The UV-B radiation and elevated CO2 treatments modified plant photosynthesis and fluorescence traits of basil (Tables 1 & 2). The intercellular CO2 concentration for plants grown at elevated CO2 concentrations was more than 40% greater compared to ambient CO2 concentrations. Leaf temperature of plants was influenced by UV-B radiation treatment, and CO2 concentration, where leaf temperatures of plants treated with UV-B were at least 1 °C warmer when compared to non-treated plants. Elevated CO2 treatments also increased leaf temperature slightly. There was a UV-B by CO2 concentration interaction for net photosynthesis (PNET), light adapted-maximal quantum yield of photochemistry (Fv'/Fm'), effective quantum yield of gas exchange (
), photochemical quenching (qP), and non-photochemical quenching (qN). Net photosynthesis and$\Phi_{\rm{CO_2}} $ values were reduced by 22.6 and 20.5%, respectively, when treated with UV-B radiation only under ambient CO2 concentrations, but no differences existed under elevated CO2 concentrations. For both Fv'/Fm' and qN, UV-B radiation treatments at ambient CO2 concentrations did not impact values. In contrast, UV-B radiation treatments on plants at elevated CO2 concentrations caused a reduction of 7.6% for both values compared against non-UV-B treated plants. Photochemical quenching (qP) was reduced by UV-B radiation treatment under ambient CO2 concentration and was increased by UV-B radiation treatment under elevated CO2 concentration.$\Phi_{\rm{CO_2}} $ Table 1. Effects of UV-B radiation and CO2 concentration on net photosynthesis (PNET), stomatal conductance (gsw), internal CO2 (Ci), electron transport rate (ETR), transpiration rate (E), leaf temperature (Tleaf), and intercellular/ambient CO2 ratio (Ci/Ca). Measurements were taken on the fourth/fifth fully expanded leaf of plants grown without UV-B radiation (No UV-B) and with UV-B radiation (UV-B) at 437 (ambient [CO2]) and 725 ppm (elevated [CO2]) CO2 concentration between 33 and 35 days of treatment.
Treatment PNET1 gsw Ci ETR E Tleaf Ci/Ca2 Ambient [CO2] No UV-B 24.477b 0.375a 295.09b 187.33a 6.786a 30.484c 0.704a UV-B 18.949c 0.315a 303.50b 150.69b 6.504a 31.761ab 0.723a Elevated [CO2] No UV-B 31.514a 0.312a 530.71a 184.97ab 6.671a 31.263bc 0.737a UV-B 30.715a 0.302a 529.59a 178.02ab 6.449a 32.344a 0.736a P-Value3,4 UV-B ** NS NS NS NS ** NS CO2 *** NS *** NS NS * NS UV-B x CO2 * NS NS NS NS NS NS 1 Units: PNET – μmol CO2 m−2 s−1; gsw – mol m−2 s−1; Ci – CO2 μmol−1; ETR – μmol photons m−2 s−1; E – mmol H2O m−2 s−1; Tleaf – °C.
2 The measured intercellular CO2/ambient CO2 of LI-6400XT leaf cuvette.
3 The standard error of the mean was PNET – 1.318; gsw – 0.302; Ci – 9.601; ETR – 11.247; E – 0.480; Tleaf – 0.278; Ci/Ca – 0.0206.
