To ensure the conversion efficiency of particle bombardment transformation, the genetic transformation of embryogenic callus were initiated using the PBI121-GUS vector particle bombardment under various settings with different combinations of rupture disk pressure and target distance parameters. The pre-culture of the embryogenic callus before bombardment is shown in Fig. 2a. After bombardment, the embryogenic callus was cultured for a week (Fig. 2b) before being transferred to hygromycin select. The hygromycin-resistant callus is shown in Fig. 2c. The induction results of somatic embryos are shown in Fig. 2d.
Figure 2.
Transformation experiment results via particle bombardment. (a) Pre-culture before particle bombardment; (b) Subculture after particle bombardment; (c) Hygromycin-resistant embryogenic callus shown visually; (d) Induction of somatic embryos, (a)−(d) bar =1.5 cm. (e) Histochemical staining for GUS expression after particle bombardment under various parameters in embryogenic callus, bar = 50 μm; (f) The statistical analysis of GUS blue spot numbers under various particle bombardment parameters. Mean ± standard deviation, n = 3 (ANOVA; p ≤ 0.05); (g) The number of hygromycin-resistant callus under different parameters (The total sum of all hygromycin-resistant callus tissues in six replicates under each parameter. P1: 900 psi and 9 cm, P2: 900 psi and 12 cm, P3: 900 psi and 15 cm, P4: 1100 psi and 9 cm, P5: 1,100 psi and 12 cm, P6: 1,100 psi and 15 cm, P7: 1,350 psi and 9 cm, P8: 1,350 psi and 12 cm, P9: 1,350 psi and 15 cm). (h) Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) analysis of the ß-glucuronidase (GUS) gene (700 bp) at DNA levels in transgenic lines subjected to the parameters 1,100 psi and 9 cm; (i) Quantitative real-time (qRT)-PCR quantification of GUS gene expression levels under the parameters 1,100 psi and 9 cm, with wild-type (WT) as the negative control. Lines 1−13 denote transgenic lines of embryogenic callus. Data are represented as the mean from a minimum of three replicates. Different letters (a−g) above the column chart indicate statistically significant differences determined by an ANOVA test. Mean ± SD, n = 3. (ANOVA test; p ≤ 0.05).
The microscopic examination results of GUS histochemical staining of calluses after bombardment in each parameter (Fig. 2e), along with the statistics of GUS blue spots (Fig. 2f), indicated that the optimal bombardment conditions were identified as 1,100 psi pressure and 9 cm distance. The total number of callus tissue clumps for resistance selection is 720 under each parameter. At 900 psi, the number of hygromycin-resistant callus is 6, 5, and 3 respectively. At 1,100 psi, the number of hygromycin-resistant callus is 13, 8, and 6 respectively. And at 1,350 psi, the number of hygromycin-resistant callus is 4, 7, and 5 respectively (Fig. 2g). The evaluation of transformation efficiency under diverse parameters showed that the transformation efficiency was most significant at 1,100 psi and a 9 cm distance (P4: 13). Furthermore, molecular assessments involving PCR of hygromycin-resistant embryogenic callus lines under these optimized conditions (Fig. 2h) and quantitative real-time PCR for GUS gene expression (Fig. 2i) affirmed successful gene integration and expression within the L. kaempferi genome.
Moreover, the GUS activity evidenced by histochemical staining in both transgenic callus (Fig. 3a) and corresponding transgenic plants (Fig. 3b) confirmed the stable hereditary transmission of the GUS gene from embryonic callus to plant regeneration.
Figure 3.
Histochemical staining for ß-glucuronidase (GUS) activity in the transgenic embryogenic callus and the transgenic plant. (a) Histochemical staining for GUS activity in WT and transgenic embryogenic callus (L1, L3 and L5 represent different lines), Scale bar = 100 μm; (b) Histochemical staining for GUS activity in regenerated plants, Scale bar = 2 cm.
In vitro validation of the targets
To evaluate the editing efficacy of the LkPDS gene targets in vitro, the full-length cDNAs encoding the LkPDS gene were cloned. The LkPDS gene is 1,752 bp in length (Fig. 4a), and the editing sites were precisely identified using CRISPR-P v.2.0 software. According to the selection criteria for efficient sgRNAs and genomic location prediction of the LkPDS gene (Supplementary Fig. S2), five targets on the first exon were selected (Table 1).
