During the gas pipeline operation, various risk factors come into play. Following the Classification and Code of Hazard and Harmful Factors in the Production Process[26] and considering accident cases, these factors can be categorized into four subsystems: human factors, equipment factors, environmental factors, and management factors. The coupling of these four subsystem risk factors, either directly or indirectly, influences the gas pipeline system, causing overall or local characteristics to change. When these changes surpass a certain threshold, leakage accidents occur. Figure 1 illustrates the relationship between the risk tolerance of the gas pipeline system and each subsystem.
To streamline the research, the leakage risk coupling of gas pipelines is categorized into one-factor coupling, two-factor coupling, and multi-factor coupling:
(1) One-factor coupling refers to the mutual influence between the risk factors of the same type in the gas pipeline leakage risk system. Since the leakage risk of gas pipeline is divided into four subsystems: human factor risk coupling, equipment factor risk coupling, environmental factor risk coupling, management factor risk coupling.
(2) Two-factor coupling refers to the interaction between two types of subsystems in the gas pipeline leakage risk system. Two-factor coupling in gas pipeline leakage risk includes:
Human factor-equipment factor coupling;
Human factor-environmental factor coupling;
Human factor-management factor coupling;
Equipment factor-environmental factor coupling;
Equipment factor-management factor coupling;
Environmental factor-management factor coupling.
(3) Multi-factor coupling refers to the interaction between three or more different types of subsystem risk factors in the gas pipeline leakage risk system. Multi-factor coupling in gas pipeline leakage risk includes:
Human factor-equipment factor-environmental factor coupling;
Human factor-management factor-environmental factor coupling;
Human factor-equipment factor-management factor coupling;
Equipment factor-management factor-environmental factor coupling;
Human factor-equipment factor-environmental factor-management factor coupling.
Introduction to the N-K model
Numerous scholars have made substantial progress in researching risk coupling across various domains. Commonly utilized coupling models include the Structural Equation Model, Coupling Degree Model, and N-K Model. Among these, the Structural Equation Model serves as a qualitative analysis model and is therefore unsuitable for calculating the degree of coupling between risk factors in gas pipeline leakage accidents within the scope of this study. While the Coupling Degree Model can calculate the degree of risk coupling among various risk factors, it necessitates the manual setting of upper and lower limit values in the model parameters, resulting in subjectivity.
On the other hand, the N-K Model, grounded in historical statistical data, offers a more objective approach to quantitatively analyzing the degree of mutual influence among elements within complex systems. Following a comprehensive evaluation of the strengths and limitations of each model, the N-K Model is proposed for adoption in this study. Its utilization will facilitate an exploration of the coupling laws and the strength of coupling relationships about gas pipeline leakage accident risks, leveraging historical data for a more rigorous analysis.
In the N-K model introduction[27], quantitative analysis is achieved through the N-K model formula to calculate the risk coupling value T. The formula is as follows:
$ T(a,b,c,d)=\sum _{h=1}^{H}\sum _{i=1}^{I}\sum _{j=1}^{J}\sum _{k=1}^{K}{P}_{hijk}\cdot {\mathit{log}}_{2}({p}_{hijk}/({p}_{h...}\cdot {p}_{.i..}\cdot {p}_{..j.}\cdot {p}_{...k}\left)\right) $ (1) Where h = 1, 2, ... H; i = 1, 2, ...I; j = 1, 2, ... J; k = 1, 2, ... K.
The first-level risk factors—human a, equipment b, environmental c, and management d—are represented. Phijk signifies the probability of risk coupling that human factor in the h state, machine factor in the i state, environmental factor in the j state, and management factor in the k state. The T value quantitatively assesses accident risk coupling, where a larger T value indicates a greater accident risk. This calculation enables the identification of significant coupling relationships among first-level risk factors based on their respective risk coupling values.
The N-K model, which is based on historical statistical data, can objectively quantify the degree of reciprocal effect between different elements within a complex system. After considering the advantages and limitations of various models, the N-K model will be employed to study the coupling effect and coupling strength relationship of the gas pipeline system, based on historical data.