4 NS, *, **, *** indicate non-significant, significant at P ≤ 0.05, P ≤ 0.01, and P ≤ 0.001, respectively.
Values followed by the same superscript letter are not significantly different within each column.Table 2. Effects of UV-B radiation and CO2 concentration on light-adapted, minimal fluorescence (Fo'), light-adapted, maximal fluorescence (Fm'), steady-state fluorescence (Fs), light-adapted maximal quantum yield of photosystem II photochemistry (Fv'/Fm'), effective quantum yield of photosystem II photochemistry (ΦPSII), effective quantum yield of gas exchange measurements (
$\Phi_{\rm{CO_2}} $ ), photochemical quenching (qP), and non-photochemical quenching (qN). Measurements were taken on the fourth/fifth fully expanded leaf plants grown without UV-B radiation (No UV-B) and with UV-B radiation (UV-B) at 437 (ambient [CO2]) and 725 ppm (elevated [CO2]) CO2 concentration between 33 and 35 days of treatment.Treatment Fo' Fm' Fs Fv'/Fm' ΦPSII ${\Phi_{\rm{CO_2}}} $ qP qN Ambient [CO2] No UV-B 448.31a 840.48ab 622.16a 0.466b 0.261ab 0.0195b 0.559ab 1.875b UV-B 430.78a 809.76b 617.25a 0.467b 0.238b 0.0155c 0.509b 1.878b Elevated [CO2] No UV-B 440.77a 907.91a 674.12a 0.513a 0.259ab 0.0248a 0.507b 2.058a UV-B 440.13a 836.64ab 603.64a 0.474b 0.279a 0.0245a 0.587a 1.902b P-Value1,2 UV-B NS NS NS * NS * NS * CO2 NS NS NS ** NS *** NS ** UV-B x CO2 NS NS NS * NS * * * 1 The standard error of the mean was Fo' – 9.503; Fm' – 28.161; Fs – 26.365; Fv'/Fm' – 0.00983; ΦPSII – 0.0111; ${\Phi_{\rm{CO_2}} }$ – 0.000976; qP – 0.0232; qN – 0.0383.
2 NS, *, **, *** indicate non-significant, significant at P ≤ 0.05, P ≤ 0.01, and P ≤ 0.001, respectively.
Values followed by the same superscript letter are not significantly different within each column.Pigment concentrations
A UV-B by CO2 interaction existed for all pigment concentrations and ratios evaluated (Table 3). Both zeaxanthin and antheraxanthin exhibited a decrease in concentration when exposed to UV-B radiation only under elevated CO2. The content of neoxanthin and β-carotene decreased when CO2 was elevated without UV-B treatment, while UV-B treatment caused a dissimilar content increase for both CO2 concentrations. The lutein content decreased when CO2 concentration was elevated under no UV-B treatment, while UV-B treatment increased the content by 15.3% and 63.3% of ambient and elevated CO2 treatments, respectively. The concentrations of violaxanthin, chlorophyll B, chlorophyll A, and total chlorophylls were elevated by exposure to UV-B radiation, with elevated CO2 further increasing pigment concentrations only for UV-B treated plants by 31.4%, 42.2%, 43.0%, and 43.0%, respectively. The total xanthophylls content was elevated for plants treated with UV-B only under ambient CO2 concentration, with no difference under elevated CO2 concentration. The xanthophyll ratio decreased under ambient CO2 when exposed to UV-B treatment, while elevating CO2 further reduced the ratio of UV-B treatment. CO2 did not affect the xanthophyll ratio of plants without UV-B treatment.
Table 3. Effects of UV-B radiation and CO2 concentration on carotenoids and chlorophyll concentrations in basil leaves grown in the Soil-Plant-Atmosphere-Research (SPAR) units at Mississippi State University. Leaf samples were taken from basil plants grown without UV-B radiation (No UV-B) and with UV-B radiation (UV-B) at 437 (ambient [CO2]) and 725 ppm (elevated [CO2]) CO2 concentrations between 33 and 35 days of treatment.
Treatment Neo1 Viol Anth Zea Lut β-car Total Xan2 ZA/ZAV3 ChlB ChlA Total Chl4 Ambient [CO2] No UV-B 276.43c 204.25c 68.76a 163.94a 793.09b 509.66c 436.95b 0.531a 871.50c 7005.67c 7877.17c UV-B 307.30b 249.89b 68.70a 168.79a 914.27a 606.80a 487.38a 0.487b 1010.37b 9234.86b 10245b Elevated [CO2] No UV-B 222.36d 208.03c 74.30a 157.75a 561.09c 384.95d 440.08b 0.526ab 767.96c 7132.75c 7900.70c UV-B 348.88a 303.08a 44.26b 78.49b 916.49a 566.26b 425.83b 0.288c 1329.67a 12523a 13853a P-Value5,6 UV-B *** *** ** *** *** *** NS *** *** *** *** CO2 NS ** * *** *** *** * *** *** *** *** UV-B x CO2 *** ** ** *** *** ** * *** *** *** *** 1 Neo – Neoxanthin; Viol – Violaxanthin; Anth – Antheraxanthin; Zea – Zeaxanthin; Lut – Lutein; β-car – Beta carotene; Xan – Xanthophylls; ChlB – Chlorophyll B; ChlA – Chlorophyll A; Chl - Chlorophylls. All values expressed as μg g−1 dry mass, except for ZA/ZAV.