Figure 4.
In vitro validation process for five target sites. (a) Cloning of the LkPDS gene. M, DL2000 marker; (b) Detection of the recombinant vector. M, DL2000 marker; (c) Linearized recombinant vector. M, DL15000 marker; (d) In vitro validation results. 1−5: represent five specific targets; Negative control: N1: gRNA(-), N2: Cas9(-); M, DL2000 marker.
Table 1. Sequences of the five target sites, GC content and their corresponding predicted sgRNA efficiency.
Name Sequence (5'-3') GC (%)
efficiencyTarget 1 GCAGCAGTCTGTCATCTGCG 60 4.7625 Target 2 TGCGCTCTGTGAAAAAGAAA 40 5.03752 Target 3 AAAGGGATCGAAACGCGACG 55 4.72023 Target 4 AGGTTTGGCTGGCTTGTCAA 50 6.36878 Target 5 GAGGCAAGAGATGTTCTTGG 50 7.32143 A vector containing the target sites was constructed for in vitro validation. The recombinant vector result confirmed by the vector primer and gene primer is 680 bp (Fig. 4b). The length of the linearized recombinant vector is a combination of gene length and vector length, which is 5,367 bp (Fig. 4c). The sgRNA was transcribed in vitro and mixed with purified Cas9 protein. The resulting RNPs exhibited effective cleavage activity in vitro is shown in Fig. 4d. In Fig. 4d, lanes 1−5 represent the cleavage results of the five targets, respectively. The two electrophoretic bands in lanes 1−5 are the result of the recombinant vector breaking at the target location. Lanes N1 and N2 are negative controls for the absence of Cas9 and sgRNAs in the reaction, respectively. This result indicates that the RNPs can function at the target location of genes, and the process requires the combined action of cas9 protein and sgRNA.
The gain and identification of mutants
Proteins and sgRNA were synthesized in vitro and then the Cas9 RNPs complex delivered into embryogenic callus employing particle bombardment at settings of 1,100 psi and 9 cm. After a week of transitional culture, the embryonic callus treated with the gene gun was transferred to the somatic embryo maturation medium to facilitate further development. Five months after treatment, somatic embryo-derived plants were successfully obtained. Throughout the entire process, the growth phenotypes of WT, albino, and mosaic plants were meticulously documented at various developmental stages (Fig. 5a−f). In the germination culture phase, WT plants showed robust elongation and developed healthy roots (Fig. 5d). In contrast, albino plants displayed severely stunted growth and ultimately turned black and died (Fig. 5e). Mosaic plants had significantly slower growth rates compared to WT plants (Fig. 5f). Upon eight weeks of light exposure, the phenotypic characteristics of the somatic embryo plants were evident as shown in Fig. 5g.
Figure 5.
Albino and mosaic mature somatic embryos developed from embryogenic callus bombarded with Cas9/gRNA particles. Mature somatic embryos exposed to light for 4 weeks; (a) WT, bar = 1.5 mm; (b) albino, bar = 1 mm; (c) mosaic, bar = 1 mm. Albino and mosaic mutant plants after particle bombardment; (d) Somatic embryo plant of WT, bar =1 cm; (e) Somatic embryo of albino, bar =2 mm; (f) Somatic embryo plant of mosaic, bar = 2 mm; (g) Depicts somatic embryo plants after 8 weeks of light exposure, bar = 1 cm.
Subsequent sequencing of these plants using specific primers validated targeted edits in the LkPDS gene at targets 1 and 2 (Fig. 6a, b). An analysis of the sequencing peak plots showed that site 1 in the chromatograms predominantly displayed double peaks, signifying heterozygous mutations (Fig. 6c). Target site 2 predominantly exhibited biallelic mutations (Fig. 6d), leading to a higher proportion of albino somatic embryo plants. Simple base mutations appeared to be more frequently associated with the mosaic phenotype. Moreover, the numbers of somatic embryo plants, as well as the counts of albino and mosaic plants at five target sites, were recorded (Table 2).
