics, generally resulting in similar shades with only slight variations (Fig. 3b); however, the dyeing results for V. fordii CTs and HTs differ considerably. In addition to the obvious color differences, the CIEL*a*b* values also reveal notable discrepancies, particularly in the L* value (Supplementary Table S1). The L* value for CT-dyed fabrics is 31.28, while for HT-dyed fabrics, the L* value is 54.02, with a difference of 20 between them. Thus, the difference in lightness is the primary reason for the color variations observed in cotton fabrics dyed with different V. fordii dye solutions.
Figure 3.
Plant dyes and dyeing results. (a) Photos of the powder and extracted dye solutions from the 11 plant dyes. CT refers to the dye solution extracted using 60% ethanol as the solvent, with condensed tannins as the main component; while HT refers to the dye solution extracted using water as the solvent, with hydrolysable tannins as the main component. (b) Dyeing results of cotton fabrics with different plant dyes and mordants.
Different mordants had a crucial impact on the dyeing results (Fig. 3b and Supplementary Table S1). When ferrous sulfate was employed as a mordant, the K/S values of the cotton fabrics increased, significantly enhancing the dyeing performance of these dye solutions. The HT dyeing solution from P. granatum showed the greatest increase in the K/S value, from 13.66 to 27.34. A higher K/S value indicates a deeper color on the cotton fabric; therefore, after mordanting with ferrous sulfate, the L*, a*, and b* values decreased. In contrast, when alum was used as the mordant, the K/S values exhibited variability, with some increasing and others decreasing, while the L*, a*, and b* values showed no significant changes. Among the 22 dye solutions, the K/S values for cotton fabrics decreased after dyeing in eight of them, with the most significant decrease observed in the HT dye solution from C. officinarum, which were reduced by 2.12. On the other hand, the greatest increase in K/S value was seen in the HT dye solution of G. chinensis, which increased by 12.27; however, this increase was still less than that achieved when using ferrous sulfate as the mordant (13.68). The results indicate that iron ions when used as a mordant, better coordinate with the natural dye and cotton fabric, effectively blocking water-soluble groups on the dye and enhancing its stability, thus increasing the K/S values of the fabric[22,48]. Consequently, ferrous sulfate is identified as an excellent mordant that plays a crucial role in the dyeing process using natural dyes.
By comparing the dyeing results of 11 polyphenol-rich plants, the dyeing properties of polyphenolic plant dyes were investigated. These dyes typically impart black and brown tones to cotton fabrics, while D. cirrhosa and F. multiflora provide subtle red variations (Fig. 3b). The addition of mordants enhances the range of shades produced by natural dyes, expanding the spectrum to include yellow and orange, thus offering a wider array of color options.
Mordant selection has a considerable effect on the color fastness of textiles with natural dyes
Color fastness is an important indicator in dyeing evaluation, as it directly affects the durability, stability, and practicality of dyes on textiles. The low color fastness of textiles dyed with natural dyes presents a significant challenge in practically applying these dyes on cotton fabrics. The primary focus of color fastness in relation to natural dyes is on washing fastness and light fastness. The color fastness of cotton fabric samples dyed with different main components from 11 polyphenol-rich plants under the influence of various mordants is shown in Table 1. When ferrous sulfate is used as a mordant, the washing fastness of cotton fabrics dyed with almost all plant dyes improves. In particular, the dyeing effect on P. granatum peels and J. regia shells was improved significantly, and the washing fastness could be increased from Grade 3 to Grade 4 or 5 after adding ferrous sulfate as a mordant. In contrast, alum displayed a less significant impact on the washing fastness of plant-dyed cotton fabrics. Meanwhile, the light fastness of most plant dyes to cotton fabrics dyed with different mordants was stable and remained in the range of Grade 4 to 5, indicating that the light fastness was generally good and using ferrous sulfate or alum as mordants had less effect on it. For dyes such as D. kaki and V. fordii shells, washing fastness and light fastness on cotton fabrics exhibit high levels, independent of the mordants added. Overall, the choice of mordant affects the dyeing performance of different plant dyes significantly, with ferrous sulfate generally providing notable improvements in washing fastness.
Table 1. Fastness properties of dyed samples.