Introduction to the UCINET
UCINET software was developed by a group of network analysts at the University of California, Irvine. The team responsible for the software's expansion include Stephen Borgatti, Martin Everett, and Linton Freeman[28].
Social network analysis is a widely used research tool in the social sciences. However, it is not confined to the social sciences; it is also used to analyze networks and complex systems in a variety of natural scientific disciplines. In the past, our research primarily focused on attribute data such as gender, age, income, attitudes, and values. However, because we live in a specific social setting, our behaviors are influenced by others. Conventional statistics works with attribute data, while social network analysis focuses on relational data. It examines social phenomena and structures from a relational perspective, capturing attitudes and behaviors shaped by social structures.
UCINET is currently the most popular software for social network analysis. It is an integrated software package that includes NetDraw for one-dimensional and two-dimensional data analysis and Mage for developing applications in three-dimensional visual analysis. It also integrates the free software program Pajek for analyzing large-scale networks. UCINET is a Windows program and is widely recognized and frequently used for processing social network data and similar types of data.
Introduction to the related theories of the complex network model
Complex network theory leverages topological network structures, incorporating fundamental graph theory principles to construct network graphs for researching real-world complex systems. This paper specifically concentrates on analyzing the network node degree.
(1) Degree and degree distribution
Node degree serves as the most intuitive parameter to gauge the significance of nodes within the topological network connections. In a directed network graph, node degree is categorized into in-degree and out-degree. In-degree represents the connections from other nodes to the specified node, while out-degree signifies the connections from the specified node to other nodes. The degree k of the directed network ki is equal to the sum of the in-degree and out-degree of the node. Nodes with larger degrees typically wield substantial influence in the network, forming the basis for node importance ranking.
The average node degree of the network is computed by summing the degrees of all nodes and averaging the results. The formula for the average node degree <k> is as follows:
$ \lt k \gt =\dfrac{1}{N}\sum _{i=1}^{N}{k}_{i} $ (2) A higher <k> value indicates a more complex network.
Degree distribution provides a macroscopic statistical depiction of the network, reflecting the characteristics of network nodes. It represents the probability of randomly selecting a node with a node degree k. The distribution probability of the node degree in the network is denoted as P(k).
$ P\left(k\right)=\dfrac{{n}_{k}}{N} $ (3) Where nk represents the number of nodes with a node degree of k, and N is the total number of nodes in the network.
(2) Degree of centrality
To uniformly measure the importance of nodes in the network using degree indicators, normalization is applied. Assuming the network contains N nodes, with node vi having a degree ki. It is referred to as DC(vi). The degree centrality of the nodes can be represented using the following formula:
$ {DC}_{\left({v}_{i}\right)}=\dfrac{{k}_{i}}{N-1} $ (4) -
This study examined 47 gas pipeline leakage accidents, analyzing the prevalence and occurrences of one-factor risk coupling, two-factor risk coupling, and multi-factor risk coupling. The results of this analysis are detailed in Table 1, providing insights into the coupling relationships among primary risk factors.
Table 1. Couple times and frequency of each risk factor.
Coupling type Coupling factors No. of couplings Frequency One-factor coupling Human 0 P1000 = 0 Equipment 0 P0100 = 0 Environment 1 P0010 = 0.021 Management 0 P0001 = 0 Two-factor coupling Human-Equipment 1 P1100 = 0.021 Human-Environment 5 P1010 = 0.106 Human-Management 22 P1001 = 0.468 Equipment-Environment 1 P0110 = 0.021 Equipment-Management 1 P0101 = 0.021 Environment-Management 0 P0011 = 0 Multi-factor coupling Human-Equipment-Environment 2 P1110 = 0.041 Human-Equipment-Management 9 P1101 = 0.191 Human-Environment-Management 2 P1011 = 0.041 Equipment-Environment-Management 0 P0111 = 0 Human-Equipment-Environment-Management 3 P1111 = 0.063 Based on the number of risk factors involved in coupling, the risk coupling of gas pipeline leakage accidents is categorized into one-factor risk coupling, two-factor risk coupling, and multi-factor risk coupling. The coupling probability of each risk is calculated using the following method.
(1) One-factor risk coupling
Take P0… as an example, P0… = P0000 + P0100 + P0001 + P0101 + P0110 + P0011 + P0111 .
