To investigate the inheritance of petiole color, an F2 population was developed. By crossing PR-2043 (green petiole) × T5-2562 (purple petiole, Fig. 1a), eight F1 plants were generated and all with purple petiole. A single fruit from one of the F1 plants was used to produce the F2 seedlings used in this study. In this study, the petiole color was evaluated three months after the seed germination and then the stability of the petiole color was confirmed two months later. Of the total 280 F2 seedlings, 223 were observed to have purple petioles, and 57 had green petioles (Fig. 1b), and the purple pigmentation was observed to become more noticeable as the plant grew. The purple-to-green color segregated at a 3:1 ratio in the F2 population. The Chi-square statistic and p-value were 3.219 and 0.0728 respectively (Fig. 1c), indicating that purple petioles in papaya follow a single dominant gene inheritance model.
Figure 1.
Phenotypes of papaya petioles. (a) Petiole color of PR-2043 and T5-2562 parents. (b) Purple and green petioles of papaya F2 population. (c) Segregation of petiole color in the F2 population.
BSA-Seq analysis
BSA-Seq analysis was used to examine the nucleotide diversity between F2 progenies with purple petioles (F2P) and green petioles (F2G) to characterize the genomic regions responsible for papaya purple petiole color. A total of 21.4 Gb (61.02 × depth) and 29.2 Gb (83.36 × depth) sequence reads (150 bp pair end) were generated for F2P and F2G bulks using whole genome sequence (Table 1). A total of 22.4 Gb (63.87 × depth) and 29.2 Gb (83.23 × depth) raw sequence reads was generated for T5-2562 and PR-2590, respectively. Consensus genomes of each parent were constructed by using papaya 'SunUp' genome as a reference. Subsequently, SNPs calling was carried out by comparing two F2 bulks and three genomes. The short reads of F2P and F2G bulks were aligned to the two parental consensus genomes and to the 'SunUp' genome, which yielded three sets of allelic segregation with 927,513, 518,567, and 1,423,583 SNPs, respectively. SNPs with low mapping rate (< 40%) were removed from the dataset, which yielded a total of 443,996 SNPs from purple parent, 235,895 SNPs from a green parent, and 687,084 SNPs from the reference genome for QTL mapping. At a 95% confidence interval, two QTL regions (189,558−1,368,545 bp and 2,739,922−3,777,906 bp) were identified on chromosome 1 of the reference genome, two QTLs were identified on chromosome 1 of the PR-2590 consensus sequence, spanning 621,177−1,791,321 bp and 3,799,705−5,554,073 bp and one QTL was identified on chromosome 1 of the T5-2562 consensus sequence (13,715−5,961,552 bp (Fig. 2). The QTL regions consistently overlapped across the same region in chromosome 1 of all three genomes with peak QTL SNPs supported by 99% confidence levels. Genome annotation identified a total of 653 genes located in the overlapping QTL region (13,715−5,961,552 bp).
Table 1. Sequencing information of parental lines and two bulks.
Sample Raw reads Raw data Sequencing
depthEffective (%) GC (%) T5-2562 149366802 22.4 63.87 99.12 37.36 PR-2590 194642908 29.2 83.23 98.40 37.26 F2P 142694068 21.4 61.02 98.03 37.05 F2G 194944976 29.2 83.36 98.29 36.89 Figure 2.
QTL regions associated with papaya petiole color in three genomes, (a) SunUp, (b) PR-2590, and (c) T5-2562.
Transcriptome profiling of papaya petiole color
A total of 2,145 differentially expressed genes (DEGs) (|log2fold change| > 2) were identified through the transcriptome profiling of PR-2043 and from T5-2562. The GO analysis found that most DEGs were involved in various molecular functions, including small molecular binding, and organic cyclic compound binding transferase activity. Nine DEGs were involved in flavonoid biosynthetic pathways including CHI, DFR, CHS, UFGT, and flavanol synthase. Thirty-five and 17 DEGs were identified as putative MYB and bHLH transcription factors, respectively (Supplementary Table S2).