2 Total Xan – Sum of Viol, Anth, and Zea.
3 Xanthophyll Cycle Ratio = (Zea and Anth)/(Zea, Anth, and Viol).
4 Total Chl – Sum of ChlB and ChlA.
5 The standard error of mean was Neo – 10.99; Vio – 8.83; Anth – 3.77; Zea – 7.90; Lut – 27.19; β-car – 17.13; Total Xan – 12.72; ZA/ZAV – 0.015; ChlB – 50.99; ChlA – 349.82; Total Chl – 395.77.
6 NS, *, **, *** indicate non-significant, significant at P ≤ 0.05, P ≤ 0.01, and P ≤ 0.001, respectively.
Values followed by the same superscript letter are not significantly different within each column.Antioxidant and oxidative concentrations
No differences existed for the hydrogen peroxide, trehalose, or glutathione concentrations of plant samples subjected to CO2 concentrations and UV-B treatment (Table 4). Superoxide dismutase exhibited increased activity when subjected to elevated CO2 regardless of UV-B treatment compared to ambient CO2 levels. Similarly, ascorbate showed a rise in concentration under elevated CO2, but only for plants not subjected to UV-B treatment. For malondialdehyde concentration, a UV-B by CO2 interaction existed where UV-B treatment increased malondialdehyde concentration under ambient CO2, but no difference existed under elevated CO2.
Table 4. Effects of UV-B radiation and CO2 concentration on the concentrations of malondialdehyde, hydrogen peroxide, superoxide dismutase activity, ascorbate acid, trehalose, and glutathione in the concentration of basil leaves. Samples were taken 33 days of treatment from plants grown without UV-B radiation (No UV-B) and with UV-B radiation (UV-B) at 437 (ambient [CO2]) and 725 ppm (elevated [CO2]) CO2 concentration.
Treatment Concentration MDA1,2 Perox SOD Asc Tre Glth Ambient [CO2] No UV-B 0.008b 0.1912a 0.0304b 0.101b 0.089b 0.192a UV-B 0.053a 0.2132a 0.0308b 0.110b 0.110ab 0.205a Elevated [CO2] No UV-B 0.008b 0.1832a 0.0392a 0.191a 0.126a 0.177a UV-B 0.007b 0.1914a 0.0402a 0.119b 0.105ab 0.159a P-Value3,4 UV-B *** NS NS NS NS NS CO2 *** NS ** * NS NS UV-B x CO2 *** NS NS NS NS NS 1 MDA – Malondialdehyde; Perox – Hydrogen Peroxide; SOD – Superoxide Dismutase; Asc – Ascorbate; Tre – Trehalose; Glth – Glutathione.
2 Units: MDA – nmol g−1∙dw−1; Perox – μmol g−1∙dw−1; SOD – units mg−1∙protein−1; Asc – nmol g−1∙dw−1; Tre – μmol g−1∙dw−1; Glth – nmol g−1∙dw−1.
3 The standard error of mean was MDA – 0.00287; Perox – 0.02763; SOD – 0.00212; Asc – 0.02417; Tre – 0.01284; Glth – 0.02096.
4 NS, *, **, *** indicate non-significant, significant at P ≤ 0.05, P ≤ 0.01, and P ≤ 0.001, respectively.
Values followed by the same superscript letter are not significantly different within each column.DISCUSSION
The use of the SPAR units to conduct studies on multiple environmental stresses in a controlled environment is indispensable to expanding our knowledge and research capabilities. Using the SPAR units enables data collection that will help develop crop growth and development models and various physiological responses using field conditions while simultaneously collecting data in a controlled environment. The SPAR units' ability to create an environment of the projected global anthropogenic emission that is estimated to occur in Mississippi by the end of the century with 1,000 ppm CO2 concentration and average UV-B radiation of 10 to 15 kJ m−2 d−1 allows for a unique insight into current and future environmental conditions[22,38,39].
