The Hidden Markov model (HMM) of the Dof domain (PF02701.18) was employed to search for Dof genes in S. miltiorrhiza. A total of 31 Dof genes were detected, and the gene was named SmDof1-SmDof31, respectively (Supplementary Table S1). The results of Pfam and SMART analysis showed that all of these proteins contained complete Dof domains[23]. The CDS length, protein molecular weight (MW), isoelectric point (pI), and subcellular location of each SmDof gene in S. miltiorrhiza were further analyzed (Table 1). Of the 31 proteins, SmDof25 and SmDof22 had the lowest number of amino acids, decreasing to 168, while SmDof16 had the highest number of amino acids, reaching to 511. The pI of SmDofs ranges from 6.01 (SmDof5) to 10.55 (SmDof17), and the molecular weight ranges from 18,463.7 (SmDof22) to 55,341.6 (SmDof16). Subcellular localization prediction revealed that 27 SmDofs were located in the nucleus, while four SmDofs including SmDof19, 21, 22, and 25 located in chloroplasts (Table 1).
Table 1. Length, molecular weight, isoelectric point, and subcellular localization of 31 SmDof proteins in S. miltiorrhiza.
Gene ID Name Length (aa) MW (Da) pI Subcellar
localizationSMILT016590.1 SmDof1 304 33,168.7 8.66 nucleus SMILT016591.1 SmDof2 246 26,202.9 9.8 nucleus SMILT016651.1 SmDof3 242 26,184.9 8.96 nucleus SMILT021318.1 SmDof4 225 23,560.2 8.6 nucleus SMILT032678.1 SmDof5 224 24,689.4 6.01 nucleus SMILT003591.1 SmDof6 241 25,256.1 4.66 nucleus SMILT009582.1 SmDof7 306 32,436.3 4.69 nucleus SMILT017417.1 SmDof8 301 33,248.9 6.7 nucleus SMILT020107.1 SmDof9 332 36,827.9 7.94 nucleus SMILT023380.1 SmDof10 318 34,176.8 9.72 nucleus SMILT025505.1 SmDof11 283 30,690.9 8.48 nucleus SMILT025760.1 SmDof12 274 30,006.1 8.47 nucleus SMILT028288.1 SmDof13 249 27,303.1 8.99 nucleus SMILT030586.1 SmDof14 334 36,582.9 6.92 nucleus SMILT031093.1 SmDof15 230 23,444.9 8.49 nucleus SMILT000323.1 SmDof16 511 55,341.6 5.23 nucleus SMILT000784.1 SmDof17 265 27,611.4 10.55 nucleus SMILT000789.1 SmDof18 198 22,350 9.04 nucleus SMILT001058.1 SmDof19 190 20,795.1 9.27 chloroplast SMILT001687.1 SmDof20 216 24,023.7 9.28 nucleus SMILT002891.1 SmDof21 268 29,359.3 4.54 chloroplast SMILT004451.1 SmDof22 168 18,463.7 8.83 chloroplast SMILT005491.1 SmDof23 266 29,274.4 9.31 nucleus SMILT007077.1 SmDof24 251 27,427 9.06 nucleus SMILT007580.1 SmDof25 168 18,625.9 9.22 chloroplast SMILT009335.1 SmDof26 191 21,529.9 9.5 nucleus SMILT010473.1 SmDof27 240 24,863.9 7.82 nucleus SMILT012697.1 SmDof28 248 26,508.7 9.28 nucleus SMILT019592.1 SmDof29 283 30,740.7 8.39 nucleus SMILT023561.1 SmDof30 337 35,816.5 9.51 nucleus SMILT024154.1 SmDof31 258 27,841.9 8.06 nucleus Sequence alignment and phylogenetic traits of SmDof proteins
To dissect the characteristics of the domain within SmDof proteins, DNAMAN software was employed to conduct multiple amino acid sequence alignment. The results showed that all the SmDof proteins contained a conserved domain in its core sequence, namely CX2CX21CX2C zinc finger structure (Fig. 1). The conserved domain consists of 50 amino acid residues, of them four cysteine residues are relatively conserved within the zinc finger domain in the N-terminal region of SmDof proteins[11].
Figure 1.
Multiple sequence alignment of the 31 SmDof proteins. Different colors represent identical and conserved amino acid residues, and the red box shows the conserved zinc-finger domain.