Candidate gene identification
The BSA-seq and transcriptome analysis identified a total of 67 genes within the QTL region on chromosome 1 that were differentially expressed between the green and purple petiole color papayas. Of them, the functional annotation identified 32 genes that acted on several biological processes, including the regulation of DNA-templated transcription, fruit ripening, methylation, and glutamine metabolism. Eleven of these play a role in molecular function, such as methyltransferase activity and nucleic acid binding. The remaining genes have a function in cellular components, including membrane, plasma membrane, and plasmodesma (Supplementary Table S3). Notably, four genes including chalcone synthase CHS, MYB315-like, MYB20, and MYB75-like, were associated with anthocyanin biosynthesis and regulation (Fig. 3a, Supplementary Fig. S1, Supplementary Table S4). CHS was highly expressed in purple petioles as compared to green petioles, suggesting CHS might play a key role in anthocyanin accumulation of papaya petioles.
Figure 3.
Candidate genes associated with anthocyanin accumulation in papaya petiole. (a) The statistical information of candidate genes expression in different material. (b) The expression level validation of CHS and MYB20 in purple and green papaya petiole by q-PCR.
The RNA was extracted from the epidermic layer of the petiole of T5-2562 and PR-2240 to determine the expression level of CHS and MYB20 using qPCR. The qPCR results showed that the expression of CHS and MYB20 in purple petioles were both more highly expressed than that of the green petioles (Fig. 3b). The qPCR expression pattern of CHS was consistent with the RNA-seq results, whereas MYB20 showed a contradictory pattern (Fig. 3a & b; Supplementary Fig. S1). Segregation analysis, transcriptome data, and qPCR validation suggest that the MYB20 may be involved in other biological functions during petiole development, but it is not associated with petiole color in papaya.
Anthocyanins, water-soluble pigments generated by the phenylpropanoid pathway, contribute many pink, purple, and blue hues in plants. Anthocyanins are not only natural dyes with brilliant colors but also edible consumption that benefit heart, eye, metabolic, and cognitive health in humans[12]. The accumulation of anthocyanins contributes to pigment diversity in distinct species pigment variation. It is very common in floral tissues[48−50], and vegetative tissues[51,52]. While this within-species pigment variation is rare in displaying contrasting fruit color, like grapes[53], apples[54], and cherries[55].
Papaya is an economically and culturally important crop in the tropical areas of the world. Ornamental traits such as petiole color, leaf shape, and growth habit are value-added traits in papaya for homeowners and landscapers. In papaya, anthocyanin accumulation only appears in a few phenotypes, specifically in the epidermis of the petiole, stem, fruit stem, and leaf vein. Additionally, the purple pigmentation in the petiole was observed to become more pronounced as the papaya plant grows[6]. The present genetic study revealed that the purple phenotype is dominant over the green in papaya and follows a single dominant inheritance pattern, which is consistent with the previous hypothesis of anthocyanin accumulation in papaya[5,6]. In other species including tomatoes[56], sweet cherries[55], and blood oranges[57], a single dominant gene has also been implicated as controlling contrasting anthocyanin phenotypes. In other cases, species such as purple cabbage, however, anthocyanin accumulation is regulated by a transcription repressor[58]. Although the evidence strongly supports purple as a dominant trait in papaya petioles, the prevalence of green petiole papayas in nature remains an enigma that demands more investigation. There is evidence indicating that the inheritance of purple pigmentation in papaya stem is loosely linked to sex type[5]. Therefore, one hypothesis is that the gene governing anthocyanin accumulation in papaya was subject to human selection based on sex types during cultivation.