Plant Main ingredients Mordant Washing fastness Light fastness Camellia oleifera Condensed tannin None 4 4/5 FeSO4 4/5 4/5 KAl(SO4)2·12H2O 4/5 4/5 Hydrolysable tannin None 4 5 FeSO4 4 5 KAl(SO4)2·12H2O 5 5 Quercus acutissima Condensed tannin None 3 5 FeSO4 3 5 KAl(SO4)2·12H2O 4 5 Hydrolysable tannin None 3/4 5 FeSO4 3 5 KAl(SO4)2·12H2O 5 5 Punica granatum Condensed tannin None 4/5 5 FeSO4 5 5 KAl(SO4)2·12H2O 4 5 Hydrolysable tannin None 4 5 FeSO4 4 5 KAl(SO4)2·12H2O 4/5 5 Diospyros kaki Condensed tannin None 4/5 4 FeSO4 5 4 KAl(SO4)2·12H2O 5 4 Hydrolysable tannin None 5 4 FeSO4 5 4 KAl(SO4)2·12H2O 5 4 Galla Chinensis Condensed tannin None 4 4/5 FeSO4 5 4/5 KAl(SO4)2·12H2O 4/5 5 Hydrolysable tannin None 4 4/5 FeSO4 4 5 KAl(SO4)2·12H2O 4 4-5 Dioscorea cirrhosa Condensed tannin None 4 3 FeSO4 5 5 KAl(SO4)2·12H2O 4-5 4 Hydrolysable tannin None 4-5 3 FeSO4 4 4 KAl(SO4)2·12H2O 5 3 Camphora officinarum Condensed tannin None 4/5 4 FeSO4 4/5 4 KAl(SO4)2·12H2O 5 4 Hydrolysable tannin None 5 4 FeSO4 5 4 KAl(SO4)2·12H2O 5 4/5 Juglans regia Condensed tannin None 4/5 4/5 FeSO4 5 4 KAl(SO4)2·12H2O 4/5 4 Hydrolysable tannin None 4 5 FeSO4 5 4/5 KAl(SO4)2·12H2O 4/5 5 Fallopia multiflora Condensed tannin None 5 4 FeSO4 5 4 KAl(SO4)2·12H2O 4 4 Hydrolysable tannin None 5 3 FeSO4 4/5 4/5 KAl(SO4)2·12H2O 5 4 Vernicia fordii Condensed tannin None 5 4/5 FeSO4 4/5 4 KAl(SO4)2·12H2O 5 4 Hydrolysable tannin None 4 4 FeSO4 4/5 4 KAl(SO4)2·12H2O 4/5 4 Castanea mollissima Condensed tannin None 4 4/5 FeSO4 5 4/5 KAl(SO4)2·12H2O 4 5 Hydrolysable tannin None 4 4 FeSO4 4 4/5 KAl(SO4)2·12H2O 5 4/5 Plant dyes are gentle and do not affect the surface structure of cotton fabrics
To visually assess the impact of plant dyes on cotton fabrics, SEM examinations were performed on dyed and undyed cotton fabric surfaces. Due to the large sample size, only a selection of the results are presented (Fig. 4). The undyed cotton fabrics displayed twisted fibril impressions along the fiber axis, characterized by relatively smooth surfaces. A close inspection of the images reveals no significant differences between dyed and undyed cotton fibers, whether with or without mordants. This observation underscores the gentle nature of plant-based natural dyes that, do not pose harm to the human body.
Figure 4.
Surface morphology of cotton fabrics. (a) Surface morphology of untreated cotton fabric. (b) Surface morphology of cotton fabric directly dyed with different plant dye components from Camphora officinarum seeds. CT refers to the dye solution extracted using 60% ethanol as the solvent, with condensed tannins as the main component, while HT refers to the dye solution extracted using water as the solvent, with hydrolysable tannins as the main component. (c) Surface morphology of cotton fabric after post-mordanting with different mordants using plant dyes from C. officinarum seeds.