The same way to calculate P1…,P.0..,P.1..,P..0.,P..1.,P…0,P…1 .
(2) Two-factor risk coupling
Take P00.. as an example, P00.. = P0000 + P0010 + P0001 + P0011 .
The same way to calculate P01..,P11..,…,P1..1 .
(3) Muti-factor risk coupling
Take P000.as an example, P000.=P0000+P0001.Similarly, it can be calculated for the P100.,P010.,…,P11.1 .
The coupling probabilities of single, two, and multiple factors under different coupling forms are detailed in Table 2.
Table 2. Coupling probabilities for different coupling forms.
One-factor coupling Two-factor coupling Muti-factor coupling P0... = 0.063 P00.. = 0.021 P0.1. = 0.042 P1.0. = 0.680 P000. = 0.000 P010. = 0.021 P110. = 0.212 P011. = 0.021 P.0.. = 0.636 P.00. = 0.468 P0..1 = 0.021 P1..0 = 0.168 P00.0 = 0.021 P01.0 = 0.021 P11.0 = 0.062 P01.1 = 0.021 P..0. = 0.701 P..00 = 0.021 P.0.1 = 0.509 P11.. = 0.316 P0.00 = 0.000 P0.10 = 0.042 P1.10 = 0.147 P0.11 = 0.000 P...0 = 0.210 P0.0. = 0.021 P..01 = 0.680 P.11. = 0.125 P.000 = 0.000 P.010 = 0.127 P.110 = 0.062 P.011 = 0.041 P1... = 0.931 P0..0 = 0.042 P.10. = 0.233 P..11 = 0.104 P100. = 0.468 P.001 = 0.468 P.101 = 0.212 P.111 = 0.063 P.1.. = 0.358 P.0.0 = 0.127 P.1.0 = 0.083 P1.1. = 0.251 P10.0 = 0.106 P0.01 = 0.021 P1.01 = 0.659 P1.11 = 0.104 P..1. = 0.293 P10.. = 0.615 P..10 = 0.189 P.1.1 = 0.275 P1.00 = 0.021 P00.1 = 0.000 P10.1 = 0.509 P11.1 = 0.254 P...1 = 0.784 P01.. = 0.042 P.01. = 0.168 P1..1 = 0.763 P.100 = 0.021 P001. = 0.021 P101. = 0.147 P111. = 0.104 P1111 = 0.063 (four factors) Table 3 presents the risk coupling values for the various risk coupling forms.
Table 3. Risk coupling values for different risk coupling forms.
Coupling type Coupling factors Risk coupling value code Risk coupling value Two-factor coupling Human-Equipment T21 0.028 Human-Environment T22 0.038 Human-Management T23 0.056 Equipment-Environment T24 0.015 Equipment-Management T25 0.010 Environment-Management T26 0.034 Muti-factor
couplingHuman-Equipment-Environment T31 0.087 Human-Management-Environment T32 0.100 Human-Equipment-Management T33 0.405 Equipment-Management-Environment T34 0.401 Human-Equipment-Environmental-Management T4 0.426 The research results lead to the following conclusions:
(1) The risk coupling value rises as the number of elements engaged in the coupling increases. Four-factor coupling has the highest risk, followed by three-factor coupling, and the lowest risk is found in two-factor coupling.
(2) In the three-factor coupling, the human-management-environment risk coupling value is the highest, followed by the equipment-management-environment, This indicates a higher risk associated with both environmental and management factors. It suggests a need for enhanced supervision of gas pipeline environmental conditions and a focus on improving the overall competency of management personnel by relevant departments and stakeholders.
(3) In two-factor coupling, the coupling value between human factors and management factors demonstrates the highest value and poses the greatest risk. The significant coupling value in human-management risk highlights unsafe behaviors among relevant personnel and unreasonable operational practices in management, increasing the likelihood of gas pipeline leakage accidents. Consequently, it is imperative to concentrate efforts on reducing the probability of coupling effects between human risk factors and managed risk factors.