To further explore the evolutionary relationships among the SmDof genes, a phylogenetic tree of a total of 67 Dof proteins (Supplementary Table S2) in Arabidopsis (36 members) and S. miltiorrhiza (31 members) were constructed. The total number of Dof genes in S. miltiorrhiza and A. thaliana is comparatively secure, and it indicates the conservative features of this gene family. Sixty seven Dof proteins are divided into five groups based on the branch of the tree, Groups I−V (Fig. 2). There are 31 SmDof gene families in S. miltiorrhiza, among them, six SmDofs are distributed in Group I and Group IV, 11 in Group II, and eight in Group III. In Arabidopsis, Groups I to IV contain 7, 0, 0, 10, and 19 Dof genes, respectively. The variable number of the five subgroups is beneficial for us to evaluate the degree of gene expansion or loss during the evolution of the two species.
Figure 2.
Evolutionary relationship of SmDof proteins in S. miltiorrhiza and Arabidopsis. Varied colors represent different groups. There were five groups, Groups I−V, with the green circles representing the SmDof proteins of Arabidopsis and the orange circles representing the Dof proteins of S. miltiorrhiza.
Structural feature of SmDof genes
To further investigate the functional regions of SmDof proteins, the conserved motif was predicted by the MEME program utilizing a two-component finite mixture model. In total, 15 motifs were identified in all the SmDof proteins, and we found that many groups of SmDofs shared a similar conserved motif. As shown in Fig. 3a and b, motif 1 is included in all SmDof proteins. Among all groups, Group I contained the most SmDof members being consisted of motifs 1, 2, 3, 8, and 15. The common motifs among the SmDof proteins are indicative of conserved evolutionary relatedness and similar biological functions.
Figure 3.
Phylogeny, conserved motifs and gene structure of SmDof proteins in S. miltiorrhiza. (a) SmDof proteins evolutionary tree. (b) Conserved motifs of the 31 SmDof proteins. Different colors represent 15 different motifs, and the bottom line represents the length of the sequence. (c) Exon/intron structures of SmDofs. Green represents UTRs and yellow represents CDS.
To study the structure of SmDof genes, the full-length cDNA sequences of all SmDof genes with the corresponding genomic DNA were aligned (Fig. 3c). The number of exons in SmDof ranged from 1 to 2. There were no more than two introns in each SmDofs. The variation in the number of exons may indicate that the SmDof genes may have diverse functions related to the medicinal substance biosynthesis, growth, or development in S. miltiorrhiza.
Cis-acting elements in the promoter region of SmDof genes
PlantCARE was introduced to analyze the promoter sequence of 31 SmDof genes from the translation initiation site (ATG), and 55 cis-acting elements were identified. Among of them, they were related to plant cell development, plant hormones, environmental stress, and light response, respectively (Fig. 4). The results show that 22 light-responsive elements get the most abundant compared to other elements, and 31 SmDof genes have light-responsive elements like Box 4, MRE, GT1-motif. In addition, 12 cis-acting elements related to plant hormones were identified. In addition, there are five cis-acting elements associated with cell development, like CAAT-box, HD-Zip 1, MBSI, CCAAT-box, and MSA-like. There are four cis-acting elements associated with environmental stress, like TC-rich repeats, AT-rich element, LTR, and MBS (Fig. 4). It is implied that most of the SmDofs may play an important role in response to plant hormones and are light responsive. This is in agreement with the previous studies on Dof gene families in sugarcane, which is thought to be involved in light response, metabolism, and other functions[19].
Figure 4.
Cis-acting elements of SmDof promoters in S. miltiorrhiza. Dof family cis-acting element of S. miltiorrhiza. Different colors represent different classes of cis-acting elements and motifs. Green represents cis-acting elements associated with light, yellow represents cis-acting elements associated with plant hormones, purple represents cis-acting elements associated with cell development, and blue represents environmental stress.
Expression patterns of SmDofs and synthetase genes involved in tanshinones and phenolic acids biosynthesis pathway in various tissues and under ABA treatment
To gain a deeper understanding of SmDof expression patterns, four tissues including root, stem, leaf, and flower were collected to measure the total content of tanshinones and phenolic acid by HPLC, and subjected to transcriptome sequencing to investigate the expression of SmDofs. The results showed that the total phenolic acids and tanshinones content were all highest in root compared to other tissues (Fig. 5a), and a total of five genes (SmDof6, 12, 13, 27, 29) were highly expressed in the root, which is harvested in practice as the medicinal tissue[3] (Fig. 5b & Supplementary Table S3).
Figure 5.
Expression profiles of SmDof genes and synthetase genes involved in tanshinones and phenolic acids biosynthesis pathway. (a) Contents of tanshinones and phenolic acids in different tissues of S. miltiorrhiza. (b) Expression profiles of SmDof gene in various tissues of S. miltiorrhiza. (c) Expression profile of SmDof genes under the treatment of ABA induction based on the transcriptome dataset. Red and blue boxes indicate high and low expression levels of SmDofs, respectively. (d) Expression profiles of synthetase genes involved in tanshinones and phenolic acids biosynthesis pathway under the induction of exogenous ABA detected by qRT-PCR. Three biological replicates were performed and the mean ± SD was taken, SD was represented by the error line. * indicates significant difference in t-test (*p < 0.05).