Differences in the contents of specific compounds affect the dyeing performance of plant dyes on cotton fabrics significantly
The differences in compound content altered the composition of plant dyes, thus changing their dyeing effects on cotton fabrics. Variations in the amounts of specific compounds modified the composition of plant polyphenols, in turn affecting the dyeing process. To elucidate the roles of different compounds in dyeing, Pearson correlation analyses and Mantel test analyses were conducted based on targeted polyphenol metabolite detection data and dyeing performance results. The results indicated a correlation between the CIE L*a*b* values of dyed cotton fabrics and various polyphenolic compounds (Fig. 5). Specifically, the K/S and L* values were highly significantly correlated with naringenin (p < 0.01), and significantly correlated with quercetin (0.01 < p < 0.05). The a* value exhibited a highly significant correlation with catechin, epicatechin, and luteoloside (p < 0.01). Similarly, the b* value, similar to the c* value, was significantly correlated with tannin and dihydromyricetin (0.01 < p < 0.05), and also showed a highly significant correlation with isoliquiritigenin (p < 0.01). The h* value demonstrated significant correlations with five compounds protocatechualdehyde, catechin, epicatechin, kaempferol, and isoliquiritigenin (0.01 < p < 0.05). In conclusion, naringenin, epicatechin, catechin, dihydromyricetin, and tannin content significantly influenced the dyeing performance of cotton fabrics dyed with these 11 plant dyes.
Figure 5.
The content of polyphenols is considerably related to the dyeing performance of plant dyes on cotton fabrics. The Mantel test analysis was used to examine the correlation between CIE L*a*b* values and each of the 40 polyphenol metabolites. K/S represents the ratio of the dye absorption coefficient (k) to the dye scattering coefficient (s), L represents lightness, a represents the red-green coordinate, b represents the yellow-blue coordinate, c represents color saturation, and h represents hue. Orange lines indicate highly significant relationships (Mantel's p < 0.01), and green lines indicate significant relationships (0.01 ≤ Mantel's p < 0.05). The width of the lines corresponds to Mantel's r statistic, reflecting the respective distance correlations. Pairwise comparisons of polyphenol metabolites are shown, with a color gradient denoting Pearson's correlation coefficient.
Innovative natural choice for plant dyes: naringenin
Naringenin, the aglycone of naringin, is a natural polyphenolic compound known for its diverse biological activities, including anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and antitumor properties. It is widely used in the pharmaceutical and food industries[49]. Through metabolomic analysis of 11 polyphenol-rich plants, naringenin was the only compound to show a highly significant correlation with the K/S and L values. Four plants with the highest naringenin content from these 11 plants, D. kaki, C. officinarum seeds, C. oleifera shells, and F. multiflora, were selected to investigate the specific effects of naringenin on cotton fabric dyeing further. Based on the peak graph, D. kaki contains the highest amount of naringenin, followed by C. officinarum seeds, then C. oleifera shells, with F. multiflora having the lowest content (Fig. 6a). The naringin content shows a significant negative correlation with the K/S value of dyed cotton fabric (R2 = −0.86) (Fig. 6b). In comparison, it has a significant positive correlation with the L* value of the dyed cotton fabric (R2 = 0.93) (Fig. 6c). In addition, naringenin showed a certain correlation with other dyeing performance values such as a, b, c, and h, further indicating its important role in the dyeing process (Fig. 6d). Thus, in future applications of plant dyes, the optimal amount of naringenin to balance the K/S and L* values for the best dyeing effect can be explored. The discovery of naringenin paves the way for improved plant dyes and an expansion in new fields for plant dyes.
Figure 6.
Analysis of the relationship between the naringenin content and dyeing performance. (a) Identification of naringenin in plants using high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). (b) Bar graph showing the correlation between the naringenin content and the ratio of the dye absorption coefficient (k) to the dye scattering coefficient (s) (K/S) value. (c) Bar graph showing the correlation between the naringenin content and lightness (L) value. (d) Heatmap illustrating the correlation between naringenin and dyeing performance. a represents the red-green coordinate, b represents the yellow-blue coordinate, c represents color saturation, and h represents hue.