Coupling analysis of secondary risk factors
Although the N-K model can examine the coupling impact among the first-level risk factors in gas pipeline leakage accidents, it primarily focuses on this initial level, potentially limiting the depth of analytical results. To overcome this constraint, we build an accident risk coupling network using complex network theory inside the gas pipeline. This enables a more comprehensive analysis of the coupling effect among secondary risk factors, providing targeted insights.
Referring to the Classification and Code of Hazard and Harmful Factors in the Production Process[26], secondary risk factors associated with gas pipeline leakage accidents were identified from an analysis of 47 cases. Table 4 details these secondary risk factors.
Table 4. Risk factors for city gas pipeline leakage U.
Factors Category Description Human
factor risk AA1 Malicious sabotage A2 Unauthorized operations and operational errors A3 Improper maintenance A4 Laxity in patrolling A5 Poor physiological condition A6 Low psychological resilience A7 Weak safety awareness among staff A8 Lack of sense of responsibility A9 Inadequate professional skills A10 Insufficient emergency response capabilities Equipment
factor risk BB1 Piping corrosion B2 Stress corrosion B3 Failure of internal protective layers B4 Failure of external protective layers B5 Failure of electrical protection B6 Pipe material defects B7 Equipment failures B8 Equipment design flaws B9 Failure of safety protection devices B10 Equipment aging and wear Environmental factor risk C C1 Hydrogeological conditions C2 Soil environment C3 Natural disasters C4 Unclear or missing signage C5 Unauthorized occupation of ground space C6 Ground traffic environment Management factor risk D D1 Unreasonable personnel arrangements D2 Incomplete rules and regulations D3 Failure to implement rules and regulations D4 Inadequate safety culture development D5 Insufficient employee training and education D6 Decision-making errors D7 Inadequate awareness and education of surrounding residents Utilizing the 47 accident reports, an analysis was conducted on the relationships between secondary risk factors. The coupling relationships of the risk factors were dissected, where the split risk factors i and j have i→j and j→i. In this context, i→j implies that risk factor i will exert a certain degree of influence on j, while j→i signifies that risk factor j will influence i. When both relationships coexist, it indicates that risk factors i and j mutually influence each other. The obtained coupling relationships between secondary risk factors are outlined in Table 5.
Table 5. Coupling relationship of secondary risk factors.
Coupling system Incidence relation Human factor risk coupling A5→A3; A5→A4; A5→A8; A6→A10; A7→A2; A7→A4; A8→A4; A8→A7; A8→A3 Equipment factor risk coupling B1→B10; B1→B2; B2→B1; B2→B10; B3→B1; B4→B1; B5→B1; B5→B3; B5→B4; B8→B7; B8→B6; B10→B4; B10→B3; B10→B7 Environmental factor risk coupling C1→C3; C3→C4; C4→C5 Management factor risk coupling D2→D4; D3→D4; D3→D5; D6→D1 Human factor-equipment factor coupling A3→B7; A3→B10; A3→B9; A3→B5; A3→B4; A3→B6; A2→B7; A2→B9; A1→B7; A1→B9; A1→B5; A1→B4; A1→B6 Human factor-environmental factor coupling A1→C4; A2→C5; A3→C4; A3→C5; A3→C6; A4→C5; A7→C5; A9→C4; A9→C6; C1→A4; C1→A10; C3→A4; C4→A2; C6→A4; C6→A10; A4→C4; A7→C4 Human factor-management factor coupling A5→D6; A6→D6; A7→D4; A8→D3; A8→D7; A9→D6; A10→D6; D1→A4; D1→A3; D1→A9; D1→A10; D2→A2; D2→A3; D2→A4; D3→A2; D3→A3; D3→A4; D4→A2; D4→A7; D5→A2; D5→A3; D5→A9; D5→A6; D7→A10; D7→A1 Equipment factor-environmental factor coupling C1→B4; C1→B5; C1→B10; C2→B1; C2→B2; C2→B4; C2→B5; C3→B10; C3→B9; C3→B7; C3→B5; C3→B4; C4→B4; C5→B2; C5→B10; C6→B2; C6→B10; C1→B4; C1→B5; C1→B10 Equipment factor-management factor coupling D5→B5; D5→B7; D5→B9; D5→B10; D3→B7; D3→B9; D3→B5; D3→B10; D7→B4; D2→B7; D2→B9; D2→B10; D7→B5 Environmental factor-management factor coupling D1→C5; D1→C4; D2→C5; D2→C4; D7→C4; D7→C5; D5→C4; D5→C5; D3→C4; D3→C5 After identifying the connections between nodes, the UCINET software is employed to construct a directed correlation network model for the leakage risk of gas pipelines. To facilitate data input into the modeling software, the connections between nodes are binarized and transformed into a matrix format. If node i→j has influence, it is denoted as 1; if there is no influence i→j has no connection, it is represented as 0. Due to the extensive data, only a part of the subset is presented in Fig. 2 for illustrative purposes.