To mine the candidate SmDofs in response to ABA treatment, the expression variation of candidate SmDof gene exhibiting at least a 2-fold increase more than the control was set as the cutoff. In total, 11 SmDof genes including SmDof9, 16, 18, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 28, and 29 showed an obvious increase compared to the control, among which three SmDofs (SmDof22, 25, and 26) exhibited the highest increase reaching to a 17-fold increase over the control. Whereas, seven SmDof gens including SmDof4, 6, 12, 14, 15, 18, and 20 downregulated the expression levels more than 2-fold than the control (Fig. 5c &Supplementary Table S4). Moreover, qRT-PCR was employed to examine the expression level of synthetase genes involved in the tanshinones and phenolic acids biosynthesis pathway. As shown in Fig. 5d, several genes were revealed including PAL, C4H, TAT, RAS1, and CYP98A14 in phenolic acid biosynthesis pathway and GGPPS in tanshinone biosynthesis pathway upregulated significantly under the induction of exogenous ABA, in particular, PAL, and GGPPS were the most up-regulated. Therefore, the above results provide a valuable dataset for mining functional SmDof genes in regulating medicinal substance metabolite synthesis in S. miltiorrhiza.
Co-expression relationship of SmDofs with the biosynthetic genes involved in tanshinones and phenolic acids biosynthesis in S. miltiorrhiza
As reported by Shi et al., ABA can affect the expression of the biosynthetic genes involved in tanshinones and phenolic acids biosynthesis, thereby promoting the medicinal metabolites accumulation in S. miltiorrhiza hairy roots[42]. Therefore, the co-expression relationship between the 31 SmDofs with the biosynthetic genes related to the biosynthesis of tanshinones and phenolic acids in S. miltiorrhiza was dissected. The results showed that 15 SmDofs (including SmDof4, 5, 8, 10, 12, 13, 14, 15, 17, 19, 20, 28, 29, 30, 31) co-expressed with SmRAS, SmHPPR, SmC4H, Sm4CL, SmCYP98A14, SmPAL, or SmTAT genes, respectively, with the Pearson correlation coefficient > 0.8 and p-value < 0.05. Moreover, 15 SmDofs (including SmDof4, 6, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 17, 20, 27, 28, 29, 30) exhibited a co-expression pattern with SmCYP76AH1, SmKSL, SmCPS, SmGGPPS, SmDXR, or SmDXS2 genes, respectively, and the correlation coefficient was greater than 0.8. It is noteworthy that SmDof4, 10, 12, 13, 14, 15, 17, 20, 28, 29, 30 not only co-express with tanshinones biosynthetic genes, but also co-express with phenolic acids biosynthetic genes, implying that the above 11 SmDof genes may play a vital role in promoting the accumulation of the above two types of medicinal substances.
Expression pattern and subcellular localization analysis of SmDof12 and SmDof29 genes
Transcriptome dataset and co-expression analysis were integrated to mine the candidate SmDof genes in association with the biosynthesis of tanshinones and phenolic acids in S. miltiorrhiza. By the transcriptome dataset from various tissues, five SmDof genes were found including SmDof6, 12, 13, 27, and 29 all expressed vigorously in the root (Fig. 5b), which is thought to be the main tissue to accumulate the medicinal substances in practice[3]. According to the results of co-expression analysis, SmDof12 had the highest negative correlation coefficient (reaching −0.917) with the SmGGPPS gene related to the biosynthesis of tanshinones. Whereas, SmDof29 got the highest correlation with the SmPAL gene involved in the phenolic acids biosynthetic pathway, with the correlation coefficient of 0.912 (Fig. 6). Those results push us to validate the expression profile of the two SmDof genes. As expected, the expression profiles of SmDof12 and SmDof29 detected by qRT-PCR analysis were consistent with the transcriptomic dataset (Fig. 7a, b & Supplementary Table S5), of which indicated the reliability of the transcriptome dataset derived from four types of tissues and hairy root lines treated with ABA in S. miltiorrhiza.
Figure 6.
Co-expression analysis of SmDof genes and the genes involved in the biosynthetic pathway of phenolic acids and tanshinones. R > 0.5 indicates a positive correlation; R < –0.5 indicates a negative correlation. The data were obtained from the ABA transcriptome dataset.
Figure 7.