Gas exchange and chlorophyll fluorescence
For most plants, UV-B radiation can cause a reduction in stomatal conductance that reduces transpiration and photosynthetic processes[40]. Our results indicate that stomatal conductance and transpiration were unaffected by UV-B radiation, which may be due to the phenolic compounds that basil naturally produces in response to UV-B radiation. The phenylpropanoid pathway and associated enzymes are activated when exposed to increased UV-B radiation. This can lead to the production of numerous antioxidants and phenylpropanoids that fill the oil glands and help to protect the plant by absorbing UV-B radiation[18].
Another effect of UV-B radiation is the decrease in PNET, which was observed only under ambient CO2. The reduced PNET under ambient CO2 may be a result of the impairment of the photosystem II electron transport system, diminished ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase (Rubisco) activity and regeneration, the damaging structure of chloroplasts, and the thylakoid membrane[1]. However, no single process, rather a culmination of numerous minor variations under ambient CO2, can be identified as the reason for UV-B reduction based on the non-significant results of ΦPSII, ETR, and chlorophyll fluorescence measurements.
Elevating CO2 resulted in greater PNET regardless of UV-B treatment, increasing internal CO2 (Ci) and
of the leaves compared to ambient CO2. Yet, no difference existed in the Ci/Ca ratio. These results indicate that the amount of Ci for basil plants is directly correlated with ambient (environmental) CO2 within this range. High concentrations of CO2 are stimulatory of higher PNET and suppression of photorespiration due to the increased substrate availability for Rubisco to prefer CO2 over O2[41]. While low Ci concentrations would be inhibitory of Rubisco regeneration, high concentrations can also be inhibitory as Rubisco regeneration rate would become limited by electron transport rate, and further by triose phosphates[41,42]. Although photorespiration is considered an overall energy wasting process, Takahashi & Badger[43] identify that while it limits plant photosynthesis, this limitation may confer protection against damages due to reductions in ETR preventing excessive ROS generation under stressful conditions and dissipating excessive light energy.$\Phi_{\rm{CO_2}} $ While we observed no reductions in ETR rate, we did observe that supplemental CO2 causes an increase in PNET, negating some of the harmful effects of UV-B on the photosynthetic apparatus. In contrast, some harmful effects still occur, like those observed with a significant decrease in Fv'/Fm' and qN of UV-B treated plants at elevated CO2. Although a decline in ΦPSII would indicate a significant decline in overall photosynthesis, we did observe the decline in Fv'/Fm' and qN in UV-B and elevated CO2 treatments, which is indicative of some reduction in photosynthetic performance and efficiency. Previous research by Romanatti et al.[44] also demonstrated a sharp decline in dark-adapted quantum efficiency and qN for eggplants (Solanum melongena) when subjected to UV-B radiation.
Pigment concentrations
Mosadegh et al.[45] found that juvenile basil, when grown at similar UV-B levels (8.5 kJ m−2 d−1), led to no changes in chlorophyll concentrations but caused decreases in carotenoid concentrations. The reduction in carotenoid concentrations is a typical response in most plants as ultraviolet radiation indirectly affects plant pigments by either inhibiting their synthesis or impacting enzymes in their biosynthetic pathway[40]. However, the results of other researchers are very different from the overall increase among all concentrations of individual pigments that we observed from daily UV-B treatments and may be linked with the age of plants. Previous research by Mosadegh et al.[45] found significant effects of UV-B radiation on plant pigments after only 72 h of exposure, rather than the 28 days of treatment in the current study. Additionally, the long-term exposure of square-wave radiation may have enabled plants to become acclimated, like in the current study. Thus, when plants become acclimated, they may activate protective mechanisms, improving overall plant health and performance, which may enhance plant pigment production.
North et al.[46] identified in Arabidopsis thaliana that ABA production directly affects the concentrations of neoxanthin and violaxanthin with little to no influence on other carotenoid pigments. This is due to both neoxanthin and violaxanthin being direct precursors needed for the synthesis of ABA, and both displayed significant increases under UV-B treatment. This increase observed in our study may result from increased demand for abscisic acid (ABA) used to confer UV-B stress protection, which was also observed and concluded as one of the defensive mechanisms against UV-B damage in Nicotiana attenuate[47].