Sustainable innovation in plant dyes: the waste economy
Despite the widespread attention plant-based dyes have garnered for their environmental and health benefits, their high cost remains a significant barrier to large-scale adoption; therefore, the utilization of plant waste, allows for the diversified use of waste materials and mitigates the drawback of high costs associated with plant-based dyes[30]. The application of six types of plant waste from C. oleifera shell, Q. acutissima shell, P. granatum peel, J. regia shell, V. fordii shell, and C. mollissima shell in cotton fabric dyeing has been researched. These six plant wastes are rich in tannins, which are among the most important types of plant dyes, predominantly producing brown and black colors. It was not difficult to find a highly positive correlation between tannin content and K/S values (R² = 0.91) alongside a significant effect on b, c, and h values (Fig. 7a & b). Notably, different tannin components and mordants can impart different colors to cotton fabrics (Fig. 7c). The cotton fabrics dyed with J. regia shells and V. fordii shells exhibited uniform color with minimal variation, staying within the brown and gray ranges, respectively. In contrast, the fabrics dyed with P. granatum peels showed the greatest color variation, ranging from yellow–brown to gray. Further exploration of tannin components and selecting different mordants can broaden the color options of tannin-based plant dyes, thus promoting their wider application.
Figure 7.
Analysis of the relationship between tannin content and dyeing performance. (a) Bar graph showing the correlation between the tannin content in plant waste and the ratio of the dye absorption coefficient (k) to the dye scattering coefficient (s) (K/S) value. (b) Heatmap illustrating the correlation between the tannin content and dyeing performance. L represents lightness, a represents the red-green coordinate, b represents the yellow-blue coordinate, c represents color saturation, and h represents hue. (c) Tannin imparting diverse colors to cotton fabrics.
In conclusion, the targeted metabolism of 11 polyphenol-rich plants was analyzed, and the dyeing effect of their extracts on cotton fabrics was evaluated. This study demonstrated that, compared with direct dyeing, incorporating mordants enhanced the dyeing performance of the plant dyes significantly and broadened the spectrum of color tones, thus achieving a wider array of color options. Additionally, it was identified that naringenin, epicatechin, catechin, dihydromyricetin, and tannin played pivotal roles in the dyeing performance of cotton fabrics treated with these plant-based dyes. Notably, naringenin was the only compound that exhibited a highly significant correlation with two critical dyeing indicators: the K/S value and the L* value. In addition, this study highlights the significant potential of plant waste as a dye. Of the 11 plant dyes selected, nearly half are derived from plant waste, demonstrating the eco-friendly properties of natural dyes and providing a solid theoretical foundation for the innovation of sustainable dyeing technologies.
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Gao J, Zhao Y, Ni F, Gao M, Wu L, et al. 2024. Polyphenol metabolomics reveals the applications and prospects of polyphenol-rich plants in natural dyes. Forestry Research 4: e038 doi: 10.48130/forres-0024-0035
Polyphenol metabolomics reveals the applications and prospects of polyphenol-rich plants in natural dyes
- Received: 18 September 2024
- Revised: 25 November 2024
- Accepted: 10 December 2024
- Published online: 19 December 2024
Abstract: Polyphenols, as one of the primary compounds produced by plant secondary metabolism, have garnered considerable attention because of their non-toxic, environmentally friendly, and biodegradable properties, as well as their notable medicinal value. This study presents a metabolomic analysis of polyphenols from 11 woody plants, including Camellia oleifera, Quercus acutissima, and Punica granatum, investigating a total of 40 polyphenolic metabolites. A differential metabolite dynamics map highlighted the five most differentiated substances among the 11 plants, including vitexin, dihydromyricetin, genistin, resveratrol, and isorhamnetin. To evaluate the application of polyphenol-rich plants as natural dyes, dye performance tests, and color fastness evaluations were conducted, focusing on the specific role of polyphenols in dyeing cotton fabrics. The composition of polyphenols had a minor effect on the color of dyed cotton fabrics, typically imparting only black or brown tones to the fabric. However, their effect on dyeing performance is notable, with the ratio of the dye absorption coefficient (k) to the dye scattering coefficient (s) (K/S) ranging from 1 to 20, and lightness varying from 26 to 78. The addition of mordants not only improved the dye's color fastness but also expanded the color range. Furthermore, this study identified four key substances that influence the dyeing performance of plant dyes, including naringenin, epicatechin, catechin, and dihydromyricetin, and discovered a novel natural dye compound, naringenin. Importantly, six of the 11 plant dyes selected in this study are derived from plant waste, thus providing a theoretical basis for advancing environmentally friendly and sustainable dyeing technologies.
Key words:
- Polyphenol metabolomics /
- Naringenin /
- Tannin /
- Natural dyes