Functional characterization of SmDof12 and SmDof29. (a) Expression patterns of SmDof12 and SmDof29 in four tissues of S. miltiorrhiza. The fold changes of the relative gene expression level in the other three tissues are all normalized to the expression level in flower. (b) Expression patterns of SmDof12 and SmDof29 in hairy roots of S. miltiorrhiza treated with ABA. The fold changes in the relative gene expression level were all normalized to the control expression without induction at the 0 h time point. (c) Subcellular localization of SmDof12 and SmDof29 in tobacco. 35S-YFP is the control group, yellow is the fluorescence of YFP, and blue is the nucleus. Scale bar = 50 μm. (d) Dual-Luc assay showed that SmDof12 could inhibit the activity of SmGGPPS promoter and SmDof29 could promote the activity of SmPAL promoter. Three biological replicates were performed and the mean ± SD was taken, SD was represented by the error line. * indicates significant difference in t-test (* p < 0.05, ** p < 0.01).
And then, the subcellular localization of the SmDof12 and SmDof29 in epidermal cells from 45-day-old N. benthamiana leaves were studied by transient expression analysis of the two genes fused with YFP, respectively. Robust fluorescence was observed only in the nuclei in 35S-SmDof12-YFP and 35S-SmDof29-YFP, while the 35S-YFP control displayed fluorescence throughout the whole cell (Fig. 7c), suggesting that the SmDof12 and SmDof29 proteins are all localized in the nuclei in S. miltiorrhiza.
Validation of the target genes of SmDof12 and 29 proteins by Dual-LUC assay
According to the results of co-expression analysis, it pushes the exploration of the underlying mechanism of SmDof12 and SmDof29 in regulating tanshinones and phenolic acids. By Dual-LUC assay (Fig. 7d), it was revealed that SmDof12 could uniquely inhibit the transcription of the SmGGPPS promoter, leading to a 3-fold decrease compared to the 35S-YFP control, whereas, SmDof29 significantly activated the SmPAL promoter up to 1.69-fold compared to the control. Those results indicated that SmDof12 might inhibit the biosynthesis of tanshinones by decreasing the activity of the SmGGPPS promoter, while SmDof29 activated the transcription of SmPAL to increase the production of phenolic acids in S. miltiorrhiza.
In the present study, the SmDof gene families in S. miltiorrhiza were characterized based on the whole genome, transcriptome dataset, and qRT-PCR expression analysis. Two SmDof genes (SmDof12 and SmDof29) were mined by gene co-expression strategy from the identified 31 SmDofs, and their target genes of SmDof12 and SmDof29 were validated by Dual-LUC experiments. This study is the first comprehensive analysis of the SmDof gene families in S. miltiorrhiza, and provides valid data for further exploring the underlying molecular mechanism of SmDofs in response to ABA induction. It may also be beneficial to elucidate the diverse biological functions of Dof genes in other plants.
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Wang X, Wang Q, Hao S, Zhu J, Kai G, et al. 2024. Genome-wide identification and characterization of Dof gene family in Salvia miltiorrhiza. Ornamental Plant Research 4: e031 doi: 10.48130/opr-0024-0030
Genome-wide identification and characterization of Dof gene family in Salvia miltiorrhiza
- Received: 06 March 2024
- Revised: 19 September 2024
- Accepted: 01 November 2024
- Published online: 05 December 2024
Abstract: Salvia miltiorrhiza is an important medicinal plant, and its main secondary metabolites are tanshinones and phenolic acids. Dof transcription factors play an irreplaceable role in regulating plant growth and secondary metabolism. However, the characteristics of SmDof genes in S. miltiorrhiza have not yet been studied. Based on the whole genome data of S. miltiorrhiza, the SmDofs family has been systematically explored. A total of 31 Dof members have been identified in S. miltiorrhiza, and they are clustered into five subgroups according to their evolutionary relationships. Co-expression network results indicated that two SmDof genes (SmDof12 and SmDof29) might be involved in modulating the biosynthesis of phenolic acids or tanshinones. To investigate this hypothesis, dual luciferase experiments was introduced to examine the downstream target gene of SmDof12 and SmDof29. Subsequently, it was validated that SmDof12 inhibited the transcription of the SmGGPPS promoter, and SmDof29 significantly activated the SmPAL promoter. The present studies offers important data about the underlying function of SmDof12 and SmDof29 involved in the biosynthesis of phenolic acid or tanshinone, and provides valuable insights into further research of the SmDof gene families in S. miltiorrhiza.
Key words:
- S. miltiorrhiza /
- Dof gene family /
- Transcription factor /
- Tanshinone /
- Phenolic acid