The data has been imported into UCINET to generate a multi-factor coupled risk network model for gas pipeline leakage accidents. The model consists of 33 nodes and 125 edges. Each node in Fig. 3 represents a specific risk factor, with colors indicating different risk categories: red for human factor risk, yellow for equipment factor risk, blue for environmental factor risk, and green for management factor risk. The coupling relationships between these risks are shown as directed arrows between nodes. Figure 3 visually depicts the complex interconnections within the gas pipeline leakage risk network.
The node degree k in the network is a very important index, that is, the definition and calculation formula are introduced accordingly in Eqn. (2). The gas pipeline leakage accident risk coupling network model established in this study is a directed network, in which the nodal degree includes both out-degree centrality and in-degree centrality. In this model, the out-degree centrality measures the direct influence capability of the risk factor associated with the node, while the in-degree centrality measures the susceptibility of the node's risk factor to external influences. Table 6 illustrates the values of each node's degree in the gas pipeline leakage risk network model.
Table 6. Degree value of each node.
Panel point Out-degree In-degree Total degree value Panel point Out-degree In-degree Total degree value A1 6 1 7 B8 2 0 2 A2 3 6 9 B9 0 7 7 A3 9 6 15 B10 3 10 13 A4 2 8 10 C1 6 0 6 A5 4 0 4 C2 4 0 4 A6 2 1 3 C3 7 1 8 A7 5 2 7 C4 3 11 14 A8 5 1 6 C5 2 10 12 A9 4 2 6 C6 4 2 6 A10 1 6 7 D1 6 1 7 B1 2 5 7 D2 9 0 9 B2 2 4 6 D3 10 1 11 B3 1 2 3 D4 2 3 5 B4 1 9 10 D5 10 1 11 B5 3 8 11 D6 1 4 5 B6 0 3 3 D7 6 1 7 B7 0 9 9 As computed by the UCINET software, the average node degree of the network is (<k> = 7.58). It represents the average of each risk factor being coupled with the other 7.58 risk factors. Figure 4 illustrates the node degree distribution of the coupling network.
As evident from Fig. 4, improper maintenance (A3) has the highest total value for improper maintenance, followed by unclear or missing signage (C4) and equipment aging and wear (B10). While these risk factors share high total values, the nature of their impact differs. The elevated total values for B10 and C4 primarily stem from their high in-degree, indicating that B10 and C4 act as central nodes influencing other factors.
To provide a more intuitive analysis of the degree centrality of each risk factor, the UCINET visual analysis function was employed to input the degree and degree centrality data of the nodes. Resulting in the visual network map of the out-degree centrality of nodes presented in Fig. 5.
Table 7 displays the top six risk factors for out-degree in the gas pipeline leakage risk network model. The results in the table indicate that the six risk factors with the highest out-degree centrality are Failure to implement rules and regulations (D3), Insufficient employee training and education (D5), Incomplete rules and regulations (D2), Improper maintenance (A3), Natural disasters (C3), Inadequate awareness and education of surrounding residents (D7). In the risk network model, these six nodes hold the greatest influence. They can impact other nodes and create risk coupling, where risk factors related to management make up as much as 66.7% of the total. To break the link between risk factors, one should concentrate on these critical nodes, controlling and managing the main risk factors to lessen their influence on other components.
Table 7. The top six risk factors for out-degree.