The anthocyanins biosynthetic pathway is downstream of the flavonoid pathway and includes structural genes such as CHS, CHI, F3H, F3'H, F3'5'H, DFR, LDOX, ANS, and UFGT[18,19]. CHI, DFR, CHS, and UFGT were found to be expressed differentially between purple and green petioles. Among these genes, CHS was the only differentially expressed gene that was also located in the QTL region identified by QTL-seq analysis. The flavonoid pathway begins when CHS mediates the synthesis of naringenin chalcone[14,15]. Several reports have indicated a positive correlation between CHS gene expression and anthocyanin content[59,60]. RNA-Seq and qPCR both verified the expression level of CHS in purple petiole is higher than that of green petiole in PR-2043 and PR-2240 compared to T5-2562, strongly suggesting that anthocyanin accumulation in papaya petiole is influenced by elevated CHS expression. MYB transcription factors have also been identified as a crucial group regulating anthocyanin biosynthesis either by acting independently on other structural genes or combining into MBW complexes with bHLH and WD40 proteins to regulate late pathway genes[61]. Contrasting anthocyanin accumulation phenotypes are often caused by mutations within the coding sequence of MYB factors, as in Chinese bayberry[62], or in the promoter region, e.g. in cauliflower[63]. In this study, a total of 35 and 17 MYB and bHLH transcripts, respectively, were detected as DEGs from the RNA-Seq analysis. Three of them lie within the QTL region identified through QTL-seq analysis. However, inconclusive expression patterns were observed in different papaya cultivars with green petioles through qPCR and RNA-Seq, suggesting further research is required to characterize the role of MYB20 in anthocyanin accumulation in papaya petioles.
Anthocyanin-rich foods, such as eggplant and blueberry are popular in the market. High-anthocyanin varieties have been developed to meet the demand for diverse and nutrient-rich produce, like blood orange, red cabbage, etc. It has been reported that the purple color pigmentation in papaya has pleiotropic effects, which is also noticed in the fruit rind, fruit stalk, and peduncle[6]. Elucidation of the genetics governing purple pigmentation in this study will not only give insight into developing the different phenotypes of papaya to explore its ornamental value but also facilitate future efforts to breed the anthocyanin-rich papaya fruits. Furthermore, the genetic mechanism behind anthocyanin accumulation in vegetative tissues can have future applications. For example, anthocyanin accumulation genes can be transformed into plants that are driven by a papaya fruit-specific promoter, to potentially develop the anthocyanin-rich fruits. CRISPR technology can also be applied to papaya for seedling selection with sex types by using anthocyanin accumulation gene as an indicator, which would greatly benefit commercial papaya growers.
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Chen S, Michael VN, Brewer S, Chambers A, Wu X. 2025. BSA-seq and transcriptome analyses reveal candidate gene associated with petiole color in papaya (Carica papaya L.). Ornamental Plant Research 5: e002 doi: 10.48130/opr-0024-0032
BSA-seq and transcriptome analyses reveal candidate gene associated with petiole color in papaya (Carica papaya L.)
- Received: 07 June 2024
- Revised: 25 October 2024
- Accepted: 03 December 2024
- Published online: 09 January 2025
Abstract: Papaya (Carica papaya L.) is an important tropical species popular for highly nutritious fruit as well as medicinal value. In addition, non-commercial cultivation of papaya trees has resulted in dual-purpose cultivars grown for both fruit and ornamental value in residential areas. Petiole color is a key ornamental trait in papaya that varies amongst cultivars depending on anthocyanin accumulation resulting in purple or green pigmentation. Although inherited as a simple trait, genetic characterization and genomic loci responsible for the purple petiole color in papaya is unknown. In this study, F1 and F2 populations generated from two breeding lines PR-2043 (green petiole) and T5-2562 (purple petiole) were used to evaluate the inheritance patterns of petiole color as well as determine genetic loci and genes involved in petiole pigmentation in papaya through bulk segregant analysis (BSA) and transcriptome sequencing. The segregation of purple petiole color followed a single dominant gene inheritance model (3:1). BSA-seq analysis indicated key genes influencing petiole color are mainly located in chromosome 1 (0.01 to 5.96 Mb) of the papaya genome. Four major genes, including CHS, MYB20, MYB315-like, and MYB75-like within this region exhibited significant differential expression in a comparison between purple and green petiole papaya plants. A relatively high abundance of CHS transcripts was observed in purple petioles and may signify a major involvement in regulating anthocyanins accumulation in papaya petioles. The findings of this study facilitate the future efforts of breeding papaya cultivars with higher economical value in residential landscapes.
Key words:
- BSA-seq /
- Anthocyanins /
- Carica papaya /
- Transcriptome