Figure 6.
The editing results and data statistics of mutant plants. (a) Displays Sanger sequencing results at the target site in mutated somatic embryo plants. Blue indicates the target site and red denoting PAM sites. Nucleotide insertion, deletion, and substitution are marked as 'i', 'd', and 's', respectively. (b) Sequences at target site 1 in mutant somatic embryo plants. The black arrows indicate the mutation sites. PAM sites are highlighted in red spaces. (c) The results 1-1, 1-2 and 1-3 are single base mutations at the black arrows sites. The sequencing chromatograms of 1-2 and 1-3 are characterized by significantly double peaks. The result 1-4 is a single base insertion at the black arrow site. (d) The result 2-1 is single base mutations at the black arrows sites. The sequencing chromatograms of the 2-2 to 2-5 were characterized the deletion of bases at the black line. The result 2-5 is also showed single base mutations at the black arrows sites.
Table 2. The number of albino and mosaic transgenic somatic embryo plants among the five targets.
Target site number Total number
of somatic
embryosNumber of albino somatic embryo plants Number of mosaic somatic embryo plants Target site 1 281 1 3 Target site 2 234 4 1 Target site 3 316 0 0 Target site 4 162 0 0 Target site 5 244 0 0 -
In this study, the optimization of parameters for the particle bombardment transformation of embryogenic callus were explored and the editing efficiency of the maker gene targets verified in vitro. A biolistic delivery system was employed to introduce the CRISPR/Cas9 RNP complexes into embryogenic calluses, successfully achieving edited embryogenic calluses and mutants. The present results highlight the feasibility of using CRISPR/Cas9 genome editing in the coniferous tree species, larch, through the direct delivery of RNPs. The advantages and disadvantages of this method were systematically analyzed, providing a comprehensive evaluation of its practical utility. Among the advantages is the DNA-free nature of this genome editing approach, which is particularly crucial in avoiding the integration of foreign DNA into the host genome—a significant concern in plant genetic manipulation. This method allows for precise and clean editing, minimizing regulatory hurdles associated with genetically modified organisms and facilitating the development of mutant plants that are more likely to be accepted in various markets. Another notable benefit is the possibility of applying this technique to large and complex genomes, such as those of coniferous trees. The success of this approach in larch suggests that it can be extended to other species with similarly complex genomes, potentially revolutionizing forest biotechnology by enabling the creation of genetically enhanced trees with desirable traits such as disease resistance, improved wood quality, or enhanced growth rates.
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Ma M, Zhang C, Yu L, Yang J, Li C. 2024. CRISPR/Cas9 ribonucleoprotein mediated DNA-free genome editing in larch. Forestry Research 4: e036 doi: 10.48130/forres-0024-0033
CRISPR/Cas9 ribonucleoprotein mediated DNA-free genome editing in larch
- Received: 04 September 2024
- Revised: 07 October 2024
- Accepted: 24 October 2024
- Published online: 31 October 2024
Abstract: Here, a DNA-free genetic editing approach is presented for larch by delivering ribonucleoprotein complexes (RNPs) of CRISPR/Cas9 through particle bombardment. The detailed procedure encompasses creating a transgenic system via particle bombardment for the transformation of embryogenic callus, validating the functionality of RNPs, optimizing coating and delivery techniques, enhancing somatic embryo maturation, regenerating plantlets, and precisely identifying mutants. The optimal particle bombardment parameters were determined at 1,100 psi and a distance of 9 cm and the editing efficiency of the targets was verified in vitro. Subsequently, the RNPs were transferred into the embryogenic callus. Mutant plants were obtained in targets 1 and target 2. The efficiencies of obtaining albino somatic embryos were 1.423% and 2.136%, respectively. A DNA-free particle bombardment transformation method suitable for larch has been established. The present study demonstrates that the DNA-free editing technology has been successfully implemented in larch. This method can achieve targeted genome editing in the larch genome, avoiding the risks of genomic integration and the lengthy breeding cycles associated with traditional transgenic methods. Moreover, it may be widely applicable for producing genome-edited conifer plants and holds great promise for commercialization.