Ranking Number Risk factor Classification Out-degree 1 D3 Failure to implement rules and regulations Management factor risk 10 2 D5 Insufficient employee training and education Management factor risk 10 3 D2 Incomplete rules and regulations Management factor risk 9 4 A3 Improper maintenance Human factor risk 9 5 C3 Natural disasters Environmental factor risk 7 6 D7 Inadequate awareness and education of surrounding residents Management factor risk 6 Figure 6 presents the visual network map of node in-degree centrality in the gas pipeline leakage risk network model.
Table 8 outlines the top six risk factors based on in-degree centrality in the gas pipeline leakage risk network model. The table shows that the six risk factors with the highest in-degree centrality are Unclear or missing signage (C4), Unauthorized occupation of ground space (C5), Equipment aging and wear (B10), Equipment failures (B7), Failure of external protective layers (B4), Failure of electrical protection (B5). Among these six risk factors, four are related to equipment risks and two to environmental risks. The in-degree centrality of these top six factors accounts for 44.8% of the total in-degree. By concentrating on the nodes that are susceptible to external influences, risk factors can be strengthened in their defensive capacity against such influences, thereby decreasing the likelihood of risk factor coupling and increasing the gas pipeline system's resilience to risks.
Table 8. The top six risk factors for in-degree.
Ranking Number Risk factor Classification In-degree 1 C4 Unclear or missing signage Environmental factor risk 11 2 C5 Unauthorized occupation of ground space Environmental factor risk 10 3 B10 Equipment aging and wear Equipment factor risk 9 4 B7 Equipment failures Equipment factor risk 9 5 B4 Failure of external protective layers Equipment factor risk 9 6 B5 Failure of electrical protection Equipment factor risk 8 Among the 33 risk factors, the top six in terms of the total degree value are as follows:
(1) A3 - Improper maintenance;
(2) C4 - Unclear or missing signage;
(3) B10 - Equipment aging and wear;
(4) C5 - Unauthorized occupation of ground space;
(5) D3 - Failure to implement rules and regulations;
(6) B5 - Failure of electrical protection.
Risk factors with high total degree values are considered key nodes in the multi-factorial coupling network of gas pipeline leakages. During the operation of the pipelines, it's important to manage and control these key nodes specifically, thereby reducing the connectivity of the network. This targeted approach aims to decrease the coupling of risk factors, ultimately minimizing the potential for accidents within the network. Based on these findings, a decision analysis is carried out with an emphasis on the system's major risk variables for the safety management and control of the gas pipeline system.
(1) Improper maintenance:
Improper maintenance is one of the main causes of leakage accidents, and maintaining equipment in good condition is essential for ensuring the safe operation of pipelines. Inadequate and delayed maintenance, as well as possible harm from staff operating equipment incorrectly while it is being maintained, are all examples of improper maintenance. Failure to promptly detect these issues may create accident hazards or lead to further escalation of accidents. Pipeline companies should establish equipment inspection and maintenance systems that clearly define responsibilities, establish supervision and reward/punishment mechanisms, and ensure the implementation of these systems. To improve field personnel's professional technical competence and safety awareness, safety education and professional skills training should be provided.
(2) Unclear or missing signage:
There have been numerous cases of accidents during construction due to unclear or missing signage. Gas pipeline signage should comply with local laws and regulations, and pipeline companies should improve signage along the pipeline. Signage may become illegible due to human damage or exposure to weather, leading to oxidation and blurred text. To make sure that the signage along the pipeline is complete, intact, and readable, routine inspections should be carried out.
(3) Equipment aging and wear:
The key to dealing with equipment aging and wear is the timely identification of problems. For example, if the anti-corrosion coating of a pipeline is not maintained promptly due to excessive service life, it may result in a more severe loss of external protection, resulting in cathodic protection failure and accelerated pipeline corrosion. Pipeline companies should strictly enforce inspection and testing regulations for pipelines, conduct regular maintenance, and establish relevant records. Equipment with quality issues should be replaced promptly, and potential hazards should be eliminated promptly.
(4) Unauthorized occupation of ground space:
Long-term encroachments on pipelines by structures, equipment, or debris can cause ground settlement, leading to uneven stress on the pipeline and resulting in loose connections, deformation, fractures, and other issues. Pipeline companies should strengthen daily inspections, promptly report any unauthorized encroachments, and remove illegal encroachments promptly. Additionally, incentivizing surrounding residents to participate in supervision and preventing encroachments on gas pipelines through reward policies can also be effective.