Antioxidant and oxidative concentrations
Malondialdehyde (MDA) is a molecule used to estimate the relative concentration of lipid peroxidation, which is created as a byproduct of reactive oxygen species (ROS) and is a sign of harmful ROS accumulation in plants signifying cellular membrane damage[48,49]. UV-B's effects on MDA accumulation in basil have not been studied, but in cucumber UV-B treatments, increased MDA concentrations as well as marked increases in membrane leakage and reductions in seedling growth significantly reducing crop productivity[49]. Our study only observed an extreme rise in MDA concentration under ambient CO2, UV-B treatment combination, indicating large amounts of lipid peroxidation had occurred and is most likely the result of the UV-B application. However, the lack of elevated MDA under the elevated CO2 and UV-B treatment combination does not necessarily indicate no UV-B damage. Morales & Munné-Bosch[48] identify that MDA accumulation in plants does not always signify stress as it accumulates during periods of plant acclimation to new conditions, and more so is dependent on the length of its accumulation to cause damage in plant membranes.
Of the remaining antioxidant and oxidative concentrations evaluated, only superoxide dismutase and ascorbate displayed differences among treatments, both of which play a role in removing ROS protecting plants[50]. Yet, the current study's results did not show elevated levels of ROS different between treatments. Elevated levels of these antioxidants would occur when plants are under oxidative stress and confer protection and removal of ROS. Our results show basil plants were only under slight oxidative stress when increasing CO2 concentration, regardless of UV-B treatment; however, like MDA, these concentrations are temporal and change as plants mature and acclimate[51].
Although UV-B radiation confers harmful effects on plants, it is essential for crops like basil, which stimulates plant protective mechanisms and pathways to fill oil glands and produce numerous other healthful compounds. Additionally, when UV-B radiation is combined with elevated CO2, at projected levels to be reached by the end of the century due to anthropogenic emissions, it can help to mitigate most of the harmful effects and even improve plant photosynthesis. Thus, when CO2 is combined with environmental stressors like UV-B radiation in our study, it displays the complex nature of plant responses. Furthermore, when combined with information from other sources, the current study's results from analyzing MDA conclude that data from a single point of time is insufficient to determine overall oxidative stress. From these observations, antioxidants and oxidative reactions can change temporally. Therefore, analyzing antioxidants and oxidative reactions will need to be measured multiple times throughout the plant's life cycle to accurately determine its overall oxidative stress response. Thus, while UV-B radiation is essential for basil production but can also harm the plant process, future studies analyzing antioxidant and oxidative concentrations should focus on temporal changes in UV-B radiation rather than single measurements.
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Barickman TC, Brazel SR, Sehgal A, Walne CH, Reddy KR. 2022. Daily UV-B treatments and elevated CO2 increases pigment concentrations and net photosynthesis of basil (Ocimum basilicum L.). Technology in Horticulture 2:2 doi: 10.48130/TIH-2022-0002
Daily UV-B treatments and elevated CO2 increases pigment concentrations and net photosynthesis of basil (Ocimum basilicum L.)
- Received: 03 March 2022
- Accepted: 05 May 2022
- Published online: 14 June 2022
Abstract: Anthropogenic emissions have greatly influenced UV-B radiation incidence and CO2 concentration globally. The interactive effects of projected incidence on crops by the end of the century need to be studied to understand the implications. The use of sunlit plant growth chambers in combination with UV-B radiation and CO2 treatments was used to identify the individual and interactive effects on basil 'Genovese' plants. Treatments included 0 and 10 kJ m−2 d−1 UV-B supplementation at ambient (437 ppm) or elevated (725 ppm) CO2 concentrations. Effects of UV-B by CO2 interactions existed for net photosynthesis, light-adapted maximal quantum efficiency, all plant pigment concentrations, and malondialdehyde. UV-B increased leaf temperature by approximately 1 °C while elevated CO2 concentrations amplified superoxide dismutase and ascorbate peroxidase activity in basil leaves. Despite deleterious impacts on plant health, UV-B radiation is essential for stimulating healthful compounds in basil. Understanding the effects when combined with elevated CO2 is necessary to improve crop production and future research.
Key words:
- Stomatal conductance /
- Chlorophyll /
- Carotenoids /
- Antioxidants /
- Malondialdehyde