(5) Failure to implement rules and regulations:
After creating strong norms and guidelines, appropriate reward and punishment systems should be implemented. The application of regulations and norms should be supervised, and inspections should be conducted in strict accordance with the reward and punishment systems. Management personnel of pipeline companies should attach importance to the implementation of regulations and rules and emphasize this during training and education. A positive safety culture should be cultivated, and a strong sense of responsibility among practitioners should be fostered to actively implement relevant regulations and rules.
(6) Failure of electrical protection:
The failure of electrical protection in gas pipelines is a significant cause of pipeline corrosion. Ensuring that the pipeline's electrical protection system is in normal operation is key to ensuring the safe operation of gas pipelines. Pipeline companies should strengthen the monitoring, inspection, and maintenance of the electrical protection system, monitor the operation status of the anti-corrosion coating and cathodic protection, nip pipeline corrosion in the bud, and prevent its further deterioration.
In conclusion, this paper undertakes a systematic analysis of gas pipeline leakage risk factors. The N-K model is employed for quantitative analysis, revealing that a higher degree of coupling among risk factors corresponds to increased overall risk. Muti-factor coupling is identified as the most risky form. Then constructing a complex network model for the quantitative analysis of second-order risk factors. Node degree analysis identifies key nodes in the multi-factor coupling network, including improper maintenance (A3), unclear or missing signage (C4), equipment aging and wear (B10), unauthorized occupation of ground space (C5), failure to implement rules and regulations (D3), and failure of electrical protection (B5). To enhance pipeline operation safety, these key nodes should be the primary focus, reducing network connectivity and minimizing the coupling of risk factors. The objective is to prevent leakage incidents and ensure the safe operation of gas pipelines.
Controlling the critical risk factors associated with natural gas pipeline leakage incidents holds paramount significance in practical terms. Firstly, this initiative serves as an effective means to diminish the occurrence probability of natural gas pipeline leaks, thereby mitigating the environmental and safety risks posed to individuals. Secondly, by effectively managing these key risk factors, it becomes possible to enhance the safety and reliability of natural gas pipeline transportation systems, thereby ensuring the stability of natural gas supply and sustaining energy provision. Moreover, the strategic control of these pivotal risk factors can lead to a reduction in post-accident economic losses and environmental contamination levels. Consequently, this approach contributes significantly to minimizing the socio-economic impact of disasters, thereby safeguarding public interests and societal stability.
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Ding J, Han X, Ni L. 2024. Research on multi factor coupling accident triggering mechanism and accident risk control of gas pipeline leakage. Emergency Management Science and Technology 4: e009 doi: 10.48130/emst-0024-0010
Research on multi factor coupling accident triggering mechanism and accident risk control of gas pipeline leakage
- Received: 07 February 2024
- Revised: 25 March 2024
- Accepted: 03 April 2024
- Published online: 07 May 2024
Abstract: In the domain of gas pipeline operations, significant safety hazards prevail. This study delves into the triggering mechanisms behind gas pipeline leakage incidents, pinpoints key risk factors contributing to these occurrences, and proposes effective control measures. By classifying risk coupling forms associated with various accidents, the N-K model formula is utilized to assess the coupling degree of primary risk factors. The resultant coupling relationship is integrated into the University of California at Irvine NETwork (UCINET), forming a complex network model for quantitative analysis. Secondary risk factors' coupling degrees are measured, and the network's characteristic parameters are scrutinized. Noteworthy risk factors within the network include improper maintenance (A3), unclear or missing signage (C4), equipment aging and wear (B10), unauthorized occupation of ground space (C5), failure to implement rules and regulations (D3), and failure of electrical protection (B5). By controlling the above risk factors, disrupting the coupling process of risk factors, and blocking the transmission pathways of risk factors, the objective is to prevent leakage incidents and ensure the safe operation of gas pipelines.
Key words:
- Gas pipeline leakage /
- Risk coupling /
- N-K model /
- System dynamics /
- Complex network theory